Clemmer College of Education and Human Development Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles. Browse the Clemmer College of Education and Human Development Expert Gallery to view their SelectedWorks Profiles.

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“Building Life Together: Adlerian Principles for Couples and Couples Counseling, James Bitter and Jill Duba (2010)

Emergent Inquiry Curriculum: Building Threads of Inquiry, Jane Tingle Broderick and Seong Bock Hong (2010)

Weaving Ideas and Materials Through Threads of Emergent Inquiry, Jane Tingle Broderick and Seong Bock Hong (2010)

Relationship of Strength and Power Characteristics and Performance in Collegiate Weightlifters, C. Carter, E. Owens, A. Serrano, W. Guy Hornsby, R. J. Lamont, and Michael H. Stone (2010)

What We Know about Siblings across the Lifespan, Cynthia R. Chambers (2010)

Students Impacting the Community through Service-Based Programs, Cynthia R. Chambers, E. Wedel, A. McCloud, and S. Collier (2010)

How to Use Internal Family Systems with In-Home Therapy, J. Graham Disque (2010)

Bookmaking Club, Edward J. Dwyer (2010)

Primary Classrooms (K-3rd Grade): Assessing, Creating and Utilizing the Environment as a Teaching Tool, Pamela Evanshen and Janet Faulk (2010)

Primary Classrooms (K-3rd Grade): Assessing, Creating and Utilizing the Environment as a Teaching Tool, Pamela Evanshen and Janet Faulk (2010)

The Use of the Primary Classroom Environment as a Teaching Tool to Support Student’s Engagement in Inquiry Processes., Pamela Evanshen and Janet Faulk (2010)

Brainy Acts: Active Classroom Teaching Strategies, Pamela Evanshen and Susan Lewis (2010)

Departing from Tradition: Innovation and Accountability in Two Primary Schools in Denmark and the USA, Pamela Evanshen and Charlotte Ringmose (2010)

Fit Kids Program Increasing Physical Activity in 15 Local Elementary Schools, Amanda E. Greene (2010)

Comparison of Block Versus Dup Training among Division-1 (D-1) Collegiate Track and Field Athletes: An Exploratory Study, G. Gregory Haff, Keith B. Painter, Michael W. Ramsey, N. Travis Triplett, Jeff McBride, C. Stuart, Michael H. Stone, and Margaret E. Stone (2010)

Comparison of Different Periodized Training Programs: Traditional Versus Daily Undulating, G. Gregory Haff, Keith B. Painter, Michael W. Ramsey, N. Travis Triplett, J. McBride, Charles A. Stuart, and Michael H. Stone (2010)

Reliability of Accelerometer Based Performance Measurements during Countermovement Vertical Jumps and the Influence of Sampling Frequency, G. Gregory Haff, R. Ruben, H. Saffel, J. McCory, P. Cormie, William A. Sands, and Michael H. Stone (2010)


Educating for Global Citizenship, Deborah K. Harley-McClaskey and S. Cockerham (2010)

Building Capacity: Engaging Staff to Deliver Children’s Services Through a New Framework, Deborah K. Harley-McClaskey and A. Richesin (2010)

What Research Tells Us: The Challenges and Benefits for Siblings across the Life Span, A. L. Kaiser and Cynthia R. Chambers (2010)

Mediation: What? Who? When? How?, Mary R. Langenbrunner (2010)

Reality Check: 101, Mary R. Langenbrunner, Jamie Branam Kridler, Cecil Blankenship, C. Cockerham, and Teresa Brooks Taylor (2010)

Increasing Independence, Communication, and Social Skills through Activity Schedules and Visual Supports, Lori J. Marks (2010)

Instructional Techniques for Students with Learning Problems, Lori J. Marks and C. Hales (2010)

Preparing Culturally Responsive Teachers in Rural Appalachia: Encapsulated Cultures of Conservative Evangelicalism and Perceptions of Pre-Service Teachers Towards Creating Social Justice Classrooms, Lori T. Meier (2010)

The Effect of School Culture on Science Education at an Ideologically Innovative Elementary Magnet School, Lori T. Meier (2010)

Using Visual Ethnographies to Engage Elementary Pre-Service Teachers in Complicated Conversations About Transformative Teaching and Learning, Lori T. Meier (2010)

Creating Better Readers through Poetry Instruction, Renee Rice Moran (2010)

Colonial Legacies of Eurocentric Schooling and the Construction of Disability in Southern Africa, Arnold Nyarambi and L. Zagumny (2010)

