The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.
If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to
Looking Beyond Developmental Consequences by Structuring Intervention for Children/Infant and Families With Substance Misuse Disorder: A Scoping Review, Kara Boynewicz, K. Sperapolus, Rachel Walden, and Sierra Owens (2020)
Love Others as You Love Yourself: Bearing the Suffering of Others Through Trauma Stewardship, Natalia Cyphers and Andrea D. Clements (2020)
Lymphoma at First Sight: A Rare Case of Mantle Cell Lymphoma Presenting as Isolated Periorbital Swelling, Zainab Fatima, Haroon Rahman, Sonia Kumari Oad, Elnora Spradling, and Devapiran Jaishankar
MADAM Protein Decreases Microsporidia Attachment to Host Cells, Cindy L. Barrett, Cheryl Moore, and James Russell Hayman
Making Stone Soup: A Partnership Between Elementary Teachers, Preservice Teachers, and Education Professors, L. Robertson, Alissa A. Lange, and J. Price
Managing Conflict: Conversations for Effective Communication and Negotiation, Debbie C. Byrd
Measuring and Monitoring the Complex Nature of Vocal Fatigue: Special Panel on Vocal Fatigue: Is it Worth the Effort, Chaya Nanjundeswaran (2020)
Midsommar’s Ecologies: Sacrifice, Commune- ity, and Environmental Awareness, Matthew Holtmeier (2020)
Minding the Gap: Working Toward Equity for Underrepresented Students, Jill Channing and J. Cooke
Monitoring Prediabetes Screening in Two Primary Care Clinics in Rural Appalachia: A Quality Improvement Project, Rebecca Teresa Clark, Christine Michelle Mullins, and Jean Croce Hemphill
Monitoring Student Progress for Transition, Dawn A. Rowe and Catherine H. Fowler
Moon to mars! Connecting the Social Studies and Space Exploration, Lori T. Meier
Motivational Interviewing, Meredith K. Ginley (2020)
Motor Skill Acquisition of School-Aged Children in Appalachia, Kara Boynewicz, Amanda Logsdon, Hope Dotson, Alyson Chroust, Brandi Eveland-Sayers, Andy Dotterweich, Sierra Owens, Tori Williams, Maggie Wedmore, Kelly Webb, Kristin Ridenour, and Maria Kirby (2020)
Multisensory Mindfulness in Group Work: Illuminating Trails of Hope and Healing Through the Five Senses, Rebecca J. Milner (2020)
Multitiered Intensive Supervision (MTIS): A New Approach to Address Culture in Supervision, A. D. Cartwright, A. G. Reyes, and Mickey E. White
My Journey to Debt Freedom, Stacey Fisher
Neighborhood-Level Predictors of Intimate Partner Sexual Violence: A Nested Case Control Study., Rachel K. Carpenter, Gabrielle L. Cook, and Jill D. Stinson (2020)
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: Implications to Classroom Environment, Behavior Management and Special Education, Arnold Nyarambi (2020)
Neo-Natal Abstinence Syndrome in Tennessee: Implications to Special Education Programming, Arnold Nyarambi (2020)
Nerding Out: Embracing Authenticity to Foster a Spirit of Inclusion, Inquiry, and Engagement With Students, Lori T. Meier
Neuroscience of Addiction, Meredith K. Ginley (2020)
New Onset Hypoglycemia in Non-diabetic Adult Patients: Where Do We Go from Here?, Fred Lam and Ali Bokhari
Non-Traditional Clinical Correlates of Being At-Risk for Metabolic Syndrome in a Hispanic Pediatric Population, Arshman Alamian, Elaine Loudermilk, W. Andrew Clark, Jonathan Peterson, H. Lang, Jo-Ann Marrs, T. Joyner, Karen Schetzina, Liang Wang, A. Morrison, and M. Allison (2020)
