Clemmer College of Education and Human Development Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles. Browse the Clemmer College of Education and Human Development Expert Gallery to view their SelectedWorks Profiles.

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Mistaken Notions of Adults with Children, James Bitter (1999)

Narrative Therapy in the Classroom: Honoring Diversity, J. Graham Disque and P. E. Robertson (1999)

Using Reflective Teams in Supervision: Benefits for Clients, Counselors, & Team Members, J. Graham Disque and P. E. Robertson (1999)

Admissions Process in Counselor Education: Challenges as We Move Toward 2000!, J. Graham Disque, P. E. Robertson, and Clifton W. Mitchell (1999)

Leadership/Service-Learning Resource Fair, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (1999)

Kids Say the Darndest Things: A Piagetian Interpretation, Mary R. Langenbrunner (1999)

Addressing the Needs of Students with Reading and Writing Problems, Lori J. Marks (1999)

Assessing and Addressing the Assistive Technology Needs of Students with Learning Disabilities, Lori J. Marks (1999)

Assessing and Addressing the Assistive Technology Needs of Students with Learning Disabilities, Lori J. Marks (1999)

IntelliTools for Comprehensive and Early Childhood Special Education, Lori J. Marks (1999)

Project PAVE: Providing Access to the Visual Environment: Low Vision Inservice, Lori J. Marks (1999)

Intellikeys: Meeting the Needs of Students with Disabilities Across the Curriculum, Lori J. Marks and E. Engle (1999)

Don’t Fight It, Write It! Developing Writing Skills Through Assistive Technology, Lori J. Marks and D. J. Montgomery (1999)

Coping with Divorce, J. Graham Disque (1998)

Narrative Therapy with Children and Adolescents, J. Graham Disque (1998)

Admissions Process: What Are We Really Trying to Assess?, J. Graham Disque and P. E. Robertson (1998)

Leadership/Service-Learning Resource Fair, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (1998)

Who’s Caring for the Children?, Mary R. Langenbrunner (1998)

Writing and Word Processing: An Overview of Software Features, Lori J. Marks and D. J. Montgomery (1998)

Internet and Template Writing: Facilitating the Research and Report Writing Process, Lori J. Marks, D. J. Montgomery, and R. P. Butler (1998)

Dreikurs’ Holistic Medicine: An Overview, James Bitter and Cynthia Carr (1997)

Adlerian Brief Counseling: Individuals, Couples, and Families, James Bitter, Oscar Christensen, Clair Hawes, and Bill Nicoll (1997)

Satir And Relational Therapy, James Bitter, Margarita Suarez, and Judith Wagner (1997)

Year Round Schooling, M. Collins, C. Cunningham, Terri C. Knight, and D. Morgan (1997)

A Narrative Approach for a Residential Adolescent Treatment Facility, J. Graham Disque (1997)

Counselor Educator Networking, J. Graham Disque (1997)

Gestalt Art Therapy for Children of All Ages, J. Graham Disque (1997)

Marriage Enrichment Workshop, J. Graham Disque (1997)

Narrative Therapy: Deconstructing Guilt and Reauthoring Innocence, J. Graham Disque (1997)

Children's Literature As A Resource for Enhancing Self-Concept, J. Graham Disque and Mary R. Langenbrunner (1997)

Children's Reputations: Narrative Systems in Schools, J. Graham Disque and Mary R. Langenbrunner (1997)

Children's Reputations: Narrative Systems in Schools, J. Graham Disque and Mary R. Langenbrunner (1997)

I'm Having a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day: How to Use Children's Literature to Enhance Children's Social Interaction in the Classroom, J. Graham Disque and Mary R. Langenbrunner (1997)

School-age Children's and Adolescents' Perceptions of the "Preferred" Parent while Engaging in Recreational and Nonrecreational Activities, J. Graham Disque and Mary R. Langenbrunner (1997)

Predicting Excellence: The Admissions Process in Counselor Education, J. Graham Disque, Clifton W. Mitchell, and P. E. Robertson (1997)

IDEA Exchange for Counselor Educators and Supervisors, J. Graham Disque and C. L. Thompson (1997)

Service-Learning/Community Education Panel, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (1997)

Service-Learning Resource Center, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (1997)

Work Architecture: Continuous Improvement in Student Affairs, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (1997)

What's Really Going On In Learning Centers, R. Isbell and Mary R. Langenbrunner (1997)

An Intergenerational Approach to Curtailing the Pollution of a Major Corporation: The Case of the Pigeon River and the People of Cocke County, Jamie Branam Kridler (1997)

Youth Violence and Community Connectedness: A Solution?, Jamie Branam Kridler (1997)

A Model Depicting the Influences on the Development of Children's Self-Concept, Mary R. Langenbrunner (1997)

D-i-v-o-r-c-e: Facilitating the Adjustment Process for Children, Mary R. Langenbrunner (1997)

School-age Children’s & Adolescents’ Perceptions of the Preferred Parent While Engaging in Recreational & Non-recreational Activities, Mary R. Langenbrunner and J. Graham Disque (1997)

Making Connections in Special Education: a Hands-on Internet Workshop, Lori J. Marks (1997)

Strategies for Using the IntelliKeys Alternative Keyboard with Students with Severe Disabilities, Lori J. Marks (1997)

Students with Low-Incidence Disabilities: Practical Strategies that Work, Lori J. Marks (1997)

