The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.
If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to
Librarians as Connectors: Applying Information Skills to Facilitate Research Partnerships, Nakia J. Woodward, Rick L. Wallace, Kelly Loyd, Elizabeth A. Wallace, and Rachel R. Walden (2015)
Lincoln, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2015)
Long-term Evaluation of a Primary Level Intervention in a Rurally-located Middle School and Elementary School, Leia D. Blevins, James J. Fox, C. Herald, T. Booher, and S. Edwards (2015)
Making a Difference through Fundraising, Travis Clamon, Richard L. Wallace, and Nakia J. Woodward (2015)
Making edTPA Our Own, R. Hurwitz, Renee Rice Moran, LaShay Jennings, and Laura Robertson (2015)
Making Sense of Journal Rankings in Mathematics Education, Ryan Andrew Nivens and Samuel Otten (2015)
Mannitol Prescribing with Cisplatin Before and After an Educational Newsletter Intervention, M. M. Corbin and John B. Bossaer (2015)
Marijuana to Moss: Discovery of Plant Endocannabinoids, Aruna Kilaru (2015)
Meal Memories: Women Navigating Family Well-Being in Foodwork, Amber E. Kinser (2015)
Meeting the Challenges of Practicing Evidence Based Librarianship through a Library Journal Club: An Analysis, Nakia J. Woodward and Rick L. Wallace (2015)
Mentoring in Health Care: Improving Patient Outcomes through Structured Peer Guidance, Kristen L. McHenry (2015)
Methodology in Sexual Minority Stigma Research, Emma G. Fredrick, Abbey K. Mann, Sheri L. LaDuke, Kathleen A. Klik, and Stacey L. Williams (2015)
Mindfulness and Writing Exercises Increase Compassion, K. Ault, Stacey L. Williams, S. Stringer, K. Juart, A. Fountaine, and J. Guy (2015)
Modifying Team Sports for Middle School Success, Sharon Cradic, Kason M. O'Neil, and Diana Mozen (2015)
Molding Minds and Changing Attitudes, B. Garris, Mary R. Langenbrunner, Teresa Brooks Taylor, S. Cockerham, and Cecil Blankenship (2015)
Mothers of Southern Central Appalachia: Family Guides through Health, Kelly A. Dorgan (2015)
Mountain Women Surviving the Depression: Moonshine, Knickers and Quilts, Jamie Branam Kridler (2015)
Murder as an Organizational Externality: The Case of The Cabin in the Woods, Andrew F. Herrmann (2015)
Music and Work in Appalachia, Lee Bidgood (2015)
Mystery to History: An Uncommon Way to Teach the Common Core, Reneé C. Lyons and Deborah Parrott (2015)
National Trend in Multivessel Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus in the United States, Ashraf AbuSara, Shimin Zheng, Yan Cao, Hemang B. Panchal, Samit Bhatheja, Eunice Mogusu, Kais Albalbissi, and Timir K. Paul (2015)
NCLEX Preparation, Carolyn S. Merriman (2015)
Negative Life Events and Suicidal Behavior in College Students: Conditional Indirect Effects of Hopelessness and Self-compassion, Haley A. Wise, Byron D. Brooks, Raymond Tucker, LaRicka Wingate, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2015)
New Developments in Rater Training Research, C. Allen Gorman and Klaus G. Melchers (2015)
Next Chapter Book Club Affiliate Training, Cynthia R. Chambers (2015)
Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs in the Workplace, Stephanie M. Mathis, Robert P. Pack, and Billy Brooks (2015)
Non-Suicidal Self Injury and Suicidal Behavior in College Students: Conditional Indirect Effects of Substance Abuse and Thwarted Interpersonal Needs, Andrea Kaniuka, Kyle Long, Byron Brooks, Erin Poindexter, Jameson K. Hirsch, and Kelly C. Cukrowicz (2015)
