ETSU Faculty Works | Faculty Works | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to




2024 Brings Many New Opportunities for Your Clients’ Tax Savings, Michelle Freeman and Shelby Follis


Beneficial Owner Reporting: Our Role as Trusted Advisor, Shelby Follis and Michelle Freeman


How To Help Your Clients Understand Their 1099-K and Its Everchanging Threshholds, Shelby Follis and Michelle S. Freeman


Play Therapy: Development, Learning, and Therapy Changing Students’ Belief in a Just World: In-Class Simulations as Effective Pedagogy, Susan E. Elswick, Peter A. Kindle, David H. Johnson, Brooke Blaalid, Laura B. Granruth, Elena Delavega, Michael L. Burford, and Jeffrey Thompson


Access for All: Adapted Literacy Through Low-Tech Assistive Technology, Cathy L. Galyon, Kim K. Floyd, and Colleen F. Woods-Fields


A Comparison of Attitudes About Paternal Child Support Payments in the United States and South Korea, Kwangman Ko, Lawrence Ganong, Youngjin Kang, and Ashton Chapman


A Comparison of Psychological Well-Being, Coping Strategies, and Emotional Problems Between Taiwanese and Australian Nursing Students, Pi-Ming Yeh, Lorna Moxham, Christopher Patterson, Carolyn Antoniou, and Jenn-Chang Liou


Addressing Challenging Behaviours in the Classroom: Perceptions of Teachers in Poland, Monika Skura and John J. Wheeler


An Examination of Discrimination on Stress, Depression, and Oppression-Based Trauma During the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Racial Awakening of 2020, Ardhys N. De Leon, Jacqueline Woerner, Robert D. Dvorak, Jonathan Cox, Tatiana D. Magri, Emma R. Hayden, Manik Ahuja, and Angela M. Haeny


Association Between Chronic Disease and Substance Use Among Older Adults in Tennessee, Manik Ahuja, Jessica Stamey, Johanna Cimilluca, Kawther Al Skir, Mary K. Herndon, Kathleen Baggett, Thiveya Sathiyasaleen, and Praveen Fernandopulle


Association between Financial Barriers to Healthcare Access and Mental Health Outcomes in Tennessee, Manik Ahuja, Johanna Cimilluca, Jessica Stamey, Riddhi P. Doshi, Rajvi J. Wani, Esther E. Adebayo-Abikoye, Aparna Karki, Eugene N. Annor, and Chisom M. Nwaneki


A Testimony of Christian Drug Rehabilitation Transformed by the Power of God, Pi-Ming Yeh


Black Americans, Hospitalization, and Advance Care Planning, Sharon E. Bigger, Jean C. Hemphill, Trizah Njoroge, Katherine Doyon, and Lee Glenn


Do High School Teachers Alter Classroom Practice Due to Evaluation? Evidence From North Carolina’s Career Status and Teacher Evaluation Policies, Amanda Frasier


Gag Order Laws Threaten Nursing Education and Health Equity, Olga Ehrlich, Shigego S. Izumi, Sharon E. Bigger, and Lee A. Johnson


Genius Culture: How We Influence Student Identity in STEM, Larry L. Bowman Jr.


Improving Expository Text Comprehension in Adolescent Spanish–English Bilingual Learners With Learning Disabilities Using a Graphic Organizer, Kristie L. Calvin and Shelley Gray


Interprofessional Team Improves Hypertension in African American Men, Vickie Pitman, Jean C. Hemphill, and Yan Cao


IRS Modernization – Preparing Clients, Shelby Follis and Michelle S. Freeman


Lactate Promotes Endothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition via Snail1 Lactylation After Myocardial Infarction, Min Fan, Kun Yang, Xiaohui Wang, Linjian Chen, Patrick S. Gill, Tuanzhu Ha, Li Liu, Nicole H. Lewis, David L. Williams, and Chuanfu Li


Loss of Rural Appalachian Recovery Meetings From Before to After COVID-19, Mary Jo Hedrick and Andrea D. Clements


New-to-the-School Teachers' Responses to Evaluation Policy, Amanda S. Frasier


Obligations, Obstacles, and Opportunities: Conducting Research as a Laboratory School Teacher, Amanda Frasier, Heidi Campbell, Lisa Reis, and Holley Ziglar


