The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to




The Role of Community Psychology in the Community, Henry J. Grubb (1988)


The Role of Electrophysiologic Studies in Pediatric Cardiology : An Overview, Ashok V. Mehta (1988)


The Role of Supercomputers in Higher Education, Larry Neal, John Connolly, David Matthews-Morgan, and Doyle D. Knight (1988)


The Short‐term Stability of Student Ratings of Instruction in Medical School, R. F. WEST (1988)

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: A Comprehensive Evaluation, P. E. Stanton, N. M. Vo, T. Haley, J. Shannon, and J. Evans (1988)


Thoughts on Deterrence: Evolution of a Theoretical Perspective, Stephen E. Brown and Finn Aage Esbensen (1988)

Three-Dimensional Surveys to Protect Solar Access, M. M. Clark (1988)


Toward a Theory of Foreign Trade Zones, Jafar Alavi and Henry Thompson (1988)


Toxidrome Recognition to Improve Efficiency of Emergency Urine Drug Screens, Allen Nice, Jerrold B. Leikin, Andrew Maturen, Linda J. Madsen-Konczyk, Michelle Zell, and Daniel O. Hryhorczuk (1988)


Training Competencies for School Health Professionals Working With Handicapped Children, Leutbecher Pearl, M. Welsch, and W. Brown


Transplantation of Fetal Brain Tissue - Some Possibilities for Neurobehavioral Toxicology, Michael L. Woodruff (1988)


Triple Lumen Catheters For Parenteral Nutrition, Nghia M. Vo, Mary Waycaster, and James Godfrey (1988)

Update: Infectious Diseases in the Elderly, T. Musgrave and S. L. Berk (1988)


Venographic Changes Associated with Seeded and Nonseeded Vena Cava Grafting, Nghia M. vo, Loretta H. Arbogast, Bradley Arbogast, Paul E. Stanton, and Mike McKamey (1988)


Venous Valve Anatomy and Morphometry: Studies on the Duckling Using Vascular Corrosion Casting, Fred E. Hossler and Russell F. West (1988)


Weight, Corticosterone and Glucose: Changes With Time of Day After Food Deprivation, Sheri Sommerville, Vernon J. Perez, Jeffrey W. Elias, and Constance J. Smith (1988)


White Clot Syndrome, Paul E. Stanton, James R. Evans, Armand A. Lefemine, Nghia M. Vo, Gilbert A. Rannick, Calvin V. Morgan, Philip J. Hinton, and Martha Read (1988)


A Comparison of the Wisc‐r and the Wais‐r With Special Education Students, Hubert R. Vance, Wesley Brown, Norman Hankins, and Sue Conn Furgerson (1987)


Action of the Cubitus Interruptus‐wallace Mutant in Drosophila Melanogaster: A Study of Leg Morphology on Mosaic and Haplo‐4 Flies, D. B. Benner (1987)


Adductor Canal Compression Syndrome — A Case Report, Paul E. Stanton, Nghia M. Vo, John Finley, and John Shannon (1987)


A Genetic Drift Exercise, D. B. Benner (1987)


A Lesson on Ephemeral Nodes and Equanimity., S. L. Berk (1987)


A Longitudinal Study of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children‐revised Over a Six‐year Period, Booney Vance, Norman Hankins, and Wesley Brown (1987)


An Interview With Sir William Osler on the GPEP Report, Steven L. Berk (1987)


A Straightforward Way to Determine Relative Intensities of Spin-Spin Splitting Lines of Equivalent Nuclei in NMR Spectra, Ronald H. Orcutt (1987)


Asymmetric Catecholimidazolines and Catecholamidines: Affinity and Efficacy Relationships at the Alpha Adrenoreceptor in Rat Aorta, P. J. Rice, A. Hamada, D. D. Miller, and P. N. Patil (1987)


Autoradiographic Localization of Substance P Binding Sites in Guinea-Pig Airways, Donald B. Hoover and John C. Hancock (1987)


