Educational Foundations and Special Education Works | Faculty Works By Department | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles. Browse the Educational Foundations and Special Education Expert Gallery to view their SelectedWorks Profiles.

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Access for All: Adapted Literacy Through Low-Tech Assistive Technology, Cathy L. Galyon, Kim K. Floyd, and Colleen F. Woods-Fields


Addressing Challenging Behaviours in the Classroom: Perceptions of Teachers in Poland, Monika Skura and John J. Wheeler


Improving Expository Text Comprehension in Adolescent Spanish–English Bilingual Learners With Learning Disabilities Using a Graphic Organizer, Kristie L. Calvin and Shelley Gray


Research Should Focus on Improving Mathematics Proficiency for Students With Disabilities, Bradley Witzel, Jonte Myers, Jenny Root, Shaqwana Freeman-Green, Paul Riccomini, and Pamela Mims


There’s No Place Like Us: Beyond Fidelity of Implementation in Rural Contexts, Margaret P. Weiss, Dawn A. Rowe, Pamela J. Mims, and Thomas W. Farmer


Using Smart Phone Technology to Improve Daily Living Skills for Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities, Jordan Stierle, Joseph B. Ryan, Antonis Katsiyannis, Pamela Mims, Alex Carson, and Abigail Allen


Exploring Patterns of the Use of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems Among Adolescents in High-Risk Appalachian (U.S.a) Communities, Hadii M. Mamudu, Disha Shahani, Antwan Jones, Manik Ahuja, Esther Adeniran, Florence Weierbach, Jean Swindle, Ying Liu, Janet Keener, Cynthia J. Blair, Michelle McNabb, Matthew Asare, David L. Wood, and Amy Ferketich


Using Video Prompting and Modeling on Mobile Technology to Teach Daily Living Skills: a Systematic Review, Jordan Stierle, Joseph Ryan, Antonis Katsiyannis, and Pamela Mims


Development and Validation of the Secondary Transition Fidelity Assessment, Allison R. Lombardi, Graham G. Rifenbark, Marcus Poppen, Kyle Reardon, Valerie L. Mazzotti, Mary E. Morningstar, Dawn Rowe, and Sheida K. Raley (2021)


Secondary Transition Predictors of Postschool Success: An Update to the Research Base, Valerie L. Mazzotti, Dawn A. Rowe, Stephen Kwiatek, Ashley Voggt, Wen H. Chang, Catherine H. Fowler, Marcus Poppen, James Sinclair, and David W. Test (2021)


Self-Compassion and Suicidal Behavior: Indirect Effects of Depression, Anxiety, and Hopelessness Across Increasingly Vulnerable Samples, Jessica Kelliher-Rabon, Fuschia M. Sirois, Alison L. Barton, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2021)


State Systemic Improvement Planning: Impact on System and Student Outcomes, Dawn A. Rowe, Catherine H. Fowler, Cesar D’Agord, Frank Horiuchi, Miles Kawatachi, Genee C. Norbert, and Selete K. Avoke (2021)


Updating the Secondary Transition Research Base: Evidence- and Research-Based Practices in Functional Skills, Dawn A. Rowe, Valerie L. Mazzotti, Catherine H. Fowler, David W. Test, Vickie J. Mitchell, Kelly A. Clark, Debra Holzberg, Tosha L. Owens, Dana Rusher, Rachel L. Seaman-Tullis, Christina M. Gushanas, Hannah Castle, Wen H. Chang, Ashley Voggt, Stephen Kwiatek, and Catie Dean (2021)


Are Online Resources for Evidence-Based Practices Useful, Sara Beth Hitt, Stephen Kwiatek, Ashley Voggt, Wen Hsuan Chang, Sonja Gadd, and David W. Test (2020)


A Study of Early Childhood Development Teachers’ Experiences in Zimbabwe: Implications to Early Intervention and Special Education, Arnold Nyarambi and Esther Ntuli (2020)


Exploring if, and How a Practice Works in Authentic Settings, Dawn A. Rowe


Natural Language Descriptors of Family, James E. Deal and Karin Bartoszuk (2020)


Overcoming Barriers: Use of Assistive Technology to Access Curriculum, Kim Floyd, Cathy L. Galyon, and Kolby Floyd-Norris


Overcoming Barriers: Use of Assistive Technology to Access Curriculum, Kim Floyd, Cathy L. Galyon, and Kolby Floyd-Norris