The Effects of Stimulus Modality on the Development of Equivalence Relations in Children with Mild Disabilities, Lori J. Marks (1997)

C0-Teaching, Lori J. Marks and D. Montgomery (1997)

Development of Early Cause and Effect and Communication Skills Using Low-Tech and Computer-Based Interventions, Lori J. Marks and D. J. Montgomery (1997)

Don't Fight It, Write It! Developing Writing Skills Through Assistive Technology, Lori J. Marks and D. J. Montgomery (1997)

Careers in Special Education: Recruiting High School and University Students into the Student Council for Exceptional Children, Lori J. Marks, J. Rodefer, and C. Walker (1997)

Make and Take Posterboard Switch Workshop, D. J. Montgomery, Lori J. Marks, K. Walls, and C. Rose (1997)

Using Children's Literature: A Narrative Approach to Classroom Behavior, J. Graham Disque (1996)

Integrating Narrative Therapy with Adlerian Lifestyle Assessment: The Social Construction of Change, J. Graham Disque and James R. Bitter (1996)

Art and Music as a Process for Teaching Counseling Concepts, J. Graham Disque and D. Henderson (1996)

Techniques for Enhancing Therapeutic Effectiveness, J. Graham Disque and Clifton W. Mitchell (1996)

Using Emotions in Marital Therapy, J. Graham Disque and B. Morrow (1996)

Diversity and Leadership, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (1996)

Service-Learning Pre-Conference Workshop, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (1996)

Student Directed Environmental Activities, Terri C. Knight and D. Morgan (1996)

A Training Manual for Artists: Introduction to Looking Class Players, Jamie Branam Kridler and S. Scarborough (1996)

Piaget Teaches First Grade Math, Mary R. Langenbrunner and S. Larsen (1996)

Evaluating Students with Mild Disabilities for Assistive Technology Needs, Lori J. Marks (1996)

Increasing Reading Performance in Inclusive Middle School Classrooms, Lori J. Marks (1996)

Learning Disabilities and Assistive Technology: Tools and Techniques for Home and School, Lori J. Marks (1996)

Meeting CEC and NCATE Teacher Education Standards with Limited Resources, Lori J. Marks (1996)

Inclusion of Students with Disabilities, Lori J. Marks, Maureen Conroy, Martha Coutinho, and Kerri Martin (1996)

Assistive Technology for Students with Mild Disabilities, Lori J. Marks and D. J. Montgomery (1996)

Assistive Technology for Students with Mild Disabilities, Lori J. Marks and V. Morin (1996)

ADHD: Strategies to Improve Classroom Integration, D. J. Montgomery and Lori J. Marks (1996)

Adlerian Brief Therapy (workshops and papers), James Bitter (1995)

Adlerian Family Counseling: Toward a Therapeutic Community (pre-convention workshop), James Bitter (1995)

Brief Therapy (pre-convention workshop), James Bitter (1995)

Integrating Feminism With Multicultural Counseling, James Bitter and Pat Robertson (1995)

Classroom Based Performance Assessments: Using Standards and Lesson Plans to Accommodate Academic Diversity Among Students, M. Coutinho and Lori J. Marks (1995)

Changing Student Reputations in Schools, J. Graham Disque and D. Henderson (1995)

Using Art, Literature, Film and Music in Counselor Education, J. Graham Disque and D. Henderson (1995)

How Teacher Attitudes Effect Reading Achievement, Edward J. Dwyer (1995)

Making Cloth-Bound Books in the Classroom, Edward J. Dwyer (1995)

Making Cloth-Bound Books in the Classroom, Edward J. Dwyer (1995)

School-Age Children and Adolescents' Identification of the Preferred Parent, Mary R. Langenbrunner (1995)

School-Age Children and Adolescents' Identification of the "Preferred Parent" in Recreational and Non-Recreational Activities, Mary R. Langenbrunner (1995)

Attention Deficit Disorders, Lori J. Marks (1995)

Increasing Reading Performance Through a Teacher's Assistant and Data-Based Instruction, Lori J. Marks (1995)

Learning Strategies for Reading, Writing, and Content Areas, Lori J. Marks (1995)

Responding to Inclusion Needs and Concerns of Teachers and Administrators: Instructional Strategies, Lori J. Marks and Patricia Burgess (1995)

The Relationship Between Sexual Abuse and Religion, S. Miller, D. Milller, and Mary R. Langenbrunner (1995)

Partners in Change: Success Stories in Collaboration, E. Ralston, Lori J. Marks, and N. Wagner (1995)

The Lively Art of Reading Aloud to Children, Edward J. Dwyer (1994)

The Lively Art of Reading Aloud to Children, Edward J. Dwyer (1994)

Using Literature Journals in the Classroom, Edward J. Dwyer (1994)

Using Literature to Teach Reading, Edward J. Dwyer (1994)

Partners in Service, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (1994)

Teambuilding in a Panhellenic System, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (1994)

Families of the 90's, Mary R. Langenbrunner (1994)

Inclusion, Lori J. Marks and Maureen Conroy (1994)

Inclusion: Addressing the Needs of the Regular Educator, Lori J. Marks, M. Conroy, and C. Leister (1994)

Partners in Change: A Collaborative Approach to Personnel Preparation, Lori J. Marks, E. Ralston, and L. McCammon (1994)