College of Business and Technology Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University


Submissions from 2008


Offshore Employment Practices: An Empirical Analysis of Routines, Wages and Labour Turnover, Kurt Loess, Van V. Miller, and David Yoskowitz (2008)


Business Literacy for the Computer Science Professional, Greg L. Lowhorn and Anthony Pittarese (2008)

Performance Appraisal as a Predictor of Emotion and Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Investigation of Appraisal Theory and AET, Lorianne D. Mitchell (2008)


Accounting Doctoral Faculty: Problem, Data, and Solutions, Martha M. Pointer (2008)


Monetary Donations to Charitable Organizations, Glen Riecken and Ugur Yavas (2008)


An Examination of the Impact of Alternative Accounting Procedures on Risk-Taking Behavior: A Test of Prospect Theory, Morris H. Stocks and Martha M. Pointer (2008)


Funding Status Projections for Southern Public Teaching Pension Plans, William Trainor and Carolyn F. Rochelle (2008)

A Learning Model for Discrete Mathematics, Christopher Wallace (2008)


Executive Courage in the Palestinian Organizational Culture: An Exploratory Investigation, Mahmoud Yasin, Jafar Alavi, and Fifi H. Saba (2008)


Service Provider-Customer Similarities and Disparities: A German Study, Ugur Yavas, Martin Benkenstein, and Michael Holtz (2008)

Submissions from 2007


The Effects of Perceived Management Concern for Frontline Employees and Customers on Turnover Intentions: Moderating Role of Employment Status, Aliosha Alexandrov, Emin Babakus, and Ugur Yavas (2007)


E-Commerce Practices in the Arabian Gulf GCC Business Culture: Utilisation and Outcomes Patterns, Rafi Ashrafi, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Andrew J. Czuchry, and Yousuf AlHinai (2007)


Encouraging Student Participation in Social Entrepreneurship Opportunities, W. Andrew Clark, Peter Hriso, and Craig A. Turner (2007)


A Service Learning Project in Digital Media Designed to Develop Professional Skills, Cher Cornett (2007)


Assessing Both Technical and Artistic Skills in Digital Media Courses Within a Technology Program, Cher Cornett (2007)


Effective Marketing of Technical Innovation, Andrew J. Czuchry and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2007)


Pedagogical Framework for Ethical Development, Melissa Dark, Richard Epstein, Linda Morales, Terry Countermine, Qing Yuan, Muhammed Ali, Matt Rose, and Nathan Harter (2007)


A Learning Tool to Assist in Animation of Bipedal Walk Cycles, Jorge Dorribo-Camba and Marty Fitzgerald (2007)


Computer-Based Non-Photorealistic Rendering, Marty Fitzgerald (2007)


An Assessment of the Key Success Factors of Manufacturing Performance From the Perspective of External Decision-Makers, Carlos Ferreira Gomes, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and João V. Lisboa (2007)


An Investigation of Information Availability and Sharability for Organisational Performance Measures, Carlos Ferreira Gomes, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and João V. Lisboa (2007)


An Empirical Investigation of Manufacturing Performance Measures Utilization: The Perspectives of Executives and Financial Analysts, Carlos F. Gomes, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and João V. Lisboa (2007)


The Dimensionality and Utilization of Performance Measures in a Manufacturing Operational Context: Organizational Change Implications, Carlos F. Gomes, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and João V. Lisboa (2007)


The Effectiveness of Hospitality Service Operations: Measurement and Implementation Concerns, Carlos F. Gomes, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and João V. Lisboa (2007)


The Measurement of Operational Performance Effectiveness: An Innovative Organisational Approach, Carlos F. Gomes, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and João V. Lisboa (2007)


The Effects of Customer Orientation and Job Resources on Frontline Employees' Job Outcomes, Osman M. Karatepe, Ugur Yavas, and Emin Babakus (2007)


Curriculum Revision Considerations: The Voice of Experience, Martha M. Pointer (2007)


Curriculum Revision Considerations: The Voice of Experience, Martha M. Pointer (2007)


The Modern Weberian Thesis: A Short Review of the Literature, Joel A. Ryman and Craig A. Turner (2007)


Surface Modeling Techniques for Automotive and Product Design, James Wronecki (2007)


Teaching Visual Design Thinking, James Wronecki (2007)


The Effectiveness of Quality Improvement Initiatives in Service Operational Context, Mahmoud M. Yasin and Jafar Alavi (2007)


An Analysis of E-Business Practices in the Arab Culture: Current Inhibitors and Future Strategies, Mahmoud M. Yasin and Ugur Yavas (2007)


Gender-Based Differences in Customer Perceptions of Frontline Employee Performance: A Banking Study in New Zealand, Ugar Yavas, Emin Babakus, and Nicholas J. Ashill (2007)

Submissions from 2006


Perceived Uncertainty, Networking and Export Performance: A Study of Nordic SMEs, Emin Babakus, Ugur Yavas, and Antti Haahti (2006)


