ETSU Faculty Works | Faculty Works | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

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Multicultural Focus Groups, Carolyn S. Merriman (1999)

Narrative Therapy in the Classroom: Honoring Diversity, J. Graham Disque and P. E. Robertson (1999)

Nursing as a Career, Carolyn S. Merriman (1999)

Nursing as a Career, Carolyn S. Merriman (1999)

Peer Mentoring and Peer Tutoring for Disadvantaged Students, Carolyn S. Merriman, P. Ramsey, and S. Blowers (1999)

Phonological Intervention with Children: Word vs. Conversation Level, C. Agee, C. Bowden, and A. Lynn Williams (1999)

Practical Approach to Integrative Medicine, Reid B. Blackwelder (1999)

Profile of Disadvantaged Students in the College of Nursing, Carolyn S. Merriman (1999)

Profiles of Early and Later Vocalizations in Children with Cleft Lip and/or Palate and Children without Clefts, Nancy J. Scherer, A. Lynn Williams, and John Kalbfleisch (1999)

Project PAVE: Providing Access to the Visual Environment: Low Vision Inservice, Lori J. Marks (1999)

Relationship Among Wake Time, Food Intake, Age, and Salivary Cortisol Concentrations in Adults, Andrea D. Clements (1999)

Roadway Construction Effects on South Indian Creek and Tributaries, Erwin TN to the North Carolina border, Phillip R. Scheuerman, J. L. Farris, D. S. Cherry, R. J. Currie, C. D. Milam, and J. D. Napier (1999)

Take THAT! Responsibility that is…, Susan Bramlett Epps (1999)

The Completeness of Maternity and Premature Infants’ Medical Charts: Implications for Chart-Based Research Studies, Andrea D. Clements (1999)

The N.U.R.S.E. Center Program, Carolyn S. Merriman (1999)

The Relationship Between Antenatal Betamethasone Administration and the Incidence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Andrea D. Clements (1999)

The Use of Bacteriophage, Optical Brightners, and Caffeine as Alternative Indicators for Detecting the Presence and Source of Fecal Contamination, A. O. Lane and Phillip R. Scheuerman (1999)

The Use of Macroinvertebrates as Indicators of Water Quality in Two Rural Appalachian Streams, D. Connell, Phillip R. Scheuerman, and L. R. Curtis (1999)

Treatment Efficacy in Phonological Intervention: Clinical Case Studies, A. Lynn Williams, R. Epperly, J. R. Rodgers, and L. Feltes (1999)

Using Reflective Teams in Supervision: Benefits for Clients, Counselors, & Team Members, J. Graham Disque and P. E. Robertson (1999)

Admissions Process: What Are We Really Trying to Assess?, J. Graham Disque and P. E. Robertson (1998)

A Longitudinal Case Study of Phonological Treatment Efficacy, M. Brown and A. Lynn Williams (1998)

A Phonological Approach to Assessment and Intervention, A. Lynn Williams (1998)

A Practical Approach to Alternative Medicine, Reid B. Blackwelder (1998)

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo: Assessment and Treatment, Faith W. Akin (1998)

Choosing a Major, Susan Bramlett Epps (1998)

Concentration of Bacteria in Groundwater and Two Streams in a Rural Community of East Tennessee, S. Piontkowski, Phillip R. Scheuerman, and L. R. Curtis (1998)

Coping with Divorce, J. Graham Disque (1998)

DA Head Movement During Locomotion in Patients with Bilateral Vestibular Loss, Faith W. Akin and D. A. Ashmead (1998)

Determination of Potential Risk Associated with Cryptosporidium and Giardia in a Rural Water Source, J. Swiger, Phillip R. Scheuerman, and Phillip R. Musich (1998)

Effect of Inoculum level of a Freeze-Dried Consortium and Substrate Concentration on p-cresol Degradation, E. Barrett and Phillip R. Scheuerman (1998)

Environmental Education: A Hands-On Approach to Watershed Management, C. Landy, Phillip R. Scheuerman, L. Curtis, and T. Oppewal (1998)

