The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.
If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to
Teaching About International Health in United States Public Schools, William B. Cissell and Tina Woolsey (1987)
The Amphiphilicity of ACP Helices: A Means of Macromolecular Interaction?, Mary L. Ernst-Fonberg, Margie Mc Tucker, and Ignacy B. Fonberg (1987)
The Effect of Oral L-Carnitine on Lipoprotein Composition in the Watanabe Heritable Hyperlipidemic Rabbit (Oryctolagus Cuniculus), Thomas L. Raymond, Scott A. Reynolds, Julia A. Swanson, Catherine A. Patnode, and Frank P. Bell (1987)
The Influence of Diet and Carnitine Supplementation on Plasma Carnitine, Cholesterol and Triglyceride in WHHL (Watanabe-Heritable Hyperlipidemic), Netherland Dwarf and New Zealand Rabbits (Oryctolagus Cuniculus), Frank P. Bell, Thomas L. Raymond, and Catherine L. Patnode (1987)
The Influence of Straining Maneuvers on the Pressor Response During Isometric Exercise, Carole A. Williams and Alexander R. Lind (1987)
Two-Stage Skin Testing for Tuberculosis in a Domiciliary Population, S. Alvarez, D. R. Kasprzyk, and M. Freundl (1987)
Ultrastructure of Capillaries in the Red Body (Rete Mirabile) of the Eel Swim Bladder, Roger C. Wagner, Ritchie Froehlich, Fred E. Hossler, and S. Brian Andrews (1987)
Ultrastructure of the Larval Salivary Glands of Megaselia Scalaris Loew (Diptera, Phoridae), Sherill K. Curtis, David B. Benner, and Ronald R. Cowden (1987)
Using a Weekly Newsmagazine to Develop Vocabulary and Cultural Literacy, Edward J. Dwyer and N. Ross (1987)
Vegetative Growth and Reproduction of Fossombronia Brasiliensis Steph: The Influence of Photoperiod, Temperature and Inorganic Nitrogen Source, Chic M. Chin, Andrew J. Maclellan, and Karen S. Renzaglia (1987)
VIPoma Syndrome, Hagop S. Mekhjian and Thomas M. O'Dorisio (1987)
Abscess of the Lower Leg Anterior Compartment and Osteomyelitis: A Complication of Failed Revascularization: A Case Report, Nghia M. Vo and Armand A. Lefemine (1986)
Adipose Tissue of Drosophila Melanogaster: VII. Distribution of Nuclear DNA Amounts Along the Anterior–posterior Axis in the Larval Fat Body, F. M. Butterworth and E. M. Rasch (1986)
A Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Method for Quantitation of 1,3-Butylene Glycol in Whole Blood or Plasma and the Separation of the Short Chain Glycols, E. J. Moffatt, A. N. Hagardorn, and K. E. Ferslew (1986)
A Long Interspersed (LINE) DNA Exhibiting Polymorphic Patterns in Human Genomes, Phillip R. Musich and R. J. Dykes (1986)
Alterations in Noradrenergic Innervation of the Brain Following Dorsal Bundle Lesions in Neonatal Rats, Dolores Klisans-Fuenmayor, Craig T. Harston, and Richard M. Kostrzewa (1986)
Altered Histofluorescent Pattern of Noradrenergic Innervation of the Cerebellum of the Mutant Mouse Purkinje Cell Degeneration, R. M. Kostrzewa and C. T. Harston (1986)
A Method for the Study of Human Life, W. K. Rogers (1986)
A Misleading Flow Cytometric Analysis of Dna in an Adenocarcinoma: A Comparative Flow Cytometric and Cytogenetic Study, Greta M. Lee and George Youngberg (1986)
A Multicenter Study of Ranitidine Treatment of Duodenal Ulcers in the United States, B. I. Hirschowitz, M. M. Berenson, J. M. Berkowitz, P. Bright-Asare, V. A. DeLuca, and F. N. Eshelman (1986)
Anatomy and Morphometry of Myocardial Capillaries Studied With Vascular Corrosion Casting and Scanning Electron Microscopy: A Method for Rat Heart, F. E. Hossler, J. E. Douglas, and L. E. Douglas (1986)
An Electron Microscopic Study of the Effect of Clindamycin on Adherence of Staphylococcus Aureus to Bone Surfaces, K. J. Mayberry-Carson, W. R. Mayberry, B. K. Tober-Meyer, J. W. Costerton, and D. W. Lambe (1986)
