ETSU Faculty Works | Faculty Works | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

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Art and Music as a Process for Teaching Counseling Concepts, J. Graham Disque and D. Henderson (1996)

Assistive Technology for Students with Mild Disabilities, Lori J. Marks and D. J. Montgomery (1996)

Assistive Technology for Students with Mild Disabilities, Lori J. Marks and V. Morin (1996)

A Training Manual for Artists: Introduction to Looking Class Players, Jamie Branam Kridler and S. Scarborough (1996)

Biosurvey of a Constructed Wetland Using a Newly Developed Treatment Wetlands Evaluation Index, J. Richardson, Phillip R. Scheuerman, and M. Benton (1996)

Coliphages as Indicators of Fecal Pollution, K. Hamilton and Phillip R. Scheuerman (1996)

Diversity and Leadership, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (1996)

Education 2000: Improving Technology and Professional Development--A Five-County Consortium, Andrea D. Clements, G. Marion, C. Blankenship, and C. Burkitt (1996)

Education 2000: Improving Technology and Professional Development--A Five-County Consortium, Andrea D. Clements, G. Marion, C. Blankenship, and C. Burkitt (1996)

Effect of Cadmium and Copper on Rabbit Sperm Cells, R. Robinson and Phillip R. Scheuerman (1996)

Effect of Soil Amendments on In Situ Biodegradation in Creosote Contaminated Soils, G. R. Lanza and Phillip R. Scheuerman (1996)

Evaluating Students with Mild Disabilities for Assistive Technology Needs, Lori J. Marks (1996)

Inclusion of Students with Disabilities, Lori J. Marks, Maureen Conroy, Martha Coutinho, and Kerri Martin (1996)

Increasing Reading Performance in Inclusive Middle School Classrooms, Lori J. Marks (1996)

Integrating Narrative Therapy with Adlerian Lifestyle Assessment: The Social Construction of Change, J. Graham Disque and James R. Bitter (1996)

Learning Disabilities and Assistive Technology: Tools and Techniques for Home and School, Lori J. Marks (1996)

Meeting CEC and NCATE Teacher Education Standards with Limited Resources, Lori J. Marks (1996)

Microbial Activity as Indicator of Wetland Function, Qiujie Zhao, Phillip R. Scheuerman, J. Forrest, and Guy R. Lanza (1996)

Phonological Intervention Using a Multiple Opposition Approach, A. Lynn Williams (1996)

Piaget Teaches First Grade Math, Mary R. Langenbrunner and S. Larsen (1996)

Prediction of Mean Salivary Cortisol Level in Children Using One Sample: Time of Day Is Critical, Andrea D. Clements and M. D. Franks (1996)

Seasonal Changes of Fecal Coliforms, Phillip R. Scheuerman, C. M. Rhodes, T. D. Wheat, J. Mullins, and Samuel Payne (1996)

Service-Learning Pre-Conference Workshop, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (1996)

Student Directed Environmental Activities, Terri C. Knight and D. Morgan (1996)

Students Teaching Students, Terri C. Knight and D. Morgan (1996)

Techniques for Enhancing Therapeutic Effectiveness, J. Graham Disque and Clifton W. Mitchell (1996)

The Effects of Biodegradation on the Toxicity of Creosote in an Artificial Soil, J. P. Sams and Phillip R. Scheuerman (1996)

The Effects of Infusion of Deming’s Total Quality Management in a K-12 Curriculum, Andrea D. Clements (1996)

The Homeless Coalition’s Study of Homelessness in Johnson City, Tennessee, Jean Croce Hemphill and N. Brown (1996)

The Model and Structure of Phonological Treatment: A Longitudinal Case Study, A. Lynn Williams (1996)

The Relationship Among Item Complexity, Item Format, and Test Length: Implications for Reliability, Andrea D. Clements and L. Rothenberg (1996)

Using Children's Literature: A Narrative Approach to Classroom Behavior, J. Graham Disque (1996)

Using Emotions in Marital Therapy, J. Graham Disque and B. Morrow (1996)

