The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.
If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to
Blastoff! Exploring the Connections Between Social Studies and Space Exploration, Lori T. Meier
Blossoming: Finding a New Self-Concept After the Loss of a Spouse, Sarah H. Standridge
Bone Marrow Wars: Attack of the Clones, Haroon Rehman, Asha Chepkorir Segie, Kanishka Chakraborty, and Devapiran Jaishankar
Breaking the Cycle of Childhood Adversity Through Pediatric Primary Care Screening and Interventions: A Pilot Study, Cristian Quizhpi, Karen Schetzina, Gayatri Jaishankar, Robert Tolliver, Deborah Thibeault, Hakyong Gloria Kwak, Olushola Fapo, J. Gibson, Katie Duvall, and David Wood (2020)
Building Relationships in a Dissertation Research Community of Practice in Online Learning Environment, Jill Channing and P. Scott
Can Birth Weight Influence the Development of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome?, Naveed Noordin; Morghan Jameson; Dr. Darshan Shah, MD; and Dr. Beth Bailey, PhD
Can Leadership Be Taught? What Community College Administrators Have to Say, Jill Channing and K. Ebenhack
Case Presentation, Project Reach ECHO (children’s mental health), David Wood (2020)
Case Presentations, Autism ECHO, David Wood (2020)
Characterizing the Tapering Practices of International Level North American Powerlifters, S. Kyle Travis, H. J. Pritchard, I. Mujika, and Caleb D. Bazyler
Colaboración de Aprendizaje Clínico en Distrito 1709 para Mejorar los Servicios de Salud Sexual a los Adolescentes, David Wood (2020)
Combining Critical and Creative Modalities through the Video Essay, Matthew Holtmeier (2020)
Community-Level Differences in Teen Birth Rates by Sociodemographic Deprivation and Health Professional Shortage Areas in the United States, Sylvester Olubolu Orimaye, Nathan Hale, Edward Leinaar, Michael G. Smith, and Amal J. Khoury (2020)
Comorbid Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Parts 1 and 2, Meredith K. Ginley (2020)
Comorbid Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Parts 1 and 2, Meredith K. Ginley (2020)
Contraceptive Use Among Reproductive-Age Women Gaining Access to Medicaid and Associations With Pregnancy in South Carolina, 2012-2016, Nathan L. Hale, Wondimu S. Manalew, Edward Leinaar, Amal J. Khoury, and Michael G. Smith (2020)
Creativity in Coaching: Addressing the 4 ‘Ps’ of Creativity, Sean Flanders and Natalie L. Smith
Cultural Competency: Training the Trainer, Keith V. Johnson and Mohammad M. Uddin (2020)
Daily Prevention Focus and CWB: The Moderating Role of Prosocial Identity, Jonah Devaney, Brooke Mende, and C. Allen Gorman (2020)
Daily Prevention Focus and CWB: The Moderating Role of Prosocial Identity, C. Allen Gorman, Jonah Devaneu, and Brooke Mende (2020)
Decoding the Self-Study and the 10-Year Accreditation Site Visit, Elissa Palmer, Diana L. Heiman, and Randolph Pearson (2020)
Description of a Transdisciplinary Phenomenology Research Group: Methods and Exemplars, Kendrea L. Todt, S. P. Thomas, and L. Banks (2020)
Developing a Dual Certification Program of Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education, Cathy L. Galyon and K. Floyd
Developing a Dual Certification Program of Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education, Cathy Gaylon and Kim Floyd
Developing Preceptors in Rural Appalachian Clinics for Undergraduate and Graduate Nursing Student, Florence M. Weierbach, Katherine C. Hall, Jean Croce Hemphill, and Jerrilyn S. Brehm (2020)
