Curriculum and Instruction Works | Faculty Works By Department | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles. Browse the Curriculum and Instruction Expert Gallery to view their SelectedWorks Profiles.

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Bringing Poetry Back to the Classroom, Edward J. Dwyer (1982)


File Card Efficiency, Edward J. Dwyer (1982)


Guided Reading in Poetry: Combining Aesthetic Appreciation and Development of Essential Skills, Edward J. Dwyer (1982)


Real Estate Reading, Edward J. Dwyer (1982)

Songs in the Academic Classroom, Edward J. Dwyer (1982)

The Writing Road to Improved Reading Comprehension, Edward J. Dwyer (1982)


Analysis of Reading Achievement, Listening Comprehension, and Paradigmatic Language of Selected Second Grade Students by Race and Sex, Edward J. Dwyer (1980)


Keeping a Clozed Mind on Reading, Edward J. Dwyer (1980)


Reading Attitudes Across a Broad Age Spectrum, Edward J. Dwyer and Flora Joy (1980)

Improving Reading Comprehension Through Pre-Reading of Questions, Edward J. Dwyer (1979)


Improving Scanning Skills, Edward J. Dwyer (1978)


Joining the Rate Race, Edward J. Dwyer (1978)


Research and Implications Concerning Children’s Literature and Reading Instruction, Edward J. Dwyer (1978)

Self-image: Let’s freeze, Edward J. Dwyer (1978)


Cloze Modifications, H. J. Quillin and Edward J. Dwyer (1978)

Five Steps for Helping Middle Grade Students Determine Main Ideas, Edward J. Dwyer (1900)



Teaching Civics in the Library: An Instructional and Historical Guide for School and Public Librarians, Reneé Critcher Lyons


Foreign-Born American Patriots: Sixteen Volunteer Leaders in the Revolutionary War, Reneé Critcher Lyons


The Revival of Banned Dances: A Worldwide Study, Reneé Critcher Lyons

Book Contributions


Using Fan Fiction to Bridge Students’ Understanding of Science, LaShay Jennings, Renee M. Moran, and Blake Pierce


Internationalizing Literacy Coursework: Igniting Pre-service Teachers’ Inquiry About Self, Diverse Learners, and the World, Natalia Ward, Renee R. Moran, Shuling Yang, and Karin Keith


Storyvisualizer by Lego Education: Using Digital Storytelling to Integrate Stem and Literacy, Monica Billen, Natalia A. Ward, Jason D. Dehart, Renee R. Moran, and Shuling Yang


Teacher Decisions About Using Fan Fiction To Bridge Students’ Understanding of Science, LaShay Jennings, Renee M. Moran, and Blake Pierce


What Is Malleable in Literacy Teaching and Learning Among Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Readers?, Jennifer Lubke, Anne McGill-Franzen, and Natalia Ward


Discourse of Integrating Science and Literacy, Huili Hong, Renee Rice Moran, LaShay Jennings, Laura Robertson, and Stacey Fisher (2019)


Water Ecology, Engineering, and Global Citizenship: A Science and Literacy Integrative Unit, LaShay Jennings and Wendy W. Courtney (2019)


Preparing Pre-Service Teachers for the Future: Computational Thinking as a Scaffold for Critical Thinking, Renee Rice Moran, Laura Robertson, Chih-Che Tai, Karin Keith, Jamie Price, Lori T. Meier, and Huili Hong (2019)


Teacher Perspectives on Science and Literacy Integration, Laura Robertson and Renee Rice Moran (2019)


Using Case Methods in Online Teacher Education to Develop Culturally Sustaining Educators, Amber N. Warren and Natalia Ward (2019)

Closing Thoughts on Science Literacy Integration, Scott R. Honeycutt, Karin Keith, Huili Hong, Renee Rice Moran, and Jody LaShay Jennings (2018)

Integrating Literacy and STEM in a Study of the Black Panther, Scott R. Honeycutt, Karin Keith, Renee R. Moran, Huili Hong, and Jody Jennings


Foundations for Curriculum Integration, Lori T. Meier (2018)


Positive Energy: Investigating Alternative Energy Use in Middle Schools, Jamie H. Price, Maranda O. Abel, Amanda Varney, and David Wexler (2018)


Harnessing the Business Community and Other Entities to Support the Vision of the NGSS, Chih-Che Tai, Ryan Andrew Nivens, Laura Robertson, Karin Keith, Anant P. Godbole, and J. Rhoton (2018)


Coaching as a Grass Roots Effort for Building Leadership Capacity, Karin Keith, LaShay Jennings, and Renee Rice Moran (2017)


One University's Pathway to a Change in Practice, Renee Rice Moran, Karen Keith, and Huili Hong (2016)


One University’s Pathway to Implementation, Renee Rice Moran, Karen Keith, and Huili Hong (2016)


Using Performance Based Assessments with Pre-Service Teachers: One University’s Pathway to Implementation, Renee Rice Moran, Karin J. Keith, and Huili Hong (2016)

Creativity and Curriculum: Explorations in Early Literacy: “Wild Things”, J. Carter, Jane Tingle Broderick, and C. McGaha (2015)