An Electron Microscopic Study of the Effect of Clindamycin Therapy on Bacterial Adherence and Glycocalyx Formation in Experimental Staphylococcus aureus Osteomyelitis, K. J. Mayberry-Carson, B. Tober-Meyer, D. W. Lambde, and J. W. Costerton (1986)
An NADH-Dependent Acetoacetyl-CoA Reductase from Euglena gracilis: Purification and Characterization, Including Inhibition by Acyl Carrier Protein, M L. Ernst-Fonberg
A Second Course in Database Management, Evans J. Adams (1986)
Black Attitudes in Prison: A Sociological Analysis, Robert G. Leger and Harvey Gray Barnes (1986)
Branhamella Catarrhalis Pneumonia in Patients With Immunoglobulin Abnormalities, Anand Karnad, Salvador Alvarez, and Steven L. Berk (1986)
Case Studies in Criminal Justice Education: An Experiential Model, Michael C. Braswell and Larry S. Miller (1986)
Cathepsin L Inactivates α1-Proteinase Inhibitor by Cleavage in the Reactive Site Region, D. A. Johnson, A. J. Barrett, and R. W. Mason (1986)
Cell-Mediated Inhibition of Proliferation and Activation of Alloreactive Cytotoxic Lymphocytes: Maintenance of Response Potential of Precursors and Dissociation Between Proliferation and Effector Function of Activated Cytotoxic Lymphocytes, Robert D. Stout, Jill Suttles, Denise M. Persiani, and Oddmund Bakke (1986)
Chronic Intestinal Ischemia: Diagnosis and Therapy, Paul E. Stanton, Paul A. Hollier, Terry W. Seidel, David Rosenthal, Michael Clark, and Pano A. Lamis (1986)
Clinical and Microbiologic Consequences of Amikacin Use During a 42-Month Period, Steven L. Berk, Salvador Alvarez, Greg Ortega, Abraham Verghese, and Shirley A. Holtsclaw Berk (1986)
Combined Inguinal and Extraperitoneal Approach for Large Femoral Pseudoaneurysms: Case Reports, Nghia M. Vo (1986)
Common Bile Duct Obstruction Secondary to an Aberrant Hepatic Artery: A Case Report, Paul E. Stanton, Tony O. Haley, and Nghia M. Vo (1986)
Corynebacterium Minutissimum Bacteremia in a Patient With Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Blast Crisis, Juan Guarderas, Anand Karnad, Salvador Alvarez, and Steven L. Berk (1986)
Cultural-Distance Perspective: An Exploratory Analysis of Its Effect on Learning and Intelligence, Henry J. Grubb and Thomas H. Ollendick (1986)
Cytophotometric Evidence of Variation in Genome Size of Desmognathine Salamanders, M. K. Hally, E. M. Rasch, H. R. Mainwaring, and R. C. Bruce (1986)
Determination of Reproductive Maturity in the Female Nine-Banded Armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus), R. D. Peppler, F. E. Hossler, and S. C. Stone (1986)
Distinguishing Fact from Opinion: An Often Oversimplified Comprehension Skill, Edward J. Dwyer and M. K. Summy (1986)
Effect of Temperature on Transmembrane Potential of Mouse Liver Cells, R. Wondergem and L. B. Castillo (1986)
Effects of Bilateral Lesion of the Locus Coeruleus and of Neonatal Administration of 6-Hydroxydopamine on the Concentration of Individual Proteins in Rat Brain, William E. Heydorn, Khanh Q. Nguyen, G. Joseph Creed, Richard M. Kostrzewa, and David M. Jacobowitz (1986)
Effects of Electrical Stimulation of the Pontine A5 Cell Group on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in the Rabbit, Michael L. Woodruff, Ronald H. Baisden, and Dennis L. Whittington (1986)
Energy Conservation Among Finnish Homeowners, Ugur Yavas, Antti Haahti, and Glen Riecken (1986)
Euglena Fatty Acid Synthetase Multienzyme Complex Is a Unique Structure, Lesa M. Worsham, Zdenka L.P. Jonak, and Mary Lou Ernst-Fonberg (1986)
Expansion of the Ipsilateral Retinal Projection to the Medial Terminal Nucleus of the Accessory Optic System in Rats With One Eye Removed, Ching L. Shen and Ronald H. Baisen (1986)
