ETSU Faculty Works | Faculty Works | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to




Current State of the Problem: Opioid Overdose Rates and Deaths, S. Hughes Melton and Sarah T. Melton (2019)


Cytoplasmic and Mitochondrial NADPH-Coupled Redox Systems in the Regulation of Aging, Patrick C. Bradshaw (2019)


Diabetic Cardiomyopathy - a Comprehensive Updated Review, Ghulam Murtaza, Hafeez Ul Hassan Virk, Muhammad Khalid, Carl J. Lavie, Hector Ventura, Debabrata Mukherjee, Vijay Ramu, Sukhdeep Bhogal, Gautam Kumar, Madhan Shanmugasundaram, and Timir K. Paul (2019)


“Donating Our Bodies to Science”: A Discussion About Autopsy and Organ Donation in Turner Syndrome, Siddharth K. Prakash, Adrianna K. San Roman, Melissa Crenshaw, Barbara Flink, Kimberly Earle, Evan Los, Åsa Bonnard, and Angela E. Lin (2019)


Dynamic Correspondence of Resistance Training to Sport: A Brief Review, Dylan G. Suarez, John P. Wagle, Aaron J. Cunanan, Robert W. Sausaman, and Michael H. Stone


Evolution of C-Reactive Protein, Asmita Pathak and Alok Agrawal (2019)


Exceptional Association of Hypocomplementemic Urticarial Vasculitis Syndrome (HUVS) and Symptomatic Pulmonary Histoplasmosis: A Case-Based Literature Review, Mohammad Alomari, Laith Al Momani, Shrouq Khazaaleh, Shaden Almomani, Kinanah Yaseen, and Bassam Alhaddad (2019)


Factors That Affect Prevalence of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth in Chronic Pancreatitis: A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Meta-Regression, Bara El Kurdi, Sumbal Babar, Mahmoud El Iskandarani, Adam Bataineh, Markus M. Lerch, Mark Young, and Vijay P. Singh (2019)


Functionality of C-Reactive Protein for Atheroprotection, Sanjay K. Singh and Alok Agrawal (2019)


Growth and Growth Hormone in Turner Syndrome: Looking Back, Looking Ahead, Evan Los and Ron G. Rosenfeld (2019)


Human Papilloma Virus and Chlamydia trachomatis: Casual Acquaintances or Partners in Crime?, Jessica A. Slade and Robert V. Schoborg (2019)


Immunobiology and Application of Toll-Like Receptor 4 Agonists to Augment Host Resistance to Infection, Antonio Hernandez, Naeem K. Patil, Cody L. Stothers, Liming Luan, Margaret A. McBride, Allison M. Owen, Katherine R. Burelbach, David L. Williams, Edward R. Sherwood, and Julia K. Bohannon (2019)


Implementing Eccentric Resistance Training—Part 1: A Brief Review of Existing Methods, Timothy J. Suchomel, John P. Wagle, Jamie Douglas, Christopher B. Taber, Mellissa Harden, G. Gregory Haff, and Michael H. Stone (2019)


Implementing Eccentric Resistance Training—Part 2: Practical Recommendations, Timothy J. Suchomel, John P. Wagle, Jamie Douglas, Christopher B. Taber, Mellissa Harden, G. Gregory Haff, and Michael H. Stone (2019)


Integrase Inhibitors: After 10 Years of Experience, Is the Best Yet to Come?, Kristina M. Brooks, Elizabeth M. Sherman, Eric F. Egelund, Amy Brotherton, Spencer Durham, Melissa E. Badowski, and David B. Cluck (2019)


Interactions Between Genital Microbiota and Viral Sexually Transmitted Infections: Transmission, Prevention, and Treatment, Amanda Whitlow, Mary Katherine Herndon, Jake Bova, and Regenia Campbell (2019)


Malory's Death Poem 1, Thomas H. Crofts (2019)


Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Neurodegenerative Diseases and the Potential Countermeasure, Yan Wang, Erin Xu, Phillip R. Musich, and Fang Lin (2019)


New Evidence of the Earliest Domestic Dogs in the Americas, Angela Perri, Chris Widga, Dennis Lawler, Terrance Martin, Thomas Loebel, Kenneth Farnsworth, Luci Kohn, and Brent Buenger (2019)


Obfuscating the State Line: Land Conflict and State Formation on Oaxaca's Frontier, 1856–1912, Daniel Newcomer (2019)


Opioids: A Review of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics in Neonates, Infants, and Children, James C. Thigpen, Brian L. Odle, and Sam Harirforoosh (2019)


