
Submissions from 2016


Leveraged ETF Option Strategies, William Trainor and Richard Gregory (2016)


Performance Management in Iranian Manufacturing Organisations: Practices and Culture, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Carlos F. Gomes, Jafar Alavi, and Rasoul Shafieyoun (2016)

Submissions from 2015

Enhancing Audit Quality: The AIPA’s Six-Point Plan to Improve Audits, Ashley Bentley


Building a Broadband Community With a Baldrige Based Approach, Michael Browder, Andrew J. Czuchry, and April Eads (2015)

CIVAMITAWSED: A Mnemonic Exercise to Increase Comprehension, Critical Thinking, and Enhance Classroom Discussions, E. Cowell, R. Fawbush, Joshua L. Ray, and C. Allen Gorman (2015)


An Integrated Architecture for Simulation and Modeling of Small- and Medium-Sized Transportation and Communication Networks, Ahmed Elbery, Hesham Rakha, Mustafa Y. Elnainay, and Mohammad A. Hoque (2015)


Capabilities as Components of Competitive Strategy in the Portuguese Service Sector, Carlos F. Gomes, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and Michael H. Small (2015)

Build a Better Mousetrap or Fix the Old One? The Influence of High Impact Performance Management Practices on Organizational Performance, C. Allen Gorman (2015)


Current Trends in Rater Training: A Survey of Rater Training Programs in American Organizations, C. Allen Gorman (2015)


Debunking the Myths of Performance Management, C. Allen Gorman (2015)

New Developments in Rater Training Research, C. Allen Gorman and Klaus G. Melchers (2015)

It’s Okay to Do Rating Format Research Again, C. Allen Gorman and John P. Meriac (2015)

A Survey of Rater Training Programs in U.S. Organizations, C. Allen Gorman, John P. Meriac, and Joshua L. Ray (2015)

Race and Gender Differences in Regulatory Focus: Examining Measurement Invariance, Lauren LaBat, Heidi M. Kuehn, John P. Meriac, and C. Allen Gorman (2015)


Enhancing Organisational Performance Through Information Technology: An Organisational and Social Strategic Context, José L. Martinho, Carlos F. Gomes, and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2015)


Seeing the Forest but Missing the Trees: The Role of Judgments in Performance Management, John P. Meriac, Charles Allen Gorman, and Therese Macan (2015)

The Role of Faculty of Color in the Diversity and Inclusion Strategy of the Institution, Lorianne D. Mitchell (2015)

Enhancing Business Students' Cultural Competency by Internationalizing OB Course Content, Lorianne D. Mitchell and G. E. Boone (2015)


Overcoming Faculty Avoidance of Online Education: From Resistance to Support to Active Participation, Lorianne D. Mitchell, Jennifer D. Parlamis, and Sarah A. Claiborne (2015)

Diversity in the Classroom: Best Practices for Recruiting and Retaining Minority Faculty, M. F. Nelson, A. K. Miles, J. Collins, Lorianne D. Mitchell, J. Griffith, M. S. L. James, S. Sledge, G. L. Adams, and A. P. McKinney (2015)

Influence of Facility Atmospherics on Spectator Attendance, Mauro Palmero and Kelly Price-Rhea (2015)

Teaching Students Organizational Behavior and Organization Development Using Service-Learning Pedagogy, Jennifer D. Parlamis, R. Dibble, K. Lo, Lorianne D. Mitchell, and L. Henderson (2015)


Behind the Scenes: Directors’ Perspectives of Designing and Implementing New Online Degree Programs, Kelly Price and Julia Price (2015)


Behind the Scenes: Directors’ Perspectives of Designing and Implementing New Online Degree Programs, Kelly Price and Julia Price (2015)

Applying Photographic ResearchMethods to Organizational Research, Joshua L. Ray, C. Allen Gorman, and Eva Lynn Cowell (2015)