Family Therapy with Delinquents: A Critical Review of the Literature, Patrick H. TOLAN, RONALD E. CROMWELL, and MICHAEL BRASSWELL (1986)
Group B Streptococcal Bacteremia in Men, Abraham Verghese, Kathleen Mireault, and Robert D. Arbeit (1986)
Health Interest Inventory, Josephine Gaines (1986)
Hemodynamic Changes Secondary to Aortic Occlusion and Shock Are Not Mediated by Oxygen Free Radicals, Nghia M. vo, Jacob Dunbar, and Paul E. Stanton (1986)
Identifcation of Bacteriodes by Cellular Fatty Acid Profiles: Application to the Routine Microbiological Laboratory, P. Van der Auwera, M. Labbe, W. R. Mayberry, K. P. Gerguson, and D. W. Lambe (1986)
Implementing Computer Literacy: The Year After, M. G. Bailey and Rebekah L. Tidwell (1986)
Infections of the Lower Extremities Due to Gas-Forming and Non-Gas-Forming Organisms, Nghia M. Vo, Scott Watson, and Lester R. Bryant (1986)
Innervation of Guinea Pig Heart by Neurons Sensitive to Capsaicin, Margaret W. Hougland, Kristine H. Durkee, and Arthur E. Hougland (1986)
Inputs to the Pontine A5 Noradrenergic Cell Group: A Horseradish Peroxidase Study, Michael L. Woodruff, Ronald H. Baisden, Dennis L. Whittington, and Joseph E. Kelly (1986)
In Vitro (Supravital) Fluorescence Cytochemistry, R. R. Cowden and S. K. Curtis (1986)
Involving Students Actively in Vocabulary Acquisition, Edward J. Dwyer (1986)
Linguistic Semantic Agraphia: A Dissociation of the Lexical Spelling System From Semantics, David P. Roeltgen, Leslie Gonzalez Rothi, and Kenneth M. Heilman (1986)
Metal Concentrations in Muscle of Fish From Aquatic Systems in East Tennessee, U.S.A., R. D. Blevins and Oscar C. Pancorbo (1986)
Nifedipine Therapy for Diffuse Esophageal Spasm, Eapen Thomas, Peter Witt, Melvin Willis, and John Morse (1986)
Noninvasive Determination of Small Vessel Distensibility in Man, Dali J. Patel, Bernell R. Coleman, David Horwitz, Laval N. Cothran, Russell J. Tearney, and Charles L. Curry (1986)
Nosocomial Pneumococcal Bacteremia, Salvador Alvarez, Juan Guarderas, Charles G. Shell, Shirley Holtsclaw Berk, and Steven L. Berk (1986)
One Year of Wheezing, Cough After Pneumonia, R. Lebow, J. Mehta, B. E. Dossett, and D. Archie (1986)
Outpatient Conversion of Treatment to Potassium-Sparing Diuretics, Nathan A. Ridgeway, David R. Ginn, and Kay Alley (1986)
Ozone Effects on Alpha-1-Proteinase Inhibitor in Vivo: Blood Plasma Inhibitory Activity Is Unchanged, David A. Johnson, R. Steve Winters, Thomas Woolley, Delores Graham, and Frederick W. Henderson (1986)
Part iii: Applications to Professional Fund Raising: Seeking Opinion Donors via Leadership, Glen Riecken and Ugar Yavas (1986)
Pharmacologic Approaches to Psychogenic Polydipsia: Case Reports, Roger G. Kathol, James A. Wilcox, Rick D. Turner, Ziad Kronfol, and Stephen C. Olson (1986)
Probability of Quantal Transmitter Release From Nerve Terminals: Theoretical Considerations in the Determination of Spatial Variation, Michael D. Miyamoto (1986)
Progressive Pulmonary Disease Caused by Mycobacterium Gordonae, Juan Guarderas, Salvador Alvarez, and Steven L. Berk (1986)
Pseudogallbladder Appearance in Partial Afferent Loop Obstruction in a Patient With Cholecystectomy, John M. Morse, Sankar Lakshman, and Eapen Thomas (1986)
Reactions of Seven Basic Fluorochromes With Unfixed Cells Obtained From the Salivary Glands of the Dipteran Fly Megaselia scalaris Loew (Phoridae), S. K. Curtis, R. R. Cowden, and D. B. Benner (1986)
Retinoic Acid Enhances and Depresses in Vitro Development of Cartilaginous Bone Anlagen in Embryonic Mouse Limbs, Thomas E. Kwasigroch, J. F. Vannoy, J. K. Church, and R. G. Skalko (1986)