No Time for Science: Science, Reading and Language Arts Joined at the HIIP, Karin J. Keith, Huili Hong, Renee Rice Moran, and LaShay Jennings (2015)
NSAIDs-induced Cardiovascular Adverse Effects: A Meta-analysis, Bryan R. Gunter, Kristen A. Butler, Richard L. Wallace, Steven M. Smith, Shimin Zheng, Sam Harirforoosh, and Nakia J. Woodward (2015)
Old Enough to Know Better? Racial Biases, Perceived Age, and Young Defendants in Tennessee, Michael P. Lasher and Jill D. Stinson (2015)
Once Upon a Time: Child Abuse Prevention, Erin Majchrzak, Lindsey Bull, Debra Mills, Gayatri Bala Jaishankar, and Karen E. Schetzina (2015)
Ongoing and New Research Projects for Cardiac Medical Residents, Arsham Alamian (2015)
Oral Language Development Workshops, John C. Mooneyham (2015)
Organizational Structure and Resources of Alumni Associations at Public Senior Universities in the Southeastern United States, R. M. Plummer and Donald W. Good (2015)
OSEP Professional Development Grants: Preparing for the 21st Century Early Childhood Leaders and Practitioners, Lise Fox, Carol M. Trivette, and Denise P. Blinder (2015)
Osteobiography of a Donated Skull From the Atacama Desert, H. Alexander, K. Davis, and William N. Duncan (2015)
Otolith Dysfunction and Postural Stability, Courtney D. Hall, Faith W. Akin, and Owen D. Murnane (2015)
Oxidative Stress, Dietary Fat Intake and Red Blood Cell Membrane Fatty Acid Composition in Women with and without Fertility Problems, Nicole S. Litwin, Norman A. Assad, W. Andrew Clark, Tasha Ferrell, Ray M. Mohseni, and Shimin Zheng (2015)
P300 Brain-Computer Interface: Comparing Faces and Size-Matched Non-Face Stimuli, Marissa R. Kellicut, C. M. Coffman, David B. Ryan, and Eric W. Sellers
Panel participation on 2015 Quantitative and Qualitative Research, Greta I. Marek, P. Neal, A. Roache, and B. Crouch (2015)
Parent Seminar Providing Relevant Parent Education: Expressive Language Skills in Children with Autism, Teresa Boggs (2015)
Parent Seminar Providing Relevant Parent Education: Visual Support for Children with ASD, Teresa Boggs (2015)
Patient Perspectives of Bed Bathing: From Idea to Grant Proposal, Katherine C. Hall (2015)
Pediatric Audiological Evaluation, Saravanan Elangovan and Shannon Bramlette (2015)
Pediatric Behavioral Health, Jodi Polaha and C. Anderson (2015)
Pediatric Lupus Transitional Care: An Interactive Experience. A Fly on the Wall: Youth and Young Adult Perspectives, Kiana Johnson (2015)
Perceptions of Interprofessional Education Through the Eyes of Students: A Thematic Analysis, Catherine A. Freeland, Katie Baker, Rachel Dean, Jordan Masters, Hiral Patel, Jodi Polaha, and Tom Bishop (2015)
Perceptions of Medical Students of the Role of the Speech-language Pathologist in HIV/AIDS Intervention, Kendal Klein, Emily Wagner, Kristi Moore, Tanvi Amin, and Brenda Louw (2015)
Performance Comparison of Color-Blink and Grey-White Paradigms in Undergraduates and Age-Matched Controls Using the Brain-Computer Interface, S. A. Sprague, David B. Ryan, Marissa R. Kellicut-Jones, T. L. Street, and Eric W. Sellers
Permanent Drug Donation Boxes Address Prescription Substance Abuse in Northeast Tennessee: A 30-Month Descriptive Analysis, Billy Brooks, J. Gray, Arsham Alamian, and Nicholas Hagemeier (2015)
Person-centered Outcomes in Culturally and Diverse Contexts: International Application of the ICF, Karla Washington, Jane McCormack, A. Lynn Williams, Brenda Louw, Nancy Thomas-Stonell, and Tammy Hopper (2015)
