The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to



HIV-Related Stigma, Loneliness, and Sleep Quality in Men and Women Living With HIV, Erin M. Fekete, Stacey L. Williams, and Matthew D. Skinta (2016)


Hot off the Press: An Update on Campus Climate (Results of Campus P.R.I.D.E. (Perceptions Regarding Identity and Diversity in the Environment: Etsu’s Climate for Gender, Sexual, Ethnic, and Religious Minorities, Stacey L. Williams and Emma G. Fredrick (2016)

How Are Speech Pathologists Involving Parents in Intervention for Phonological Impairment?, Eleanor Sugden, Elise Baker, Natalie Munro, A. Lynn Williams, and Carol M. Trivette (2016)

How to Land That New Job (And How Not To), Wallace E. Dixon Jr., Martha Arterberry, Keith Crnic, H. Hill Goldsmith, Laura Scaramella, and Marsha Weinraub (2016)

How to Prescribe Cost-effective Therapies for Indigent Populations, Judy A. Rice (2016)


How to Support Parents and Professionals in Early Intervention: Principles of Adult Learning, Carol M. Trivette (2016)

How to Write a Successful RDC Grant for Funding: Lessons from a Panel of Awardees, D. Hurley, Ryan Andrew Nivens, Rosemary Geiken, and Renée Rice Moran (2016)

Human Conversations: Self Disclosure & Storytelling in Adlerian Therapy, James Robert Bitter and Rebekah J. Byrd (2016)


Hybrid PLCs: Building Collaboration Among Teachers in Different Schools, Laura Robertson, Pamela Cromie, Lindsay Lester, Jennifer Hill, and Diana O'Neal (2016)

Identification and Characterization of N-Acylethanolamine Hydrolyzing Enzyme in Solanum Lycopersicum, Derek Stuffle, Vijay Tiwari, and Aruna Kilaru (2016)

Identification and Characterization of N-Acylethanolamine Hydrolyzing Enzyme in Solanum Lycopersicum, Derek Stuffle, Vijay Tiwari, and Aruna Kilaru (2016)

Identification and Functional Analysis of Avocado DGAT1 and DGAT2 Expressed in Yeast, Md Mahbubar Rahman, Jay Shockey, and Aruna Kilaru (2016)

Identification And Functional Analysis of Avocado Dgat1 and Dgat2 Expressed in Yeast, Md Mahbubar Rahman, Jay Shockey, and Aruna Kilaru (2016)

Identification and Functional Analysis of Avocado DGAT1 and DGAT2 Expressed in Yeast, Md Mahbubar Rahman, Jay Shockey, and Aruna Kilaru (2016)


Identification of Speech-language Disorders in Toddlers, A. Lynn Williams and Carol Stoel-Gammon (2016)

Identifying Caregivers in Primary Care to Influence Keeping Elderly Patients in the Home, Carissa Myers, Lisa Ousley, and Florence M. Weierbach (2016)

IFSPs and IEP’s What is the Difference?, Cathy Galyon Keramidas (2016)

Impact of Childhood Adversity and out-of-Home Placement for Youth With Sexual Behavior Problems, Kelcey L. Hall and Jill D. Stinson (2016)

Impact of Childhood Adversity and out-of-Home Placement in Adolescents With Sexual Behavior Problems, Kelcey L. Hall, Jill D. Stinson, and Lydia L. Eisenbrandt (2016)

Implementing the Claims, Evidence, and Reasoning Framework with Electricity and Magnetism, Laura Robertson and Andrea Lowery (2016)

Importance of Community Connections: Strategies for Intervention & Prevention, Teresa Taylor, Jamie Branam Kridler, and Mary Langenbrunner (2016)

Improvement Partnerships and Academic Advancement, David L. Wood (2016)

Improving the Provision of Health Information for Families with Young Children, Tatiana Patsimas, Karen E. Schetzina, and Gayatri Bala Jaishankar (2016)

Incorporating a Differentiated Word Study Approach: Using Words Their Way, Karin Keith and Renee Rice Moran (2016)

Infant Attentional Processing and Language Acquisition: The Role of Posture, Jaima Price and Wallace E. Dixon Jr. (2016)

Infant Indicators of ADHD and Overweight Comorbidity, Katherine Musacchio, Brandy Anders, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., and Jaima S. Price (2016)

Infant Mental Health in Tennessee: Our Journey, Michele R. Moser and L. Lucinski (2016)

Innovative Assessment in Secondary Physical Education, Kason M. O'Neil (2016)

Innovative Games for Striking in Elementary Physical Education, Kason M. O'Neil, Sharon Cradic, and C. Olive (2016)

Integrating Science Hands-on Learning with Reading and Writing, Karin Keith (2016)

Integrating Science Learning with Literacy in Grades 6-12, Chih-Che Tai, Karin Keith, S. Starnes, and Renee Rice Moran (2016)

Integrating Test-Enhanced Learning into a 2016 BSN Foundations of Nursing Class: A Pilot Project, Greta I. Marek and Laura Dower (2016)