Teaching Toward Social Justice Using Text Sets as Mirrors and Windows for Local, National, and Global Issues, Renee Rice Moran, Karin Keith, and Monica Billen (2015)


Screencasts: The Integration of Reading, Writing, and Technology, Renee Rice Moran and Monica Billen (2014)


Needing Intensive Remediation: How a Reading Identity Is Negotiated, Interpreted, and Lived, Anne McGill-Franzen and Renee Rice Moran (2013)

Negotiating a Personal Pedagogy for Teacher Education: An Ever-Renewed Adventure of Hope, Lori T. Meier (2010)


Book Commercials, T. N. Adams and Edward J. Dwyer (2000)


Developing Writing Skills Through Letter Writing, Edward J. Dwyer (1996)

How Teacher Attitudes Effect Reading Achievement, Edward J. Dwyer (1994)

Using Weekly News Magazines to Promote Reading/Writing Competencies, Edward J. Dwyer (1994)


Vocabulary Acquisition and the College Student, Edward J. Dwyer and M. L. Simpson (1991)

Using Periodicals to Promote Reading/Writing Competencies and Cultural Awareness, Edward J. Dwyer (1989)

Developing Rate Through Speed Drills, Edward J. Dwyer (1987)

Book and Media Reviews


Book Review: "Teaching to Prepare Advocates" edited by Mike Yough and Lynley Anderman, Amanda Frasier

Conference Proceedings


Using a Computer Science-based Board Game to Develop Preschoolers' Mathematics, Ryan Andrew Nivens and Rosemary Geiken (2017)


Beyond Problem-Based Learning: How a Residency Model Improves the Education of Pre-Service Teachers, Ryan Andrew Nivens and Renée Rice Moran (2015)


Effects of Policy and Research on the Structure of Teacher Education in Tennessee, Ryan Andrew Nivens and Catherine Paolucci (2014)


Turning Policy into Practice: A Case Study Examining the Interplay Between Policy, Research, and Program Design in Teacher Education, Ryan Andrew Nivens and Catherine Paolucci (2014)


Teaching Undergraduates How to Analyze, Ryan Andrew Nivens and Rosalind Raymond Gann (2013)

Reading the Walls, Edward J. Dwyer (1997)



Education Resource Guide: Jeff Kinney’s ‘The Long Haul’, Reneé C. Lyons (2017)


Education Resource Guide: Rita Williams-Garcia’s ‘P.S. Be Eleven', Reneé C. Lyons (2017)


Education Resource Guide: Part III Annexation and Division – Our White House, Looking In, Looking Out, Reneé C. Lyons (2016)


Education Resource Guide: Part VI: The People’s House, Reneé C. Lyons (2016)


Education Resource Guide: Tanya Lee Stone – In Search of Wonder: Common Core and More, Reneé C. Lyons (2014)


Preparing Literacy Professionals During COVID-19: A Critical Analysis of Novice Teachers’ Knowledge of Racial Literacy, Poonam Arya, Xiufang Chen, Pallavi Chhabra, Marla R. Goins, Rhonda Hylton, Lisa O'Brien, Amy L. Tondreau, Carin L. Appleget, Catherine A. Lammert, and Shuling Yang

Building Preservice Teachers’ Racial Literacy in the Context of State Policy Prohibiting Critical Race Theory, Xiufang Chen, Catherine Lammert, Amy L. Tondreau, and Shuling Yang


Faculty Perspectives: Teaching Literacy Online During COVID-19, Xiufang Chen, Shuling Yang, Chelsey B. Bollinger, Tala K. Esperat, Ann Van Wig, Nance S. Wilson, and Kathryn Pole

“I Don’t Think I’m There Yet, but I’m Trying”: Novice Teachers’ Perceptions of Racial Literacy, Rhonda Hylton, Shuling Yang, Amy L. Tondreau, Xiufang Chen, and Marla R. Goins

“It Never Occurred to Me to Question the Idea of Standard English All Together”: Teacher Candidates Grappling With Critical Language Awareness”, Grace Yun Kang, Amy L. Tondreau, Sonia Kline, Amanda Wall, Xiufang Chen, Shuling Yang, Chinwe Hope Ikpeze, Huili Hong, and Linda Smetana

Computational Thinking and Literacy: Creating Equity for Girls and Rural Students in 21st Century America, Renee Moran, Jody L. Wood, Natalia Ward, Shuling Yang, and Stacey J. Fisher

Capturing Teachers’ Racial Literacy Knowledge: An Exploratory Study, Lisa O'Brien, O'Brien; Catherine Lammert; Carin L. Appleget; Pallavi Chhabra; Shuling Yang; Poonam Arya; Xiufang Chen; Marla R. Goins; Rhonda Hylton; and Amy L. Tondreau

Pursuing Solidarity Through the Sharing of Small Stories, Marliese R. Peltier, Rhonda Hylton, Shuling Yang, and Roya Q. Scales

Examining Productive Pedagogical Discourse in Asynchronous Online Contexts., Natalia Ward, Shuling Yang, Amber N. Warren, Renee Moran, and Lydiah K. Kiramba

