ETSU Faculty Works | Faculty Works | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

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How to Use PubMed, MedLine Plus, and the Tennessee Electronic Library (TEL): Health Information on the Web, Nakia J. Woodward (2005)

Identifying and Encouraging Active Learning Through Speech Events, Theresa McGarry (2005)

Inquiry-based Early Childhood Curriculum Development: Using Materials to Facilitate Representation, National Association for the Education of Young Children, Jane Tingle Broderick and Seong Bock Hong (2005)

Inquiry Curriculum Development: Transferring Personal Representation Experiences to Working with Children, Jane Tingle Broderick and Seong Bock Hong (2005)

Insight into Mothers’ Infant Feeding Choices Can Guide Breastfeeding Promotion, Ashley Blevins, Kari Hancock, and Karen E. Schetzina (2005)

Integrated Thematic Instruction, Pamela Evanshen (2005)

IntelliMathics 3, Lori J. Marks (2005)

IntelliTalk 3, Lori J. Marks (2005)

Language Ideology and Second Language Learning, Theresa McGarry (2005)

Language Ideology and Second Language Learning and Research, Theresa McGarry (2005)

Lateralization Performance in Normal-hearing Adults Evaluated During Short-term Induced Asymmetrical Changes of Auditory Periphery, Jacek Smurzynski (2005)

Learning Environments of Five Teachers Who Embrace the Constructivist Philosophy., Pamela Evanshen and Mary Myron (2005)

Learning via Paradox: Less / More, Communications / Technology Nursing / Medicine, Terri Schreiner and Frances Jackson (2005)

Loudness Growth in Patients with Tinnitus and PTSD, Marc A. Fagelson (2005)

Making Phonological Intervention Accessible through Research-based Technology, A. Lynn Williams and J. Olsen (2005)

Multicultural Proficiency: Practical Applications with Addictions Clients, Amy J. Malkus (2005)

North Carolina State NSCA Meeting, Michael H. Stone (2005)

PACE and the Rhythms of Therapy, James Bitter (2005)

PDAs, Rick L. Wallace (2005)

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Affects Auditory Behavior of Tinnitus Patients, Marc A. Fagelson (2005)

Practical Approach to CAM, Reid B. Blackwelder (2005)

Primary Classroom Environments Utilizing Brain Compatible Elements, Pamela Evanshen and L. Phillips (2005)

Psychoacoustic Measures of Tinnitus, Marc A. Fagelson (2005)

PubMed, Rick L. Wallace (2005)

Purpose and Contribution: Value and Meaning in the World of Work,” Keynote Address,, James Bitter (2005)

Recast Density and Irregular Past Tense Verb Acquisition, Kerry Proctor-Williams and Marc E. Fey (2005)

Reggio Inspired Practice, Jane Tingle Broderick (2005)

Relationship Among Prenatal and Birth Factors and Temperament as Measured by the ECBQ, B. J. Salley, Andrea D. Clements, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., and R. Stanley (2005)

Show Me the Money: Grant Writing for Addictions, Amy J. Malkus (2005)

The Clinical Application of the Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials, Faith W. Akin and Owen D. Murnane (2005)

The Effects of Stimulus and Recording Parameters on Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials, Faith W. Akin, Owen D. Murnane, J. Tampas, C. Prieve, and R. H. Wilson (2005)

The Effects of Stimulus Parameters on the VEMP, Owen D. Murnane, Faith W. Akin, C. Clinard, and J. Tampas (2005)

The Inextricable Relationship Between Serotonin and Norepinephrine, Gregory A. Ordway (2005)

The Role of Markedness in Cluster Acquisition, A. Tangeman, M. Counts, B. Asher, and A. Lynn Williams (2005)


The Use of a Level of Care Measure in a Child Welfare Population, Andres Pumariega, Michele R. Moser, Patricia Wade, and T. Clark (2005)

Tinnitus Measurement, Marc A. Fagelson (2005)

Tinnitus Workshop, G. Bartnik, J. Durrant, G. Hesse, Marc A. Fagelson, and R. Tyler (2005)

Toxicity of Nanomaterials to Aquatic Organisms, E. C. Smith, Phillip R. Scheuerman, and Kurt J. Maier (2005)

Translational Research Funded by the NIH, A. Lynn Williams (2005)

Treatment Outcome in a VA Tinnitus Clinic, A. Danielle Rose and Marc A. Fagelson (2005)

University, Medical School, School System Partnership Creates Cross Disciplinary Service-Learning Opportunities, Jamie Branam Kridler, Elizabeth F. Lowe, and Mary R. Langenbrunner (2005)

USA Cycling National Coaches Clinic: Strength Training, Michael H. Stone (2005)

Variations in ADHD Diagnosis and Medication Prescription by Physicians in Southern Appalachia, Andrea D. Clements (2005)

Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials, Owen D. Murnane (2005)

What to Consider When Considering a PhD: A Peer Perspective. Presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, T. Brackenbury, Kerry Proctor-Williams, C. W. Jackson, S. Betz, L. Finestack, and T. Hogan (2005)

21st Century Teaching with Technology: from the College Classroom to the Preschool/primary Learning Environment, Amy J. Malkus, Pamela Evanshen, and L. Phillips (2004)

A Comparison of Recording Techniques for Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials, S. Fillon, Faith W. Akin, and Owen D. Murnane (2004)

Acute Eticlopride Treatment Alleviates Cognitive Deficits Produced by Neonatal Quinpirole Treatment, K. N. Thompson, Ivy A. Click, R. A. Best, S. K. Thacker, and Russell W. Brown (2004)

A Descriptive Study of Breastfeeding Rates, Determinants, and Resources among Disadvantaged, Rural-Residing Patients Attending a Pediatric Residency-Based Primary Care Clinic, Karen E. Schetzina and Kari Hancock (2004)

