College of Business and Technology Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University


Submissions from 2003


Realities, Threats and Opportunities Facing the Portuguese Tourism Industry, Mahmoud Yasin, Jafar Alavi, Filipe Sobral, and João Lisboa (2003)


Organizational Modifications to Support JIT Implementation in Manufacturing and Service Operations, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Michael H. Small, and Marwan A. Wafa (2003)


A Synergistic Problem-Solving Approach to Meeting Challenges in Retail Organizations, Mahmoud M. Yasin and Ugur Yavas (2003)

Submissions from 2002

An Empirical Examination of the Nature of Variables Relevant to the Performance of Portuguese Manufacturing Firms, Carlos F. Gomes, João V. Lisboa, and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2002)


Addressing Ethical and Professional Risks of ICT Development Using Software Development Impact Statements, Don Gotterbarn (2002)


Time-Based Differentiation – an Old Strategic Hat or an Effective Strategic Choice: An Empirical Investigation, Rui Jácome, João Lisboa, and Mahmoud Yasin (2002)

Why Don't They Listen? a Study of Experience Levels in Environmental Compliance Managers, Michael M. McKinney and Phillip E. Miller (2002)


An Institutional Analysis of the US Foreign Sales Corporation, Van V. Miller and Kurt Loess (2002)

Development of an Integrated Ergonomic Cad System for Evaluating Designs for Human Factors and Safety, Mark R. Rajai and Keith V. Johnson (2002)


Open Source Software: Intellectual Challenges to the Status Quo, Marty J. Wolf, Kevin Bowyer, Don Gotterbarn, and Keith Miller (2002)


The theory and practice of benchmarking: Then and now, Mahmoud M. Yasin (2002)


An Examination of the Impact of Economics Variables and Cultural Values on Iranian Business Organisations, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Jafar Alavi, and Thomas W. Zimmerer (2002)


Effective Strategic and Operational Practices of Manufacturing, Service, and Public Sector Organizations: An Empirical Examination, Mahmoud M. Yasin and Marwan Wafa (2002)


An Empirical Investigation of the Effectiveness of Contemporary Managerial Philosophies in a Hospital Operational Setting, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Linda W. Zimmerer, Phillip Miller, and Thomas W. Zimmerer (2002)

Submissions from 2001


Student Migration: Do Significant Factors Vary by Region?, Jr Baryla and D. Dotterweich (2001)


Enhancing Risk Analysis Using Software Development Impact Statements, D. Gotterbarn (2001)


Ethics in Qualitative Studies of Commercial Software Enterprises Ethical Analysis, Donald Gotterbarn (2001)


Informatics and Professional Responsibility, Donald Gotterbarn (2001)


Conquering the Hurdles of the Tenure and Promotion Process for Junior Faculty Members, Keith V. Johnson and Mark Rajai (2001)


Designing Global Monitoring System to Locate Missing Children and Alzheimer Patients, Mark Rajai and Hugh Blanton (2001)


Creating New Engineers for the New Millennium, Mark Rajai and Keith V. Johnson (2001)


The Impact of Advanced Multimedia Technology on the Classroom 2000, Mark R. Rajai and Keith V. Johnson (2001)


Just-in-Time Implementation in the Public Sector: An Empirical Examination, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Marwan A. Wafa, and Michael H. Small (2001)


Improving Service Quality in the Hospitality Industry: A Framework, Mahmoud M. Yasin and Ugur Yavas (2001)


Modified Importance-Performance Analysis: An Application to Hospitals, Ugur Yavas and Donald J. Shemwell (2001)


Enhancing Organizational Performance in Banks: A Systematic Approach, Ugur Yavas and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2001)

Submissions from 2000


A Systematic Approach to Tourism Policy, Jafar Alavi and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2000)


Iran’s Tourism Potential and Market Realities: An Empirical Approach to Closing the Gap, Jafar Alavi and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2000)


Implementing an IT Concentration in a CS Department: Content, Rationale, and Initial Impact, Terry Countermine and Phil Pfeiffer (2000)


An Open System Approach to Process Reengineering in a Healthcare Operational Environment, Andrew J. Czuchry, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and Joel Norris (2000)

