"What Discrimination? Christian Microaggression Rhetoric Against Nonthe" by Nicole Dolfi Hall

Degree Name

MS (Master of Science)



Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Kelly Foster, Martha Copp

Committee Members

Joseph Baker


Theories of microaggressions have been used in the last decade as a framework for studying subtle forms of discrimination against racial minorities and other marginalized groups. However, there is a dearth of research on the scope and types of microaggressions nontheists face. This qualitative study examines microaggressions against nontheists by interviewing 16 religious Christians on their experiences and opinions of the discrimination Christians and nontheists face. The narratives were analyzed for thematic patterns between the rhetoric used and the type of microaggressions employed. The study revealed nine categories of microaggressions. The findings also showed how experiences of discrimination, political viewpoint, and understanding power structures affected religious Christians’ perceptions of the discrimination nontheists may or may not experience. Knowing how anti-nontheist microaggressions are rhetorically framed contributes to the study of larger patterns of prejudice and discrimination against nontheists.

Document Type

Thesis - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.
