The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to



Using Raspberry PI to Code in R, Ryan Andrew Nivens and JeanMarie Hendrickson (2016)

Using Technology and Systematic Instruction to Promote Grade Aligned ELA Skills, Pamela J. Mims (2016)

Using Technology and Systematic Instruction to Teach English/Language Arts Skills and Content, Pamela J. Mims and Carol Stanger (2016)

Using the Run-jump-throw Program as a Supplement to a Physical Education Curriculum, Kason M. O'Neil and Andy Dotterweich (2016)

Utilization of Evidence-Based Guidelines to Improve Health Care Provider’s Breastfeeding Knowledge and Attitudes as a Step to Increase Healthy People 2020 Goals, April H. Morrison (2016)

Utilization of Evidence-Based Guidelines to Improve Health Care Provider’s Breastfeeding Knowledge and Attitudes as a Step to Increase Healthy People 2020 Goals, April H. Morrison (2016)

Utilizing Lean & A3 Methodologies to Enhance the Congestive Heart Failure Patient Process Identification & Increase CHF Core Measure Scores at a Regional Medical Center, Jennifer R. Hunt, Kelli Jo Ouellette, and Ginny Kidwell (2016)

Vestibular Consequences of mTBI and Blast Exposure, Faith W. Akin, Owen D. Murnane, Courtney D. Hall, Jennifer R. Sears, Kristal M. Riska, and Richard B. Atlee (2016)

Vestibular Rehabilitation for Peripheral Vestibular Hypofunction: Clinical Practice Guideline and Beyond!, Courtney D. Hall, Susan J. Herdman, Susan L. Whitney, and Lisa Heusel-Gillig (2016)

Victim-Perpetrator Relationship in Childhood Abuse: Impact on Outcome in Individuals Who Engage in Sexual Misconduct Across Clinical and Non-Clinical Samples, Kelcey L. Hall and Jill D. Stinson (2016)

Views of Science and Religion among the American Public (with Special Reference to Evolution), Joseph O. Baker (2016)

War and Diplomacy in the Early Republic, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2016)

Water-Borne Disease From a Global Perspective, Megan Quinn and B. O'Connell (2016)

Waves, Sounds, & Music, Karin Keith, Chih-che Tai, Laura Robertson, and Renee Rice Moran (2016)

Weight Loss Medication Update, McKenzie L. Calhoun (2016)

What Do You Say After You Say “Hello”? Building the Capacity of Families, Carol M. Trivette (2016)

What People See and Think: Community Responses to Next Chapter Book Club, T. Fish, Cynthia R. Chambers, and A. Gross-Kunkle (2016)

What STTI Can Do for Me, Greta I. Marek (2016)

What STTI Can Do for Me, Greta I. Marek (2016)

What Students Can Tell Us About Best Practices of Online Teaching, Susan Bramlett Epps (2016)

Where Do We Go From Here?, C. Myers, Patricia M. Vanhook, B. Pilon, and B. McCann (2016)

Word Identification Strategies, Edward J. Dwyer (2016)

Word Identification Strategies, Edward J. Dwyer (2016)

Word Identification Strategies, Edward J. Dwyer (2016)

Working Together, Hand-in-hand: School-University Collaboration in the Professional Development of Writing Skills, Lori J. Marks, Tina M. Hudson, Kimberly D. Hale, and James Fox (2016)

Writing and Research Instruction for Students with Significant Disability: Providing Accessible ELA Instruction through an iPad App, Pamela J. Mims (2016)

Xander Harris and the Interrogation of American Masculine Rhetoric, Andrew F. Herrmann and Art Herbig (2016)

You’re Amazing, Now Let’s Show It: Self-Marketing the Wonder of Librarians, Wendy C. Doucette (2016)

YouTube and Food Allergy: An Appraisal of the Educational Quality of Information, Keerthi C. Reddy, Mary Kearns, S. Alvarez-Arango, L. Carillo-Martin, N. Cuervo-Pardo, V. Dimov, D. Lang, S. Lopez-Alvarez, B. Schroer, Mark Dula, Shimin Zheng, and Claudia A. Kozinetz (2016)

Zika Virus, Jim Holt (2016)

A Brain-Computer Interface Study Examining the Performance of Monochromatic and Color Stimuli, T. L. Street, S. A. Sprague, and Eric W. Sellers


Academic Preparation in Cleft Palate for Speech-Language Pathologists: Is the ICF-CY (Who, 2007) Alive and Well?, Mary B. Graham, Jackie Palmer, and Brenda Louw (2015)

Accessing Academic Content for Students with Significant Disabilities, Ann Lee and Pamela J. Mims (2015)


Accreditation Seeking Decisions in Local Health Departments, Kate Beatty, Tyler Carpenter, Ross Brownson, and Paul Erwin (2015)

Accreditation Seeking Decisions in Local Health Departments, Tyler Carpenter, Kate E. Beatty, Ross Brownson, and Paul Erwin (2015)