Not All Climate Policies are Created Equal: Going Beyond Indices to Measure Variation in Sources of Support for Specific Climate Policy Proposals, Wesley Wehde (2020)
Noyce East Tennessee STEM Teacher Recruitment, Aimee L. Govett and Mohammad M. Uddin (2020)
Nursing in Appalachia: The Voice of the Registered Nurse, Evelyn M. Brewer, Florence M. Weierbach, Rebecca Fletcher, Katherine C. Hall, and Wendy Nehring (2020)
Of Cult and Cataclysm: Considerations on a Maiden Sacrifice at Mycenaean Kydonia, Michael Anthony Fowler (2020)
On Being an Ally, Beth Novotny
Opening Ways: Collaborating through Common to Open Education, Ashley Sergiadis and Philip Smith (2020)
Opioids: Program Evaluation Challenges and the Need for New Evaluation Scholarship, Robert P. Pack, Anne C. Hazlett, Brandon D. Marshall, and Regina LaBelle (2020)
Oral Health Comparisons in East, Middle and Western Tennessee and Factors Associated with Unfavorable Oral Health Outcome in the Tennessean Elderly, Ogbebor Omoike, Abdullahi Musa Adamu, and Ying Liu
Outsider: A Concept Analysis Using Rodgers’ Evolutionary Model, Victoria D. Hood-Wells (2020)
Partner Violence and Environmental Risk Factors: A Generalized Mixed Model, Rachel K. Carpenter, Jill D. Stinson, Rebecca H. Gilley, and Lydia L. Eisenbrandt (2020)
Pediatric Emergencies, Will Dodd (2020)
Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Will Dodd (2020)
Pediatric Endocrinology, Will Dodd (2020)
Pediatric Neurology, Will Dodd (2020)
Pediatric Rheumatology, Heme-Onc, and Immunology, Will Dodd (2020)
Perinatal Mental Health: Screening, Integrated Practice, and Community Resources, Kristina Dulaney (2020)
Phenotypic Characterization of FAAH Mutants in Physcomitrella Patens, Deepshila Gautam, Imdadul Haq, and Aruna Kilaru (2020)
Phenotypic Characterization of FAAH Mutants in Physcomitrella Patens, Deepshila Guatam, Imdadul Haq, and Aruna Kilaru (2020)
Pills and Spills: An Assessment of Medications and Fall Risk in Older Patients, Kelly L. Covert and Courtney D. Hall (2020)
Playful Preschool STEM: Three Tips to Support Young Learners Every Day, Alissa A. Lange
Poverty & Health in Tennessee, Kate Beatty, Randy Wykoff, and M. White (2020)
Practical Approach to EKG Interpretation, Reid B. Blackwelder (2020)
Practice Transformation in Pediatric Primary Care., Jodi Polaha (2020)
Predictors of Treatment Retention for Cocaine Use Disorder, Hannah G. Mitchell, Meredith K. Ginley, and Carla J. Rash (2020)
Preparticipation Examinations and Special Olympics Medical Issues, Diana L. Heiman (2020)
Preschool Math: Supporting Families and Teachers, Alissa A. Lange
Preservice Teachers Learn To Elicit Higher Level Responses During Picturebook Questioning, Carin L. Appleget, Shuling Yang, and Diane Mickey
Providers’ Perspectives on Treating Patients for Substance Use Disorder in Northeast Tennessee, Stefan Pienkowski and Abbey Mann
Providing Virtual Supports for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities, Dawn A. Rowe
Psych’d Up for Business School: Preparing I-O Psychologists for Business School Careers, M. F. Gonzalez, Y. Cohen-Charash, K. Busse, M. L. Ambrose, D. E. Gibson, A. R. Grotto, R. E. Johnson, Lorianne D. Mitchell, J. I. Sanchez, and L. M. Steele (2020)
Psychosocial Development in Adolescents, Will Dodd (2020)
Qualitative Research With Digital Tools, Trena Paulus (2020)
