"Professional Collaboration in Small Rural Schools: Teacher Perceptions" by Brian A. Bettis

Degree Name

EdD (Doctor of Education)


Educational Leadership

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Pamela Scott

Committee Members

Ginger Christian, William Flora


The purpose of this phenomenological, qualitative research study was to examine teachers’ perceptions of school administrators’ support of collaborative planning in small rural schools. Although there has been much research conducted on teacher collaboration through Professional Learning Communities, there has been little documentation of teacher collaboration in small rural schools (DuFour et al., 2020; Hansen, 2015; Moore, 2018). This research study examined teachers’ perceptions of collaboration and the role that school administrators play in the work to establish, support, and maintain collaborative teaming structures.

Data collection strategies included individual interviews of practicing teachers, serving in small rural schools. Analysis of data occurred in three phases: transcribing interviews, line-by-line coding, and member checking. Analysis of the data revealed the following themes that highlight the need for school administrators to (a) establish teaming structures, (b) provide needed resources, and (c) create a culture of collaboration. Recommendations are provided for school administrators’ practice of supporting professional collaboration and suggestions for future research are provided.

Document Type

Dissertation - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.