Triangulation of Document Analysis, Interviews, and Key Consultations in Investigating Post-Genocide Rwandan Special Education: A Methodological Analysis, Arnold Nyarambi and L. Zagumny (2010)

Supporting Literacy for All Learners, L. Kathryn Sharp and Jason Johnson (2010)

Lessons Learned: Assessing Pre-service Teachers’ Dispositions, L. Kathryn Sharp and D. C. Moberly (2010)

Dragons Naturally Speaking with Young Children, L. Kathryn Sharp and Mary C. Myron (2010)

Development of Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy, Michael H. Stone (2010)

Mechanisms of Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy, Michael H. Stone (2010)

Periodization, Michael H. Stone (2010)

Periodization Revisited, Michael H. Stone (2010)

Training for Throwers: ETSU Experience, Michael H. Stone (2010)

What Is Sport Science, Michael H. Stone (2010)

American Football: Lessons Learned from Sport Science and Sports Medicine: Strength and Conditioning for American Football: A Brief Overview, Michael H. Stone, Brian D. Johnston, and R. J. Elbin (2010)


Lack Of Improvement In Insulin Responsiveness In The Metabolic Syndrome After Resistance Training Only May Be Due To Fewer Muscle Slow‐Twitch Fibers And Decreased Activation Of AMPK, Charles A. Stuart, Andrew S. Layne, Mark A. South, S. Nasrallah, Mary E.A. Howell, Melanie P. McCurry, Michael W. Ramsey, and Michael H. Stone (2010)

Classrooms in the Clouds, Chih-Che Tai (2010)

How Can a Lighter Extinguish a Burning Candle? Exploring Combustion., Chih-Che Tai (2010)

Two Collaborative Education Projects: Web-based platforms and Green Course, Chih-Che Tai (2010)

Learning by Inquiry- Extinguish a Burning Candle by a Lighter, Chih-Che Tai and Jack Rhoton (2010)

Pathways and Perspectives for Inclusion, Teresa Brooks Taylor, Lance Alexis, Cynthia Chambers, and Jacqueline E. Jacobs (2010)

Pathways and Perspectives for Inclusion, Teresa Brooks Taylor, L. Alexis, Cynthia R. Chambers, and J. E. Jacobs (2010)

Professionalism: A “Fair” Approach to Moving from Concepts to Community, Teresa Brooks Taylor, K. Ramsey McGowen, and Theresa Lura (2010)

Emerging Adulthood—A New Developmental Stage of Prolonged Adolescence?, Karin Bartoszuk (2009)

Exploration of the Association Between the EOM-EIS-2 and the IDEA in Predicting Emotional Outcomes, Karin Bartoszuk and Alison L. Barton (2009)

A Counselor’s Journey: From Idaho to the World, James Bitter (2009)

Adlerian Brief Therapy: Empowering The Individual, The Couple, And The Family, James Bitter (2009)

“Integrating Gender Perspectives in Adlerian Counseling and Therapy, James Bitter (2009)

Integrative Family Therapy and Counseling: Advanced Practices Across Multiple Theoretical Models (Pre-Convention Learning Institute), James Bitter (2009)

Integrative Family Therapy and Counseling: Advanced Practices Across Multiple Theoretical Models (Week-long Training Program), James Bitter (2009)

Seeing the Same Thing Differently: Changing Client Perceptions of Their History,”, James Bitter (2009)

The Counselor Educator as Person and Professional, James Bitter (2009)

Integrating Gender Perspectives in Adlerian Counseling and Therapy, James Bitter and Marion Balla (2009)

Challenges Facing Group Leaders: Understanding and Working with Difficult Group Members, James Bitter and Gerald Corey (2009)

Is There a Book in You? Panel on Professional Writing, James Bitter and Gerald Corey (2009)

Adlerian Brief Therapy: Empowering Individuals, Couples, & Families, James Bitter, Bill Nicoll, and Clair Hawes (2009)

Panel Discussion on Narcissism: Adlerian Perspectives in Practice, James Bitter and Monica Nicoll (2009)

Panel Discussion of Narcissism: Adlerian Perspectives in Practice, James Bitter, Monica Nicoll, and Carolyn Crowder (2009)

Counseling for Personal, Spiritual, & Relational Growth, James Bitter, William Nicoll, Monica Nicoll, and Erik Mansager (2009)

Teaching Children with Moderate/Severe or Multiple Disabilities, Cynthia R. Chambers (2009)