Exploring Organizational Mindfulness in Local Governments: A Mixed Methods Approach, Joshua L. Ray, C. Allen Gorman, and Eva Lynn Cowell (2015)


Toward Education and Training the Human Resources: Meeting the Challenge Through a Joint-Venture Process Approach Between the Public and Private Sectors, Elsa P. Rodrigues, Carlos F. Gomes, and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2015)


Do Monetary Incentives Matter in Classroom Experiments? Effects on Course Performance, Matthew C. Rousu, Jay R. Corrigan, David Harris, Jill K. Hayter, Scott Houser, Becky A. Lafrancois, Olugbenga Onafowora, Gregory Colson, and Adam Hoffer (2015)


A Chilling Example? Uruguay, Philip Morris International, and WHO's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, Andrew Russell, Megan Wainwright, and Hadii Mamudu (2015)


Interactive Effects of Personal and Organizational Resources on Frontline Bank Employees’ Job Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Person-Job Fit, Aditi Sarkar Sengupta, Ugur Yavas, and Emin Babakus (2015)


The Importance of Practitioner/Academic Teams in Advanced Surveying Technology Classes, Jerry D. Taylor and Brian Todd Bartlett (2015)


Mapping of Practices of State Transportation Agencies for Consultant Oversight of Construction Engineering and Inspection Services, Valerie Carrasco Torres, Mohammad Moin Uddin, Paul M. Goodrum, and Keith R. Molenaar (2015)


Bringing Reality to “Real Options”: An Experiential Exercise, Craig Turner and Kyle Dean Turner (2015)


Think Global, Act Global - for Engineering Problems and Solutions, Mohammad Moin Uddin and Keith V. Johnson (2015)


A Win-Win Approach to Promoting Cooperation Between Business Organisations and Business Education: The Role of Internships, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Carlos F. Gomes, and Phillip E. Miller (2015)

Submissions from 2014


Organisational Performance and Innovation in the Context of a Total Quality Management Philosophy: An Empirical Investigation, Mário Gomes Augusto, João Veríssimo Lisboa, and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2014)


The Mediating Role of Innovation on Strategic Orientation and Performance, Mário Gomes Augusto, João Veríssimo Lisboa, and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2014)


The Smart Leader: Examining the Relationship Between Intelligence and Leader Development Behavior, Carrie A. Blair, C. Allen Gorman, Katherine Helland, and Lisa Delise (2014)


A Strategic Engineering Management Approach to Innovation and Organizational Sustainability: An Addition to the Engineering Management Curriculum?, Michael Browder, Andrew J. Czuchry, Leslie Boughers, Caroline Deutsch, and Nina Muehl (2014)


Teaching Negotiation Online Part 2: Getting Started, Noam Ebner, Lorianne D. Mitchell, Jennifer D. Parlamis, and Roy Lewicki (2014)

Hindsight-Insight-Foresight: Different Formats of Teaching Negotiation and Conflict Management Online, Noam Ebner, Lorianne D. Mitchell, Jennifer D. Parlamis, and C. Peifer (2014)


Discerning Competitive Strategy Through an Assessment of Competitive Methods, Carlos F. Gomes, Mahmoud M. Yasin, João V. Lisboa, and Michael H. Small (2014)

Exploring the Validity of Asynchronous Web-Based Video Interviews, C. Allen Gorman (2014)

Leadership Behavior - Implications for Performance and Creativity, C. Allen Gorman (2014)


The Ambivert Advantage: Curvilinear Effects of Extraversion on Job Performance and Organizational Citizenship Behavior, C. Allen Gorman (2014)

Leadership and Work Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Regulatory Focus, C. Allen Gorman, E. A. Ingalls, A. L.E. Thomas, and John P. Meriac (2014)

Performance Management Practices and Organizational Performance: System Reactions as Moderators, C. Allen Gorman, Joshua L. Ray, and C. N. Thiboxeaux (2014)

Exploring the Validity of Asynchronous Web-Based Video Interviews, C. Allen Gorman and J. Robinson (2014)