Intention to Quit Smoking in 14 Low and Middle Income Countries, Daniel Owusu, Megan Quinn, K. Wang, J. Aibangbee, S. Veeranki, and H. Mamudu (2016)

Interprofessional Education: A Growing Force Behind the Team Care Revolution, Jodi Polaha, Tim Bishop, C. Cordes, Reid B. Blackwelder, B. Cross, V. Soltis-Jarett, M. Zomorodi, and L. Sinclair (2016)

Interprofessional Opportunities in Sleep Practice, Kristen L. McHenry (2016)

Interprofessional Practice: A Pediatric Perspective, Kerry Proctor-Williams (2016)

Interprofessional Team Development in Student Led Clinics in Rural Northeast Tennessee, M. Lee, April Stidham, Sarah Melton, and Christine M. Mullins (2016)

Interprofessional Working Group Addresses Prescription Drug Abuse, Angela M. Hagaman and Stephanie M. Mathis (2016)

Intimate Partner Violence During Pregnancy in Appalachian Women, Tifani Fletcher, Andrea D. Clements, and Beth A. Bailey (2016)

Intra- and Inter-Examiner Reliability of the Binocular Video Head Impulse Test, Ashley Ellis, Emerald Lauzon, Kristal M. Riska, Faith W. Akin, and Owen D. Murnane (2016)

Introduction to Dermoscopy, Jim Holt and Josh Cusick-Lewis (2016)

Introduction to Internal Family Systems, J. Graham Disque (2016)

Inventory: Yes, You Can! Today, Wendy C. Doucette, Theresa Mcmahan, and Jeri Paddock (2016)

In Vivo Simulation Compared to Video Simulation Training: Identifying Clinical Distress Makers when Feeding Preterm Infants., Emily Wagner, Neina Ferguson, Brenda Louw, and Saravanan Elangovan (2016)

I Spy Language: Finding Language Opportunities in Everyday Activities, Kristine C. Matthias (2016)

Issues Surrounding Mediations with Unmarried, Non-Residential Fathers, Mary R. Langenbrunner (2016)

James Boswell and the Making of the Edinburgh Theatre Royal, 1767-1859, Judith Bailey Slagle (2016)

Juice Consumption among Children Aged 9 to 24 Months Participating in Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program, Alyssa Lovelace, Karen E. Schetzina, and Gayatri Bala Jaishankar (2016)

"Killing in the Name of…." Organizational Logic, Ethics, and Discourses in The Cabin in the Woods, Andrew F. Herrmann (2016)

Knox County Stomp: Documenting Urban Appalachia’s Great Depression-Era Location Recording Sessions, Ted Olson (2016)


Leader Behavior and Follower Work Behavior: The Influence of Follower Characteristics, C. Allen Gorman and Jason S. Gamble (2016)

Learning in a Global Context: Infusing the New Concept of Education Diplomacy in Teacher Preparation Programs, Arnold Nyarambi (2016)

Learning Support Effectiveness in Mathematics at a Tennessee University, M. E. Dula, James Lampley, and Donald W. Good (2016)

Leases: What Your Clients Need to Know, Michelle S. Freeman (2016)

LEEDING the Way With Interdisciplinary Design Teaching, K. Julian, Mohammad M. Uddin, and K. Johnson (2016)

Legal and Ethical Issues in School Counseling: A Review of Important Concepts, Rebekah J. Byrd (2016)


Legal and Public Health Landscape: The Opioid Epidemic and Opportunities for State and Federal Engagement, Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2016)

Let’s Include ALL Children! How UDL Can Make That Happen!, C. M. Bland and Cathy Galyon Keramidas (2016)

LGBTQ at CFHA: A Panel Discussion, R. Reitz, B. E. Barber, M. Evers, S. Migalski, S. L. Williams, and Jodi Polaha (2016)

Literacy and Meaning Making in the Early Years, L. Kathryn Sharp (2016)

Literacy: Connections to Content, Concepts, and Thinking Processes, L. Kathryn Sharp (2016)

Literacy Learning in the Digital Age: Practical Methods for Incorporating Digital Book Clubs, Renee Rice Moran, LaShay Jennings, Huili Hong, and Karin J. Keith (2016)

Living Stories of Working Lives: Personal Narratives in Organizations, Andrew F. Herrmann (2016)

Local AMSA Telecommunications and its effect on Socioeconomics, Reid B. Blackwelder (2016)

Longitudinal Changes in Muscle Architecture, Reactive Strength, and Explosive Ability in Collegiate Volleyball Players throughout a Competitive Season, Caleb D. Bazyler, Timothy J. Suchomel, Christopher J. Sole, Satoshi Miziguchi, and Michael H. Stone (2016)

Longitudinal Changes in Muscle Architecture, Reactive Strength, and Explosive Ability in Collegiate Volleyball Players throughout a Competitive Season., Caleb D. Bazyler, T. J. Suchomel, Christopher J. Sole, Satoshi Mizuguchi, and Michael H. Stone (2016)


Looking Beyond Red Flags, Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2016)

Make Them Get Their Heads in the Clouds: Is it Worth Teaching Digital Natives the Importance of Cloud Based Technology?, Joanna M. Anderson (2016)

