Theses/Dissertations from 2024
An Exploratory Study of the Southern Subculture of Honor in East Tennessee, Rachel Cohen
Enriching the PCOS Lifestyle, Callie Coleman
Mapping Amis Mill in Rogersville, Tennessee in the 1780s Using Geophysical Methods and Remote Sensing, Amy Collins
In a State of Becoming, Benjamin Conley
A Descriptive Study: Aging in Place in the Rural Southeastern United States, Dama G. Cooley
An Examination of Police Response to Individuals Suffering with Mental Illness, Aliss Copsey
A Phenomenological Study of the Experiences of Undergraduate Students Who Participated in the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program, Alexandria C. Craft
Trauma Informed Schools: Investigating K-12 Educator Perceptions from Professional Learning to Implementing Practices, Kelsey Cupp
Using Graphic Novels to Improve Reading Comprehension in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Rachel Denney
Queer Student or Student Who is Also Queer? A Mixed Methods Study of Competing Master Statuses in Higher Education, Kayla Densberger
Comparison of the Effect of Heavy Pulls vs Light Powers on a Subsequent Clean in Trained Athletes, Luke DeVirgiliis
Evaluating the Impact of an Experimental Intervention on Reducing Social Anxiety through Impression Efficacy Changes, Alexandria Dismuke
Interpreting Shift Encoders as State Space models for Stationary Time Series, Patrick Donkoh
Internship Experiences for Aspiring Educational Leaders: Student Understanding and Effectiveness, Adam Douglas
Heat Acclimated Algae Improves Heat Tolerance and Longevity in Daphnia, Ashit Dutta
Electrochemiluminescence using Pencil Graphite Electrodes and Screen-printed Carbon Electrodes Interfaced with a Simple Imaging System, Sandra Ehigiator
An Examination of the Physical and Technical Demands of the Competitive Season for NCAA Division I Male Soccer Players, Emmanuel Espinoza
Evaluating a Current Athlete Assessment Program, David Fish
Service Provider Perceptions of Systems Serving Individuals Experiencing Homelessness: A Needs Assessment and Strategic Plan in Johnson City, TN, Opal Frye-Clark
Poly (ADP-Ribose) Polymerase-1 (PARP1) Expression in the Frontal Cortex and Hippocampus in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Suicide, Ramona Faith Fulkerson
An Application of an In-Depth Advanced Statistical Analysis in Exploring the Dynamics of Depression, Sleep Deprivation, and Self-Esteem, Muslihat Gaffari
An Assessment of the Current State of Nursing Homes in the United States, Southern Region, and Tennessee, Nicole Galler
Role of Arabidopsis LTP12 in Environmental Stress Response, Bikram Giri
A Comparison of Student Academic Variables in Mixed Teaching Methods and Traditionally Taught Biology Courses at Participating Community Colleges in Tennessee, Elesha Goodfriend
Psychological Mediation of Minority Stress and Health: Exploration of Risk Factors in LGBQ College Students, Kyndal Grammer
Moral Disengagement and the Tendency to Engage in Academic Dishonesty in Prelicensure Nursing Students, Sarah Guimaraes
Groundswell, Ursula Gullow
Detecting Anomalies in Dynamic Attributed Graphs: An Unsupervised Learning Approach, Austin Hamilton
Preliminary Evidence for the Validity and Reliability of a Modified Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Scale: The Variability in ACEs Scale, Mary Jo Hedrick
Investigating Self-Perception of Speech and Motivation for Return to Intervention for Post Cochlear Implantation in Young Adults, Madison Henry
Changes in Young Adults’ Perspective on Ageism After Participating in a Virtual Nutrition Education Program with Older Adults, Julianne Hensley
Developing A Suitability Model and Feasibility Report for The Tennessee Mesonet, Tristan Holmes
Telehealth Acceptance and Medical Mistrust Among the Elderly of Rural Appalachia: A Correlational Study Using the Medical Mistrust Index and Technology Acceptance Model, Victoria Hood-Wells
Seeds in the City: Impacts of Urbanization on Avian Seed Dispersal Networks in the Southern Appalachians, Jody Horton
The Effects of Text-Based Gaming on Reading Comprehension for Students with Intellectual Disability, Faith Ihrig
Beyond the Screen: Understanding College Students’ Perspectives on Cyberstalking, Gabrielle Jackson
Food Insecurity and Self-Rated Health of Older Adults in Appalachia, Sarah Kelley
The Perceptions of Black Teachers Regarding the Work Environment in Predominately White Schools P-12, Rhonda Lankford
An Environmental Struggle: Nature’s Role in the Poetry of Seamus Heaney and Robert Frost, Jake Lawson
Effect of Chemical Enhancers on Transdermal Delivery of Amiloride for Management of Resistant Hypertension, Oluwatosin Tabitha Leshaodo
The Experiences of QuestBridge Scholars at Elite Universities, Karla J. Leybold