Gaze Stability During Locomotion in Patients with Bilateral Vestibular Loss, Faith W. Akin and D. A. Ashmead (1998)

Information Needs of Healthcare Professionals in Rural Northeast Tennessee and the Effectiveness of an AHEC in Meeting These Needs, Rick L. Wallace (1998)

Information Needs of Healthcare Professionals in Rural Northeast Tennessee and the Effectiveness of NETAHEC in Meeting These Needs, Rick L. Wallace (1998)

Integrative Approaches to Mental Health Issues, Reid B. Blackwelder (1998)

Internet and Template Writing: Facilitating the Research and Report Writing Process, Lori J. Marks, D. J. Montgomery, and R. P. Butler (1998)

Leadership/Service-Learning Resource Fair, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (1998)

Legal Issues in Advising, Susan Bramlett Epps (1998)

Motivation Workshop, Susan Bramlett Epps (1998)

Narrative Therapy with Children and Adolescents, J. Graham Disque (1998)

Principles Underlying Successful Partnerships Among Local Government, Service Agencies and a Regional University to Provide Health Care to a Homeless Population, Jean Croce Hemphill, C. Macnee, S. Reed, S. Baldwin, D. Bradley, K. Bratton, and S. Justice (1998)

Test-Taking Strategies for Undergraduate Nursing Students, Carolyn S. Merriman (1998)

The Effect of Cell Inoculum Level and Substrate Concentration on p- cresol Degradation, E. Barrett and Phillip R. Scheuerman (1998)

The Effect of Water Hardness and Humic Acid on the Teratogenicity and Toxicity of Atrazine Using FETAX, J. D. Napier, Phillip R. Scheuerman, and Rebecca A. Pyles (1998)

The Effects of Substrate Concentration and Cell Density on the Rate of Degradation of o-cresol Using a Freeze-Dried Consortium, A. Walls and Phillip R. Scheuerman (1998)

The Three E's of Treatment Efficacy: A Phonological Case Example, M. Bower and A. Lynn Williams (1998)

Who’s Caring for the Children?, Mary R. Langenbrunner (1998)

Writing and Word Processing: An Overview of Software Features, Lori J. Marks and D. J. Montgomery (1998)

Adlerian Brief Counseling: Individuals, Couples, and Families, James Bitter, Oscar Christensen, Clair Hawes, and Bill Nicoll (1997)

A Model Depicting the Influences on the Development of Children's Self-Concept, Mary R. Langenbrunner (1997)

A Narrative Approach for a Residential Adolescent Treatment Facility, J. Graham Disque (1997)

An Evaluation of Microbial Enzyme Assays as an Indicator of Pollution in Stream Sediments, J. Case, Phillip R. Scheuerman, C. Bishop, and A. Hougland (1997)

An Intergenerational Approach to Curtailing the Pollution of a Major Corporation: The Case of the Pigeon River and the People of Cocke County, Jamie Branam Kridler (1997)

Bilateral Vestibular Loss, Faith W. Akin (1997)

Bilateral Vestibular Loss, Faith W. Akin (1997)

C0-Teaching, Lori J. Marks and D. Montgomery (1997)

Careers in Special Education: Recruiting High School and University Students into the Student Council for Exceptional Children, Lori J. Marks, J. Rodefer, and C. Walker (1997)

Case Study of a Homeless, Pregnant, Adolescent, Jean Croce Hemphill (1997)

Children's Literature As A Resource for Enhancing Self-Concept, J. Graham Disque and Mary R. Langenbrunner (1997)

Children's Reputations: Narrative Systems in Schools, J. Graham Disque and Mary R. Langenbrunner (1997)

Children's Reputations: Narrative Systems in Schools, J. Graham Disque and Mary R. Langenbrunner (1997)

Contralateral Suppression of Click Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions in Normal-Hearing Children, R. F. Oyler and Owen D. Murnane (1997)

Counselor Educator Networking, J. Graham Disque (1997)

Development of Early Cause and Effect and Communication Skills Using Low-Tech and Computer-Based Interventions, Lori J. Marks and D. J. Montgomery (1997)

