The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.
If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to
Bringing the Art of Counselor Education into the 21st Century, Tamekia Bell and Cassandra G. Pusateri (2015)
Buffalo Soldiers, Kenneth Estes Hall (2015)
Build a Better Mousetrap or Fix the Old One? The Influence of High Impact Performance Management Practices on Organizational Performance, C. Allen Gorman (2015)
Building Inclusive, Community-Based Book Clubs, Cynthia R. Chambers (2015)
Burning Blood and Bone Among the Postclassic Maya: Gender, Complementary Dualism, and the Material Record, William N. Duncan and Gabrielle Vail (2015)
Can Guided Inquiry Be Done in an Online Setting?, Alison L. Barton (2015)
Caregiver Support Group Facilitator, Florence M. Weierbach (2015)
Celebrate Hispanic Culture with Pura Belpré Award Winners, Reneé C. Lyons (2015)
Centrality and Private Regard as Key Factors Predicting Psychological Distress and Self-Esteem in Sexual Minorities, Emma G. Fredrick and Stacey L. Williams (2015)
Centrality and Private Regard as Key Factors Predicting Psychological Distress and Self-Esteem in Sexual Minorities, Emma G. Fredrick and Stacey L. Williams (2015)
Cents Making: Improving Student Pharmacists’ Personal Finance Skills and Behaviors, Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2015)
Characteristics of Speech (Part 1) and Language (Part 2) for Hearing Devices (Aids), Earl E. Johnson (2015)
Characterization of Acyltransferases to Understand Lipid Biosynthesis in Nonseed Tissues, Md Mahbubar Rahman, Andrew Campbell, J. Shockey, and Aruna Kilaru (2015)
Characterization of Acyltransferases to Understand Lipid Biosynthesis in Nonseed Tissues, Md Mahbubar Rahman, A. Campbell, Jay Shockey, and Aruna Kilaru (2015)
CIVAMITAWSED: A Mnemonic Exercise to Increase Comprehension, Critical Thinking, and Enhance Classroom Discussions, E. Cowell, R. Fawbush, Joshua L. Ray, and C. Allen Gorman (2015)
Climate Change Impacts: Heat-Related Mortality Projections and Population Adaptive Responses in United States, Joseph Kusi and Ying Li (2015)
Climate Change Impacts on Heat-Related Mortality in Large Urban Areas in China, Ying Li, Wei Zhang, Ting Ren, and Andrew Joyner (2015)
Clinical Assessment of Otolith Organ Function, Owen D. Murnane (2015)
Clinical Service Delivery Disparities along the Urban/Rural Continuum, Kate Beatty (2015)
Clinical Service Delivery Disparities along the Urban/Rural Continuum, Kate Beatty, Michael Meit, Tyler Carpenter, Amal Khoury, and Paula Masters (2015)
Clinical Service Delivery Disparities along the Urban/Rural Continuum, Kate Beatty, Michael Meit, Tyler Carpenter, Amal Khoury, and Paula Masters (2015)
Clinical Service Delivery Disparities along the Urban/Rural Continuum, Kate Beatty, Michael Meit, Tyler Carpenter, Amal Khoury, and Paula Masters (2015)
Clinical Service Delivery Disparities along the Urban/Rural Continuum, Kate Beatty, Michael Meit, Tyler Carpenter, Amal Khoury, and Paula Masters (2015)
Collecting and Disseminating Information About White, African American and Cherokee Nurses in Knoxville, TN 1900-1965, Sharon D. Loury (2015)
College Student Success: How Universities Can Impact Outcomes, Alison L. Barton (2015)
Colorectal Cancer Screening in Primary Care: Where are We and Where Do We Need to Be?, Patricia M. Vanhook (2015)
Comfort, Complexities, and Confrontation: Health Care Provider Communication and Prescription Drug Abuse and Misuse, Nicholas E. Hagemeier and Fred Tudiver (2015)
Coming to the Heart of Integrated Care, Jim Holt and Tom Bishop (2015)
Community Grants: Insights into the Review Process, Megan Quinn (2015)
Community Pharmacists’ Perceptions of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome and Opioid-Based Medication-Assisted Treatment in Northeast Tennessee, Rajkumar J. Sevak, Ivy Click, Jeri Ann Basden, and Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2015)
Comparative Transcriptome Analysis for Metabolic Engineering of Oil in Biomass Crops, Aruna Kilaru and J. B. Ohlrogge (2015)
Comparative Transcriptome Analysis For Metabolic Engineering Of Oil In Biomass Crops, Aruna Kilaru and J. B. Ohlrogge (2015)
Comparative Transcriptomics Identifies Key Steps in Storage Oil Biosynthesis in Plant Tissues, Aruna Kilaru and J. B. Ohlrogge (2015)
Comprehension in Content Areas: Lessons from the Literature, Pamela J. Mims (2015)
Concealable Stigmatized Identities, Stacey L. Williams (2015)
