Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Monitoring External Workloads and Countermovement Jump Performance Throughout a Preseason in Division 1 Collegiate Women’s Basketball Players, Michelle Van Dyke
School Nurses and the Sexual Health and Education of Public-School Students in Tennessee, Amy Wake
The Reinforcement Enhancing Effects of Delta-9-Tetrahyrdrocannabinol (THC) in Male and Female Rats, Kynah Walston
Strategic Blended Learning: 9-12 Teacher Perceptions of Digital Engagement Post COVID-19, Brandon D. Weaver
Führer and Father in Flux: Fascism and Desire in the Works of George Saunders, Don DeLillo, and David Foster Wallace, K. Tyler Wick
Exploring the Experiences of Underrepresented Students Pursuing Health-Related Graduate or Professional Programs, Alison Williams
Age and Paleontology of the Turin Pit locality, Monona County, Iowa, Samantha Wright
Sound and Music Opportunities in Toddler Learning Environments, Sonia Akiko Yoshizawa
The p-Adic Numbers and Conic Sections, Abdelhadi Zaoui
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
The Front Lines of Student Success: A Phenomenography Exploring the Background and Knowledge of Primary Role Academic Advisors in Higher Education, Alicia N. Abney
Examining the State of Substance Use Treatment among Youth and Adults in the United States, Esther Adejoke Adeniran
Opinion Mining of Bird Preference in Wildlife Parks, Isiwat Adenopo
Hypocretin-Receptor mRNA Expression in the Central Amygdala of Alcohol-Dependent and Non-Dependent Rats, Gabriel Aldridge
Domestic Violence Against Men: Their Report Decision Making Process, Ngozi Aleke
Borderline Personality Disorder and Violent Crime: The Moderating Role of Sex and Race, Genevieve Allison
Hybrid Machine and Deep Learning-based Cyberattack Detection and Classification in Smart Grid Networks, Adedayo Aribisala
Occupational Health Assessment of Tomato Farmworkers in East Tennessee, Mercy E. Aula
Overview of Transition Care Clinics and Patient No-Shows, Manul Awasthi
A Machine Learning Approach for Reconnaissance Detection to Enhance Network Security, Rachel Bakaletz
A Lesson in Mourning: The Evolution of the English Anti-Elegy, K. Matthew Bennett
Susannah and Cold Mountain: Examining the Portrayal of Appalachian Culture in Opera, Savannah Bennett
Dibutyl Amine Detection, Quantification, and Removal with Iron(II)tetrasulfophthalocyanine (FeTSPc), Kyle Bittner
The Paleoecology of High-Elevation Bison in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and Implications for Modern Bison Conservation, Darian Bouvier
Early Detection of Atypical Motor and Neurobehavior of Infants at Risk Secondary to Opioid Exposure: A Prospective Study, Kara Boynewicz
An Intersectional Study of Perceived Academic Climate and the Imposter Phenomenon in Psychology Students, Kelsey Braun
Physician Quality Scores and the Presentation and Delivery Method of Data in a Residency Program, Monaco Briggs
Reduced Fuel Emissions through Connected Vehicles and Truck Platooning, Paul D. Brummitt
2-day vs. 4-day Training Cessation Following a Step Taper in Competitive and Recreational Powerlifters, Benjamin Burke
Alcohol, Stress, and Sex in the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis, Nicholas Burski
A Phenomenological Study of Tenure-Track Faculty Serving in Dual Roles as Administrators, Keri L. Carter
The Comparative Effects of Three Virtual Nature Exposure Methods on State Social Motivation: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Samantha A. Castelblanco
Cyberspace vs Green Space: Nature’s Psychological Influence in Neuromancer, Blade Runner 2049, and The Stone Gods, Zackery Castle
The Hope for Peace & the Case for War in the Postwar Soviet Union, Shawn Cecconi
A Phenomenological Study of Contributing Factors and Common Trends Related to Teacher Attrition in Western North Carolina, Preston Clarke
Community Structure Analysis of Mammals Found at the Gray Fossil Site, TN, Sarah Clark
An Examination of Differences in Race, Gender, and Age in Processing and Outcomes Within the U.S. Criminal Justice System, Teliyah Cobb
Validating an Internet Gaming Disorder Measure During COVID-19: Video Game Use, Distance Learning, and Impacts of COVID-19 on Gaming Behavior, Christin Collie
Posthumanism in the Early Modern Period: Jonson, Marlowe, and Shakespeare, Kayli Compton
Community Structure Analysis of Turtles with Application to the Early Pliocene Gray Fossil Site, Julian Conley
Characterizing the Interaction Between Candida albicans and Two Enterobacter Species, Abigail Cornett
Academic Performance Among First-Year College Freshmen Following Participation in a Summer Bridge Program, Gregory Anderson Cross
Investigating Force-Velocity Profile Alterations and Methodology after Traditional Resistance Training, Joseph D'Amato
A Functional Study of Topological DNA Problem in Human T cells During Chronic Viral Infection, Xindi Dang
The Effects of Schema-Based Instruction on Students At Risk for or with Learning Disabilities, Molly Daniels
Loving the Mountains, Leaving the Mountains: The Appalachian Dilemma and Jim Wayne Miller’s The Brier Poems, Madeline Dawson
Operatic Mysticisms: Mountains, Deserts, Waterscapes, Andrew Demczuk