Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Police Officer Perception of Body Cameras in East Tennessee, Sadie Murr
At Home at the Down Home: Building and Sustaining a Musical Community, Rheva Myhre
Strength of Weak Ties Theory and College-University Marketing: A Case Study of ETSU's Clemmer College, Sarah Nobles
Perceptions, Knowledge, and Attitudes about Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs) among Women in Appalachian Tennessee, Fenose Osedeme
Look, But Don’t Touch: Impact of COVID-19 on the NICU Caregiver, Rebecca C. Otwell-Dove
An Evaluation of Media Messaging by African Fashion Designers and Marketing Message Strategies, Esther Oyindamola Oyanibi
Student Achievement and Teacher Perceptions of School Climate in Title 1 and Non-Title 1 Schools, Jennifer E. Pangle
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Quality of Life: A Mediating Role of Physical Activity and Executive Function, Loni Parrish
Analyzing Emerging Adulthood Narratives and the Role of Anxiety in Developmental Functioning, Daryl Parungao
Nitrogen-Doped and Phosphorus-Doped Epoxy-Sealed Carbon Fiber Ultramicroelectrodes as Electrochemical Sensors for Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide, Emmanuel Peprah-Yamoah
“It is not enough to be in one cage with one self”: The Poetic Subject, Incarceration, and Envisioning Abolition, Emily Price
Safety and Security On Campus: Student Perceptions and Influence on Enrollment, Kaitlyn Puckett
Light and Temperature Entrainment of Two Circadian-Driven Behaviors in the Flesh Fly Sarcophaga crassipalpis, Raven Ragsdale
Validation of the 40 Hz Auditory Steady State Response as a Pharmacodynamic Biomarker of Evoked Neural Synchrony, Muhammad Ummear Raza
Cyclic di-GMP Regulates Motility, Biofilm Formation, and Desiccation Tolerance in Acinetobacter baumannii, Garrett Reynolds
Organizational Communication in Community Colleges: Staff Members’ Perspectives, Sinthea Reynolds
The Effects of Rejection Sensitivity on Attention and Performance Monitoring Event-Related Potentials, Elizabeth Ridley
Perceptions of Tenured Science Faculty Regarding the Provision of Reasonable Accommodations for Students with Disabilities, Rebecca J. Riggs
Fossil Mammals from Hickory Tree Cave, Sullivan County, Tennessee, Alexis Rivera
Student Experiences Leaving Health Profession Interest Areas, Megan Roberts
The Mechanisms of Mitochondrial Dysfunction in T Cell Aging during Chronic Viral Infection, Madison B. Schank
K-5 Elementary Alternative Program: A Case Study, William E. Scheuer IV
Beginning Teachers' Perceptions of Administrator Involvement in the Beginning Teacher Induction Process: A Phenomenological Study, Rachel Shepherd
The Influence of Fraternity and Sorority Characteristics on Alcohol Exposure: Who is at Risk?, Sydney Shupe
Home, Work, Land, Gregory Smith
Consequences of Caring: The Manifestation of Compassion Fatigue in High School Teachers During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Randi Staggs
Searching for Hades in Archaic Greek Literature, Daniel Stoll
Blue-Collar Backroads, Hannah Taylor
Folic Acid – Carbon Dots – Doxorubicin Nanoparticles as Cancer Theranostic, Michael Tetteh
A Comparison of the Mental Health of Police Officers and Correctional Officers in Rural Appalachia, Sierra Thomas
The Effects of Previous Traumatic Experiences on Learning Outcomes: Perceptions of Black Men Who are Attending Community College, Willie Thomas
Our Bodies, Our Stories: Mental and Physical Self Connection as a Protective Factor in Sexual and Gender Minorities, Emerson A. Todd
Community College Faculty’s Perceptions of Culturally Responsive Teaching, Sarah Tolbert-Hurysz
Echoes of Home, Hanna Traynham
An Examination of the Factors Contributing to Academic Resilience Among Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Individuals in Northeast Tennessee, Connie Larissa Trivette
Phenomenological Study of Positive Coteaching Dyads Perceptions of Their Coteaching Relationship, Ashley Weber
Power in Portrayal: An Exploration of the Evolving Cold War Relationship Between Germany and America through Film, Kaleb Wentz
Parent Emotion Socialization and Emerging Adult Internalizing Symptoms: Differences and Moderation by Rurality, Cheston West
Examining How Black Administrator Employment Decisions are Impacted by the Behaviors of Supervisors, Annie Wilson Whitaker
Assessing Best Practices, Perceptions, and Barriers to Breastfeeding in the Appalachian Region, Melissa White
Using Peer-models and AAC to Increase Expressive Vocabulary in Preschool Children with Developmental Delays, Jazmine Wiles