Career Interrupted for What Reason? Job Interruptions and Their Wage Effects, Jill K. Hayter (2014)


Is the Future Static or Dynamic? the Role of Culture on Escalation of Commitment in New Product Development, Beichen Liang, Sudhir H. Kale, and Joseph Cherian (2014)

Online vs. On-Ground Learning: A Comparative Study of 2 Formats of Teaching OB, Lorianne D. Mitchell (2014)

Post-Secondary Intentions of Hispanic and African American Students in Tennessee, Lorianne D. Mitchell and T. Sanford (2014)


Dress Codes and Appearance Policies: Challenges Under Federal Legislation, Part 2: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and Gender, Michael S. Mitchell, Clifford M. Koen, and Stephen M. Darden (2014)


Dress Codes and Appearance Policies: Challenges Under Federal Legislation, Part 3: Title VII, the Americans With Disabilities Act, and the National Labor Relations Act, Michael S. Mitchell, Clifford M. Koen, and Stephen M. Darden (2014)


FASB and IASB Harmonization of Leases, Robert G. Morgan, Martha M. Pointer, and Gary G. Berg (2014)


Teaching Negotiations in the New Millennium: Evidence-Based Recommendations for Online Course Delivery, Jennifer D. Parlamis and Lorianne D. Mitchell (2014)


FASB and IASB Harmonization of Leases, Martha M. Pointer, Robert G. Morgan, and Gary G. Berg (2014)


Development of an Attribution of Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities Scale, James H. Price, Robert E. Braun, Jagdish Khubchandani, Erica Payton, and Prasun Bhattacharjee (2014)


Sport Environment/Atmospherics: Impact on the Physical and Online Spectator Event Experience, Kelly Price-Rhea (2014)


Building Spiritual Capabilities to Sustain Sustainability-Based Competitive Advantages, Jean Garner Stead and W. Edward Stead (2014)


E-Commerce Strategies and Corporate Performance: An Empirical Investigation, Pedro Marcelo Torres, João Veríssimo Lisboa, and Mahmoud M. Yasin (2014)

Asset Allocation Based on Accumulated Wealth and Future Contributions, William J. Trainor (2014)


Examples of How Building Information Modeling Can Enhance Career Paths in Construction, M. Moin Uddin and Atul R. Khanzode (2014)


An Exploratory Investigation of Factors Shaping Electronic Commerce Practices in Iran: Benchmarking the Role of Technology and Culture, Mahmoud M. Yasin, Jafar Alavi, Andrew Czuchry, and Rasool Shafieyoun (2014)

Submissions from 2013


Self-Regulated Learning Interventions in the Introductory Accounting Course: An Empirical Study, Lana L. Becker (2013)

Selection for Training: The Forgotten Employment Decision?, C. Allen Gorman (2013)

Examining a Short Form of the MWEP Using Correctional Officers, C. Allen Gorman, John P. Meriac, and Stephanie N. Bradley (2013)


Sizing and Performance of Fixed-Rate Residential Mortgage Asset-Backed Securities Tranches, Che Chun Lin, Jow Ran Chang, Ting Heng Chu, and Larry J. Prather (2013)


Differential Default Risk Among Traditional and Non-Traditional Mortgage Products and Capital Adequacy Standards, Che Chun Lin, Larry J. Prather, Ting Heng Chu, and Jing Tang Tsay (2013)


The Complexity of Offshoring: A Comparative Study of Mexican Maquiladora Plants and Indian Outsourcing Offices From an Institutional-Prospect Theory Perspective, Van V. Miller, Ananda Mukherji, and Kurt Loess (2013)


Emotional Reactions to Organizational Change, Lorianne D. Mitchell (2013)


Teaching Negotiation Online: Getting Started, Lorianne D. Mitchell, Noam Ebner, and Jennifer D. Parlamis (2013)


Faculty Ambivalence of Online Education: An Organizational Change Perspective, Lorianne D. Mitchell and Jennifer D. Parlamis (2013)