Perspectives on the Location Concept of Country Roots Recording Sessions in the 1920s and 1930s, Ted Olson (2015)
Phonological Awareness, Phonemic Awareness, and Phonics; Vocabulary and Comprehension; Content Area Reading, L. Kathryn Sharp (2015)
Physician-Pharmacist Communication: Quotes, Quandaries and Quality, Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2015)
Play therapy: An Introduction to Principles, Rebekah J. Byrd (2015)
Polymediated Communiation and the Autoethnographic Urge, Andrew F. Herrmann (2015)
Postpartum Smoking Relapse: The Role of Family in the Health Behavior Choices of New Mothers, Beth A. Bailey and Andrea D. Clements (2015)
Potential Harms of the Quantified Self: Fitness Tracking and Eating or Obsessive Behavior Disorders, Nakia J. Woodward, Rachel R. Walden, and Emily C. Weyant (2015)
Power Development, Michael H. Stone (2015)
Power Development, Michael H. Stone (2015)
Power Up the Connection: Multimedia Resources to Engage All Readers, Deborah Johns Parrott, Joanna Anderson, and Renee Lyons (2015)
Practical Approach to Patient-Centered Medicine, Reid B. Blackwelder (2015)
Predicting Prenatal Care Utilization: Pregnancy Intention, Marital Status, Education, and Religiosity, Andrea D. Clements and Beth A. Bailey (2015)
Pregnancy and Politics: Interpretation of an Early Mixtec Sweatbath, William N. Duncan, A. K. Balkansky, and G. Vail (2015)
Preparing School Counselors to Impact LGBGQ-Affirming Environments: A Systemic Approach, Laura Boyd Farmer, Janna L. Scarborough, and Rebekah J. Byrd (2015)
Prescriber and Dispenser Prescription Drug Abuse Communication andPrescribing/Dispensing Behaviors: A Qualitative Analysis, Nicholas E. Hagemeier, Fred T. Tudiver, S. Brewster, E. J. Hagy, Angela Hagaman, and Robert P. Pack (2015)
Prescribing a Healthier Tennessee, John Drevzehner, Lori Monkeboe, Angela M. Hagaman, and Tommy Farmer (2015)
Prescription Drug Abuse in Tennessee: The Epidemic and Current Efforts, Robert P. Pack and Stephanie M. Mathis (2015)
Prescription Drug Abuse: Past, Present and Prevention, Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2015)
Prevalence and Severity of Childhood Emotional and Physical Abuse Among College-Age Adults: A Descriptive Study, Renice Obure, Malendie Gaines, Megan A. Quinn, and Jill D. Stinson (2015)
Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Childhood Obesity in Tennessee Using the 2010 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Data: a Multilevel Analysis, Nicole Holt, Shimin Zheng, Jodi L. Southerland, Yan Cao, Deborah L. Slawson, and Lori Paisley (2015)
Prevalence of Early Childhood Abuse and Familial Dysfunction in Juvenile Sex Offenders in Rural and Urban Tennessee, Victoria K. Wells, Kelcey L. Hall, and Jill D. Stinson (2015)
Progress! Linking the Primary Classroom Environment to Learning – Strategically Designing the Physical Classroom Environment to Reflect Early Childhood Principles, Pamela Evanshen and C. Hensley-Pipkin (2015)
Progress on Implementing Transformative Approaches in Southern Appalachia, Joe Bidwell, Cerrone R. Foster, Anna Hiatt, Cecilia McIntosh, and Rebecca A. Pyles (2015)
Projecting Future Heat-Related Mortality in the United States under Global Climate Change, Ying Li (2015)
Projecting Future Heat-Related Mortality in the United States under Global Climate Change, Ying Li and Joseph Kusi (2015)
