"Student Success Programming, College Academic Achievement Scores, and " by Leslie D. Merritt

Degree Name

EdD (Doctor of Education)


Educational Leadership

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Donald Good

Committee Members

Jill Channing, Ginger Christian


Student success programming was created to help students transition to the college environment and coursework. While many university-created programs are geared to all students, federally-funded programs and some university-created programs aim to specifically help students from marginalized populations. With Spady’s (1970) and Tinto’s (1975) theories guiding the conceptual framework, this study examined the relationship between participation in student success programs as it related to grade point averages and retention rates. Additional focus was placed on Black and Pell-eligible participants of student success programming. The study was conducted using archival data from two mid-size, public, four-year institutions of higher education. One program was federally created and funded, while the other was university created and funded.

Independent t-tests and chi-square analyses were used to test for significance between participation and non-participation with first semester grade point averages, second semester grade point averages, and retention rates after one year. No data analysis showed a significant relationship between participation in student success programming, academic achievement scores, and retention rates when compared to non-participants. Recommendations for future research and higher education practitioners conclude the study with emphasis placed on facilitating student success programs with a positive relationship with participant academic achievement scores and retention rates.

Document Type

Dissertation - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.
