Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Art and Interdisciplinary Opportunities for Literacy Instruction: A Qualitative Study to Examine Educator Perceptions in the Rural Setting, Courtney Collins
Bibliotherapy: A Literary and Linguistic Analysis of Literature, Matthew Curry
Dual Enrollment Matriculation Rates at Tennessee Board of Regents Community Colleges, Jacob Cutshall Church
Mankind is Machine: A Monstrous Posthuman Reading of Philip K. Dick’s Selected Works, Gabriel Davis
Big Ballers, Bigger Budget: An Exploration of College Athletes and University Media Revenues, Odri Dedolli
A Pandemic’s Potential to Haunt: A Longitudinal Look at the Professional Wellbeing of TN’s Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH) Workforce, Robyn A. Dolson
The Modern Classrooms Project: Student Efficacy and Achievement, Rhiannon Dunn
Tennessee Promise and Two-Year Community College Retention and Graduation in Rural Appalachia, Tammy Dycus
Building Resilience: A Mixed Methods Exploration of Head Start Teachers Coping During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Ehichoya Edokhamhen
Use of Transposon Screening for Salicylic Acid-Assisted Desiccation Killing in Salmonella, Shannon D. Elliott
Perception of Social Media as Seen by Educational Leadership Online Graduate Students, Todd Emma
Secondary Educator and Administrator Perceptions of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports and Student Academic Achievement, Cynthia Everitt
Cardiovascular Disease in Central Appalachia, an Exploratory Study of Behavioral, Community, and Patient-Centered Care Influences, Kristy Gagnon
Selecting Classroom Grading Practices: A Qualitative Study Exploring Teacher Experiences, Tallye Gass
Enestr¨om-Kakeya Type Results for Complex and Quaternionic Polynomials, Matthew Gladin
Predicting High-Cap Tech Stock Polarity: A Combined Approach using Support Vector Machines and Bidirectional Encoders from Transformers, Ian L. Grisham
What Discrimination? Christian Microaggression Rhetoric Against Nontheists, Nicole Dolfi Hall
Music with a Racial Nexus: Culture Clash in Los Angeles Punk Rock Communities, 1976-1981, Lawson Hammock
Exploring Sexual and Reproductive Health Care in Central Appalachia Through the Experiences of Transgender and Gender Non-Binary People, Chase Harless
The Impact of ACEs on College Students and Their Major Choice, Britten Harrison
Identifying Taphonomic Distribution Patterns at the Gray Fossil Site, Shawn Haugrud
Inhibiting Survival of Salmonella During Desiccation Through the Use of Naturally Occurring Signals, Joseph Headrick
T. Hanks for Nostalgia: The Power of Tom Hanks and Film Branding, Jacob Higgs
Strong as a Mother: The Resilience of Women Who Have Previously Experienced Infertility, Madison Hinkle
The Hysterical Woman: An Analysis of Trauma in Gothic Women’s Literature and Modern Horror Film, Molly Holdway
Profitable, Alternative Income Generation and Improved Quality of Life Among Global Beekeepers, Chris Honeycutt
The Stringent Response in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Influences the Phenotypes Controlled by the Gac/Rsm System, Michael Shawn Hooker
Japanese Canadians in World War II: Neglected Historiography, Clayton Huff
Parents' Perception of Speech-Language Pathologists in Secondary Transition, Madelyn Hunt
Comparative Characteristics of Integrin αDβ2 Binding to Native Fibrinogen and Fibrinogen Modified by DHA Oxidation During Inflammation, Ajibola Ilesanmi
Polyamory - The Multiple Complexities of Multiple Partners, Vianna Isbister
Geometric Morphometric Analysis of Modern Viperid Vertebrae Facilitates Identification of Fossil Specimens, Lance D. Jessee
Educator Understanding of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Dana Johnson
The Old Family Clock: Exploring High Variation of Chronotype in the Common House Spider, Parasteatoda tepidariorum, Caitlin Jones
Linguistic Features of Metaphor, Metonymy and Narrative Gap in “The Yellow Wallpaper:” A Literary Analysis, Sherry Kaye Ms.
Effect of Macrophage Expressed α7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor (α7nAChR) on Migration of Macrophages During Inflammation, Kasey Keever
Parent Choice: Learning Pods or Public Education During COVID-19 Pandemic, Shari Kinney
Unsupervised Dimension Reduction Techniques for Lung Diagnosis using Radiomics, Janet Kireta
Resident Assistants as Students and Personnel During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Amy Korstange
Enhancing STEM Education for East Tennessee in a Post-COVID World, Jennifer L. Lauer
Geophysical, Archaeological, and Geospatial Investigations at Presidio Los Adaes, 18th Century Capital of Spanish Texas, Robert Linam
“It’s Alive!” The Birth and Afterlife of the Gothic Genre, Tanner Linkous
Consuming the World: Poetic Appetite, Memory, and Identity in Li-Young Lee’s Food Poems, Claire Liszka
Foundation of Empire in the Tudor Era: Further Explorations of the Northeast and Northwest Passages, Richard H. Lloyd III
An Early Pliocene Fish Assemblage from the Southern Appalachians: Ichthyofauna of the Gray Fossil Site, Shay Maden
Exploration of Privilege and Preschool Teachers’ Demographics Associated with Teachers’ Self-Efficacy in Culturally Responsive Classroom Management, Katherine Madison
A Bridge between Graph Neural Networks and Transformers: Positional Encodings as Node Embeddings, Bright Kwaku Manu
Preference for Abstinence-Based Recovery and Public Stigma toward Substance Use Disorders, Diamond Meadows