A Collaborative Practice Model for Pediatric Primary Care, Jodi Polaha and Karen Schetzina (2015)

A Collaborative Practice Training Model in Pediatric Behavioral Health: Team Based Research and Clinical Care in the Real World, Jodi Polaha (2015)

A Comparison of Three Methods of Assessing Lower Body Stretch-Shortening Cycle Utilization of Athletes, T. J. Suchomel, T. McInnis, and Michael H. Stone (2015)

A Consultative Model for Providing Technical Assistance to School Personnel in Service to Children with Autism, John J. Wheeler (2015)

ACPE Accredited Continuing Education, McKenzie L. Calhoun (2015)

A Cross-Sectional Study of Suicidal Behaviors and Physical Activity among 65,182 Middle School Students in Tennessee USA, Emily Miller, Jodi L. Southerland, Deborah L. Slawson, Shimin Zheng, Yan Cao, Deborah L. Slawson, and Lori Paisley (2015)

ADHD Management in Pediatric Primary Care: Time Is Not on Our Side, D. K. Petgrave, Jodi Polaha, M. A. Littleton, and A. D. Clements (2015)

Adlerian Group Counseling with Adolescents, James Robert Bitter and Amanda La Guardia (2015)

Adlerian Perspectives on Psychopathology, James Robert Bitter (2015)

Aligned English/Language Arts Instruction via an iPad App for Students with Significant Disabilities, Pamela J. Mims (2015)

Aligning Funding and Practice to Develop Sustainable Childhood Obesity Programming, Paula Masters, Alyssa Lovelace, Kate E. Beatty, and Deborah Slawson (2015)

A Mixed Methods Analysis of a Library Based Handheld Intervention with Rural Primary Care Clinicians, Nakia J. Woodward (2015)

Analysis of Impact of R382W Mutation on Substrate Specificity of Grapefruit Flavonol Specific 3-Glucosyltransferase, Kathleen King, Devaiah P. Shivakumar, and Cecelia A. McIntosh (2015)

An Assessment of Information Interventions with Isolated Rural Clinicians, Rick L. Wallace, Nakia J. Woodward, and Elizabeth A. Wallace (2015)

An Assessment of Nonmedical Use of Prescription Stimulants Among Tennessee Community College Students Using the Theory of Planned Behavior, Rajkumar J. Sevak, Kelly N. Foster, Arsham A. Alamian, Robert P. Pack, and Nick Hagemeier (2015)

An Early Childhood Emergent Curriculum Focusing on Nature and Region, Jane Tingle Broderick and B. K. Arnold (2015)

An Ecologic Analysis of Preterm Births in Appalachian Counties of Tennessee by Economic Level, Edward Leinaar, Ruby Yadav, and Mildred Maisonet (2015)

ANEP Grant Orientation: Student-led Interprofessional Clinic, Christine M. Mullins (2015)


An Evidence-Based Response to Prescription Drug Abuse, Robert P. Pack and Stephanie M. Mathis (2015)

An Examination of the ACE Study and Complex Trauma in High-Risk Forensic Inpatients, Kelcey L. Hall, Carrie C. LeMay, Jill D. Stinson, and Megan A. Quinn (2015)

An Experimental Invetigation of Opposition to Landmark Supreme Court Decisions, Colin Glennon (2015)


An Innovative Approach to Mentoring Newly Hired Nurse 2015 Educators, Greta I. Marek (2015)

An International Classroom: Research Teams as the Nexus, Brenda Louw and A. Lynn Williams (2015)

An Introduction to Principles of Play Therapy, Rebekah J. Byrd (2015)

Applying Photographic ResearchMethods to Organizational Research, Joshua L. Ray, C. Allen Gorman, and Eva Lynn Cowell (2015)

Appropriating the Restoration: Fictional Place and Time in Works by Daniel Defoe, Sir Walter Scott and Rose Tremain, Judith Bailey Slagle (2015)

A Qualitative Study of Appalachian Employers’ Perceptions of Hiring Psychologists, Robert M. Tolliver, J. P. Jameson, L. Curtin, and Jodi Polaha (2015)

A Screening and Stepped Care Intervention for Postpartum Depression in a Pediatric Setting: Implementation and Feasibility, Caleb Smith, Jodi Polaha, K. Schetzina, and M. Tolliver (2015)

Assessing Public Health Burden Associated with Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Its Chemical Components in the United States, Ying Li (2015)

Assessment in Early Childhood, Cathy Galyon Keramidas (2015)

Assessment Of Using A Life-Logging Wearable Camera As A Tool For Determining Dietary Intake In Free Living Non-Communicative Individuals, Eileen M. Cress, O. G. Wooliver, L. T. Evans, C. M. DePaoli, J. M. Stafford, and W. Andrew Clark (2015)

Association of Vitamin D Deficiency with High Cholesterol Levels, Eunice Mogusu, Shimin Zheng, Sreenivas P. Veeranki, D. Kioko, and Megan Quinn (2015)