The Retirement Income Projector Model Updated, Michael D. Everett and Murray S. Anthony (2000)


Perspectives on Professionalism in Computing, John Impagliazzo, Kevin Bowyer, Gerald L. Engel, Don Gotterbarn, Tony Greening, and John A.N. Lee (2000)


Student in the University: A Format for Retaining Students in Engineering Technology, Keith V. Johnson and Mark Rajai (2000)


The Effectiveness of Strategies Employed by Dominant Firms in the Portuguese Crystal Glass Industry: An Empirical Investigation, Alzira Marques, João Lisboa, Thomas W. Zimmerer, and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2000)


Creating Virtual Teams Through a University-Industry Partnership, Mel I. Mendelson, Mark Rajai, Byrne Bostick, and Hollis Bostick (2000)

Global Competition and its Effects on U.S. Manufacturing Industry, Mark R. Rajai, Carroll Hyder, and William Biles (2000)

Development of an Integrated System for Design Evaluation, Mark R. Rajai, Keith V. Johnson, and Robert Matthews (2000)


Assessing a Place to Live: A Quality of Life Perspective, Glen Riecken, Don Shemwell, and Ugur Yavas (2000)


Effectiveness of Business Strategies in the Portuguese Culture: An Empirical Investigation, Gabriel Silva, João Lisboa, and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2000)


Modifications Required to Convert a U.S. Registered Aircraft for European Operations, J. Paul Sims (2000)


Human Factors in the Adoption and Performance of Advanced Manufacturing Technology in Unionized Firms, Michael H. Small and Mahmoud Yasin (2000)


Eco-Enterprise Strategy: Standing for Sustainability, Jean Garner Stead and Edward Stead (2000)


An Interdisciplinary Health Care Accounting Class: Content, Student Response, and Lessons Learned, Mark E. Steadman (2000)


An Open System Approach to Higher Learning: The Role of Joint Ventures With Business, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Andrew J. Czuchry, James Martin, and Ray Feagins (2000)

Submissions from 1999


Tenure and Promotion: The Plan, the Report, and the Evaluation, Keith V. Johnson (1999)

Research Ethics Among AACSB Faculty and Deans: Why Isn't There More Whistleblowing?, Marina Onken, Sharon H. Garrison, and Douglas P. Dotterweich (1999)


An Analytical Approach to Determining the Competitive Advantage of TQM in Health Care, Mahmoud M. Yasin and Jafar Alavi (1999)


Service Quality and Relationship-Oriented Outcomes in the Hair-Care Services: An Analysis of Differences Between Males and Females, Ugur Yavas, Zeynep Bilgin, and Donald J. Shemwell (1999)

Submissions from 1998


Environmental Compliance in Manufacturing: Interpreting Industry Perceptions That We Do but They Don't, Michael M. McKinney and Phillip E. Miller (1998)


Analyzing Effects of Regulatory Compliance in Manufacturing, Phillip E. Miller and Michael M. McKinney (1998)


Seven Best Practices for Creating a Sales Culture: Transitioning From an Internally-Focused, Transaction-Oriented Culture to a Customer-Focused, Sales-Oriented Culture, Donald J. Shemwell and Ugur Yavas (1998)


Customer-Service Provider Relationships: An Empirical Test of a Model of Service Quality, Satisfaction and Relationship-Oriented Outcomes, Donald J. Shemwell, Ugur Yavas, and Zeynep Bilgin (1998)


Institutionalizing Environmental Performance in US Industry: Is It Happening and What if It Does Not?, E. Stead, M. M. McKinney, and J. G. Stead (1998)


The Status of TQM in Healthcare, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Katherine A. Meacham, and Jafar Alavi (1998)

Submissions from 1997


Machines, Statues, and People: Strategies for Promoting RSI Awareness in Computing Curricula, Matt Heintzelman and Phil Pfeiffer (1997)


Congregate Care Facility Selection: A Conjoint Approach, Donald J. Shemwell and Ugur Yavas (1997)


An Extension of Stakeholder Theory Research: Developing Surrogates for Net Organizational Capital, Mark E. Steadman and Ronald F. Green (1997)