Pathogenic Interplay Between Chlamydia Trachomatis and Neisseria Gonorrhoeae That Influences Management and Control Efforts—More Questions Than Answers?, Cory Ann Leonard, Robert V. Schoborg, Nicola Low, Magnus Unemo, and Nicole Borel (2019)


Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Versus Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Treatment of Unprotected Left Main Stenosis, Yasir Taha, Rajan A.G. Patel, Jayant Bagai, Rajesh Sachdeva, Gautam Kumar, Anand Prasad, Sandeep Nathan, and Timir K. Paul (2019)


Public Health Delivery in the Information Age: The Role of Informatics and Technology, F. Williams, A. Oke, and I. Zachary (2019)


Quattrocento, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2019)


Review of Christmas Food and Feasting: A History, Rebecca Tolley (2019)

Review of Ingratiation from the Renaissance to the Present, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2019)


Review of John of Salisbury and the Medieval Roman Renaissance, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2019)


Review of the Book Does Nonfiction Equate Truth? Rethinking Disciplinary Boundaries Through Critical Literacy, by V. Yenika-Agbaw, L. A. Hudock & R. McKoy Lowery, Natalia Ward and Amber N. Warren (2019)


Review of The Intellectual Struggle for Florence, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2019)


Review of Using Authentic Assessment in Information Literacy Programs: Tools, Techniques, Strategies, Rebecca Tolley (2019)


The Complexity of Interactions Between Female Sex Hormones and Chlamydia Trachomatis Infections, Amy Berry and Jennifer V. Hall (2019)


The “Great” Controlling Nucleotide Coenzymes, Richard L. Veech, Michael Todd King, Robert Pawlosky, Yoshihiro Kashiwaya, Patrick C. Bradshaw, and William Curtis (2019)


Understanding the Physical Education edTPA Assessment: Strategies for Success, LeAnn Olson, Kason O'Neil, and Debra Sazama (2019)


Africa’s First “High Tech” War. The Technological Impact of World War One on Africans, Melvin Page


A Hard Time to Date: The Scott County Pueblo (14sc1) and Puebloan Residents of the High Plains, Matthew E. Hill, Margaret E. Beck, Stacey Lengyel, Sarah J. Trabert, and Mary J. Adair (2018)


Antithrombotic Therapy in Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation: Consensus and Challenges, Furqan Khattak, Mian B. Alam, Timir K. Paul, Shasank Rijal, Shoaib Wazir, Carl J. Lavie, and Samir Saba (2018)


A Review of Prognostic Tools in Heart Failure, Jennifer Treece, Hrak Chemchirian, Neil Hamilton, Manar Jbara, Venkataramanan Gangadharan, Timir Paul, and Steven J. Baumrucker (2018)


A Therapeutic Perspective of Living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus/AIDS in 2017, David B. Cluck and Roxanne F. Underwood (2018)


Best Practices and Self-Care to Support Women in Living Well with Human Immunodeficiency Virus/AIDS, Melinda Ann Bogardus (2018)


Book Review of Angelica's Book and the World of Reading in Late Renaissance Italy, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2018)


Book Review of Secretaries and Statecraft in the Early Modern World, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2018)


Book Review of Tennessee Williams, Paul Ibell, Katherine Weiss (2018)


Book Review of The Medici: Citizens and Masters, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2018)


Book Review of The Mediterranean World: From the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Napoleon, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2018)


Changes in Risk Perceptions During the 2014 Ebola Virus Disease Epidemic: Results of Two Consecutive Surveys Among the General Population in Lower Saxony, Germany, Julie Obenauer, Nicole Rübsamen, Ekaterine Garsevanidze, André Karch, and Rafael T. Mikolajczyk (2018)


Clostridium Difficile Infection in Oncology Patients: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, and Treatment, Omar Abughanimeh, Ayman Qasrawi, Osama Kaddourah, Laith Al Momani, and Mouhanna Abu Ghanimeh (2018)


Comprehensive Review on Methadone-Induced QT Prolongation and Torsades, Jennifer M. Treece, Mohammad Al Madani, George El Khoury, Ola Khraisha, James E. Martin, Steven J. Baumrucker, Christopher A. Neglia, and Timir K. Paul (2018)


Cytochrome P450s and Alcoholic Liver Disease, Yongke Lu and Arthur I. Cederbaum (2018)


Early Childhood Science and Engineering: Engaging Platforms for Fostering Domain-General Learning Skills, Andres S. Bustamante, Daryl B. Greenfield, and Irena Nayfeld (2018)


End-of-Life Care and Bereavement Issues in Human Immunodeficiency Virus–AIDS, Karl Goodkin, Sindhura Kompella, and Steven F. Kendell (2018)


Exercise, Obesity and CNS Control of Metabolic Homeostasis: A Review, John K. Smith (2018)


