Satisfaction With Optometric Services in Germany: A Dyadic Perspective

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This study first investigates the extent of congruence between service providers' perceptions of customer satisfaction with various aspects of optometric services and customer-reported satisfaction with these services, and then examines whether a high degree of congruence results in better business performance. A survey of optometricians and customers of optometric services in Germany serves as the study setting. Results are presented and their implications are discussed. Avenues for futures research are offered. This study first investigates the extent of congruence between service providers' perceptions of customer satisfaction with various aspects of optometric services and customer-reported satisfaction with these services, and then examines whether a high degree of congruence results in better business performance. A survey of optometricians and customers of optometric services in Germany serves as the study setting. Results are presented and their implications are discussed. Avenues for tuture research are offered.
