Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Examining Teachers' Referral and Placement Decisions of Hispanic Children for Gifted and Talented Programs, Guillermo I. Mendoza
Student Success Programming, College Academic Achievement Scores, and Retention Rates, Leslie D. Merritt
Papa Was a Missing Stone: An Exploration into the Lived Experiences of Father-Absent African American Women, Jamila Jordan Moody
Crossing the Pond: The Influence of Southern Appalachian Old-Time on Contemporary Irish Music, Amanda Morgan
Speech-Language Pathologists’ Perceptions of the Severity of Speech Sound Disorder, Alexis Moser
Cyclic-di-GMP Regulates Salmonella Typhimurium Infection of Epithelial Cells and Macrophages, Abdulafiz Musa
MET Alterations in Glioblastoma: Characterization of Patient-Derived Xenografts and Therapeutic Strategies, Anna Musket
The Initial Validation of a Self-Care Belief and Behavior Questionnaire in the IECMH Workforce, Julia Najm
Student Relational Maintenance with Instructors: Scale Development and Validation, Emily N. Napier
Implementation of Hierarchical and K-Means Clustering Techniques on the Trend and Seasonality Components of Temperature Profile Data, Emmanuel Ogedegbe
Roots of Quaternionic Polynomials and Automorphisms of Roots, Olalekan Ogunmefun
College Commute Distance and Retention for First-time, Community College Freshmen, Michael O'Hagan
Powerful and Powerless: Reconfiguring the Agency and Supremacy of Women in Selected Festivals in the Yoruba Town of Isaga Orile, 1900-1958, Olusegun Olatunji
Assessing a Pandemic: Spatiotemporal Analysis of COVID-19 in Tennessee School-Age Children, Omobolaji Olawuyi
Childhood Trauma in Early Care and Education: Understanding School Administrators’ Perceptions, Olawale Olubowale
Understanding the Role of SABP2-interacting Protein (SIP) 428: an NAD+-Dependent Deacetylase Enzyme in Abiotic Stress Signaling of Nicotiana tabacum, Mariam Onabanjo
Obstetric Violence and Postpartum Adjustment: Exploration of Risk and Resilience Factors, Hope O'Neill
Cultural Lag Does Not Exist: An Exposition and Critical Evaluation of W.F. Ogburn’s Hypothesis, Heather L. Osborne
Weightlifting Team Perception of the East Tennessee State University Athlete Monitoring Program, Alec R. Perkins
Extracting Topography from Historic Topographic Maps Using GIS-Based Deep Learning, Briar Pierce
Once Upon Online: Conversations With Professional Storytellers About Adapting From In-Person to Virtual Storytelling Performance, Leticia Pizzino
Administrators’ Perceptions of Alternatives to Suspension in Virginia Urban Public Schools, Hayley Poland
Mapping The Binding Site Within Integrin D2 for Carboxyethylpyrrole (CEP)-Modified Proteins, Afia Prema
Investigation of the Protein Components in a Periplasmic Mechanism Regulating Bacterial Morphology, Alexandra Pulliam
Impacts of Urbanization on Pollination Success for Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca), David Rockow
Assessing the Applicability of a Three-Minute All-Out Swimming Test in Collegiate Swimmers, Luis Rodriguez-Castellano
E-Cigarettes: What is the Relationship Between E-Cigarette Usage and Periodontal Disease?, Deborah Rose
Tell the Bees that Transcendentalism is Lost: The Search for the Lost Transcendental Space in the Bee Poetry of Emily Dickinson and Sylvia Plath, Adyson M. Ross
Brand-Funded Documentary Films and Climate Change: An Aristotelian Rhetorical Analysis, Matthew Rossetti
School Leader Perceptions about the Implementation and Utility of Restorative Practices, Danielle Rutig
Witness, Revival, Testimony, Laura Ann Schroeder
Emerging Tick-Borne Diseases in Northeast Tennessee, Jacob Schultz
Teacher Self-Efficacy in Novice Job-Embedded Practitioners, Shay Shannon
Understanding the Persuasive Attributes of Twitch Advertisements: A Study on the Effects of Current Advertisements and Sponsorships, Colleen Sharkey
Learning Mindset Dimensions and Completion Status of Tennessee Community College Students, Donna Sue M. Shellman
Experiences of Appalachian People with Conflicting Christian and LGBTQ+ Identities, Zacharias Smith
Vibroacoustic Response of the Tympanic Membrane to Hyoid-borne Sound Generated During Echolocation in Bats, Chelsie Snipes
Isotopic Ecology of Bison and Bootherium at Big Bone Lick, Kentucky, Frances Stephenson
Youth-Friendly, Person-Centered Contraceptive Care for Adolescents: Exploring the Capacity of Safety-Net Clinics in Alabama and South Carolina, Kristen Surles
Comparison of the 2022 Monkeypox (Mpox) Outbreak Using Mathematical Modeling and Time Series Clustering, Mark-Daniels Tamakloe
Exploring the Food Parenting Practices Among Black Immigrant Mothers in Metro Atlanta, GA, Phoebe Tchoua
Investigating the Role of Maternal Adiposity on Human Breast Milk and Preterm Infant Stool Short Chain Fatty Acid and Microbiome Profiles, Kristy L. Thomas
A Comparison of the Expressive Language Characteristics in Schizophrenia and Wernicke’s Aphasia, Taylor Thomas