Home-Based Treatment for Chronic Constipation, Laith Adel Al-Momani, Sowminya Arikapudi, Sathvika Gaddam, Jennifer Treece, Saima Rashid, and Steven Baumrucker (2018)


Hypocalcemia and Bone Mineral Density Changes Following Denosumab Treatment in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients: A Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies, C. Thongprayoon, P. Acharya, C. Acharya, J. Chenbhanich, T. Bathini, B. Boonpheng, K. Sharma, K. Wijarnpreecha, P. Ungprasert, M. L. Gonzalez Suarez, and W. Cheungpasitporn (2018)


IL-6 and the Dysregulation of Immune, Bone, Muscle, and Metabolic Homeostasis During Spaceflight, John Kelly Smith (2018)


Information Content in Data Sets: A Review of Methods for Interrogation and Model Comparison, H. Thomas Banks and Michele L. Joyner (2018)


Joanna Baillie and Sir John Herschel, Judith Bailey Slagle (2018)


Lactate and Immunosuppression in Sepsis, Benjamin Nolt, Fei Tu, Xiaohui Wang, Tuanzhu Ha, Randi Winter, David L. Williams, and Chuanfu Li (2018)


Management of Post-Myocardial Infarction Ventricular Septal Defects: A Critical Assessment, Sabry Omar, Garrison L. Morgan, Hemang B. Panchal, Vinod Thourani, Charanjit S. Rihal, Ruchi Patel, Nisharahmed Kherada, Alexander C. Egbe, and Nirat Beohar (2018)


Marine Tardigrades of the Bahamas With the Description of Two New Species and Updated Keys to the Species of Anisonyches and Archechiniscus, Paul J. Bartels, Paulo Fontoura, and Diane R. Nelson (2018)


Microvascular Rarefaction and Hypertension in the Impaired Recovery and Progression of Kidney Disease Following AKI in Preexisting CKD States, Aaron J. Polichnowski (2018)


Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Albuminuria: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Karn Wijarnpreecha, Charat Thongprayoon, Boonphiphop Boonpheng, Panadeekarn Panjawatanan, Konika Sharma, Patompong Ungprasert, Surakit Pungpapong, and Wisit Cheungpasitporn (2018)


Noradrenergic Modulation on Dopaminergic Neurons, Meng Yang Zhu (2018)


Perceptions of Nursing in Appalachia: A State of the Science Paper, Evelyn P. Brewer (2018)


Prognostication in Anoxic Brain Injury, Kim Phung Nguyen, Vandana Pai, Saima Rashid, Jennifer Treece, Marie Moulton, and Steven J. Baumrucker (2018)


Protective Molecular Mechanisms of Resveratrol in UVR-Induced Skin Carcinogenesis, Saba W. Aziz and Moammir H. Aziz (2018)


Quattrocento, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2018)


Renal Disease in patients with Celiac disease, Boonphiphop Boonpheng, Wisit Cheungpasitporn, and Karn Wijarnpreecha (2018)

Review of The Psychology and Economics of Happiness: Love, Life, and Positive Living, Single Edition by Lak Sung Ho, Julia M. Bernard (2018)


Review of Venice: An Intimate Empire, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2018)


Risk of Venous Thromboembolism in Patients With Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Boonphiphop Boonpheng and Patompong Ungprasert (2018)


The Effectiveness and Safety of Biological Therapeutics in Juvenile-Onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (JSLE): A Systematic Review, E. Peterknecht, M. P. Keasey, and M. W. Beresford (2018)


The Effect of Hospice on Hospital Admission and Readmission Rates: A Review, Jennifer Treece, Mustafa Ghouse, Saima Rashid, Sowminya Arikapudi, Pratyaksha Sankhyan, Varun Kohli, Luke O’Neill, Emmanuel Addo-Yobo, Venugopal Bhattad, and Steven J. Baumrucker (2018)


The Endocannabinoid System and Heart Disease: The Role of Cannabinoid Receptor Type 2, Makenzie L. Fulmer and Douglas P. Thewke (2018)


The Progress of Tobacco Control Research in Sub-Saharan Africa in the Past 50 Years: A Systematic Review of the Design and Methods of the Studies, Hadii M. Mamudu, Pooja Subedi, Ali E. Alamin, Sreenivas P. Veeranki, Daniel Owusu, Amy Poole, Lazarous Mbulo, A. E. Ogwell Ouma, and Adekunle Oke (2018)


The Social Psychology of Biased Self-Assessment, Samuel C. Karpen (2018)


Treatment Strategies for Persistent Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Bacteraemia, Paul O. Lewis, Emily L. Heil, Kelly L. Covert, and David B. Cluck (2018)