Qualitative Thematic Analysis of Social Media Data to Assess Perceptions of Route of Administration for Antiretroviral Treatment Among People Living With HIV, Louis S. Matza, Trena Paulus, Cindy P. Garris, Nicolas Van de Velde, Vasiliki Chounta, and Kristen A. Deger (2020)
Quantification of Progesterone and 17-β Estradiol in Mouse Serum by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Benjamin Kennard, Allison Cobble, Amy Gravitte, Kaleigh Galloway, Jen Kintner, Jennifer Hall, and Stacy C. Brown
Raising Awareness of Addiction Stigma Using Artistic Mediums, Kendrea L. Todt (2020)
Referrals to Cleft Lip and Palate Teams: Practices of School-Based Speech-Language Pathologists, Rachael Buckles, Allison Burrows, Caitlyn Deel, Elizabeth Holley, Ellen Monroe, Olivia Page, and Brenda Louw
Reflections on Beauty and Ugliness: An Exceptional Archaic Greek Mirror at the Getty, Michael Anthony Fowler (2020)
Risk Factors for Adolescent Males With Externalizing Disorders, Lydia L. Eisenbrandt, Jill D. Stinson, Alyssa P. Gretak, Rebecca H. Gilley, and Rachel K. Carpenter (2020)
Rural Offender Stigma and Reintegration: A Qualitative Examination of Providers’ Perspectives, Alyssa P. Gretak, Lydia L. Eisenbrandt, and Jill D. Stinson (2020)
Seeking the Best of Both Worlds: Maintaining Rigor and Supporting Special Education Teacher Candidates on edTPA, Sara B. Hitt and Jennifer Cook
Self-Continuity and Depression in Cancer: Does Coping Help to Explain the Association?, Stephanie Penpek, Morgan Treaster, Fuschia Sirois, and Jameson Hirsch
Sexual Crimes Committed in Urban and Rural Areas With Relation to Single Parent Homes, G. M. Carter, Rebecca H. Gilley, and Jill D. Stinson (2020)
Shigatoxin E. coli (STEC) in Public Park at Different Seasons of the Year, Victor Smith, Ankit Patel, Emily Ford, Demetrio Macariola M.D., and Alex Yu
Simulation Study to Predict How Resilience-Building Programs Will Impact Parenting Stress in Mothers with Adverse Childhood Experiences, Victoria Jones and Diana Morelen
Small Cell Medullary Thyroid Cancer: A Therapeutic Dilemma, John Sherret and Joshua Coleman
Social Ecological Factors as Predictors of Sexual Crimes, Alyssa P. Gretak and Jill D. Stinson (2020)
STEM Education in the Early Childhood Classroom: Natural Hazards and Natural Disasters, Erin E. Doran (2020)
Stories of Early Childhood Trauma Among Women Who are Homeless and Abused, C. Reyes-Arellano, Jean Croce Hemphill, Katherine C. Hall, H. Berry-Price, and M. Mokikan (2020)
Stories of Rural Appalachia Professional Nursing Development, Appalachia Studies Association, Florence M. Weierbach, Jean S. Bernard, Claire S. Cline, Teresa Darnell, and Rebecca Turpin (2020)
Strategic Planning and Benchmarking for Dummies, Jill Channing and K. Ebenhack
Street-Level Bureaucrats Interpretation of Administrative Burden: A Mixed-Method Study of Oklahoma’s Promise Program, Elizabeth Bell, Ani Ter-Mkrtchyan, Kylie Smith, and Wesley Wehde (2020)
Street-Level Bureaucrats Interpretation of Administrative Burden: A Mixed-Method Study of Oklahoma’s Promise Program, Wesley Wehde and Elizabeth Bell (2020)
Structural and Functional Characterization of Avocado Transcriptional Factor in Oil Biosynthesis, Jyoti Behera and Aruna Kilaru (2020)
Structural and Functional Characterization of Avocado Transcriptional Factor in Oil Biosynthesis, Jyoti Behera and Aruna Kilaru (2020)
Supporting Tennessee Students Remotely, E. Carter, Dawn A. Rowe, B. Shearer, and D. Whitcomb
Synaptic Connectivity After Methimazole-Induced Injury, Lea N. Lance, Rudy T. Chapman, and Diego J. Rodriguez-Gil