Developing Preceptors in Rural Appalachian Clinics for Undergraduate and Graduate Nursing Students, Florence M. Weierbach, Katherine C. Hall, Jean C. Hemphill, and Jerrilyn Brehm (2020)
Development of a Healthcare Genetics and Genomics Graduate Certificate Program at a University in Southeastern US, Alex Sargsyan (2020)
Development of a Robust Dissolution Method for Vitamin D3, Kellie Abbott, Emilee Starnes, and Charles C. Collins
Development of PDIA3 and VDR Knockout Human Osteosarcoma SaOs-2 Cells Using CRISPR-Cas9, Jaeden Pyburn and Matthew Keasey
Digital Tools 2020: Frontiers in Qualitative Research, Trena Paulus and J. N. Lester (2020)
Disentangling Academic Dishonesty, Donna J. Cherry (2020)
Divorced Parents’ Coparenting Relationship and Perceptions of the Timing of Dating Disclosures to Their Children and the Other Parent, Y. Kang, Kwangman Ko, and L. Ganong
Does P3 OSCE Performances Accurately Predict APPE Readiness?, Richard Hess, John Bossaer, Samuel Karpen, Adam Welch, and James Thigpen (2020)
Drug use in Adolescents, Will Dodd (2020)
Drug Versus Alcohol Use in Offenders and the Impact of Substance Intoxication on Crime-Related Incidents, G. L. Cook; Rachel K, Carpenter; and Jill D. Stinson (2020)
Durability Results of Treatment with Brentuximab Vedotin in Combination with Nivolumab in Patient with Relapsed or Refractory Hodgkin Lymphoma, Ahmed Minhas, Sukesh Manthri, Sara Masood, Elnora Spradling, and Devapiran Jaishankar
Early Intervention and Early Childhood Education in West Africa, Ghana and Southern Africa: Zimbabwe and South Africa: Implications to Special Education, Arnold Nyarambi and V. Adade-Yaboah (2020)
Early Intervention and Early Childhood Education in Zimbabwe and South Africa: Implications to Special Education, Arnold Nyarambi and Z. Nkabinde (2020)
Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on Stress in Healthcare Professionals, Chaitanya Korrapati, Renee M. Miranda, and Patricia Conner (2020)
Emotion Regulation in College Students With Self-Reported Risky Behavior, Rachelle Kromash, Hannah G. Mitchell, Thalia P. Sullivan, Meredith K. Ginley, and Kelly E. Moore (2020)
Employer Perceptions of Addiction Recovery and Hiring Decisions, Haley Henderson, M. O'Leary, Joseph Barnet, Valerie Hoots, and Andrea D. Clements (2020)
Ending “Conversion Therapy:” What Counselors Need to Know for Advocacy, R. Byrd, N. Quinlan, and Mickey E. White
Engagement in Hepatitis C and HIV Prevention: Community Pharmacists’ Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Non-Prescription Syringe Dispensing Legislation, Dawnna Elisabeth Metcalfe, KariLynn Dowling-McClay, and Nicholas E. Hagemeier
Engage Your Students by Being a Good Host, Alison L. Barton
Engaging Young Students (Pre-K-3rd) in Virtual Classrooms With STEM, Amy J. Malkus, K. Galloway, R. Geiken, A. Jordan, J. Krekelberg, A. Lange, and H. Watson
Estimating Incidence for Sensitive Topics: Using a List Experiment to Estimate the Lifetime Incidence of Abortion in Two Southern States, M. G. Smith, Nathan Hale, Edward Leinaar, Shimin Zheng, and Amal Khoury (2020)
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Using Thiel Soft-Embalmed Donors to Teach the Female Pelvic Exam to Medical Students, Amy Patterson, Autumn LaRocque, Abigail Holt, Heather Grubbs, Rob Becker, Arielle Schreck MD, and Caroline Abercrombie MD