Bioequivalence Study of Nabumetone: Tablet Versus Suspension, Ernest A. Daigneault, Kenneth E. Ferslew, and Paul Stanton (1987)


Brain Peptide Reverses Effect of Morphine on Human Lymphocytes, John H. Strimas, David S. Chi, and Abba J. Kastin (1987)


Bronchiolitis Obliterans and Nocardia Asteroides Infection of the Lung, M. Camp, J. B. Mehta, and M. Whitson (1987)

Buspirone for Anxious Women in a Primary Care Environment - a Multicenter Open Evaluation, D. David, A. Freeman, T. M. Harrington, D. B. Downey, W. Weart, D. Albrecht, E. Miller, J. Norton, N. Rumbo, D. Roth, and K. Milo (1987)


Caregiving: The Impact on Emotional Support for Single Women, Cynthia S. Burnley (1987)


Cells of Origin of the Branches of the Facial Nerve: A Retrograde HRP Study in the Rabbit, Ronald H. Baisden, Michael L. Woodruff, Dennis L. Whittington, Duane C. Baker, and Amy E. Benson (1987)


Characterization of Enzymes That Degrade Crab Exoskeleton: I. Two Alkaline Cysteine Proteinase Activities, Jack J. O'brien and Dorothy M. Skinner (1987)


Circadian Periodicity in Circulating Cortisol Is Absent After Orchidectomy in Rhesus Macaques, Constance J. Smith and Reid L. Norman (1987)


Clinical and Epidemiologic Features of Strongyloidiasis: A Prospective Study in Rural Tennessee, Steven L. Berk, Abraham Verghese, Alvarez Salvador, Hall Kenton, and Brian Smith (1987)


Comparison of in Vitro Fertilization Results in Women With One or Two Ovaries, M. G. Dodson, R. L. Young, A. N. Poindexter, W. E. Gibbons, I. K. Rossavik, and W. E. Findley (1987)


Condyloma Acuminata Presenting as Rectal Polyps in a Heterosexual Man: Importance of CT Scan of the Pelvis, P. H. Patel, Sankar Lakshman, James B. Farnum, and Eapen Thomas (1987)


Consumer Costs for Genetic Services, T. L. Myers and L. A. Prouty (1987)


Coronary Disease Prediction Using a New Atherogenic Index, Bradley W. Arbogast and Norman J. Dreher (1987)


Correctional officer professional orientation: A Replication of the Klofas-Toch Measure, John Whitehead, Charles Linquist, and John Klofas (1987)


Courvoisier's “Law”—An Eponym in Evolution, Abraham Verghese, Christa Dison, and Steven L. Berk (1987)


Cranial Nerve Dysfunction Following Carotid Endarterectomy, Paul E. Stanton, James A. Moody, Stephen Murphree, Louis Modica, and Nghia M. Vo (1987)


Determination of Plasma Catecholamines in Dogs After Experimental Gingival Retraction With Epinephrine-Impregnated Cord, D. H. Shaw, R. F. Krejci, G. L. Todd, and R. A. Reinhardt (1987)


Differentiation of Legionella Species by Soluble Protein Patterns in Polyacrylamide Slab Gels., D. A. Ferguson and W. R. Mayberry (1987)


Distribution of Muscarinic Receptors and Acetylcholinesterase in the Rat Heart, John C. Hancock, Donald B. Hoover, and Margaret W. Hougland (1987)


Divorce-Related Stressors: Occurrences, Disruptiveness, and Area of Life Change, Cheryl Buehler and Mary R. Langenbrunner (1987)


Effective Management of Extremity Cancers Using Cisplatin and Etoposide in Isolated Limb Perfusions, James M. Roseman (1987)


Effect of Cisplatin on Hair Cell Morphology and Lateral Wall Na, K-ATPase Activity, Sarah E. Barron and Ernest A. Daigneault (1987)


Effect of Graded Aortic Occlusion on the Reticuloendothelial System, Nghia M. Vo, David S. Chi, and Paul E. Stanton (1987)