Partnering to Improve Career and Technical Education for Students With Disabilities: A Position Paper of the Division on Career Development and Transition, Michael W. Harvey, Dawn A. Rowe, David W. Test, Catherine Imperatore, Allison Lombardi, Michelle Conrad, Amy Szymanski, and Kristy Barnett (2020)


Reading Recovery Intervention for a Child With Asd and ADHD: Teaching Melissa to Read, A. Opat, G. Zalud, John J. Wheeler, and A. Clements


Reflective Thinking: Considering the Intersection of Microcultures in IEP Planning and Implementation, Dawn A. Rowe and Grace L. Francis


Succeeding in the Classroom When Research Is Limited, Dawn A. Rowe


Supporting Strong Transitions Remotely: Considerations and Complexities for Rural Communities During COVID-19, Dawn A. Rowe, Erik Carter, Shimul Gajjar, Erin A. Maves, and Jennifer C. Wall (2020)


Teaching Conversation Skills to Adults With Developmental Disabilities Using a Video-Based Intervention Package, Ryan O. Kellems, Kaitlyn Osborne, Dawn Rowe, Terisa Gabrielsen, Blake Hansen, Christian Sabey, Brynn Frazier, Kalee Simons, Mikaela Jensen, Mai Zaru, and Maggie Clive (2020)


Teaching Students with Disabilities: It is all About the Science, Dawn A. Rowe


Understanding CTE for Students With Disabilities: What Educators Need to Know, Michelle Conrad, Michael W. Harvey, Dawn A. Rowe, Kemaly S. Parr, and Allison Lombardi


Use of a Technology-Based Instructional Package to Teach Opinion Writing to Students With Intellectual Disability, Robert C. Pennington, Marta Mohammad, Pamela J. Mims, and Reem Muharib (2020)

An Analysis of Social Validity Prevalence and Measurement, Stacy L. Carter and John J. Wheeler


An Analysis of Teacher Perceived Barriers to the Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices, John J. Wheeler, Stacy L. Carter, and Samuel E. Smith (2019)


Parents' and College Students Perceptions of Support and Family Environment, Karin Bartoszuk, James E. Deal, and Meghan Yerhot (2019)


Research and Practice, Dawn A. Rowe (2019)


Research and Practice: Where to Start, Dawn A. Rowe


The Role of Social Validity in the Design, Delivery and Evaluation of Person-Centered Interventions and Supports, John J. Wheeler


Applying Systematic Instruction to Teach ELA Skills Using Fictional Novels in an iPad App: Results from a Study on Students with Significant Disabilities, Pamela J. Mims, Carol Stranger, Julie A. Sears, and Wendee B. White (2018)

Supporting RTI through the Help of Higher Education and Rural Voices, Tina M. Hudson, Lori J. Marks, and Sara Beth Hitt (2018)

Adapting Strategies for Primary Students with Learning Disabilities, Tina M. Hudson (2017)

An Unholy Alliance: One University’s Effort to Fully Embrace edTPA, Sara Beth Hitt, Tina M. Hudson, and Min Kim (2017)


Bringing Meaningful Grade Aligned English Language Arts to the Classroom: Bridging Research and Practice, Pamela J. Mims and Carol Stranger (2017)

Information Schools Should Provide Parents, Tina M. Hudson (2017)

Leaping over Firewalls! Identifying and Overcoming Barriers with School Districts to Promote Collaboration with Technology, Tina M. Hudson and Cathy Galyon-Keramidas (2017)


Opinion Paragraph Writing Intervention for Students with Significant Disability, Pamela J. Mims, Carol Stranger, R. Pennington, W. White, J. Sears, and N. Strickler (2017)


Perceived Stress and Suicidal Behaviors in College Students: Conditional Indirect Effects of Depressive Symptoms and Mental Health Stigma, Jameson Kenneth Hirsch, Jessica Kelliher Rabon, Esther E. Reynolds, Alison L. Barton, and Edward C. Chang (2017)


Single Case Design Elements in Text Comprehension Research for Students With Developmental Disabilities, Sara M. Snyder, Kevin M. Ayres, Victoria F. Knight, Pamela J. Mims, and Emily C. Sartini (2017)


A Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Framework for Improving Academic and Postsecondary Outcomes of Students with Moderate or Severe Intellectual Disability, Christopher J. Rivera, Bree A. Jimenez, Joshua N. Baker, Tracy Spies, Pamela J. Mims, and Ginevra Courtade (2016)