Making Integrated Care Meaningful and Enduring: A Strategy for Success, Jodi Polaha (2016)

Making Sense of Journal Rankings in Mathematics Education, Ryan Andrew Nivens (2016)

Making Sense of Popular Culture, Spaces of Learning, and Self: Educational Experiences at the Boundaries of Teacher Education, Lori T. Meier (2016)


Making the First Steps toward Lasting Collaboration: A Case Study in Establishing Cross-sector Networks to Improve Regional Health Outcomes, Billy Brooks, Kate E. Beatty, and Paula Masters (2016)

Management of Dizzy Patient, Courtney D. Hall (2016)

Managing Diverse Investigation Threads in Emergent Inquiry Classrooms Using Whole and Small Group Classroom Meetings, Jane Tingle Broderick and T. Sarver (2016)

Managing Diverse Investigation Threads in Emergent Inquiry Classrooms Using Whole and Small Group Classroom Meetings, Tammie Sarver, Jane Tingle Broderick, and Lynn Lodien (2016)


Marketing Starts Here: Joining Forces with Advertising Students to Charm Milennial Audiences [Poster Session], Rebecca Tolley (2016)


Maximize How You Supervise: Report of the 2016 ASHA Ad Hoc Committee on Supervision Training, Vicki McCready, Kevin McNamara, Nancy Nelson, Samantha Procaccini, Stephanie Adamovich, KarLeung Cheung, Carol Dudding, Natalie Lenzen, Loretta Nunez, and A. Lynn Williams (2016)

Median and Mode Approximation for Skewed Unimodal Continuous Distributions using Taylor Series Expansion, Mark Dula, Eunice Mogusu, Sheryl Strasser, Ying Liu, and Shimin Zheng (2016)

Meet the Deans: Getting into Graduate School, Karin Bartoszuk, Brian J. Maxson, and D. Magee (2016)

Meet Your Professors, Katherine Weiss (2016)

Mental Health Services in Appalachia, Cassandra G. Pusateri (2016)

Microbial Enzyme Activity in Surface Water and Sediments, Bridgett Stiltner and Phillip R. Scheuerman (2016)

MLP in the Rural Health Center Context– Lessons on Tele-technology and Priority Setting, Patricia M. Vanhook, John Orzechowzeki, Trish Aniol, and Rachel Clifton (2016)

Modeling the Variable Polarization of Epsilon Aurigae, Richard Ignace, Gary D. Henson, and William Asbury (2016)

Mom Power: A Parenting Intervention to Improve Mental Health and Parenting among High-Risk Mothers with Young Children, Diana M. Morelen (2016)

Monitoring Athlete Training and Performance, Michael W. Ramsey (2016)

More Common Than you Think: Vestibulo-ocular and Vestibulospinal Dysfunction in Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease, Lee Dibble, Michael C. Schubert, and Courtney D. Hall (2016)

Motivational Interviewing for Offender Rehabilitation and Reentry, Jill D. Stinson (2016)

National and State Trends in BMI Percentile, Obesity, and Overweight Rates Among Youth using YRBSS Data, Casey Morrell, Megan A. Quinn, Mark Dula, Charvi Choksi, and Shimin Zheng (2016)

National Trend in Hospitalization Cost for In-patient Single Vessel Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Patients with and without Diabetes Mellitus in the United States: An Analysis from Nationwide Inpatient Sample from 2006-2011, Hemang B. Panchal, Shimin Zheng, Ashraf Abusara, Eunice Mogusu, and Timir K. Paul (2016)

National Trend in Multivessel Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus in the United States, Eunice Mogusu, Ashraf Abusara, Hemang Panchal, Shimin Zheng, and Timir K. Paul (2016)

NCLEX Preparation and Priority and Delegation, Carolyn S. Merriman (2016)

NCLEX Success: Preparation Begins Today!, Carolyn S. Merriman (2016)

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Prevention Behaviors Among Primary Care Prescribers, Buprenorphine Prescribers, and Pain Management Clinic Directors, A. Ross, A. Dinh, J. A. Basden, Ivy Click, and Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2016)

New Clinical Applications of Otoacoustic Emissions, Jacek Smurzynski (2016)


New Payment Models Within a Virtual Practice, Jim Holt (2016)

Nonmedical Use of Prescription Stimulants among Community College Students in Tennessee, Rajkumar J. Sevak, Kelly N. Foster, Arsham Alamian, Robert P. Pack, and Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2016)

Novel Liquid Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry Method for the Chiral Separation and Quantification of d- and l-threo Methylphenidate in Brain Tissue, Serena Allen, Stacy D. Brown, Carolyn Reynolds, Erin Hankins, and Brooks Pond (2016)

Novel Video Head Impulse Findings in an Asymptomatic Individual with Unilateral Vestibular Loss, Owen D. Murnane (2016)

Nucleus Accumbens BDNF Overexpression Alters the Behavioral Response to Nicotine, Seth Kirby, Katherine C. Burgess, L. A. Beuttel, Daniel J. Peterson, C. A. Bradley, Meng-Yang Zhu, Matthew I. Palmatier, and Russell W. Brown (2016)