Assuming Competence: Philosophical Basis for Research in Access to the General Curriculum, Bree Jimenez and Pamela J. Mims (2015)

A Survey of Rater Training Programs in U.S. Organizations, C. Allen Gorman, John P. Meriac, and Joshua L. Ray (2015)

A Survey of School Administrators' and teachers' views of Discipline Referrals for Students With and Without Disabilities, Leslie Church and James J. Fox (2015)

A Systematic Review of the Relationship Between Asthma, Obesity and the Effects of Physical Activity in Youth, Arsham Alamian, Edward Leinaar, and Liang Wang (2015)

Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated Kinase: Role in Cardiac Myocyte Apoptosis and Myocardial Remodeling, Cerrone R. Foster, L. L. Daniels, C. R. Daniels, Mahipal Singh, and Krishna Singh (2015)

A Test of the Rewarding Versus Aversive Effects of Nicotine in Rats Neonatally Treated with Quinpirole, Seth Kirby, Elizabeth D. Cummins, Daniel J. Peterson, Leigh Kassem, and Russell W. Brown (2015)

Audiology Services at Remote Area Medical Expeditions in Southern Appalachia, Marc A. Fagelson and K. McCreery (2015)

Author Meets Critics: American Secularism: The Cultural Contours of Nonreligious Belief Systems, Joseph O. Baker and Buster G. Smith (2015)

Babies Prenatally Exposed to Drugs and their Mothers: An Introduction and Case Studies in Intervention, Kerry Proctor-Williams and Kristi Moore (2015)

Babies Prenatally Exposed to Drugs and their Mothers: An Introduction and Case Studies in Intervention, Kerry Proctor-Williams and Kristi Moore (2015)

“Bathing” Infants & Toddlers in Rich Language Experiences to Close the Word Gap, Carol M. Trivette, Michael Garrett, and Carol Landy (2015)


“Bathing” the Most Vulnerable Children in Language: Closing the Word Gap, Carol M. Trivette (2015)

Behavioral Health Referrals in Pediatric Primary Care, Halie Dyer, Byron Brooks, Karen Schetzina, and Jodi Polaha (2015)

Behavior During Tethered Kicking in Infants with Periventricular Brain Injury, Kara Boynewicz, Suzann Campbell, Whitney Cole, Laura Zawacki, April Clark, Dipti Kale, and S. Madhavan (2015)

Behavior Management From a Cultural Perspective: The Missing Information in Behavior Management Textbooks and Courses, Arnold Nyarambi (2015)

Better Communication, Better Outcomes, Kiana Johnson (2015)

Biochemical Characterization of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase in Physcomitrella Patens, Swati Swati and Aruna Kilaru (2015)

Biochemical Characterization of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase in Physcomitrella Patens, Swati Swati and Aruna Kilaru (2015)

Biochemical Characterization of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolases in Tomato, Derek Stuffle, Vijay Tiwari, and Aruna Kilaru (2015)

Blind Alfred Reed: Appalachian Visionary, Ted Olson (2015)

Bluegrass Music and Appalachia in Place, Land, and Imagination, Lee Bidgood (2015)

Bridging the Gap with Public Value and Corporate Social Responsibility, Rebecca L. Keeler (2015)

Bringing 2014 DEC Recommended Practices to Life: Seeking Input from the Field, Pam Winton and Carol M. Trivette (2015)

Bringing DEC Recommended Practices to Life: Seeking Input from the Field, Pam Winton, Carol Peterson, Kim Moherek Sopko, Juliann Woods, and Carol M. Trivette (2015)

Bringing Failure to the Top: Utilizing Lean & A3 Thinking Methodologies to Enhance the Congestive Heart Failure Patient Process Identification & Increase CHF Core Measure Scores at a Regional Medical Center, Jennifer R. Hunt and Kelli Jo Ouellette (2015)

Bringing Failure to the Top: Utilizing Lean & A3 Thinking Methodologies to Enhance the Congestive Heart Failure Patient Process Identification & Increase CHF Core Measure Scores at a Regional Medical Center, Jennifer R. Hunt and Kelli Jo Ouellette (2015)

Bringing the Art of Counselor Education into the 21st Century, Tamekia Bell and Cassandra G. Pusateri (2015)

Buffalo Soldiers, Kenneth Estes Hall (2015)

Build a Better Mousetrap or Fix the Old One? The Influence of High Impact Performance Management Practices on Organizational Performance, C. Allen Gorman (2015)

Building Inclusive, Community-Based Book Clubs, Cynthia R. Chambers (2015)

Burning Blood and Bone Among the Postclassic Maya: Gender, Complementary Dualism, and the Material Record, William N. Duncan and Gabrielle Vail (2015)


Can Guided Inquiry Be Done in an Online Setting?, Alison L. Barton (2015)

Caregiver Support Group Facilitator, Florence M. Weierbach (2015)