Theses/Dissertations from 2022
“We Do Not Know Which Path to Take” Mahieddine Bachetarzi, Music, Theater, and Salafist Nationalism in Interwar Algeria (1919 – 1939), Philip DeVries
‘The Most Important Thing is the Music:’ Ralph Blizard’s Legacy Preserving Traditional Appalachian Old-Time Music, Emily Dingler
Correctional Career Pathways: A Reentry Program for Incarceration, Taylor M. Dula
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma-Informed Schools: Restorative Practices for Social and Emotional Issues in Education, Heather Easterling
Positive and Negative Deviant Counties: Identification of Factors Associated with Health Outcomes, Olivia Egen
Water Quality Assessment of Karst Spring Water as a Private Water Supply Source in Northeast Tennessee, Lukman Fashina
Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Instructor Perceptions of Instructional Delivery in a Virtual Environment, John Derek Faulconer
Visions of Christ in The Dollmaker, Ray Fine
Acute Effects of Match play Induced Fatigue on Jump Performance in Collegiate Women's Volleyball, Grayson Flora
The Role of Middle and High School Principals During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Study, Dustin Ford
RISK Gameplay Analysis Using Stochastic Beam Search, Jacob Gillenwater
Prevalence and Predictors of Polypharmacy in Adolescents who have Engaged in Sexually Abusive Behaviors, Rebecca Gilley
Individual Characteristics of Postsecondary Underachievement, Natasha Godkin
The Whale-Road to Road House: A Study of the Contemporary Transmission of Beowulf, Haley Grindstaff
Using Macroinvertebrates to Assess the Effects of Nutrient Input Between the Nolichucky and Pigeon Rivers, Anna Grizzard
Educators’ Perceptions of Implementation and Outcomes of Trauma-Informed Care Training in Three Appalachian Elementary Schools, Jeannie Guess
Return-To-The-Platform: The Case of a Collegiate Level Weightlifter Recovering from a Meniscus Injury, Nicholas Harden
The Impact of Mentoring in Closing the Achievement Gap for Black Male Students at a Predominantly White University in Tennessee, Patricia Waire Harlan
At What Price: Insidious Hegemony and Character Archetypes Woven into Until Dawn, Courtney Harvey
College Students’ Perceptions of Sense of Community, Satisfaction, and Cognitive Learning in Online Classes, Laura Lynn Higgs Kappel
A Phenomenological Study on How University Employees Experienced Working from Home During a Pandemic, Amy Hill
Effect of Chemical and Physical Enhancers on the Skin Permeation of Cromolyn Sodium, Miranda Holman
The Lived Experiences of Students Who are Single Parents and Attending Community College: A Phenomenological Study, Debbie Johnson
An Acute Sense of Place: The Songs of Norman Blake, Thomas Jutz
A Frayed Edge: A Qualitative and Poetic Inquiry Analysis of White Antiracist Protest in 2020, Emily Katt
John Horton Conway: The Man and His Knot Theory, Dillon Ketron
Expression and Functional Characterization of Avocado DGAT1 and PDAT1 in Arabidopsis and Camelina, Josphat Kiunga
Digital Manipulation of Human Faces: Effects on Emotional Perception and Brain Activity, Martin Knoll
The Role of Emotion Dysregulation in the Relationship between Anhedonia and Opioid Craving, Rachelle Kromash
Educator Perceptions of the Working Environment in Tennessee Elementary Schools that Actively Employ Positive Behavior Supports and Restorative Practices, Scott Thomas Lamie
Gen Z Students’ Experiences with College Choice, Heather Levesque
Risk-Prone and Risk-Averse Foraging Strategies Enable Niche Partitioning by Two Diurnal Orb-Weaving Spider Species, Mitchell D. Long
The Folk Festival of the Smokies and the Role of Music Festivals in Preserving Old-Time Music in Appalachia, Keegan Luckey-Smith
Female Motivation in Engineering, Manufacturing, and STEM-Related Trades, LeaAnn Nichole Manz, LeaAnn Nichole Manz-Young, and LeaAnn Nichole Young
Flora of Doe Mountain Recreation Area, Johnson County, Tennessee, Benjamin McCullough
Perceptions of Middle School Teachers Regarding Differentiation Instruction, Karen Mclerran
Relationships Between Dual Enrollment Parameters, College Completion, and Time to Completion at Tennessee Community Colleges, Victoria N. Mellons
Teachers’ Perceptions on the Effects of COVID-19 on Juniors and Seniors in High School, Martha J. Meredith
Dental Students' Perceptions of Dental Hygienists' Education and Scope of Practice, Cynthia Metzger
Using the RAAP Strategy to Promote Communication Skills for Students with Multiple Disabilities, Hannah Millard
False Idol: The Memory of Andrew Johnson and Reconstruction in Greeneville, Tennessee 1869-2022, Zachary A. Miller