Palliative Care Communication Among Home Health Interprofessional Staff: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Effectiveness, Sharon Bigger, Noah Zanville, Elaine Wittenberg, Gail Tosley, and Lee Glenn


Profiles of First-Generation College Students: Social, Financial, Academic, and Cultural Barriers to College Lives, Kwangman Ko, Karin Bartoszuk, Steven A. Peek, and Michelle Hurley


Reconsidering the Existing Paradigm for Suicide Prevention among Older Adult Veterans and Other Americans, Robert M. Bossarte, Manik Ahuja, Maria Martik, Anothony Schinelli, Tyler Webb, and Brian Marx


Research Should Focus on Improving Mathematics Proficiency for Students With Disabilities, Bradley Witzel, Jonte Myers, Jenny Root, Shaqwana Freeman-Green, Paul Riccomini, and Pamela Mims


Teachers Are Not Meant to Be Martyrs, Amanda Frasier


The Evolution of Life History Traits and Their Thermal Plasticity in Daphnia, Larry L. Bowman Jr. and David M. Post


The Integrative Conceptual Model: Ecological Risk and Protective Factors for East Asian Immigrant Fathers’ Psychological Well-Being in the United States, Kwangman Ko, Sun-A Lee, and Jaerim Lee


The Journey From Drug Addiction to Drug Withdrawal: A Christian Gospel Rehabilitation Program in Taiwan, Pi-Ming Yeh


There’s No Place Like Us: Beyond Fidelity of Implementation in Rural Contexts, Margaret P. Weiss, Dawn A. Rowe, Pamela J. Mims, and Thomas W. Farmer


Transgender Research in Counseling Journals: A Content Analysis from 2007 to 2020, Mickey E. White, Shannon R. Lollar, and Angie D. Cartwright


Using Smart Phone Technology to Improve Daily Living Skills for Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities, Jordan Stierle, Joseph B. Ryan, Antonis Katsiyannis, Pamela Mims, Alex Carson, and Abigail Allen


A 15-Year-Old Female Presenting With Traumatic Diaphragmatic Hernia One Year After a Car Accident, Raymond C. Winstead and Varun Kumar


Acute-Onset Heart Failure Secondary to Biventricular Non-Compaction Cardiomyopathy and Atrial Septal Defect in a Woman Presenting in the Seventh Decade, Purva Sharma, Yash Jobanputra, Robert Chait, and Waqas Ghumman


A Delphi Study to Identify Best Practices for Rural Community Engagement in Transportation Planning, Mohammad M. Uddin, Candace M. Bright, and Kelly N. Foster (2022)


A Detailed Review on the Phytochemical Profiles and Anti-Diabetic Mechanisms of Momordica Charantia, Sunday F. Oyelere, Oluwatobi H. Ajayi, Titilayo E. Ayoade, George Bueno Santana Pereira, Bolaji C. Dayo Owoyemi, Ajibola O. Ilesanmi, and Olalekan A. Akinyemi


Adolescent Alcohol Exposure Results in Sex-specific Alterations in Conditioned Fear Learning and Memory in Adulthood, L. J. Chandler, Dylan T. Vaughan, and Justin T. Gass


Agile Approaches for Cybersecurity Systems, IoT and Intelligent Transportation, Yahya M. Tashtoush, Dirar A. Darweesh, Ghaith Husari, Omar A. Darwish, Yousef Darwish, Luai Bani Issa, and Huthaifa I. Ashqar


AICPA Adopts Changes to Auditor’s Report, Ashley Bentley


Alkylation of Benzene by Long-Chain Alkenes on Immobilized Phosphotungstic Acid, Anastasia Kuvayskaya, Reza Mohseni, and Aleksey Vasiliev


An Adjuvant Strategy Enabled by Modulation of the Physical Properties of Microbial Ligands Expands Antigen Immunogenicity, Francesco Borriello, Valentina Poli, Ellen Shrock, Roberto Spreafico, Xin Liu, Novalia Pishesha, Claire Carpenet, Janet Chou, Marco Di Gioia, Marisa E. McGrath, Carly A. Dillen, Nora A. Barrett, Lucrezia Lacanfora, Marcella E. Franco, Laura Marongiu, Yoichiro Iwakura, Ferdinando Pucci, Michael D. Kruppa, Zuchao Ma, and Douglas W. Lowman