Adlerian Brief Therapy (workshops and papers), James Bitter (1995)

Adlerian Family Counseling: Toward a Therapeutic Community (pre-convention workshop), James Bitter (1995)

All the World's Stage - You're on it!, Susan Bramlett Epps and Michael Rheiner (1995)

A Qualitative Analysis of Third Graders’ Responses to Open Ended Questions, Andrea D. Clements and S. L. Newbill (1995)

Attention Deficit Disorders, Lori J. Marks (1995)

Biodegradation of Cresol Isomers, I. R. Zibdeh, G. R. Lanza, and Phillip R. Scheuerman (1995)

Brief Therapy (pre-convention workshop), James Bitter (1995)

Case Studies of Nursing Interventions Unique to a Homeless Population Accessing a Nurse Managed Clinic, Jean Croce Hemphill and E. Hagood (1995)

Changing Student Reputations in Schools, J. Graham Disque and D. Henderson (1995)

Classroom Based Performance Assessments: Using Standards and Lesson Plans to Accommodate Academic Diversity Among Students, M. Coutinho and Lori J. Marks (1995)

Community Partnership in Primary Care of Homeless and Indigent, Jean Croce Hemphill and C. Macnee (1995)

Comparative Study of Three Oligochaete Species as Indicators of Metals in a Sediment Toxicity Bioassay, Kimberly K. Chapman, Phillip R. Scheuerman, G. Lanza, D. Nelson, and R. Brinkhurst (1995)

Comparison of Abr Recordings from Tympanic-Membrane and Ear-Canal Electrode, Owen D. Murnane and T. Parent (1995)

Effect of Soil Texture on Biodegradation of Creosote, C. R. Knight, Brian G. Evanshen, and Phillip R. Scheuerman (1995)

Effects of Initial Biomass Concentration on the Degradation of the Creosote Constituent m-Cresol, T. E. Black, Phillip R. Scheuerman, and G. R. Lanza (1995)

Effects of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and a Vitamin Mixture on Degradation rates of cresol isomers, V. Wolfe, Phillip R. Scheuerman, M. Gallagher, and G. R. Lanza (1995)

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Gayatri Jaishankar (1995)

How Teacher Attitudes Effect Reading Achievement, Edward J. Dwyer (1995)

Increasing Reading Performance Through a Teacher's Assistant and Data-Based Instruction, Lori J. Marks (1995)

Integrating Feminism With Multicultural Counseling, James Bitter and Pat Robertson (1995)

Learning Strategies for Reading, Writing, and Content Areas, Lori J. Marks (1995)

Making Cloth-Bound Books in the Classroom, Edward J. Dwyer (1995)

Making Cloth-Bound Books in the Classroom, Edward J. Dwyer (1995)

Medical Jeopardy Workshop, Reid B. Blackwelder (1995)

Partners in Change: Success Stories in Collaboration, E. Ralston, Lori J. Marks, and N. Wagner (1995)

Responding to Inclusion Needs and Concerns of Teachers and Administrators: Instructional Strategies, Lori J. Marks and Patricia Burgess (1995)

School-Age Children and Adolescents' Identification of the Preferred Parent, Mary R. Langenbrunner (1995)

School-Age Children and Adolescents' Identification of the "Preferred Parent" in Recreational and Non-Recreational Activities, Mary R. Langenbrunner (1995)

The Relationship Between Sexual Abuse and Religion, S. Miller, D. Milller, and Mary R. Langenbrunner (1995)

Using Art, Literature, Film and Music in Counselor Education, J. Graham Disque and D. Henderson (1995)

Effects of Water Quality on the Influence of Cadmium to Microbial Enzyme Activity, J. N. Mckarus, Phillip R. Scheuerman, G. R. Lanza, and M. A. Eckels (1994)

Families of the 90's, Mary R. Langenbrunner (1994)

Health Care for the Homeless Population, Jean Croce Hemphill (1994)

Hopelessness and Homelessness: A Woman's Perspective, Jean Croce Hemphill (1994)