Reward Allocation by Impartial Allocators to Friend or Stranger Co-Workers Under Equal and Unequal Ability and Performance, Loretta J. Stalans and Otto Zinser (1986)
Rounded Atelectasis Shown by Computerized Tomography, Tsuyoshi Inoshita and William J. Boyd (1986)
Sample Cleanup Procedure for Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds in Complex Matrices, D. L. Karlesky, M. E. Rollie, I. M. Warner, and Chu Ngi Ho (1986)
Selective Management of Clotted Femoro-Popliteal Bypass Grafts, Nghia M. Vo (1986)
Sequence and Evolution of Rhesus Monkey Alphoid DNA, Lee M. Pike, Anette Carlisle, Chris Newell, Seung Beom Hong, and Phillip R. Musich (1986)
Sex Differences in the Distribution and Regulation of Glucocorticoid Receptors in Cardiac Tissues of Rats, Barbara B. Turner and Linda F. Moses (1986)
Single Leg Strength: Its Relationship to Speed Enhancement, Lee J. Morrow (1986)
Spectral Differentiation and Gas Chromatographic/Mass Spectrometric Analysis of the Lacrimators 2-Chloroacetophenone and O-Chlorobenzylidene Malononitrile, K. E. Ferslew, R. H. Orcutt, and A. N. Hagardorn (1986)
Spontaneous Pancreatic Duct-Colon Fistula, C. T. Thomas, Philip J. Hinton, and Eapen Thomas (1986)
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Esophagus: Continuing Poor Prognosis Among Veterans, Eapen Thomas and James B. Farnum (1986)
Staging and Kinetics of Multiple Myeloma, Brian G. Durie (1986)
Teaching Concepts of Data Structures via the Fast Fourier Transform, Lyndell M. Kerley (1986)
Teaching word families through mapping, Edward J. Dwyer (1986)
Temporal Disruptions in the “Accurate” Speech of Articulatory Defective Speakers and Stutterers, Marcia O. McMillan and Rebekah H. Pindzola (1986)
The Adult Organization and Development of the Rubrospinal Tract. An Experimental Study Using the Orthograde Transport of WGA-HRP in the North-American Opossum, T. Cabana and G. F. Martin (1986)
The blepharoplast of Hypnum, Jeffrey G. Duckett and Karen S. Renzaglia (1986)
The Effect of Field-Dependent and Field-Independent Cognitive Styles on Student Ratings of Instruction in Psychiatry, R. F. West and J. A. Granger (1986)
The Emergence of a Medical School: Impact on Laboratory Utilization and Cost Containment Efforts in an Affiliated Teaching Hospital, C. J. Stahl and R. D. Fox (1986)
The Influence of Indomethacin on Blood Pressure During the Infusion of Vasopressors, Brian P. Rowe (1986)
The Reconceptualization of Viqjence in Criminal Justice Education Programs, Stephen E. Brown (1986)
The Responsiveness of Rabbit Bronchial Rings to Antigen, AGEPC and Histamine, Peter F. Smith, John D. Palmer, Todd Holmes, Ann Cutcher, Anita M. Dunn, and Marilyn Halonen (1986)
The Utility of Experiential Case Studies in Police Education: A Comparative Analysis, Larry S. Miller and Michael C. Braswell (1986)
The Value and Vulnerability of Perceived Religious Involvement, Roger C. Bailey and Michael D. Young (1986)
The Vanishing Twin: Pathologic Confirmation of an Ultrasonographic Phenomenon, Laura E. Sulak and Melvin G. Dodson (1986)
Tissue Differences in the up-Regulation of Glucocorticoid-Binding Proteins in the Rat, Barbara B. Turner (1986)
Triatomic Method for Correlation of Retention of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Normal Phase HPLC, Chu N. Ho, D. L. Karlesky, J. R. Kennedy, and I. M. Warner (1986)
Turnover of Low-Density Lipoprotein Isolated From Interstitial Inflammatory Fluid of the Rabbit, Thomas L. Raymond, Scott A. Reynolds, and Julia A. Swanson (1986)
Undigested Corn Kernels Simulating Colonic Polyposis, K. Bruce Jones and Michael A. Stein (1986)