Consequential Population Health Data: Making the Case for Prenatal Cigarette Smoking Cessation Interventions, Shimin Zheng, Eunice Mogusu, and Claudia Kozinetz (2015)
Correlates of Prescription Opioid Legitimacy Estimations among Community Pharmacists in Tennessee, Nicholas E. Hagemeier, Arsham Alamian, M. M. Murawski, Robert P. Pack, H. Flippin, and H. Hagy (2015)
Cost-Utility Analysis/Cost Effectiveness of Nursing Care, Patricia M. Vanhook (2015)
Countermovement Jump Performance Changes over the Course of Collegiate Basketball Pre-Season Associated with Block Periodization Model of Strength and Conditioning Program, Nobuhisa Yoshida, Caleb D. Bazyler, Takahiro Unebasami, Stephen Wells, Zachary Whitman, Danielle Lee, Mallory Stellhorn, Kimitake Sato, and Michael H. Stone (2015)
Creating Online Special Education Programs at Institutes of Higher Education: Celebrating Differences and Understanding Barriers, Belva Collins, Cathy Galyon Keramidas, Constance M. Baird, and Karen Hager Martinez (2015)
Creating Online Special Education Programs at Institutes of Higher Education: Celebrating Differences and Understanding Barriers, Cathy Galyon Keramidas, Belva C. Collins, and Constance M. Baird (2015)
Current SLP Curriculum Inclusion of the World Health Organization’s ICF: A Survey of Program Directors, Emily Wagner, Kaitlyn Turney, Victoria Daley, and A. Lynn Williams (2015)
Curriculum-Based Measurement: Writing, Lori J. Marks (2015)
Debate: The Use of Rewards or Incentives, James J. Fox, M. LaPaglia, N. Miller, J. Wehby, A. P. Juarez, and B. Davis (2015)
Debate: the Use of Rewards or Incentives, James Fox, Michael LaPaglia, Neal Miller, and Joseph Wehby (2015)
Debunking the Myths of Performance Management, C. Allen Gorman (2015)
DEC Recommended Family Practices 2014: How They Help Home Visitors Support Families, Carol M. Trivette (2015)
Demographic Fall Predictors in a Rural Level One Trauma Center, Tyler Carpenter and Kate Beatty (2015)
Depression among Adolescents in the United States: Results from the 2012 National Survey on Children's Health, Eunice Mogusu, Sreenivas P. Veeranki, Yan Cao, Jocelyn Aibangbee, and Shimin Zheng (2015)
Determination of Fatty Acid Composition in Physcomitrella Patens, Kousha Mohensi and Aruna Kilaru (2015)
Developer-Researcher Collaborations: Developing and Evaluating Education Technology Learning Products, David Langendoen, Pamela J. Mims, Brook Morrill, Steve Schneider, Carol Stanger, William Tally, and Grace Wardhana (2015)
Developing a Medical-Legal Partnership in Rural Appalachia, John Orzechowzeki and Patricia M. Vanhook (2015)
Developing Interprofessionalism: Integrating Students and Residents of Pharmacy and Medicine into an Interprofessional Practice, McKenzie L. Calhoun and E. Brian Harris (2015)
DIDARP Project Update, Robert P. Pack, Nicholas Hagemeier, and Billy Brooks (2015)
Difficulties vs. Disabilities in K-12 Mathematics: Synthesis and Systematic Review, Lori J. Marks (2015)
Dilating Triangles!, Ryan Andrew Nivens and Emily Combs (2015)
Dilating Triangles: Using Measurement and Scale Factors to Investigate Area, Ryan Andrew Nivens (2015)
Discovery of Anandamide, a Novel Lipid Signaling Molecule in Moss and Its Implications, Aruna Kilaru (2015)
Discovery of Anandamide, a Novel Lipid Signaling Molecule in Moss and Its Implications, Aruna Kilaru (2015)
Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health: The Science of Using Science, Robert P. Pack and J. Polaha (2015)
Diversity in the Classroom: Best Practices for Recruiting and Retaining Minority Faculty, M. F. Nelson, A. K. Miles, J. Collins, Lorianne D. Mitchell, J. Griffith, M. S. L. James, S. Sledge, G. L. Adams, and A. P. McKinney (2015)
Domestic Violence and Depressive Symptoms in Primary Care: Role of Forgiveness as a Mediator, Esther Reynolds, Jessica K. Rabon, Jon R. Webb, Edward C. Chang, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2015)
Dress and the Social Order: An Analysis of Fashion as the Embodiment of Sexual and Gender Identity—Beats, Glams, and Punks, Jamie Branam Kridler (2015)
Drug Take Back Events and Emergency Department Admissions in Northeast Tennessee: an Ecological Analysis, Rahul Paul Choudhurry, Arsham Alamian, Jeffrey Gray, and Billy Brooks (2015)
Early Age of Onset of Tobacco, Alcohol, and Marijuana Use Among Middle School Youth in Tennessee: Does Place Matter?, Osarueme J. Osazee, Jodi L. Southerland, Shimin Zheng, Megan Quinn, Yan Cao, Deborah L. Slawson, and Lori Paisley (2015)
Early Recollections in Counseling and Psychotherapy, James Robert Bitter (2015)