Institutional Focus and Non-Resident Student Enrollment, Edward Baryla and Douglas Dotterweich (2006)


Key Performance Factors of Manufacturing Effective Performance: The Impact of Customers and Employees, Gomes Carlos, Yasin Mahmoud, and Lisboa João (2006)


Embedding Innovation Process and Methodology in Engineering Technology and Business Management and Marketing Courses, W. Clark, J. Paul Sims, Craig A. Turner, and Jon L. Smith (2006)


The Practicality of Super Bowl Advertising for New Products and Companies, Douglas Dotterweich and Kimberly S. Collins (2006)


Case Study: Using Maya and Mental Ray for Photorealistic Interior Lighting, Marty Fitzgerald (2006)


Performance Measurement Practices in Manufacturing Firms: An Empirical Investigation, Carlos Gomes, João V. Lisboa, and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2006)


Plagiarism and Scholarly Publications: An Ethical Analysis, Donald Gotterbarn, Keith Miller, and John Impagliazzo (2006)


Developing Software in Bicultural Context: The Role of a SoDIS Inspection, Don Gotterbarn, Tony Clear, Wayne Gray, and Bryan Houliston (2006)


Software Design Ethics for Biomedicine, Don Gotterbarn and Simon Rogerson (2006)


Does Gender Moderate the Effects of Role Stress in Frontline Service Jobs?, Osman Karatepe, Ugur Yavas, Emin Babakus, and Turgay Avci (2006)


An Empirical Investigation of Quality Improvement Initiatives in for-Profit and Not-for-Profit Hospitals: Environmental, Competitive and Outcome Concerns, Phillip Miller, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and Thomas W. Zimmerer (2006)


A Practical Introduction to Input and Output Ports, David Tarnoff (2006)


A Practical Introduction to Serial Protocols, David Tarnoff (2006)


The Influence of Fear of AIDS and Expectancies About Employees With AIDS on the Decision to Fire Employees With AIDS, Michael Vest, Jon C. Carr, Karen A. Tarnoff, and Jusanne M. Vest (2006)


An Alternative Test of Purchasing Power Parity, Frederick Wallace and Gary L. Shelley (2006)


Concept Modeling With Nurbs, Polygon, and Subdivision Surfaces, James Wronecki (2006)


E-Commerce Implementation Challenges: Small to Medium-Sized Versus Large Organisations, Mahmoud Yasin, Andrew J. Czuchry, Maria Gonzales, and Paul E. Bayes (2006)


Satisfaction With Optometric Services in Germany: A Dyadic Perspective, Ugur Yavas, Martin Benkenstein, and Michael Holtz (2006)

Submissions from 2005


Dimensions of Advertising Attitudes: Congruence Between Turkish and New Zealand Consumers, Nicholas J. Ashill and Ugur Yavas (2005)


Importance of Information Sources and Media Evaluations: A CrossNational Study, Nicholas J. Ashill and Ugur Yavas (2005)


An Application of a Multi-Criteria Approach to Assessing the Performance of Portugal's Economic Sectors: Methodology, Analysis and Implications, Mário Augusto, José Figueira, João Lisboa, and Mahmoud Yasin (2005)


Gender Effects on Relational and Core Service Dimensions of Hotel Choice Decisions: An Economics of Information Perspective, Emin Babakus, Ugar Yavas, and Sevgin Eroglu (2005)


Electromagnetism for Engineering Technology, Wm Hugh Blanton (2005)


Why a Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering Technology and Why Now?, Wm Hugh Blanton (2005)


A Case-Based Reasoning Approach to Robot Selection, Guanghsu A. Chang and J. Paul Sims (2005)


Non-Resident Tuition and Enrollment in Higher Education: Implications for Tuition Pricing, Douglas Dotterweich and Edward A. Baryla (2005)


Cooperative Strategy, Knowledge Intensity and Export Performance of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, Antti Haahti, Vivekananda Madupu, Ugur Yavas, and Emin Babakus (2005)


The Effect of Customer Satisfaction With Leisure Services on Behavioral Intentions: A Study of Visitors to Santapark in Lapland, Antti Haahti and Ugur Yavas (2005)


A Case Study of the Evolution of the Engineering Design Graphics Program at East Tennessee State University: From Art to Part, Keith V. Johnson and Primus Tillman (2005)


Measuring Service Quality of Banks: Scale Development and Validation, Osman M. Karatepe, Ugur Yavas, and Emin Babakus (2005)


The Relation between U.S. Money Growth and Inflation: Evidence from a Band-Pass Filter, Gary Shelley and Frederick Wallace (2005)


Designing for Special Needs - "A Universal Design for a Computational Input Device.", James A. Wronecki and Donivan Potter (2005)


A Shift-Share Analysis Approach to Understanding the Dynamic of the Portuguese Tourism Market, Mahmoud Yasin, Jafar Alavi, and Filipe Sobral (2005)


Competing for Guests: An Application of Extended Quadrant Analysis, Ugur Yavas and Emin Babakus (2005)