Service Quality in the Banking Sector in an Emerging Economy: A Consumer Survey, Ugur Yavas, Zeynep Bilgin, and Donald J. Shemwell (1997)


Meeting the Service Quality Challenge: Structural Problems and Solutions, Ugur Yavas and Donald J. Shemwell (1997)

Submissions from 1996

Effects of Regulatory Compliance With Environmental Laws on the Tennessee Manufacturing Industry, Michael M. McKinney and Phillip E. Miller (1996)


Stakeholder Group Interest in the New Manufacturing Environment, Mark Steadman, Tom Albright, and Kimberly Dunn (1996)


Graphical Representation of University Image: A Correspondence Analysisjournal of Marketing for Higher Education, Ugar Yavas and Donald J. Shemwell (1996)


Bank Image: Exposition and Illustration of Correspondence Analysis, Ugur Yavas and Donald J. Shemwell (1996)

Competing for Patients and Profit, Ugur Yavas and Donald J. Shemwell (1996)

Submissions from 1995


Freshman Experience: Improving Retention in Engineering Technology, Keith V. Johnson (1995)


The Ceo Endorser and Message Source Credibility: An Empirical Investigation of Antecedents and Consequences, Stephen J. Newell and Donald J. Shemwell (1995)


Trust and Commitment in Customer/Service-Provider Relationships: An Analysis of Differences Across Service Types and Between Sexes, Donald J. Shemwell and J. Joseph Cronin (1995)


Implementing Accounting Education Change: Bringing Accounting Graduates Into the Management Mainstream, Mark E. Steadman and Ronald F. Green (1995)


Advising Your Clients About Environmental Accounting Issues, Mark E. Steadman, Ronald F. Green, and Thomas W. Zimmerer (1995)

Submissions from 1994


An Empirical Investigation of Ongoing Customer Service-provider Relationships, Donald J. Shemwell (1994)


Services Marketing Strategies for Coping with Demand/Supply Imbalances, Donald J. Shemwell and J. Joseph Cronin (1994)

Submissions from 1993

Low-Cost, PC-Based Networked CAD/CAM/DNC System, William K. Hemphill, Allen E. Smith, Edgar Bowlin, and George C. Stanton (1993)


Managers' Views on Potential Investment Opportunities, Mark McCarthy, Martha Pointer, David Ricks, and Robert Rolfe (1993)

Submissions from 1992

The Effects of the ADA on Group Practice, J G. Frierson


Enhancing Operational Efficiency in a Health Care Organization, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Jafar Alavi, and Ugur Yavas (1992)

Submissions from 1991


Computerised Quality Assurance Information Systems: A Regulatory Agency in the Banking Sector, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Ugur Yavas, and Jafar Alavi (1991)

Submissions from 1990


Structural Changes in High Performing Minority and Nonminority Banks in the Deregulated Banking Environment, Don P. Holdren and Jafar Alavi (1990)

Submissions from 1988


Toward a Theory of Foreign Trade Zones, Jafar Alavi and Henry Thompson (1988)


Pre-Travel Planning Orientations, Muzaffer Bodur and Ugur Yavas (1988)


The Politics of Pharmaceutical Marketing Legislation in a Developing Country, Zahir A. Quraeshi, Mushtaq Luqmani, and Ugur Yavas (1988)


Banking Behaviour in an Arabian Gulf Country: A Consumer Survey, Ugur Yavas (1988)

Submissions from 1987


Test Marketinjrj: An Exposition, S. T. Cavusgil and Ugur Yavas (1987)


Foreign Travel Behaviour in a Growing Vacation Market: Implications for Tourism Marketers, Ugur Yavas (1987)

Submissions from 1986


Dealing With Independent Studies Courses—an Effective Methodology, Gordon Bailes and Jerry Sayer (1986)


Energy Conservation Among Finnish Homeowners, Ugur Yavas, Antti Haahti, and Glen Riecken (1986)

Submissions from 1979


Computer Science (1978) Enrollment, Faculty, and Recruiting, Gordon L. Bailes and Terry A. Countermine (1979)