Advising as Theatre and You're the Set Deisgner!, Susan Bramlett Epps (2004)

An Analysis of How Quickly and Efficaciously Children with Specific Language Impairments Learn Verbs Compared to Children with Typical Language Development, Kelley Lewis, Kelly King, Melanie O'Brien, Kerry Proctor-Williams, and Danielle Py (2004)

Approaches to Bullying in Schools, J. Graham Disque (2004)

A Roadmap to Online Resources for Grant-Writers, Karen E. Schetzina (2004)

A Shared Storybook Parent Reading Program for Low Income Preschoolers, M. Adams, T. Davis, J. Norby, W. Rothrock, A. Lynn Williams, and M. Coutinho (2004)

Associations Between Tinnitus and PTSD Affect Tinnitus Management, Marc A. Fagelson (2004)

Asthma in Mexican Children from Immigrant Families: Characteristics from NHANES III, Yolanda Agredano, Karen E. Schetzina, and Fernando S. Mendoza (2004)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Variations in Diagnostic Criteria and Medication Prescription by Physicians in Southern Appalachia, Andrea D. Clements (2004)

Center of Excellence for Children in State Custody: Statewide and ETSU Experience, Andres Pumariega and Michele R. Moser (2004)

Centers of Excellence: Building Systems of Care for Children in Custody, Andres Pumariega, Janet Todd, and Michele R. Moser (2004)

Centers of Excellence for Children in State Custody, Michele R. Moser (2004)

Classroom Environments Utilizing Brain-based Teaching Strategies, Pamela Evanshen and P. McPeak (2004)

Clinical Medical Librarian Effectiveness in an ETSU Medical Residency Program, Rick L. Wallace (2004)

Coding Pearls, Jim Holt (2004)

Collaborative Systems for Children with Complex Physical and Mental Health Needs, Michele R. Moser and K. Keen (2004)

Community Outreach- Partnerships, Programs, and the Best Laid Plans, Rick L. Wallace (2004)

“Community Partnerships for LPN-BSN Career Mobility”, Melessia D. Webb (2004)

“Community Partnerships for LPN-BSN Career Mobility”, Melessia D. Webb (2004)

Community Partnerships for LPN-BSN Career Mobility, Carolyn S. Merriman, P. Ramsey, S. Blowers, and M. Webb (2004)

Consumer Health Information, Rick L. Wallace (2004)

Creative Discovery Room: Quality Learning Centers, Pamela Evanshen (2004)

Cultural Proficiency in Times of Crisis, Amy J. Malkus (2004)

Development and Implementation of an Evidence-Based Pediatric Asthma Clinical Pathway, Lisa M. Piercey and Karen E. Schetzina (2004)

Development of a TMDL Implementation Plan for Fecal Coliform Reduction in Tennessee, Phillip R. Scheuerman, Kurt J. Maier, I. E. Luffman, C. L. Craig, and K. R. Chase (2004)

Early Recollections, Emotions, and Experience: In Appreciation of Ed and Barbara Janoe,”, James Bitter (2004)

Effective Assistive Technology Devices & Software: Results From a Delphi Study, Lori J. Marks, M. L. McMurray, and M. K. Young (2004)

Efficacy of Treatment in a VA Tinnitus Clinic, A. Danielle Rose and Marc A. Fagelson (2004)

EKG Interpretation, Reid B. Blackwelder (2004)

Enhancing the Learning Environment, Pamela Evanshen (2004)

ETSU Center of Excellence for Children in State Custody: Consultation Model, Michele R. Moser (2004)

Evidence-based Practice and Speech Sound Disorders: The why? And the How? Part I and II, A. Lynn Williams (2004)

Experiential Approaches to Parenting, J. Graham Disque and Mary R. Langenbrunner (2004)

Families & Divorce: Experiential Methods for Working With Families in Transition, J. Graham Disque and Mary R. Langenbrunner (2004)

Help!! – I’m Stressed Out!”, Shirley J. Cherry (2004)

Influence of Monaural Overstimulation on Binaural Performance Measured with an Intracranial Image Task, Jacek Smurzynski, Anna Feliksiak, and Rudolf Probst (2004)

Inquiry-based Early Childhood Curriculum Development: Using Materials to Facilitate Representation, Jane Tingle Broderick and Seong Bock Hong (2004)

Integrated Thematic Instruction, Pamela Evanshen (2004)

Integrated Thematic Instruction, Pamela Evanshen (2004)

Integrated Thematic Instruction and the Brain Compatible Classroom, Pamela Evanshen (2004)

Integrating University and VAMC Resources: Development of an AuD Program, Marc A. Fagelson and Richard H. Wilson (2004)

IntelliPics Studio 3, Lori J. Marks (2004)

Interactions between Tinnitus and PTSD, Marc A. Fagelson (2004)

Joint Injections, Reid B. Blackwelder (2004)

Justus Troupe Performance Poetry Group, Jamie Branam Kridler (2004)

Kindergarten Readiness, Pamela Evanshen (2004)

Late Adolescent Perceptions of Parent Religiosity and Parenting Processes, J. Blake Snider and Andrea D. Clements (2004)

Legal Self-Defense for the Academic Advisor, Susan Bramlett Epps and Steve Robinson (2004)

Lessons Learned: Coordinating Community Outreach Grants for Maximum Effectiveness, Rick L. Wallace (2004)

Lessons Learned: Experiences Result in Curricula and Course Revisions, Jamie Branam Kridler, Elizabeth F. Lowe, K. Heier, and K. Webb (2004)

Locating Health Info Via the Internet, Rick L. Wallace (2004)

Low-tech Visual Support Strategies for Students with Autism, Lori J. Marks (2004)