Teacher-Perceived Barriers to Math Achievement and Implementation of Literature-Based Recommendations for Change in Math Instruction in Grades 4 through 8, Kimberly A. Summey (2020)
Teaching Decoding Through Constant Time Delay to Students with Severe Disabilities and Verbal Difficulties, Julia Catherine Dean
Teen Childbearing in South Carolina, 2012-2016, Sylvester Olubolu Orimaye, Nathan Hale, Edward Leinaar, Michael G. Smith, and Amal J. Khoury (2020)
Temporal Factors Affecting Foraging Patterns of a Diurnal Orb-weaving Spider, Micrathena gracilis (Araneae: Araneidae), Mitchell Long, Thomas C. Jones, and Darrell Moore
The Adaptor Protein p62 Mediates EBV LMP1 Signal Transduction, Ayrianna Sparks-Wallace and Shunbin Ning
The Association Between Feeling Unwanted/Unloved and Other Predictors in Producing Adult Depressive Symptoms: Does Gender Matter?, Joy Okoro, Manik Ahuja, and Esther Frimpong
The Case for Employing Elements of Tauma Counseling for Patients with Tinnitus, Marc A. Fagelson (2020)
The Contribution of Charge Separation in Triplet State Formation in Zinc Dipyrrin Photosensitizers, Irene Yayra Dzaye
The Effect of Implementing a Pass/Fail Curriculum with Retained Class Rank on Medical Student Well-Being, Elizabeth A. Farabee, Grace Wholley, Adam Y. Chan, Peter Blosser, Haley N. Porter, Taylor M. Harris, Nicole L. Gardner, Jonathan A. Jones, Jordan L. Herring, and Richard L. Wallace
The Effects of Perceived Religious Support in Childhood on Internalizing Symptoms in Early Adulthood, Ashley Sexton, Victoria Jones, Robyn Dolson, and Diana Morelen
The Evolution of Library Services at Remote Area Medical Clinics, Rick L. Wallace, Nakia J. Woodward, Emily Weyant, Kelly R. Loyd, and Rachel R. Walden (2020)
The Impact of the Opioid Epidemic on Tennessee First Responders and the Growing Need for a Statewide Trauma Intervention, Thalia P. Sullivan, Aaron S. Hymes, and Meredith K. Ginley (2020)
The Influence of Social Media Platforms on the Use of E-Cigarettes Among School-Going Youths in Rural Appalachia, Christian Nwabueze, Adekunle Oke, Michelle McNabb, Fenose Osedeme, Joshua Yang, Hadii Mamudu, and David Wood (2020)
The Lived Experience of Nurses Caring for Appalachian Patients Diagnosed With Infective Endocarditis Who Use or Have Used Intravenous Drugs: A Phenomenological Study, Kendrea L. Todt and S. P. Thomas (2020)
The Lived Experience of Nurses Caring for Appalachian Patients Diagnosed With Infective Endocarditis Who Use or Have Used Intravenous Drugs: A Phenomenological Study, Kendrea L. Todt and S. P. Thomas (2020)
The Lived Experience of Nurses Caring for Patients Diagnosed With Infective Endocarditis Who Use or Have Used Intravenous Drugs in Appalachia: A Phenomenological Study, Kendrea L. Todt and S. P. Thomas (2020)
The Lived Experience of Protection in the Context of the Invisible Threat of COVID-19, Jean C. Hemphill, Florence M. Weierbach, Katherine C. Hall, and Holly Berry-Price (2020)
The Path(way) to a Clean Colon: Improving the Management of Functional Constipation, Sarah Nichols, Nathan Justice, Anjali Malkani, and David Wood
The Primary Care Behavioral Health Model: Current State of the Evidence, J. Funderburk and Jodi Polaha (2020)
The Professor Really Makes the Difference: Literacy Graduate Students’ Perceptions of Online Learning, Ann Van Wig, Shuling Yang, Chelsey B. Bollinger, Nance S. Wilson, and Tala K. Esperat