"School Leader Perceptions about the Implementation and Utility of Rest" by Danielle Rutig

Degree Name

EdD (Doctor of Education)


Educational Leadership

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Pamela Scott

Committee Members

Pamela Scott, William Flora, Virginia Foley


This phenomenological qualitative study examined school leaders' perceptions of using restorative practices within their schools. Participants included twelve school leaders who had experience with utilizing and implementing restorative practices. School leaders included: principals, assistant principals, deans, and administrative assistants. Research indicates that restorative practices are adapted to support specific school goals. Restorative practices are not practiced in isolation, as school leaders often couple restorative justice with social-emotional learning, trauma-informed practices, and other social-emotional supports. Restorative practices are tied closely to CASEL’s social emotional framework.

Data were collected via semi-structured interviews using a virtual platform. Themes that emerged from the analysis of data included: (a) other staff members help support effective implementation and support of restorative practices; (b) other social-emotional supports, including trauma-informed practices support restorative practices; (c) relationships between staff and students are at the core of restorative practices; and (d) restorative practices positively influence students and the overall school climate. Restorative practices implementation and utility are informal systems influenced by the school leaders' commitment to their implementation.

Document Type

Dissertation - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.
