Clemmer College of Education and Human Development Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles. Browse the Clemmer College of Education and Human Development Expert Gallery to view their SelectedWorks Profiles.

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Modifying Curriculum: Area & Perimeter, Ryan Andrew Nivens (2012)

Peer Response to Messages of Distress: Do Sex and Content Matter?, S. Nsamenang, Alison L. Barton, Jameson K. Hirsch, and M. C. Lovejoy (2012)

Research on Autism in Africa: The Missing Link, Arnold Nyarambi (2012)

Research on Autism in Africa: The Missing Link, Arnold Nyarambi (2012)

Ways That Educators Can Involve Students in Performing and Fine Arts as a Vehicle for Learning Other Cultures and Diversifying Our Schools. The Case of Afro-Caribbean Drumming, Dancing and Fine Arts With Children and Adults With Disabilities in the Tri-Cities, Arnold Nyarambi (2012)

The Utility of Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and Function-Based Intervention (FBI) in Addressing Behavior Challenges of Children With Autism, Arnold Nyarambi, R. Enwefa, and S. Enwefa (2012)

Using Applied Behavior Analysis to Effectively Address the Learning and Behavior Challenges of Young Children With Autism: An Effective Science-Based Approach, Arnold Nyarambi, Pamela Mims, and James Fox (2012)

Strategies for Enhancing School Nursing Practice to Enhance the Wellness of LGBTQ Students, J. Poiner and Rebekah J. Byrd (2012)

Dealing with Young Children’s Behavior Problems in Early Learning Programs and in Homes: Prevention to Intervention, Jodi Polaha and James J. Fox (2012)

Thinking Like a Scientist: Data Analysis in Middle and High School, Laura Robertson, Mahua Chakraborty, and Pamela J. Cromie (2012)

Allies for All: Competencies for Working with LGBTQ Individuals Throughout the Lifespan, Patricia E. Robertson, Rebekah J. Byrd, and Janna L. Scarborough (2012)

Don’t Freak out but…Assisting LGB Clients Through their Identity Development, Janna L. Scarborough, C. Bass, C. Crutchfield, E. DeChellis, K. Perkins, and L. Vess (2012)

Best Practices for School Counselors in the Classroom, Janna L. Scarborough, A. Biggs, B. Johnson, and J. Scott (2012)

School Counselor Educational Needs and Experiences in Working With LGBTQ Youth: A Nationwide Study, Janna L. Scarborough, Kristopher M. Goodrich, and Melissa Luke (2012)

Got Literacy…?, L. Kathryn Sharp (2012)

Motivation and Management in the Differentiated Classroom, L. Kathryn Sharp (2012)

Moving Toward the Common Core, L. Kathryn Sharp (2012)

Ready, Set, Write: Supporting Young Writers, L. Kathryn Sharp (2012)

The Role of Self-Evaluation in Preservice Candidate’s Dispositions, L. Kathryn Sharp (2012)

Easy and Effective Literacy Centers on a Dime, L. Kathryn Sharp and Ruth Facun-Granadozo (2012)

Revisiting the Work of Sylvia Ashton-Warner: Honoring Children’s Stories in the 21st Century, L. Kathryn Sharp and Rosemary Geiken (2012)

APA: Just the Basics, L. Kathryn Sharp, Rosemary Geiken, and Ruth Facun-Granadozo (2012)

Moving Toward the Common Core: Understanding Academic Language, L. Kathryn Sharp and Susan Lewis (2012)

Diversity, Equity, and the Common Core Blues: Dispositions as a Compass, L. Kathryn Sharp and Cathy Whaley (2012)

Developing Power and Explosiveness, Michael H. Stone (2012)


Periodization and Programming for Strength Power Sports - the Short Reader's Digest Version, Michael H. Stone (2012)

Enhancing Middle School Science Learning though Exploration Curriculum and Service Learning, Chih-Che Tai and Mao-Cheng Lin (2012)


Agency Training 101, Teresa Brooks Taylor (2012)

Enhancing Treatment Fidelity within Underserved Classroom Settings Serving Children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities, John J. Wheeler, Michael R. Mayton, and Jie Zhang (2012)

Design and Methods for an Intervention Utilizing Peer Facilitators to Reduce Adolescent Obesity: Team Up for Healthy Living, Christian L. Williams, Deborah L. Slawson, William T. Dalton, Liang Wang, Mary A. Littleton, Elizabeth Lowe, Diana M. Mozen, Karen E. Schetzina, James M. Stoots, Jodi Southerland, Taylor L. McKeehan, and Tiejian Wu (2012)