Effects of Anisosmotic Medium on Cell Volume, Transmembrane Potential and Intracellular K+ Activity in Mouse Hepatocytes, Larry D. Howard and Robert Wondergem (1987)


Effects of Capsaicin on Release of Substance P-Like Immunoreactivity and Physiological Parameters in Isolated Perfused Guinea-Pig Heart, Donald B. Hoover (1987)


Effects of Ozone and Nitrogen Dioxide on Human Lung Proteinase Inhibitors., D. A. Johnson (1987)


Efficacy of Sucralfate in the Prevention of Recurrence of Duodenal Ulcers, Jose Behar, Walter Roufail, Eapen Thomas, Francis Keller, William Dernbach, and Max A. Tesler (1987)


Electron Microscopic Studies of Moll's Gland Cyst, K. Hashimoto, Z. W. Zagula‐Mally, George Youngberg, and S. Leicht (1987)


Embryonic Hippocampal Grafts Ameliorate the Deficit in DRL Acquisition Produced by Hippocampectomy, Michael L. Woodruff, Ronald H. Baisden, Dennis L. Whittington, and Amy E. Benson (1987)


Enterobacter Pneumonia, Anand Karnad, Salvador Alvarez, and Steven L. Berk (1987)

Evidence That Expression of Asialo-G(M1) May Be Associated With Cell Activation. Correlation of Asialo-GM(M1) Expression With Increased Total Cellular RNA and Protein Content in Normal Thymocyte and Spleen Cell Populations, R. D. Stout, G. A. Schwarting, and J. Suttles (1987)


EXAMINING MERGER SYNERGY WITH THE CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL, Wallace N. Davidson, Sharon Hatten Garrison, and Glenn V. Henderson (1987)


Family Physicians and Generic Drugs: A Study of Recognition, Information Sources, Prescribing Attitudes, and Practices, A. D. Bower and G. L. Burkett (1987)


Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy in the Diagnosis of Hepatic Malignancy, Eapen Thomas and Yentow Salazar (1987)


Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome, P. E. Perlman and R. L. Mills (1987)


Foreign Travel Behaviour in a Growing Vacation Market: Implications for Tourism Marketers, Ugur Yavas (1987)


Functional Characteristics of in Vitro Generated Macrophages: A Transient Refractory State Precedes Reinducibility of a Spatially Restricted, Possibly Contact-Dependent, Cytostatic Mechanism, Robert D. Stout and Jill Suttles (1987)


Hospital Pre‐admission Orientation and Patient Satisfaction, Ramona Miller (1987)


Igd Myeloma With Malignant Pleural Effusion, Mohammad K. Kamal, Elizabeth Williams, and Thomas R. Poskitt (1987)


Influence of Radiation Therapy on oralCandida Albicans Colonization: A Quantitative Assessment, Karen M. Rossie, James Taylor, F. Michael Beck, Sheila E. Hodgson, and George G. Blozis (1987)


Influence of the Gonads on Cortisol Secretion in Female Rhesus Macaques, Constance J. Smith and Reid L. Norman (1987)


In Review, Edward J. Dwyer (1987)

In Review, Edward J. Dwyer (1987)


Intraoperative Autologous Transfusion During Major Aortic Reconstructive Procedures, Paul E. Stanton, John Shannon, David Rosenthal, Michael Clark, Pano A. Lamis, and William Grover (1987)


Intraspecific Interference Among Larvae in a Semivoltine Dragonfly Population, P. H. Crowley, P. M. Dillon, D. M. Johnson, and C. N. Watson (1987)


In-Vitro Activity of LY 146032, a Novel Cyclic Lipopeptide, Alone and in Combination With Gentamicin or Tobramycin Against Enterococci, Chatrchai Watanakunakorn (1987)


In Vitro Incubation of Low-Density Lipoproteins With Inflammatory Cells Causes Enhanced Degradation by Macrophages in Culture, Thomas L. Raymond, Scott A. Reynolds, and Julia A. Swanson (1987)


Kernig's and Brudzinski's Signs Revisited., A. Verghese and G. Gallemore (1987)