D-i-v-o-r-c-e: Facilitating the Adjustment Process for Children, Mary R. Langenbrunner (1997)

Don't Fight It, Write It! Developing Writing Skills Through Assistive Technology, Lori J. Marks and D. J. Montgomery (1997)

Dreikurs’ Holistic Medicine: An Overview, James Bitter and Cynthia Carr (1997)

From Assessment to Intervention: A Systemic Phonological Approach, A. Lynn Williams (1997)

From Assessment to Intervention: A Systemic Phonological Approach, A. Lynn Williams (1997)

Gestalt Art Therapy for Children of All Ages, J. Graham Disque (1997)

IDEA Exchange for Counselor Educators and Supervisors, J. Graham Disque and C. L. Thompson (1997)

I'm Having a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day: How to Use Children's Literature to Enhance Children's Social Interaction in the Classroom, J. Graham Disque and Mary R. Langenbrunner (1997)

Increasing Active Learning, Higher-Order Thinking, and Relevance/Meaningfulness in the University Classroom, Andrea D. Clements, J. Charlesworth, and L. Rothenberg (1997)

Make and Take Posterboard Switch Workshop, D. J. Montgomery, Lori J. Marks, K. Walls, and C. Rose (1997)

Making Connections in Special Education: a Hands-on Internet Workshop, Lori J. Marks (1997)

Marriage Enrichment Workshop, J. Graham Disque (1997)

Narrative Therapy: Deconstructing Guilt and Reauthoring Innocence, J. Graham Disque (1997)

Predicting Excellence: The Admissions Process in Counselor Education, J. Graham Disque, Clifton W. Mitchell, and P. E. Robertson (1997)

Satir And Relational Therapy, James Bitter, Margarita Suarez, and Judith Wagner (1997)

School-age Children’s & Adolescents’ Perceptions of the Preferred Parent While Engaging in Recreational & Non-recreational Activities, Mary R. Langenbrunner and J. Graham Disque (1997)

School-age Children's and Adolescents' Perceptions of the "Preferred" Parent while Engaging in Recreational and Nonrecreational Activities, J. Graham Disque and Mary R. Langenbrunner (1997)

Service-Learning/Community Education Panel, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (1997)

Service-Learning Resource Center, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (1997)

Small Group Teaching, Reid B. Blackwelder (1997)

Strategies for Using the IntelliKeys Alternative Keyboard with Students with Severe Disabilities, Lori J. Marks (1997)

Students with Low-Incidence Disabilities: Practical Strategies that Work, Lori J. Marks (1997)

The Effects of Stimulus Modality on the Development of Equivalence Relations in Children with Mild Disabilities, Lori J. Marks (1997)

The Relationship Between Salivary Cortisol Concentrations in Frozen Versus Mailed Samples, Andrea D. Clements (1997)

The Relationship between Speech and Language Impairments in Children, A. Lynn Williams, S. M. Camarata, Nancy J. Scherer, and P. Hoffman (1997)

The Science and Practice of Phonological Intervention, A. Lynn Williams, S. M. Camarata, Nancy J. Scherer, and B. Bain (1997)

Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions in Normal Hearing and Hearing Impaired Ears, Owen D. Murnane (1997)

What's Really Going On In Learning Centers, R. Isbell and Mary R. Langenbrunner (1997)

Work Architecture: Continuous Improvement in Student Affairs, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (1997)

Year Round Schooling, M. Collins, C. Cunningham, Terri C. Knight, and D. Morgan (1997)

Youth Violence and Community Connectedness: A Solution?, Jamie Branam Kridler (1997)

ADHD: Strategies to Improve Classroom Integration, D. J. Montgomery and Lori J. Marks (1996)

A Model of Peer Group Supervision, A. Lynn Williams (1996)

A Multiple Opposition Approach to Phonological Treatment, A. Lynn Williams (1996)

A Preliminary Assessment of Cortisol and Behavior in Young Children: a Look at Instrumentation, Methodology, and Diurnal Rhythm, Andrea D. Clements (1996)