Meta-Analysis of Video Modeling Interventions for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Jie Zhang, Erik Dobosz, and Michael R. Mayton (2012)

Using Peer-Mediation to Promote Social Communication Skills for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): An Evidence-Based Intervention, Jie Zhang and John J. Wheeler (2012)

Teaching Children to be Good Stewards of our Earth, Kelli G. Barnett, Noell Brickell, S. Ellwanger, Aimee L. Govett, J. Janaitis, Andrea R. Lowery, and Mary C. Myron (2011)

New Perspectives of Multicultural Education: Measuring Banks’ Five Dimensions from the Student Point of View, Alison L. Barton and K. M. Coalson (2011)

Overview of Retention Project, Karin Bartoszuk (2011)

Meet the Deans: Getting into Graduate School, Karin Bartoszuk, J. Beck, and D. Magee (2011)

Adlerian Counseling with Children and Adolescents, James Bitter (2011)

Combining Experiential and Didactic Methods of Teaching Group Counseling: The Value of the Process, Useful Structures, and Ethics, James Bitter (2011)

Self-Disclosure and Storytelling in Adlerian Family Therapy, James Bitter (2011)

“Using Live Demonstrations in the Teaching of Counseling Theories and Counseling Process, James Bitter (2011)

Immersion into Preschool Preparation a High School Physics Teacher Looks at the Creative Development of Young Children Through an Emergent Inquiry Lens, Jane Tingle Broderick and D. M. Garrett (2011)

Advocacy Outreach through East Tennessee State University, Cynthia R. Chambers (2011)

Implementing a Process-Based Service Learning Method with Future Educators in the Community, Cynthia R. Chambers, K. Bevins, and J. Littleton (2011)

Tennessee Books Clubs for Individuals with Disabilities., Cynthia R. Chambers and S. Bottorf (2011)

Power of Performance Arts: An Inclusive Community-Based Performance Arts Program, Cynthia R. Chambers, K. Buttolph, A. L. Shortt, C. Culbertson, and K. Bevins (2011)

“Spreading the Word” to Your College Campus and Community, C. Culbertson, A. McCloud-Hoss, C. Storey, and Cynthia R. Chambers (2011)

Challenges and Opportunities of Minority Faculty in PWI, Regina L. Enwefa, Stephen C. Enwefa, and Arnold Nyarambi (2011)

See, Hear, Feel and Embrace the Environment: Infant and Toddler Spaces That Inspire, Pamela Evanshen (2011)

A Room to Learn: Rethinking Classroom Environments, Pamela Evanshen and Janet Faulk (2011)

A Room to Learn: Rethinking Classroom Environments, Pamela Evanshen and Janet Faulk (2011)

Looking Through a Lens: Arranging the Classroom for Social Learning Experiences, Pamela Evanshen and Janet Faulk (2011)

Revisiting Our Roots: Realigning Our Practices, Ruth Facun-Granadozo (2011)

Relationships between Family Literacy Practices and Reading Achievement, Stacey J. Fisher (2011)

The Intertwining Role of Culture and Children’s Book Choice, Stacey J. Fisher (2011)

Ways Parents Can Get Involved to Improve their Children’s Literacy, Stacey J. Fisher (2011)

Creating Units Aligned to Standards, Virginia P. Foley (2011)

Gender and Graduation Demographics for EdD Students, Virginia P. Foley (2011)

Lesson Design, Virginia P. Foley (2011)

Lesson Design, Virginia P. Foley (2011)

Recruitment and Retention of Teachers, Virginia P. Foley (2011)

Fit Kids Program Effectiveness in Washington County, Carter County, and Unicoi County School Systems, Amanda E. Greene (2011)

Working Together to Promote Literacy One Book and One Child at a Time: Promising Practices from Research, Kimberly D. Hale (2011)

Hormone and Adipokine Alterations across 11 Weeks of Training in Division 1 Collegiate Throwers: An Exploratory Study, William G. Hornsby, Chris R. Carter, G. Gregory Haff, Michael W. Ramsey, Andrew R. Dotterweich, N. Travis Tripplet, Charles A. Stuart, Margaret E. Stone, and Michael H. Stone (2011)

A Community of Leaders: One Middle School’s Experience, A. Horton, Deborah K. Harley-McClaskey, and N. Morris (2011)

Small Changes with Big Results: Practical and Low-cost Ways to Enrich Your Early Childhood Environment so It Is Engaging and Inspiring for Young Learners, Rebecca Isbell and Pamela Evanshen (2011)

Small Changes with Big Results: Practical and Low-cost Ways to Enrich Your Early Childhood Environment so It Is Engaging and Inspiring for Young Learners, Rebecca Isbell, Pamela Evanshen, H Lane, and A Baker (2011)