Lack of Efficacy of Thickened Feeding as Treatment for Gastroesophageal Reflux, David J. Bailey, Joel M. Andres, Gale D. Danek, and Victor M. Pineiro-Carrero (1987)


Leaflet to Left Ventricular Size Disproportion and Prolapse of a Structurally Normal Mitral Valve in Anorexia Nervosa, David G. Meyers, Helen Starke, Paul H. Pearson, Marlene K. Wilken, and John R. Ferrell (1987)


Lesbianism among women prisoners: Participants and Nonparticipants, Robert G. Leger (1987)


Melville’s Malvern Hill, Ronald K. Giles (1987)


Microencephaly and Hyperactivity in Adult Rats Can Be Induced by Neonatal Exposure to High Blood Alcohol Concentrations, Sandra J. Kelly, Dwight R. Pierce, and James R. West (1987)


Mutagenic Activity Associated with Cooling Tower Waters Treated with a Biocide Containing 5-Chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one, George M. Woodall, Oscar C. Pancorbo, R. Dean Blevins, and Kenneth E. Ferslew (1987)


Mutagenic Activity of Surface Waters Adjacent to a Nuclear Fuel Processing Facility, O. C. Pancorbo, P. J. Lein, and R. D. Blevins (1987)


Nonocclusive Mesenteric Ischemia Associated with Hepatic Portal Venous Gas—A Case Report, Nghia M. Vo, Scott Watson, and Paul E. Stanton (1987)


Ozone Effects on Inhibitors of Human Neutrophil Proteinases, Craig E. Smith, M. Sharon Stack, and David A. Johnson (1987)


Palpebral Fissure Length From 29 Weeks Gestation to 14 Years, I. T. Thomas, Y. A. Gaitantzis, and J. L. Frias (1987)


Peripheral Arterial Missile Embolization: A Case Report and 22-Year Literature Review, John J. Shannon, Nghia M. Vo, Paul E. Stanton, and Michael Dimler (1987)


Postnatal Development of Phenylethanolamine-N-Methyltransferase Activity of Rat Retina, Joseph Cohen (1987)


Procedural Bias in Forensic Science Examinations of Human Hair, Larry S. Miller (1987)


Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Elderly Men, Salvador Alvarez, Charles Shell, and Steven L. Berk (1987)


Radical Formation in X-Irradiated Single Crystals of Guanine Hydrochloride Monohydrate. II. ESR and ENDOR in the Range 10-77 K, D. M. Close, W. H. Nelson, and E. Sagstuen (1987)


Rapid Isolation of Human Kininogens, David A. Johnson, Guy Salvesen, Molly A. Brown, and Alan J. Barrett (1987)

Reinforcing Learning with the Moon Game, Edward J. Dwyer (1987)


Robin Hoods and Good Samaritans: The Role of Patients in Health Care Distribution, John Hardwig (1987)


Seed Ticks, J. S. Culp (1987)


Sexual Relationships of Patients With Kleptomania, James M. Turnbull (1987)


Some Interesting Kinetic Observations on the Aqueous Permanganate Solutions, Zhi X. Lin and Thomas T.S. Huang (1987)


Sprouting Responsiveness in the Dentate Gyrus Is Reduced by Ethanol Administered Following but Not Preceding an Entorhinal Lesion, Helen Harvey Tjossem, Charles R. Goodlett, and James R. West (1987)


Structural Heterogeneity in the Basal Regions of the Teeth of the Red‐backed Salamander, Plethodon Cinereus (Amphibia, Plethodontidae), J. D. Moury, Sherill K. Curtis, and Denise I. Pav (1987)


Survey of Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds in Oil Refining Areas, D. L. Karlesky, G. Ramelow, Y. Ueno, I. M. Warner, and Chu Ngi Ho (1987)

Symposium: Death and Dying, Guy T. Vise, Louis A. Cancellaro, Robert L. Barry, Bry Benjamin, William F. Benson, and Donald J. Palmisano (1987)