Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Overcoming the Barrier to the Clinical Application of Naloxone: Application of Drug Delivery Technologies, Akeemat O. Tijani
Investigating Phytosulfokine Trafficking: Insights into the Role of Phytohormones in Plant Signaling, Martin Tindi
Enhancing Ethical Competency: A Review of Ethical Instruction for Law Enforcement, Alexis Turner
Understanding Community College Student Perceptions of Academic Advising, Benjamin Umbarger, Jr.
From Silence to Interpretation: West Lawn Cemetery in Johnson, Tennessee and the Case for Cemeteries as Public History Sites, Julia Underkoffler
Student Achievement in the State of Tennessee Through Virtual Learning in Asynchronous, Bisynchronous, and Hybrid Approaches, Lindsey Weeden
Descriptions of Interglacial Mastodons from Snowmass, Colorado, Connor White
Elevation and Population Size Effects on the Survival of Drosera rotundifolia, Jessica Williams
Gentleman Death in Silk and Lace: Death and the Maiden in Vampire Literature and Film, Emily Wilson
Perceived Stigma's Influence on the Association Between Suicide Risk Severity and Help-Seeking for Suicidal Crises, Donna Zastrow
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Non-Destructive Imaging of Phytosulfokine Trafficking in Plants Using Fiber-Optic Fluorescence Microscopy, Bernard Abakah
COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake in the Hispanic and Latinx Communities of Northeast Tennessee, Gabriela Abrego
A Low Cost, Compact Electrochemical Analyzer based on an Open-Source Microcontroller, Michael Kofi Darko Addo
Navigating Cultural Crossroads: Exploring Fictional and Interview Narratives of Nigerian Immigrant Women Living in the Southern United States, Tolulope Adeusi
Synthesis of Bacterial Glycerophospholipids for Biomembrane Model Studies: A Means to Advanced Biofuels, Felix Adulley
Extraction, Purification, and Characterization of Potential Bioactive Compounds Produced by Janthinobacterium lividum TAJX1901, Andy Elorm Agbakpo
Gratitude and Sleep Quality in Primary Care: Mediating Effects of Health Self-Efficacy, Health Behaviors, and Psychopathology, Heather R. Altier
Approaching Trans Healthcare Competency: The Implementation of Trans Health Education for Medical Providers in Appalachia, Rebecca Altschuler
Message Framing for COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake: A Content Analysis of CDC Facebook Communication, Victoria Amoako
Intestinal Microbiome, Fecal Fermentation Profile, and Health Indices in HIV Infected Men versus Non-Infected Controls, Mary Andreae and Mary C. Andreae Mrs
Isolation and Structural Determination of Bioactive Metabolites from the Soil Bacterium, Arthrobacter sp. TAJX1902, Amonah Arije
Enhanced Content-Based Fake News Detection Methods with Context-Labeled News Sources, Duncan Arnfield
A Qualitative Content Analysis of Nigerian Popular Music Genres: A Culture and Heritage Approach to Nation Branding, Cecilia Ashibel
Proteomics and Machine Learning for Pulmonary Embolism Risk with Protein Markers, Yaa Amankwah Awuah
Microsporidian Spores and the Integrin Binding Loop of the MADAM Protein Are Important for Integrin Signaling and Attachment to Host Cells, Cindy L. Barrett
Publication of Undergraduate Experiments, Development of Additional X-ray Crystallography Experiments, and Proof-of-Concept Cyclopropanation Reactions, Alain Beauparlant
Elucidation of the Role of Avocado WRI1 and WRI2 and Their Ability to Affect Oil Content and Composition When Co-expressed With PDAT1 and DGAT1, Jyoti Ranjan Behera
Assessing Virtual Versus In-Person Experiential Learning and Medical High-Fidelity Simulation in Medical Student Pediatric Clerkship Training, Andrew Mitchell Berry
Professional Collaboration in Small Rural Schools: Teacher Perceptions of the Role of School Administrators, Brian A. Bettis
Flavonol Glucosylation: A Structural Investigation of the Flavonol Specific 3-O Glucosyltransferase Cp3GT, Aaron S. Birchfield
Convolution and Autoencoders Applied to Nonlinear Differential Equations, Noah Borquaye
A Programmatic Geographic Information Systems Analysis of Plant Hardiness Zones, Andrew Bowen
Lightweight Blockchains and Their Network Impact on Vehicular Ad-hoc Network-based Blockchain Applications, Edgar Bowlin
School-wide Academic Outcomes and Instructional Modality Used During the 2018-2022 School Years, Matthew Bowser
Immersive Learning Environments for Computer Science Education, Dillon Buchanan
The Experiences of Students During COVID-19 School Disruptions, Brandi Bullock
Educators’ Perceptions of Trauma-Informed Instructional Practices in One Northeast Tennessee School District, Alecia Burleson
New Reports of Smilodon and Panthera from North American Cave Sites with Reviews of Taxonomy, Biogeography, and History, Matthew Bushell
Spin Trapping Behavior of Some Selected Melatonin Derivatives for Hydroxyl Radicals: A Computational Study, Aaron Caesar
Dyadic and Ecological Associations with Intimate Partner Violence (IPV): Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling to Differentiate IPV from Community Crime, Rachel Carpenter
Community College Students' Perceptions of Sense of Community and Instructor Presence in the Online Classroom, Marla Cartwright
Sexual Trauma, Health, and the Moderating Effect of Psychological Flexibility and Inflexibility, Gabrielle A. Caselman
Perceptions of Primary Caregivers About Managing Their Child’s Transition to Kindergarten: A Mixed-Methods Study, Kristy Lynn Castanon
Acute Responses to Combined Accentuated Eccentric Loading and Rest Redistribution, Sungwon Chae
Key Determinants of Using Telehealth Technologies Among Underserved Populations from the Perspective of Patients and Providers, Johanna Cimilluca
Behavioral Indicators of Reflective Functioning in Mother-Child Dyadic Interactions, Rachel Clingensmith