Evaluating the Validity of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale in Measuring Impulsivity Among Risk-Taking College Students, Thalia P. Sullivan, Hannah G. Mitchell, and Meredith K. Ginley (2020)
Evidence-Based Interventions for College Student Health Behaviors: Improving Buy-in and Navigating Barriers to Implementation, Laura Holt, Jeremiah Weinstock, Craig Henderson, and Meredith K. Ginley (2020)
Evidence Based Screening and Assessment of SUD, Meredith K. Ginley (2020)
Exploration of the Relationship Between Inflammatory Markers and Body Mass Index Among a Hispanic Pediatric Population, H. Lang, Elaine Loudermilk, Jonathan Peterson, W. Andrew Clark, Jo-Ann Marrs, A. Joyner, Liang Wang, and Arshman Alamian (2020)
Exploring the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide in Sexually-Abusive Youth., Rebecca H. Gilley and Jill D. Stinson (2020)
Exploring the Relationship Between Religiousness and Video Game Addiction, Z. Works, B. Massey, J. McPeek, Andrea D. Clements, and Joseph Barnet (2020)
Factors Relating to Suicide in Adolescents Who Have Engaged in Sexually Abusive Behaviors, Rebecca H. Gilley and Jill D. Stinson (2020)
Faculty and Resident Well-being: AAFP Resources for Improving Joy in Work in GME, W. Mills, C. Knight, and Diana L. Heiman (2020)
Faith-Based Solutions to a Knotty Problem, Andrea D. Clements (2020)
Finding Your Path: Developing and Implementing a Research Agenda, Kara Boynewicz, Deborah Backus, Jennifer Furze, Courtney D. Hall, Michael Thomas Lebec, and Michael Anton Tevald (2020)
Follow-Up: Provision of Buprenorphine to Pregnant Women by For-Profit Clinics in an Appalachian City, Hannah Holt and Martin E. Olsen
Forget the Trolley, We're on the Fringe: An Exploration of Complex Ethical Dilemmas in Working With Forensic Populations, Jill D. Stinson (2020)
Forget the Trolley, We're on the Fringe: Complex Ethical Dilemmas in Forensic Practice & Research., Jill D. Stinson (2020)
Four Strategies for Becoming a More Effective Educator – Part 3: Teaching Students to Think Critically, John Bossaer (2020)
Functional Complementation of Arabidopsis Mutants by Avocado PDAT1 and DGAT1, Josphat K. Kiunga and Aruna Kilaru (2020)
Functional Complementation of Arabidopsis Mutants by Avocado PDAT1 and DGAT1, Josphat K. Kiunga and Aruna Kilaru (2020)
Future Directions in Transition of Care for Young Adults With Cleft Lip and Palate: Clinical Education, Brenda Louw and Linda Vallino (2020)
Gaming and Social Media Use Negatively Impacts Youth School Performance, A. Yoders, S. A. Ray, Megan Quinn, and David Wood (2020)
Giving Students More Control & Making Failure OK with a New Kind of Grading, Alison L. Barton
Graduate Nursing: Evaluation of a Faculty Guided Clinical Competency Exam Practice Session, Candice Short, C. Mullins, Victoria Pope, and Marah Wise (2020)
Hearing Aid Outcomes in Patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Emily McCelland, Julia McDowell, Sherri Smith, Kim Schairer, and Marc A. Fagelson (2020)
Hearing Assessment of Orchestra and Marching Band Music Students, Elizabeth Zweigart and Jordan Wines
Helping Students Develop a Sense of Belonging, Beth Novotny
Household CHAOS and Infant Temperament, Chelsea LeeAnn Robertson and Wallace Dixon (2020)
Household CHAOS and Vocabulary Productivity, Wallace Dixon and Chelsea Leeann Robertson (2020)
How Fundamentalism Informed My Activism, Jamie Branam Brown
How to Land that First Job (And How Not To), Wallace Dixon (2020)