A Guide to Addressing Multiple Priorities in Core Content Instruction for Students With Severe Disabilities, Jenny R. Root, Victoria F. Knight, and Pamela J. Mims (2016)

An Unholy Alliance: One University’s Effort to Fully Embrace edTPA, Sara Beth Hitt, Tina M. Hudson, and Min Kim (2016)

Data-based Decision Making in the Development of an RTI Certificate Program for Preservice Teachers, Tina M. Hudson (2016)


Evaluating the Use of RTI to Identify SLD: A Survey of State Policy, Procedures, Data Collection, and Administrator Perceptions, Tina M. Hudson and Robert G. McKenzie (2016)


Examination of the Evidence Base for Using Visual Activity Schedules With Students With Intellectual Disability, Amy D. Spriggs, Pamela J. Mims, Wilhelmina van Dijk, and Victoria F. Knight (2016)


Globalization and Teacher Education: Challenges and Solutions to 21st Century Content Preparation and Pedagogy in Africa, Esther Ntuli, Joachim Agamba, Arnold Nyarambi, and Victor Ntuli (2016)


Permissive Parenting and Mental Health in College Students: Mediating Effects of Academic Entitlement, Alison L. Barton and Jameson K. Hirsch (2016)


Personality, Identity Styles, and Fundamentalism During Emerging Adulthood, Karin Bartoszuk and James E. Deal (2016)

Preparing Special Educators to Fully Inform Parents about the Processes and Expectations of RTI, Tina M. Hudson (2016)


Supporting Literacy Achievement for Students with Intellectual Disability and Autism through Curricular Programs that Incorporate Assistive Technology, Carol Stanger, Pamela J. Mims, Leah Wood, and Lynn Ahlgrim-Delzell (2016)


The Effects of an Online Data-Based Decisions Professional Development for In-service Teachers of Students with Significant Disability, Bree A. Jimenez, Pamela J. Mims, and Joshua N. Baker (2016)


The Impact of RTI on Timely Identification of Students with SLD, Tina M. Hudson and Robert G. McKenzie (2016)


Designing Effective Educational Interventions for Students with Autism, John J. Wheeler and Morgan Chitiyo (2015)


Emerging Adulthood in North America: Identity Status and Perception of Adulthood Among College Students from Canada and the United States, Karin Bartoszuk (2015)


How to Implement Visual Activity Schedules for Students with Disabilities, Amy D. Spriggs, Wilhelmina van Dijk, and Pamela J. Mims (2015)


Learning in a Global Context: Education Diplomacy in Primary Grade Content Preparation, Esther Ntuli and Arnold Nyarambi (2015)

Teaching Writing Skills in Low-SES, Rural Classrooms: The Impact of Evidence Based Practices on Teacher Pedagogy and Student Achievement, Tina M. Hudson (2015)


Adolescent Religiosity as a Mediator of the Relationship Between Parental Religiosity and Adolescent Health Outcomes, Alison L. Barton, J. Blake Snider, Alexander T. Vazsonyi, and Jaclyn Layne Cox (2014)


Assessment in Early Childhood Education: Threats and Challenges to Effective Assessment of Immigrant Children, Esther Ntuli, Arnold Nyarambi, and Moussa Traore (2014)

Critical Practices in Identifying Learning Disabilities in an RTI framework: Improving Consistency in Rural Districts, Tina M. Hudson (2014)


Evaluating Treatment Integrity Across Interventions Aimed at Social and Emotional Skill Development in Learners with Emotional and Behaviour Disorders, John J. Wheeler, Michael R. Mayton, Julie Downey, and Joshua E. Reese (2014)


Intrusiveness of Behavioral Treatments for Adults with Intellectual Disability, Michael R. Mayton, Stacy L. Carter, and John J. Wheeler (2014)


Intrusiveness of Behavioral Treatments for Children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities: An Initial Investigation, Michael R. Mayton, Stacy L. Carter, Jie Zhang, and John J. Wheeler (2014)


Preliminary Validation of the North American Protestant Fundamentalism Scale, James E. Deal and Karin Bartoszuk (2014)

Responding to the Impact of Variability in Policy and Practice within Response to Intervention, Tina M. Hudson (2014)