An Age-Depth Model and Revised Stratigraphy of Vertebrate-Bearing Units in Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming, David M. Lovelace, Cory M. Redman, Thomas A. Minckley, Blaine W. Schubert, Shannon Mahan, John R. Wood, Jenny L. McGuire, Juan Laden, Kathleen Bitterman, Holly Heiniger, Lindsey Fenderson, Alan Cooper, Kieren J. Mitchell, and Julie A. Meachen


An AIS-Based Approach for Measuring Waterway Resiliency: A Case Study of Houston Ship Channel, Sepideh Zohoori, Masood Jafari Kang, Maryam Hamidi, and Reza Maihami


An Online, Multi-Institutional APPE Student Debate on Diabetes Medications, Rick Hess, Heather P. Whitley, Daniel Majerczyk, and Pamela Stamm


Application of a Hydrological Model for Estimating Infiltration for Debris Flow Initiation: A Case Study from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee, Arpita Mandal, Arpita Nandi, Abdul Shakoor, and Jeffrey Keaton


A Rare Case of Granular Cell Tumor in the Right Upper Lung of an Adolescent Patient, John Grove, Casey Meier, Bahaaeldin Youssef, and Patrick Costello


A Rare Case of Sarcoidosis Involving Male Breast Tissue, John Grove, Casey Meier, Bahaaeldin Youssef, and Patrick Costello


A Theoretical Analysis of Longitudinal Temporomandibular Joint Compressive Stresses and Mandibular Growth, Riddhi J. Desai, Laura R. Iwasaki, Sohyon M. Kim, Hongzeng Liu, Ying Liu, and Jeffrey C. Nickel


Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia After mRNA COVID Vaccine, Zainab Fatima, Blair R. Reece, J S. Moore, and Robert T. Means


Automated Adaptive Wideband Acoustic Reflex Threshold Estimation in Normal-hearing Adults, Kim S. Schairer, Daniel B. Putterman, Douglas H. Keefe, Denis Fitzpatrick, Angela Garinis, Elizabeth Kolberg, and M. P. Feeney


Avoiding Unfavorable Results of the Favorable Tax Treatment of Cares Act Withdrawals: An Unexpected Problem, Emily Cokeley and Michelle Freeman


Backtalk: It’s Time to (Re)Evaluate Evaluation, Amanda Frasier


Baseline Knowledge Attitudes Satisfaction and Aspirations With Advance Care Planning: A Cross-Sectional Study, Jojo Yorke, Emmanuel Yobo-Addo, Kanwardeep Singh, Ali Muzzam, Imran Khan, Nikita Shokur, David Ginn, and James W. Myers


Before Disaster Strikes: A Pilot Intervention to Improve Pediatric Trainees' Knowledge of Disaster Medicine, Andrew Donahue, Seth Brown, Suhkvir Singh, Nikita Shokur, J. Bracken Burns, Kathryn L. Duvall, and Dawn S. Tuell


Behavioral Pediatrics: A Team-Based Interprofessional Approach, Matthew Tolliver, Deborah Thibeault, William Dodd, and Julia Dodd


Between and Within Sexual Identity-Group Differences in Asthma Prevalence in the United States, David Adzrago, Samuel H. Nyarko, Nnenna Ananaba, Matt Asare, Emmanuel Odame, Antwan Jones, Timir K. Paul, and Hadii M. Mamudu (2022)


Biography Writing Encourages Bilingual Adolescent’s Heritage Language Learning and Passing Down of Family Stories, Shuling Yang


Building Research and Evaluation Into the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association With Intention, Jodi Polaha and Robyn L. Shepardson


Burkitt Lymphoma: Interpreting FISH Testing for Gene Rearrangements, Purva Sharma, Sakshi Singal, Patrick Costello, and Koyamangalath Krishnan


Cardiac and Pulmonary Diagnoses and Advance Care Planning in Home Health, Sharon E. Bigger, Lisa Haddad, and Lee Glenn


Cardiac and Pulmonary Diagnoses and Advance Care Planning in Home Health, Sharon Bigger, Lisa Haddad, and Lee Glenn


Cardiovascular Dysfunction in COVID-19: Association Between Endothelial Cell Injury and Lactate, Kun Yang, Matthew Holt, Min Fan, Victor Lam, Yong Yang, Tuanzhu Ha, David L. Williams, Chuanfu Li, and Xiaohui Wang


