"Community College Students' Perceptions of Sense of Community and Inst" by Marla Cartwright

Degree Name

EdD (Doctor of Education)


Educational Leadership

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Don Good

Committee Members

James Lampley, Richard Rhoda


The purpose of this non-experimental, comparative, quantitative study was to determine if there were significant differences between the perceptions of male and female community college students about the importance of sense of community (SoC) in online classes and sense of instructor presence (IP) at eight southern, public, community colleges using survey data. It was the intent of the study to determine if there were significant relationships of students’ perceptions of the presence of sense of community in online classes among factors of age, race, grade point average, cumulative credit hours, credential type, major area of study, and number of previous online courses completed. In addition, possible significant relationships of students’ perceptions of instructor presence in online classes among factors of age, race, grade point average, cumulative credit hours, credential type, major area of study, and number of previous online courses completed were analyzed.

The findings provided evidence that for these community college students, demographic characteristics generally did not impact SoC nor student perception of IP. However, students’ open-ended feedback revealed multiple layers of frustration with lack of IP.

Document Type

Dissertation - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.