Teaching Negotiation Online Part 1: Challenges and Opportunities, Lorianne D. Mitchell, Jennifer D. Parlamis, Roy Lewicki, and Noam Ebner (2013)


Dress Codes and Appearance Policies: Challenges Under Federal Legislation, Part 1: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and Religion., Michael S. Mitchell, Clifford M. Koen, and Thomas W. Moore (2013)


The Medium, the Message and the Methods: Teaching Negotiation Online, Jennifer D. Parlamis, Noam Ebner, Lorianne D. Mitchell, and Roy Lewicki (2013)


Online Ethical Decision-Making by Business and Education Students in Faith-Based and Non-Faith Based Higher Education Institutions, Julia Price and Kelly Price (2013)

The Purpose of the 5th P, Kelly Price-Rhea (2013)

Examination of the Relative Importance of Hospital Employment in Non-Metropolitan Counties Using Location Quotients, Jon L. Smith (2013)


The Coevolution of Sustainable Strategic Management in the Global Marketplace, Jean Garner Stead and W. Edward Stead (2013)


Green Man Rising: Spirituality and Sustainable Strategic Management, W. Edward Stead and Jean Garner Stead (2013)


An Integrative Model for Understanding and Managing Ethical Behavior in Business Organizations, W. Stead, Dan L. Worrell, and Jean Garner Stead (2013)


Real-time EEG Signal Processing Based on TI's TMS320C6713 DSK, Zhibin Tan, William H. Blanton, and Qianru Zhang (2013)


Forward Thinking, Stephanie R. Tweed and Erika Bradley (2013)

Highway Construction Quality Assurance Data Analysis Risk and Minimization Techniques, M. M. Uddin and P. M. Goodrum (2013)


Examples of How BIM Can Enhance Career Paths in Construction, Mohammad M. Uddin and Atul R. Khandoze (2013)

STARS Curriculum: Trends, Challenges and a Proposed Solution, Mohammad M. Uddin and K. Moore (2013)


Geometric Unity Constructions, James A. Wronecki (2013)

Submissions from 2012


Smart Shopping: Conceptualization and Measurement, Kelly Green Atkins and Youn Kyung Kim (2012)


Customer Orientation as a Buffer Against Job Burnout, Emin Babakus and Ugur Yavas (2012)


Mobile Device Management: Policies for a Secured Mobile Workforce, Rita M. Barrios and Michael R. Lehrfeld (2012)


Transforming Rubrics Using Factor Analysis, Ed Baryla, Gary Shelley, and William Trainor (2012)


Microcap Pharmaceutical Firms: Linking Drug Pipelines to Market Value, Robert Beach (2012)


Discerning Interrelationships Among the Knowledge, Competencies, and Roles of Project Managers in the Planning and Implementation of Public Sector Projects, Carlos F. Gomes, Mahmoud M. Yasin, and Michael H. Small (2012)

Inside Assessment Centers: New Insights About Assessors, Dimensions, and Exercises, C. Allen Gorman and Duncan Jackson (2012)

A Preliminary Survey of Performance Management Practices in the U.S., C. Allen Gorman, Joshua L. Ray, Caitlin Nugent, and Shristi Pokhrel-Willet (2012)


Pedagogy: Designing Digital Magazines for the Ipad - Trends and Challenges of a New Medium in the Light of Established Graphic Traditions, Jonathan Hounshell (2012)


Guidelines for Conducting Bulletproof Workplace Investigations: Part II--Searches, Surveillance, and Other Legal Issues., Clifford M. Koen and Michael S. Mitchell (2012)


The Effect of Culture on Consumer Choice: The Need for Conformity vs. the Need for Uniqueness, Beichen Liang and Yanbin He (2012)


Cultural Differences in Imagery Generation: The Influence of Abstract Versus Concrete Thinking, Beichen Liang and Sudhir H. Kale (2012)