Status of K-5 Science in Tennessee, L. Jordan, T. Cheatham, Chih-Che Tai, M. Avdeniz, and S. Gore (2011)

Creating a Community of Learners: Connecting Learners in the Classroom, Karin Keith (2011)

Best Practices in Childcare: United States and Denmark, G. Kragh-Muller, Rebecca Isbell, Charlotte Ringsmose, and Pamela Evanshen (2011)

Women’s Studies Introductory Course and University Cultural Diversity Goals: Attitude Change Among University Students, Jamie Branam Kridler, L. Good, S. Sun, and K. C. Gott (2011)

Mentoring via Theatre Arts: Building a Supportive Network Middle School Through College, Jamie Branam Kridler and G. Maloy (2011)

Gender Differences Between Parents’ Perceived Level of Conflict at Time of Divorce, Mary R. Langenbrunner and Mary Ellen Cox (2011)

The Challenge of On-Line Human Services Courses: Keeping it Real and Relevant, Mary R. Langenbrunner and Jamie Branam Kridler (2011)

Learning Science Through Exploration- A Practice in Taiwan, Mao-Cheng Lin and Chih-Che Tai (2011)

Relationships between Measures of Jump Performance and Strength Following Three Different Methods of Resistance Training, C. J. MacDonald, Hugh S. Lamont, J. C. Garner, K. Jackson, A. A. Kavanaugh, C. R. Carter, E. M. Owens, and Michael H. Stone (2011)

Addressing the Needs of Students with Learning Problems, Lori J. Marks (2011)

Promoting the Success of Students with Learning Problems in the University Classroom, Lori J. Marks (2011)

Using Evidence-Based Procedures to Effectively Address Learning and Behavioral Challenges of Young Children With Autism, Pamela Mims, Arnold Nyarambi, and James Fox (2011)

Creating and Implementing Classroom Libraries, Renee Rice Moran (2011)

Mentoring Doctoral Students via Internship: Widening the Circle of Pre-Service Education, Renee Rice Moran, Monica T. Billen, Colleen P. Gilrane, and Amy D. Broemme (2011)

Sports as an Avenue Towards the Improvements in Performance of Children With Learning Disabilities: A Longitudinal Study, Arnold Nyarambi (2011)

Research on Autism in Africa: Breaking the Silence, Arnold Nyarambi, Regina L. Enwefa, and Stephen C. Enwefa (2011)

Research on Autism in Africa: Breaking the Silence, Arnold Nyarambi, R. Enwefa, and S. Enwefa (2011)

A Comparison of Male and Female Pairs Figure Skaters in Repeated Jumps Power, William A. Sands, Wendy L. Kimmel, Ellen B. Garcia, Jeni R. McNeal, and Michael H. Stone (2011)

Early Literacy Workstations, L. Kathryn Sharp (2011)

The Big Five in Reading/Writing Readiness, L. Kathryn Sharp (2011)

Brown Bag: Evaluating Pre-service Candidates’ Dispositions, L. Kathryn Sharp and Pamela Evanshen (2011)

Pre-service Teachers’ Dispositions: What If They Don’t Have the ‘right Stuff’?, L. Kathryn Sharp and D. C. Moberly (2011)

Literacy Workstations: Making Them Work in Your Classroom! (It IS Possible!), L. Kathryn Sharp and M White (2011)

Mechanisms of Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy, Michael H. Stone (2011)

What Is Sport Science?, Michael H. Stone (2011)

Teaching Weightlifting Movements, Michael H. Stone and Kimitake Sato (2011)

Application of Weightlifting Pulling Movements, Michael H. Stone and Margaret E. Stone (2011)


Metabolic Syndrome Insulin Resistance is Associated with Discordant Distrbution of GLUT4 and the Insulin Receptor in Fast‐Twitch and Slow‐Twitch Muscle Fiber Types, Charles A. Stuart, Melanie P. McCurry, Anna Marino, Mark A. South, Mary E.A. Howell, Michael W. Ramsey, and Michael H. Stone (2011)

Nature of Science, Connections, Visions and Opportunities, Chih-Che Tai (2011)

Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood, Karin Bartoszuk (2010)

Emerging Adulthood during the College Years, Karin Bartoszuk (2010)

“Emotion, Experience, Early Recollections: Exploring Restorative Reorientations in Adlerian Therapy, James Bitter (2010)

“From Conflict to Cooperation in Adult-Child Relationships: Recognizing and Correcting Dysfunction Behind Useless and Dysfunctional Interactions, James Bitter (2010)

Open Forum Family Counseling,”, James Bitter (2010)