Eating Disorders in Young Children, Teresa Boggs (2015)
Effective Multicultural Teaching: Challenges and Opportunities, Arnold Nyarambi (2015)
Effectiveness of Integrating Test-Enhanced 2015 Learning into a BSN Foundations of Nursing Class: A Pilot Project, Greta I. Marek and Laura Dower (2015)
Effectiveness of Test-Enhanced Learning into 2015 a BSN Foundations of Nursing Class: A Pilot Project, Greta I. Marek and Laura Dower (2015)
Effective Teaching for Inclusive Early Childhood Classrooms, C. Bland and Cathy Galyon Keramidas (2015)
Effect of Mutant P145T on the Enzyme Activity of Glucosyltransferase from Citrus paradisi, Sangam Kandel, Sarah Khaja, Shiva K. Devaiah, and Cecelia A. McIntosh (2015)
Effect of Phospholipid Removal on the Determination of Buprenorphine, Norbuprenorphine, Methadone, and Glucuronide Conjugates in Umbilical Cord Plasma, J. Carmical, A. R. Kyle, Darshan Shah, and Stacy Brown (2015)
Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on High-Risk Inpatients’ Criminal Behavior, Alexis Booth, Jill D. Stinson, and Carrie C. LeMay (2015)
Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on High-Risk Inpatients’ Criminal Behavior, A. Booth and Jill D. Stinson (2015)
Effects of Age on Vestibular and Balance Systems, Faith W. Akin, Courtney D. Hall, Owen D. Murnane, and Kristal M. Riska (2015)
Effects of Anandamide on Development, Growth and Cellular Organization of Physcomitrella Patens, Jedaidah Chilufya, Shiva Devaiah, and Aruna Kilaru (2015)
Effects of Interprofessional Education Activities on Students’ Core Competencies, Elizabeth Alley, Jeremy Fouss, Mary Briggs Graham, Alyssa Henry, Morgan Davis, and Kerry Proctor-Williams (2015)
Effects of Interprofessional Education Activities on Students’ Core Competencies, Elizabeth Alley, Jeremy Fouss, Mary Graham, Alyssa Henry, Morgan Davis, and Kerry Proctor-Williams (2015)
ELA Instruction for Students with Significant Disabilities: Fictional Novels Taught Through an iPad App, Pamela J. Mims and Carol Stanger (2015)
Embedding Student Support into Boot Camp: Research, Citation and Data Management at the Point-of-Need and Beyond, Wendy Doucette and Joanna Anderson (2015)
Engaging PharmD Students through a Concentration in Pharmacy Research Program, Stacy D. Brown, Nicholas E. Hagemeier, David Hurley, Ralph Lugo, David S. Roane, and Larry Calhoun (2015)
Engineering Design, Laura Robertson (2015)
English-Language Arts Instruction Aligned to Standards for Middle School Students With Moderate-to-Severe Disabilities, Pamela J. Mims and Linda Schreiber (2015)
English/Language Arts Instruction for Middle/High School Learners with Moderate-to-Severe Disabilities, Pamela J. Mims (2015)
Enhancing Business Students' Cultural Competency by Internationalizing OB Course Content, Lorianne D. Mitchell and G. E. Boone (2015)
Enhancing Middle School Science Learning though Exploration Curriculum and Service Learning, Chih-Che Tai and M. Lin (2015)
Epidemiology of Preterm Births in the United States, Eunice Mogusu, Sreenivas P. Veeranki, Claudia Kozinetz, Yan Cao, and Shimin Zheng (2015)
Establishing Your Professional Identity, Rebecca Tolley (2015)
Ethics and Working With Offenders, Jill D. Stinson (2015)
ETSU DIDARP Project 1: Health Care Provider Communication and Prescription Drug Abuse and Misuse, Nicholas E. Hagemeier and Fred Tudiver (2015)
ETSU DIDARP Project Update, Robert P. Pack (2015)
Every Story Paints a Picture Don't It? Writing Stories of Comic Shopes, Barbershops, and Other Ethnographic Stops, Andrew F. Herrmann (2015)
Evidence-Based Nutritional Recommendations: Vitamins C and E, Jim Holt (2015)
Evidence-based Practices in ABA: Overview, Applications, and Implications, James Fox, Annette Little, Sally Barton-Arwood, and Samantha Edwards (2015)
Evidence-based Practices in ABA: Overview, Applications, Implications, James J. Fox, A. Little, K. Simcoe, M. Mahoney, S. Edwards, and B. Davis (2015)
Evidence Based Practices in Action: Perspectives from Teachers in the Field, Pamela J. Mims and Bree Jimenez (2015)
Evidence-Based Psychiatry, Rachel R. Walden (2015)
Evidence-Based Writing Strategies for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: A Review and Application of the Intervention Literature, Tina M. Hudson, Lori J. Marks, Kimberly Hale, and James J. Fox (2015)
Evidence for the Redefinition of Borderline Personality Disorder as an Emotion Regulation Disorder, Brittany V. Williams and Jill D. Stinson (2015)