Bumping Up Against the Boundaries of Accreditation Standards, Nance S. Wilson, Jennie Baumann, Linda Smetana, Tess Dussling, Jane Bean-Folkes, Shuling Yang, Elizabeth Y. Stevens, Ann Van Wig, and Brittany Adams

Hand in Hand of Diverse Music and Children’s Books: Building Elementary Students’ Social Justice with the Power of Music and Books in the Rural Appalachian Area, Shuling Yang

Exploring Deeper of the Cultural Iceberg: Multicultural Picture Books as Powerful Tools to Engage Preservice Teachers, Shuling Yang and Ruth Facun- Granadozo

Multicultural Picture Books as Starting Points in Combating Stereotypes in PreK-5th Grade Classrooms, Shuling Yang and Ruth Facun- Granadozo

Engaging K-5 Students With Multicultural Picture Books, Shuling Yang, S. Grass, B. Clabaugh, and C. Minkler

Elevating the Identity and Voice of Chinese American Students With Name Story Explorations, Shuling Yang, E. Hayden, and Natalia Ward

Honoring Eyes That Kiss in the Corners: Integrating Multicultural Picture Books With Asian American Characters in Rural Elementary Classrooms, Shuling Yang and Natalia Ward

Preparing Literacy Professionals During COVID-19: A National Survey of Graduate Literacy Faculty’s Experiences and Perceptions of Teaching Online, Xiufang Chen, Ann Van Wig, Chelsey B. Bollinger, Tala K. Esperat, Nance S. Wilson, and Kathryn Pole

Discourses of Disruption: A Multi-State Study of Teacher Candidates’ Memories of Writing, Sonia Kline, Pamela Hickey, Xiufang Chen, Lisa. K. Hawkins, Chinwe Hope Ikpeze, Vicki McQuitty, Grace Y. Kang, Linda Diane Smetana, Amy Tondreau, Amanda Wall, and Shuling Yang

Accepting Education Responsibility in our New Normal: Revealing Literacy Graduate Student's Perceptions of Online Learning, Ann Van Wig, Chelsey B. Bollinger, Xiufang Chen, Tala K. Esperat, Kathryn Pole, Shuling Yang, and Nance S. Wilson

Novice Monolingual Teachers Making Sense of the Linguistic Lives of Multilingual Students, Natalia Ward, Shuling Yang, Renee Moran, and Amber N. Warren

Examining Novice Teachers’ Transactions With Professional Texts for Learning, Nance S. Wilson, Brittany Adams, Elizabeth Y. Stevens, Tess Dussling, Jennie Baumann, Ann Vann Wig, Shuling Yang, Linda Diane Smetana, Jane Bean-Folks, and Kristen Driskill

Supporting Metacognition with Social Annotation, Nance S. Wilson, Brittany Adams, Ann Van Wig, Linda Smetana, Shuling Yang, and Jennie Baumann

Developing Foundational Skills Through Writing, Shuling Yang and Natalia Ward

Preservice Teachers Learn To Elicit Higher Level Responses During Picturebook Questioning, Carin L. Appleget, Shuling Yang, and Diane Mickey

My Journey to Debt Freedom, Stacey Fisher

Noyce East Tennessee STEM Teacher Recruitment, Aimee L. Govett and Mohammad M. Uddin (2020)

Innovative Collaboration for Curriculum Integration, Laura Robertson, Ryan A. Nivens, Alissa A. Lange, and Jamie Price

The Professor Really Makes the Difference: Literacy Graduate Students’ Perceptions of Online Learning, Ann Van Wig, Shuling Yang, Chelsey B. Bollinger, Nance S. Wilson, and Tala K. Esperat

We Sustain What We Love: Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy at Work in Literacy Teacher Education Coursework, Natalia Ward, S. Bennett, Renee Moran, Amber N. Warren, Shuling Yang, and K. Keth

Exploring Questioning With Preservice Teachers: Self-Analysis and Coding for Understanding, Carin L. Appleget, Shuling Yang, and Diane Mickey

A Secondary Qualitative Data Analysis: Teacher Resistance to Educating English Learners, Ciara Brown, Natalia Ward, Eileen Galang, Betty Thomason, and Robin F. Scheil (2019)

Social Justice Literature and LAT Diversity Committee Grant, S. Fisher, H. Anderson, A. Eldaba, and Natalia Ward (2019)

Average Literacy Skills of Those With Varying Numbers of Books at Home, Stacey Fisher

Diversity Committee Grant, Stacey Fisher

The Power of Your Finances: Financial Literacy, Stacey Fisher

The Observation Tools We Have and Those We Need: Contrasts in Read-Aloud Practices from Classrooms Rated Highly Effective by Different Rubrics, R. Gabriel, Amber N. Warren, and Natalia Ward (2019)

Partnership with a Purpose: Model of a School/University Partnership, A. Govett and Jamie H. Price (2019)

The “Ideal” Teacher: Bridging Pre-service to In-service Teacher Identity Presenters, Jennifer Jordan, Carrie Buckner, Cassie K. Norvell, and Nora Vines (2019)