"Weightlifting Team Perception of the East Tennessee State University A" by Alec R. Perkins

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Degree Name

PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)


Sport Physiology and Performance

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Michael Stone

Committee Members

Michael Ramsey, Travis Triplett, Margaret Stone


The overall purpose of this dissertation was to assess the Weightlifting team’s athlete and coach perception of the athlete monitoring program at East Tennessee State University over the course of a mesocycle. This was accomplished by conducting a single investigation using eleven well-trained weightlifters and three coaches. Five data collections were carried out over the course of a single mesocycle leading up to a competition. No statistically significant perceptual changes throughout the training program were observed among any questions for weightlifters or coaches. Interpretation of the means for each question indicate that both weightlifters’ and coaches’ perceptions of the SPEC program’s ability to influence the components assessed by the questionnaire were positive ranging from no different to much better. Participants agree that they do understand why they take part in both SPEC testing and monitoring, and coaches indicated that data from testing and monitoring is used to develop and alter their athletes training. Results further indicate regular communication between coaches and their athletes about the purpose of their programming.

Document Type

Dissertation - restricted


Copyright by the authors.