Administration of Hypertonic Solutions for Hemorrhagic Shock: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Clinical Trials, Meng Che Wu, Tin Yun Liao, Erica M. Lee, Yueh Sheng Chen, Wan Ting Hsu, Meng Tse Gabriel Lee, Po Yang Tsou, Shyr Chen, and Chien Chang Lee (2017)


Alcoholic Liver Disease: From CYP2E1 to CYP2A5, Tung M. Leung and Yongke Lu (2017)


Amino Acid Catabolism in Alzheimer's Disease Brain: Friend or Foe?, Jeddidiah W. Griffin and Patrick C. Bradshaw (2017)


An Evaluation of Single-Case Reading Intervention Study Quality for Students With and At Risk for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, John William McKenna, Min Kyung Kim, Mikyung Shin, and Kathleen Pfannenstiel (2017)


Biodiversity and Topographic Complexity: Modern and Geohistorical Perspectives, Catherine Badgley, Tara M. Smiley, Rebecca Terry, Edward B. Davis, Larisa R.G. DeSantis, David L. Fox, Samantha S.B. Hopkins, Tereza Jezkova, Marjorie D. Matocq, Nick Matzke, Jenny L. McGuire, Andreas Mulch, Brett R. Riddle, V. Louise Roth, Joshua X. Samuels, Caroline A.E. Strömberg, and Brian J. Yanites (2017)


Biological and Pathophysiological Roles of End-Products of DHA Oxidation, Valentin P. Yakubenko and Tatiana V. Byzova (2017)


Book Review of A New Sense of the Past: The Scholarship of Biono Flavio, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2017)


Book Review of Emma Creedon, Sam Shepard and the Aesthetics of Performance (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), Katherine Weiss (2017)


Book Review of Il ritorno dei Classici nell’Umanesimo: Studi in memoria di Gianvito Resta, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2017)

Book Review of Making and Moving Sculpture in Early Modern Italy, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2017)


Book Review of Pagan Virtue in a Christian World: Sigismondo Malatesta and the Italian Renaissance, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2017)


Book Review of The Black Prince of Florence, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2017)


Book Review of the “Commentaries” of Pope Pius II (1458–1464) and the Crisis of the Fifteenth-Century Papacy, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2017)


Book Review of The Nonreligious: Understanding Secular People and Societies by Phil Zuckerman, Luke W. Galen, and Frank L. Pasquale, Joseph O. Baker (2017)


Cholinergic Modulation of the Immune System Presents New Approaches for Treating Inflammation, Donald B. Hoover (2017)


Comparison of the Center for Epidemiology Studies Depression Scale and Beck Depression Inventory for Research with Latinas, Melinda Bogardus (2017)


Current Practices in Hosting Non-Us Pharmacy Students at US Pharmacy Schools in Experiential Clerkships, Sara Al-Dahir, Naser Z. Alsharif, Shaun E. Gleason, Toyin Tofade, Emily K. Flores, Michael Katz, and Emily K. Dornblaser (2017)


Diagnostic Value of Noninvasive Computed Tomography Perfusion Imaging and Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography for Assessing Hemodynamically Significant Native Coronary Artery Lesions, Pooja Sethi, Hemang B. Panchal, Sreenivas P. Veeranki, Zia Ur Rahman, Hadii Mamudu, and Timir K. Paul (2017)

Home Run for Civil Rights: Exploring Social Justice and the Negro Leagues Through Children's Literature, Deborah J. Parrott and Kristi D. Julian (2017)


In-Flight Allergic Emergencies, Mario Sánchez-Borges, Victoria Cardona, Margitta Worm, Richard F. Lockey, Aziz Sheikh, Paul A. Greenberger, Ignacio J. Ansotegui, Motohiro Ebisawa, Yehia El-Gamal, Stanley Fineman, Mario Geller, Alexei Gonzalez-Estrada, Luciana Tanno, and Bernard Y. Thong (2017)


Journey of Trail From Bench to Bedside and Its Potential Role in Immuno-Oncology, George E. Naoum, Donald J. Buchsbaum, Fady Tawadros, Ammad Farooqi, and Waleed O. Arafat (2017)


Ketone Bodies Mimic the Life Span Extending Properties of Caloric Restriction, Richard L. Veech, Patrick C. Bradshaw, Kieran Clarke, William Curtis, Robert Pawlosky, and M. Todd King (2017)


Left Breast Swelling in an 11-Month-Old Girl, Tyler J. Williams, Jennifer Gibson, Lesli Taylor, Demetrio MacAriola, Sugantha Krishnan, and Callie Reeder (2017)