True Directions: A Student Centered Planning Tool, Cynthia R. Chambers (2009)

True Directions: An IEP Planning Process to Build Partnerships with Families and Promote Meaningful Life Outcomes, Cynthia R. Chambers and A. L. Childre (2009)

True Directions: Preparing for Transitions through Student Centered IEP/ITP Planning, A. L. Childre and Cynthia R. Chambers (2009)

Equine Assisted Therapy, J. Graham Disque (2009)

Recent Research on the Brain and Counseling, J. Graham Disque (2009)

Sexuality and Personal Development, J. Graham Disque (2009)

Supervision: Focusing on the Sound of One Hand Clapping, J. Graham Disque (2009)

The Work of Byron Katie, J. Graham Disque (2009)

Trauma Work, J. Graham Disque (2009)

Positive Discipline in the Classroom, Pamela Evanshen (2009)

The Foundation for Building Community and Establishing Procedures: Brain-based Learning Environments, Pamela Evanshen (2009)

3rd Grade Classroom Makeover: the Before and After Classroom Design, Pamela Evanshen and M. Brickell (2009)

Using Technology for Reflective Learning in the College Classroom: Re-imaging the Field Experience in the 21st Century Classroom Setting, Pamela Evanshen and Amy Malkus (2009)


Departing from Tradition: Innovation and Accountability in Two Primary Schools in Denmark and the USA, Pamela Evanshen and Charlotte Ringsmose (2009)

Professional Development, Virginia P. Foley (2009)

The Relationship between the Eccentric Utilization Ratio, Reactive Strength and Pre-Stretch Augmentation and Selected Dynamic and Isometric Muscle Actions, G. Gregory Haff, R. Ruben, M. Molanari, Keith B. Painter, Michael W. Ramsey, Margaret E. Stone, and Michael H. Stone (2009)

School Psychologists Embracing RTI – How We Do It, Kimberly D. Hale, D. Deberry, and T. White (2009)

Tier 2 Assessment & Interventions for Reading and Behavior Challenges: The ETSU Positive Behavior Support Initiative, Kimberly D. Hale and James J. Fox (2009)

Institutionalization of Service-Learning, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (2009)

The Faculty Role in Creating the Civically Engaged Campus, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (2009)

Reflective Cycle of Inquiry in Teaching: Developing Reflective Inquiry Practice Using the Cycle of Inquiry System, Seong Bock Hong and Jane Tingle Broderick (2009)

Acute Effects of Whole Body Vibration on Static Jump Performance, Ashley A. Kavanaugh, H. Birdsell, L. Kowalyk, T. Livingston, H. Nowell, T. Patton, Michael W. Ramsey, William A. Sands, and Michael H. Stone (2009)

Relationship of Training Volume to Bone Mineral Density in NCAA Division in Cross-Country Runners, Ashley A. Kavanaugh, Michael W. Ramsey, Mark South, Keith B. Painter, Ronald C. Hamdy, G. Gregory Haff, Margaret E. Stone, M. M. Byrne, and Michael H. Stone (2009)

The State of the Profession: Are We on the Same Page, Mary R. Langenbrunner, S. Cockerham, Jamie Branam Kridler, and C. Blankenship (2009)

Using Technology for Reflective Learning in the College Classroom: Re-imagining the Field Experience in 21st Century Classroom Settings, Amy J. Malkus and Pamela Evanshen (2009)

Upper Extremity Power Characteristics in Men’s National Team Gymnasts, Jeni R. McNeal, William A. Sands, and Michael H. Stone (2009)

Negotiating a Pedagogy of Teacher Education: An Ever-Renewed Adventure of Hope, Lori T. Meier (2009)

Assessing Student Leadership Learning, Thomas W. Moore, Deborah K. Harley-McClaskey, and Karen A. Tarnoff (2009)

Sex Differences in Power Output as Determined by Static and Countermovement Jumping, K. Patel, T. McInnis, K. C. Pierce, and Michael Stone (2009)

Vibration, Split Stretching, and Static Vertical Jump Performance in Young Male Gymnasts, William A. Sands, Jeni R. McNeal, and Michael H. Stone (2009)

Periodization for Strength Power Sports, Michael H. Stone (2009)

Periodization Revisited, Michael H. Stone (2009)

Periodization Revisited, Michael H. Stone (2009)

Resistance Training: Setting the Load, Michael H. Stone (2009)

Weightlifting Movements: Pulling Technique, Michael H. Stone (2009)