An Analysis of Social Storiestm Research Using an Evidence-Based Practice Model, Michael R. Mayton, Anthony L. Menendez, John J. Wheeler, Stacy L. Carter, and Morgan Chitiyo (2013)


Children with Autism in the People’s Republic of China: Diagnosis, Legal Issues, and Educational Services, Ann X. Huang, Meixiang Jia, and John J. Wheeler (2013)


Effectiveness of Gluten-Free and Casein-Free Diets for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Evidence-Based Research Synthesis, Jie Zhang, Michael R. Mayton, and John J. Wheeler (2013)


Peer Response to Messages of Distress: Do Sex and Content Matter?, Alison L. Barton, Jameson K. Hirsch, and Christine M. Lovejoy (2013)


Teaching to Standards: English Language Arts, Pamela J. Mims, Angel Lee, Tracie-Lynn Zakas, Diane M. Browder, and L. Bastian

University Students Provide Literacy Support in a Pediatric Clinic, Kimberly D. Hale (2013)


Data-Based Decisions Guidelines for Teachers of Students with Severe Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Bree A. Jimenez, Pamela J. Mims, and Diane M. Browder (2012)


Effects of a Treatment Package to Facilitate English/Language Arts Learning for Middle School Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities, Pamela J. Mims, Angel Lee, Diane M. Browder, Tracie-Lynn Zakas, and Susan Flynn (2012)


Gender Differences in the Relationships Among Parenting Styles and College Student Mental Health, Alison L. Barton and Michael S. Kirtley (2012)


Riding Fences, Karen D. Hager and Cathy Galyon Keramidas (2012)


The Effects of a “Tell-Show-Try-Apply” Professional Development Package on Teachers of Students With Severe Developmental Disabilities, Diane M. Browder, Bree A. Jimenez, Pamela J. Mims, Victoria F. Knight, Fred Spooner, Angel Lee, and Claudia Flowers (2012)


Using Read-Alouds of Grade-Level Biographies and Systematic Prompting to Promote Comprehension for Students With Moderate and Severe Developmental Disabilities, Pamela J. Mims, Melissa E. Hudson, and Diane M. Browder (2012)


Characteristics and Perceptions of 4-H Participants: Gender Adolescence, Karin Bartoszuk and Brandy A. Randall (2011)


Positive Social Support, Negative Social Exchanges, and Suicidal Behavior in College Students, Jameson K. Hirsch and Alison L. Barton (2011)


Profiles of Identity Exploration and Commitment Across Domains, Karin Bartoszuk and Joe F. Pittman (2010)

The Leader in Me, Deborah K. Harley-McClaskey (2010)


Using Curriculum-Based Assessment to Address the Academic and Behavioral Deficits of Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Linda Donica Payne, Lori J. Marks, and Barry L. Bogan (2007)


Meeting the Federal Mandates: Research on Effective Reading Instructional Programs and Implications for Classroom Teachers, Sekhar Pindiprolu, David Forbush, and Lori J. Marks (2006)


Using Technology to Build Independence in Writing for Students With Disabilities, Donna J. Montgomery and Lori J. Marks (2006)

Project Need to Read: Evaluation of Computer-Based Reading Programs Paired with Home and School Instruction, D. Forbush, S. Pindiprolu, and Lori J. Marks (2005)

Lessons in Caring in Teacher Education, Lori J. Marks (1998)

The Preparation of Special Educators in School-Based Settings: Program Descriptions, Lessons Learned, and Recommendations, G. Prater, E. M. Savage-Davis, C. Fuhler, Lori J. Marks, and S. Minner (1997)

Empowering Families Through Technology, Lori J. Marks and D. J. Montgomery (1996)


Alternative Route Training: Implications for Elementary Education and Special Education, Paul T. Sindelar and Lori J. Marks (1993)

High-Frequency Consonant Word Discrimination Lists in Hearing Aid Evaluation, L. B. Dennison and B R. Kelly



Behavior Management: Principles and Practices of Positive Behavior Supports, John J. Wheeler and David Dean Richey


The Social Validity Manual: Subjective Evaluation of Interventions, Stacy L. Carter and John J. Wheeler (2019)


The Social Validity Manual: Subjective Evaluation of Interventions, Stacy L. Carter and John J. Wheeler


Teaching Students with Special Needs in General Education Classrooms, Rena B. Lewis, John J. Wheeler, and Stacy L. Carter


Developing Human Service Leaders, Deborah Harley-McClaskey