Dimensions of Hotel Choice Criteria: Congruence Between Business and Leisure Travelers, Ugur Yavas and Emin Babakus (2005)


Assessing Performance of Multi-Hospital Organizations: A Measurement Approach, Ugur Yavas and Natalia Romanova (2005)

Submissions from 2004


Modeling Consumers' Choice Behavior: An Application in Banking, Emin Babakus, Sevgin Eroglu, and Ugur Yavas (2004)


Distance Learning Opportunities for Electronic Engineering Technology Graduates of Community Colleges, Wm Hugh Blanton (2004)


Technology-Based Business Incubators: Living Laboratories for Entrepreneurial Students, W. Andrew Clark and Andrew J. Czuchry (2004)


Cross-Functional Student Teams as a Teaching Tool for Enhanced Learning, W. Andrew Clark, K. V. Johnson, and C. A. Turner (2004)


An Applied E-Business Approach for Reinsurance Services, Andrew J. Czuchry, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and Florian Sallmann (2004)


A Literature Review of Manufacturing Performance Measures and Measurement in an Organizational Context: A Framework and Direction for Future Research, Carlos F. Gomes, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and João V. Lisboa (2004)


An Examination of Manufacturing Organizations' Performance Evaluation Analysis, Implications and a Framework for Future Research, Carlos F. Gomes, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and João V. Lisboa (2004)


A Multi-Attribute Approach to Understanding Image of a Theme Park: The Case of Santapark in Lapland, Antti Haahti and Ugur Yavas (2004)


Inflation, Money, and Real GDP in Mexico: A Causality Analysis, Gary L. Shelley and Frederick H. Wallace (2004)


Pruebas de la Neutralidad Monetaria a Largo Plazo: El Caso de Nicaragua, Frederick H. Wallace, Gary L. Shelley, and Luis Fernando Castellanos (2004)

Ideasalive-a Way to Teach Design, James A. Wronecki (2004)


The Profitability of Customer-Targeted Quality Improvement Efforts: An Empirical Examination, Mahmoud Yasin, Elisabete Correia, and João Lisboa (2004)


Maintaining the Quality Focus in the Business-to-Business Auction Model, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Andrew J. Czuchry, and Paul E. Bayes (2004)


TQM Practices in Service Organizations: An Exploratory Study Into the Implementation, Outcome and Effectiveness, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Murat Kunt, Jafar Alavi, and Thomas W. Zimmerer (2004)


Benchmarking Jit: An Analysis of Jit Implementations in the Manufacturing Service and Public Sectors, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Marwan Wafa, and Michael H. Small (2004)


Bank Choice Behavior of Small and Medium-Sized Construction Firms, Ugur Yavas, Emin Babakus, and Sevgin Eroglu (2004)


Customer Complaints and Organizational Responses: A Study of Hotel Guests in Northern Cyprus, Ugur Yavas, Osman M. Karatepe, Emin Babakus, and Turgay Avci (2004)

Submissions from 2003


Managerial Values and Culture: Where Do Iranian Executives Stand?, Jafar Alavi and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2003)

An Application of a Multicriteria Approach to Ranking Portuguese Companies: Methodology and Benchmarking Implications, Mário Augusto, José Figueira, João Lisboa, and Mahmoud Yasin (2003)


Using the Matlab Communications Toolbox to Look at Cyclic Coding, Wm H. Blanton (2003)


Ontogenetic Quinpirole Treatments Fail to Prime for D2 Agonist-Enhancement of Locomotor Activity in 6-Hydroxydopamine-Lesioned Rats, Ryszard Brus, Richard M. Kostrzewa, Preemyslaw Nowak, Ken W. Perry, and John P. Kostrzewa (2003)


The Effectiveness of Quality Efforts in the Portuguese Business Culture: An Empirica Investigation, Elisabete Correia, João Lisboa, and Mahmoud Yasin (2003)


Improving E-Business With a Baldrige-Based Methodology, Andrew J. Czuchry and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2003)


Managing the Project Management Process, Andrew J. Czuchry and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2003)

Toward E-Business Readiness: A Practical Rapid Assessment Implementation Methodology, Andrew J. Czuchry and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2003)

An Empirical Comparative Analysis of Manufacturing Performance Measures Utilization: Executives Versus Financial Analysts, Carlos F. Gomes, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and João V. Lisboa (2003)

Use of a COMB Generator and Spectrum Analyzer to Detect Cable and Shielding Problems Related to Radio Frequency Noise on Instrumentation Systems, J. P. Sims (2003)


Advanced Manufacturing Technology Adoption and Performance: The Role of Management Information Systems Departments, Michael H. Small and Mahmoud Yasin (2003)


Factors Influencing a Manager's Decision to Discipline Employees for Refusal to Work With an HIV/AIDS Infected Coworker, Michael J. Vest, Karen A. Tarnoff, Jon C. Carr, Jusanne M. Vest, and Fabius P. O'Brien (2003)