Changes in Bladder Health over Time: A Longitudinal Analysis of Adult Women in the Boston Area Community Health Survey, Siobhan Sutcliffe, Charles Cain, Tamara Bavendam, Colleen M. Fitzgerald, Sheila Gahagan, Alayne D. Markland, David A. Shoham, Ariana L. Smith, and Kyle Rudser


Cite Share Favorites Permissions FEATURE ARTICLES Self-perceived Burden A Critical Evolutionary Concept Analysis, Sharon Bigger and Tomothea Vo


Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Decompensated Cirrhosis Patients Admitted to Hospitals With Acute Pulmonary Embolisms: A Nationwide Analysis, Mohammad Darweesh, Mahmoud M. Mansour, Metri Haddaden, Rami Dalbah, Ratib Mahfouz, Hisham Laswi, and Adham E. Obeidat


Coaching Bilingual Chinese Mothers Ask Higher-Level Questions in Dialogic Reading, Shuling Yang


Comparing Immune Responses to Inactivated Vaccines Against SARS-CoV-2 Between People Living With HIV and HIV-Negative Individuals: A Cross-Sectional Study in China, Xiaojie Huang, Ying Yan, Bin Su, Dong Xiao, Maohe Yu, Xia Jin, Junyi Duan, Xiangjun Zhang, Shimin Zheng, Yuan Fang, Tong Zhang, Weiming Tang, Lunan Wang, Zixin Wang, and Junjie Xu


Controlled Substance Use and Clinical Outcomes of Elderly Patients After a Fall, Lauren B. Gammel, Matthew Leonard, Hannah Wheeler, Ha Linh, and Bracken Burns


Controlling for Lexical Factors in the Word Auditory Recognition and Recall Measure, David B. Ryan and Sherri L. Smith


Corrigendum: A Tree Peony Trihelix Transcription Factor PrASIL1 Represses Seed Oil Accumulation, Weizong Yang, Jiayuan Hu, Jyoti R. Behera, Aruna Kilaru, Yanping Yuan, Yuhui Zhai, Yanfeng Xu, Lihang Xie, Yanlong Zhang, Qingyu Zhang, and Lixin Niu


COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance Among Health Care Workers in Africa: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Martin Ackah, Louise Ameyaw, Mohammed Gazali Salifu, Delali P. Afi Asubonteng, Cynthia Osei Yeboah, Eugene Narkotey Annor, Eunice Abena Kwartemaa Ankapong, and Hosea Boakye


CT Pulmonary Angiography Findings in HIV-Infected Patients Referred for Suspected Pulmonary Thrombo-Embolic Disease, Diane Wiese, Leisha Rajkumar, Susan Lucas, David Clopton, Jacob Benfield, and Jason DeBerry


Development and Psychometric Validation of a Questionnaire Assessing the Impact of Tinnitus on Significant Others, Eldré W. Beukes, David W. Maidment, Gerhard Andersson, Marc A. Fagleson, Eithne Heffernan, and Vinaya Manchaiah


Development and Validation of a Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Assay for Determination of Cromolyn Sodium in Skin Permeation Studies, Miranda K. Holman, Stacy D. Brown, Dorcas Frempong, Ashana Puri, and Steven Dinh


District Administration and the Local Workforce in an Era of Centralization, Amanda Frasier


Divorced Parents’ Perceived Benefits and Risks of Dating and Sharing of Dating Information, Youngjin Kang, Lawrence Ganong, and Kwangman Ko


Does Fat Talk Affect Relationship and Sexual Satisfaction?: Adults' Perceptions of Fat Talk in a Fictional Romantic Relationship, Cassidy M. Sandoval, Denise M. Martz, Doris G. Bazzini, Rose M. Webb, Madison M. Hinkle, and Lauren Francis


Does Group Size Matter? Group Size and Symptom Reduction Among Incarcerated Women Receiving Psychotherapy Following Sexual Violence Victimization, Aubrey R. Dueweke, D. E. Higuera, M. J. Zielinski, M. E. Karlsson, and A. J. Bridges (2022)


Domain Specificity of Differential Susceptibility: Testing an Evolutionary Theory of Temperament in Early Childhood, Rochelle F. Hentges, Patrick T. Davies, and Melissa L. Sturge-Apple