Hopelessness and Homelessness: A Woman's Perspective, Jean Croce Hemphill (1994)

Inclusion, Lori J. Marks and Maureen Conroy (1994)

Inclusion: Addressing the Needs of the Regular Educator, Lori J. Marks, M. Conroy, and C. Leister (1994)

Medical Jeopardy. Closing session, Reid B. Blackwelder (1994)

Outcomes of Family Centered Care in a Nurse Managed Homeless Clinic, C. Kirk and Jean Croce Hemphill (1994)

Partners in Change: A Collaborative Approach to Personnel Preparation, Lori J. Marks, E. Ralston, and L. McCammon (1994)

Partners in Service, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (1994)

Relative Health Indicators in Men and Women Who Attend a Nurse Managed Homeless Clinic in Northeast Tennessee, Jean Croce Hemphill and D. Earl (1994)

Relative Health Indicators in Men and Women Who Attend a Nurse Managed Homeless Clinic in Northeast Tennessee, Jean Croce Hemphill, D. Earl, and J. Fields (1994)

Screening Clinics for the Homeless: Achieving Multiple Outcomes, C. Macnee and Jean Croce Hemphill (1994)

Teambuilding in a Panhellenic System, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (1994)

The Lively Art of Reading Aloud to Children, Edward J. Dwyer (1994)

The Lively Art of Reading Aloud to Children, Edward J. Dwyer (1994)

The Teratogenic Potential of Atrazine and 2,4-D Using FETAX, M. Morgan, Phillip R. Scheuerman, C. Bishop, and Rebecca A. Pyles (1994)

Using Literature Journals in the Classroom, Edward J. Dwyer (1994)

Using Literature to Teach Reading, Edward J. Dwyer (1994)

A Rapid Biochemical Test Using Cell Lines for Measuring Chemical Toxicity in Aquatic Systems, S. S. Cregger and Phillip R. Scheuerman (1993)

Balancing Work and Family, Mary R. Langenbrunner (1993)

Bioremediation Potential of Creosote Constituents Using Constructed Wetlands, G. Lewis and Phillip R. Scheuerman (1993)

Cooperative Learning, Terri C. Knight (1993)

Degradation Rates of M-Cresol Using Immobilized and Free Microbial Assembages, B. Ziegler, Phillip R. Scheuerman, and G. R. Lanza (1993)

Effects of Highway Construction on Water Quality and Its Influence on Cadmium Toxicity to Mayfly Larvae, M. A. Eckels, Phillip R. Scheuerman, D. M. Johnson, and G. R. Lanza (1993)

Enrichment Activities for Middle School Students: Recycling Efforts at University School, Terri C. Knight (1993)

Kindergarten Teachers' Implementation of a Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum: A Survey, Mary R. Langenbrunner (1993)

Outcomes of Family Centered Care in a Nurse Managed Homeless Clinic, Jean Croce Hemphill and C. Kirk (1993)

The Effects of Water Quality Changes Due to Highway Construction on Aquatic Insects as Measured by the DHA-INT Assay, C. L. Craig, Phillip R. Scheuerman, G. R. Lanza, and J. L. Farris (1993)

Client Outcomes in a Nurse-Managed Homeless Clinic, Jean Croce Hemphill and C. Kirk (1992)

Effects of Starvation on Bacteria, G. P. Price-Bishop and Phillip R. Scheuerman (1992)

Family Centered Care for the Homeless, C. Kirk and Jean Croce Hemphill (1992)

In Situ Bioremediation Potential at Creosote Contaminated Sites, Phillip R. Scheuerman (1992)

In Situ Bioremediation Potential at Cresote Contaminated Sites, G. R. Lanza and Phillip R. Scheuerman (1992)

In Situ Degradation of M-Cresol in Creosote Contaminated Soil, Brian G. Evanshen, C. Knight, A. Zaslow, Phillip R. Scheuerman, and G. R. Lanza (1992)

Nurse Managed Care for the Homeless: A Faculty-Student Practicum Site, Jean Croce Hemphill (1992)