Promoting Psychological Flexibility in Primary Care: A Dissemination Platform and Therapeutic Approach, K. Stroshal, P. Robinson, and Jodi Polaha (2015)
Protocols of DPOAE Measurements Aimed at Reducing Test Time, Jacek Smurzynski and Thomas Janssen (2015)
Putting Primary Children First, Leading the Way! Suggestions for Elementary School Leaders Including Teacher Selection in Prek-3, Pamela Evanshen and Tracey Crowe (2015)
Race and Gender Differences in Regulatory Focus: Examining Measurement Invariance, Lauren LaBat, Heidi M. Kuehn, John P. Meriac, and C. Allen Gorman (2015)
Raising Awareness About Cervical Cancer in Nicaragua: Working With Health Promoters to Increase Pap Smear Uptake, Megan Quinn (2015)
Reach, Effectiveness, and Adoption of the Family Check-Up in a Pediatric Primary Care Setting in Northeast Tennessee: An Interprofessional Collaboration, Katie Baker, R. Dean, S. C. Smith, D. Petgrave, C. Rowe, Karen Schetzina, and Jodi Polaha (2015)
Reading UPSTREAM, Karin Keith, Renee Rice Moran, Huili Hong, and LaShay Jennings (2015)
ReadNPlay for a Bright Future, Karen E. Schetzina and Rachel Dean (2015)
Redeeming the Carolina Highlands: Ku Klux Klan Violence in a Southern Appalachian Region, 1868-1872, Steven E. Nash
Reflections on Learning to Implement Emergent Curriculum Using the Cycle of Inquiry System, Jane Tingle Broderick, Seong Bock Hong, and Michael D. Garrett (2015)
Relationship between Internal and External Estimates of Training Load Using Wearable Inertial Sensors., C. J. Sole, Caleb D. Bazyler, Ashley A. Kavanaugh, Satoshi Mizuguchi, and Michael H. Stone (2015)
Relationship Between Mean, Median, Mode with Unimodal Grouped Data, Shimin Zheng, Eunice Mogusu, Sreenivas P. Veeranki, and Megan Quinn (2015)
Reliability and Normative Values of the InVision™ Dynamic Visual Acuity Test in Older Adults, Courtney D. Hall (2015)
Reliability and Validity of a Low-cost, Interactive Gaming System to Assess Balance in Older Adults, Courtney D. Hall, A. Broadwater, D. Caissie, D. Woodward, and H. Young (2015)
Reliability of Two Alternative Methods for the Standard Mid-Thigh Pull, Duane Williams, Patsy Cantor, Jennifer Williams, Courtney D. Hall, N. Brown, Ryan Dulling, and Ogechi Egbujor (2015)
Religious Surrender and Attendance Satisfaction Scale: Validation of an Instrument for Healthcare Practice and Research, Natalie Cyphers and Andrea D. Clements (2015)
Reported Health Behaviors and Perceptions of Health Resource Needs in Northeast Tennessee, LeighAnne Taylor, Karen E. Schetzina, and Gayatri Bala Jaishankar (2015)
Respiratory Therapists as Physician Extenders: Perceptions of Practitioners and Educators, Kristen L. McHenry (2015)
Role Of Perfluorooctanoic Acid On Serum Fatty Acids, Nhanes, 2003-2004, Mildred Maisonet, Ruby Yadav, and Edward Leinaar (2015)
Role of PFOA and PFOS on Serum Apolipoprotein B, NHANES, 2005-2006, Mildred Maisonet, Ruby Yadav, and Edward Leinaar (2015)
Safe Offender Strategies and the Role of Self-Regulation in Sex Offender Treatment: Characteristics, Needs, and Outcomes for Sex Offender Management & Treatment, Jill D. Stinson (2015)
Scientific Practice: Data Analysis by Middle School and High School Students, Laura Robertson, Pamela Cromie, and Mahua Chakraborty (2015)
Self-Care, Self-Awareness, and Social Interest, James Robert Bitter (2015)
Self-efficacy Scale Towards Teaching Lifetime Physical Activities: Development and Validation, Kason M. O'Neil (2015)