Early Age of Cannabis Initiation and Its Association With Suicidal Behaviors, Manik Ahuja, Manul Awasthi, Kathie Records, Johanna Cimilluca, Kawther Al-Ksir, Johnathan Tremblay, Riddhi P. Doshi, Thiveya Sathiyasaleen, and Praveen Fernandopulle (2022)


Electrophysiology and Arrhythmogenesis in the Human Right Ventricular Outflow Tract, Kedar Aras, Anna Gams, Ndeye R. Faye, Jaclyn Brennan, Katherine Goldrick, Jinghua Li, Yishan Zhong, Chia-Han Chiang, Elizabeth H. Smith, Megan D. Poston, Jacqueline Chivers, Peter Hanna, Shumpei Mori, Olujimi A. Ajijola, Kalyanam Shivkumar, Donald B. Hoover, and Jonathan Viventi


Emergency Department Use and Advance Care Planning in Home Health Value-Based Purchasing, Sharon Bigger and Lee Glenn


ESG Activities and Firm Cash Flow, Richard Paul Gregory


ESG Scores and the Response of the S&P 1500 to Monetary and Fiscal Policy During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Richard Paul Gregory


Evaluating Knowledge of Public Health Nursing Competencies in Baccalaureate Nursing Students, Robin Brown, Christina Plemmons, Alham Abuatiq, Cassy Hultman, Danielle Currier, Marie Schmit, Valborg Kvigne, Beth Walstrom, Trisha L. Horsley, and Heidi Mennenga


Evaluation of Silver Nanoparticle Acute and Chronic Effects on Freshwater Amphipod (Hyalella Azteca), Joseph Kusi and Kurt J. Maier


Evidence and Implications of the Affordable Care Act for Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Diabetes Health During and Beyond the Pandemic, Jusung Lee and Nathan L. Hale


Exploring Patterns of the Use of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems Among Adolescents in High-Risk Appalachian (U.S.a) Communities, Hadii M. Mamudu, Disha Shahani, Antwan Jones, Manik Ahuja, Esther Adeniran, Florence Weierbach, Jean Swindle, Ying Liu, Janet Keener, Cynthia J. Blair, Michelle McNabb, Matthew Asare, David L. Wood, and Amy Ferketich


Exploring Working Memory, Self-Criticism, and Rumination as Factors Related to Self-Harm, Rachel K. Carpenter and Tracy Packiam Alloway


Female-Specific Role of Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor in the Medial Amygdala in Promoting Stress Responses, Cuihong Jia, Wesley D. Gill, Chiharu Lovins, Russell W. Brown, and Theo Hagg


Fentanyl and Other Opioid Involvement in Methamphetamine-Related Deaths, Zheng Dai, Marie A. Abate, Caroline P. Groth, Tori Rucker, James C. Kraner, Allen R. Mock, and Gordon S. Smith


Filial Support Behaviours: Associations With Filial Piety, Reciprocity and Parent-Child Contact in China, Kwangman Ko, Chang Su-Rusell, and Christine M. Proulx


Flipping the Script of “Official Knowledge” Through Multimodal Composition, Monica T. Billen, Natalia A. Ward, Jason D. DeHart, Renee R. Moran, and Shuling Yang


Food Insecurity: Child Care Programs' Perspectives, Tracy E. Noerper, Morgan R. Elmore, Rachel B. Hickman, and Madison T. Shea


Guideline for the Prevention and Management of Constipation in Long-Term Care Residents, Georgiana Hogan, Janice Lazear, and Jean C. Hemphill


Guidelines for Psychological Practice for People With Low-Income and Economic Marginalization: Executive Summary, Cindy L. Juntunen, Kipp R. Pietrantonio, Jameson K. Hirsch, Astrea Greig, Mindi N. Thompson, Denise E. Ross, and Amy H. Peterman


Haemophilus Parainfluenzae Pyogenic Liver Abscess Associated With Cholangiocarcinoma, Mathew C. Finniss and Lamis Ibrahim


Heterozygous Mutant Mice Have a Subtle Locomotor Phenotype, Louise Thiry, Chloé Lemaire, Ali Rastqar, Maxime Lemieux, Jimmy Peng, Julien Ferent, Marie Roussel, Eric Beaumont, James P. Fawcett, Robert M. Brownstone, Frédéric Charron, and Frédéric Bretzner