Book Commercials

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Book Contribution

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How can you increase children's motivation for reading outside the classroom - a sure predictor of increased reading achievement? You'll find the answers in Motivating Recreational Reading and Promoting Home-School Connections. This collection of articles presents classroom-tested ideas, resources, and activities to create motivational tools and home-school partnerships that will make literacy learning more effective and engaging for your students. The 33 articles present strategies that address a wide range of topics, including poetry, riddles in the classroom, book commercials, cooperative group rotation, classroom libraries, multiculturalism, reading workshops, peer tutoring, reading buddies and coaches, supporting parents and families, linking home and school, and community involvement. You'll also find in the appendixes a variety of resources for teachers and parents, including information on IRA parent material, U.S. reading initiatives and programs, and IRA's "Choices" booklists.