Hurricanes in Higher Education: The Effects of Natural Disasters on Student Success, Wesley Wehde, Alisa Fryar, Brenda Nichols, and Shannon Tanner (2020)
Hypoglycemia, Will Dodd (2020)
Identification of Older Adults at Risk for Falls with Drug-Based Indices, Courtney D. Hall, Emily Grieshaber, Blaine Hendricks, Kammie A. Lewis, Seth A. McGrady, Megan Lea Morton, Brian L. Odle, and Peter C. Panus (2020)
Igniting In-Class Participation and Learning with D2L Warm-Ups, Joshua S. Reid (2020)
Impacting Diverse Care Needs through Academic Inclusivity via LPN to BSN Transition, Melessia D. Webb and Tabitha L. Quillen (2020)
Impact on Student Attitudes through Participation in Interprofessional Student Teams at a Remote Area Medical Event in Rural Appalachia, Maxwell Lamb, Sean Vinh, Chandler Parris, Emily K. Flores, and KariLynn Dowling-McClay
Infant Effects on Experimenter Fidelity: New Data, Wallace Dixon, L. P. Driggers-Jones, and Chelsea LeeAnn Robertson (2020)
Innovative Collaboration for Curriculum Integration, Laura Robertson, Ryan A. Nivens, Alissa A. Lange, and Jamie Price
Inpatient versus Outpatient Pediatric Antibiograms: An Analysis Looking for Significant Difference, Mark Amrinder Aujla and Demetrio Macariola
In Situ Follicular Neoplasia yet another Spectrum That Extends From Normalcy to Overt Malignancy, Purva Sharma, Bahaaeldin Youssef, Sakshi Singal, and Devapiran Jaishankar
Instructional Dermatology Surface Models: An Innovative Paradigm in Educating Advanced Practice Nursing Students, Candice Short, Retha Gentry, and Lisa Ousley (2020)
Integrating Reflection Into Online Courses, Jill Channing
Intermediate and Ultimate Outcomes for Substance-Abusing Parents Involved With Child Welfare, Donna J. Cherry, Marlys Staudt, and Asmahan Elayan (2020)
Internet-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (ICBT) for Tinnitus in the U.S, Vinaya Manchaiah, Eldre Beukes, Elizabeth Parks Aronson, Maria Munoz, Gerhard Andersson, and Marc A. Fagelson (2020)
Interventions for Families and Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: Outcomes and Treatment Planning, Kara Boynewicz, K. Sperapolus, and R. Ripley (2020)
Intimate Partner Violence: The Relationship Between Age Cohort, Relationship Type, and Types of Assaults., Rebecca K. Carpenter and Jill D. Stinson (2020)
Introduction to Med-Peds, Will Dodd (2020)
Investigation of the Association Between Vegetable Intake and Being At-Risk for Metabolic Syndrome Among a Hispanic Pediatric Population in Northeast Tennessee, Melissa White, Elaine Loudermilk, Jonathan Peterson, W. Andrew Clark, Jo-Ann Marrs, Andrew Joyner, Liang Wang, and Arshman Alamian (2020)
Investigation of the Role Adverse Childhood Experiences and Low-Income Have on HIV Testing Among Adults in Tennessee, Elaine Loudermilk, Megan Quinn, and Shimin Zheng
Invited Roundtable Participant, “‘Deliver'd at Second Hand’? Mediated Translations in Early Modern Europe, Joshua S. Reid (2020)
It Was Just the Right Thing to Do”: Women Higher Education Administrations Theorize Ethical Leadership, Jill Channing
Lipid Screening and Lipid Disorders in Children, David Wood (2020)
Listeners’ Attitudes Towards Young Women Using Glottal Fry, N. Foulks, Chaya Nanjundeswaran, M. vanMersbergen, Brenda Louw, and C. Allen Gorman (2020)
Liver Mass: An Unusual Presentation of Multiple Myeloma, Hemendra Mhadgut M.D., Alay Mansurov, Rabia Zafar, and Koyamangalath Krishnan
Living Langston: Entangled Knowledge in a Broadly Imagined Community, Joy Fulkerson and Shara K. Lange (2020)