ETSU Faculty Works | Faculty Works | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

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Mental Health Disparities in Child Welfare, Michele R. Moser, T. Clark, and Andres Pumariega (2004)

Mid-tech Support Strategies for Students with Autism: Pairing Boardmaker with Simple Voice Output Devices, Lori J. Marks (2004)

Multiple Intelligences, Pamela Evanshen (2004)

New Solutions for Training Residents in Practice Management for the New Competencies, Max Bayard, Jim Holt, Cathy Peoples, and Shawn Southwick (2004)

Out of Balance: A Look at Vestibular Disorders, Faith W. Akin (2004)

“Path Analysis of Factors Affecting Student Enrollment, Outcomes, and Continued Participation after Completing ALNU 1100 Basics of Patient Care at East Tennessee State University", Melessia D. Webb (2004)

“Path Analysis of Factors Affecting Student Enrollment, Outcomes, and Continued Participation after Completing ALNU 1100 Basics of Patient Care at East Tennessee State University", Melessia D. Webb (2004)

PDAs, Rick L. Wallace (2004)

Performance of Otoacoustic Emission Tests when Used to Predict Auditory Status, Jacek Smurzynski (2004)

Phonological Intervention: It’s About Time, A. Lynn Williams and Ken M. Bleile (2004)

Phonological Predictors of Treatment Outcomes, A. Cross, K. Merrell, A. Lambert, B. Bartley, M. Wagnoner, and A. Lynn Williams (2004)

Phonology in Clinical Settings: It’s about Time, A. Lynn Williams (2004)

Rating the Learning Environment for Brain Compatible Elements, Pamela Evanshen (2004)

Sensory Impairments: Hearing, Owen D. Murnane (2004)

Show Me the Money: Grant Writing for Addictions, Amy J. Malkus (2004)

So you want to be a PT, OT, RN, PA, MD…?, Susan Bramlett Epps (2004)

State of the AuD in TN, Marc A. Fagelson (2004)

Suggestions for Hope: New Treatment for Difficult Clients, Michele R. Moser and M. Wike (2004)

The Effects of Peer Mentoring Among Nursing Students, Carolyn S. Merriman (2004)

“The Effects of Peer Mentoring-Tutoring on Nursing Students Academic Outcomes", Melessia D. Webb (2004)

The Environment: the Curriculum’s Textbook, Pamela Evanshen (2004)

The Integrated OSCE, Reid B. Blackwelder (2004)

The Nature of the Beast: The Worklife of the Professional Advisor, Susan Bramlett Epps (2004)

Topic Introduction Elements in All-Women and Mixed-Gender Social Club Meetings, Theresa McGarry (2004)

Treating the Stressed Tinnitus Patient, Marc A. Fagelson (2004)

Using the Environment as a Teaching Tool in the Primary Classroom, Pamela Evanshen and Tyler Cook (2004)

Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials, Owen D. Murnane (2004)

What if I Can’t Sound It Out? Modeling Independent Reading Strategies Through Shared Reading, Karin Keith (2004)

When Families Divorce, Mary R. Langenbrunner (2004)

Youth Mentoring to Prevent Destructive Behaviors: A Partnership Between Higher Education and Secondary Students and Faculty, E. F. Lowe, Jamie Branam Kridler, K. Webb, and K. Heier (2004)

Accessing Children’s Literature Using Assistive Technology, Lori J. Marks and M. L. McMurray (2003)

A Roadmap to Online Resources for Grant-Writers, Karen E. Schetzina (2003)

Assistive Technology Interventions for Students with Autism Series: Boardmaker Software, Lori J. Marks (2003)

Augmentative and Alternative Communication: A Continuum of Devices, Lori J. Marks and M. L. McMurray (2003)

Barriers to Obtaining Health Insurance among Patients Served By a Mobile Community Health Van, Quetzalsol F. Lopez, Karen E. Schetzina, Amanda Haiman, and Fernando Mendoza (2003)

Beginning Teachers Need Your Support: A “How to” Guide, Kimberly D. Hale (2003)

Behind the Rage: the Neurobiology of Impulsive Aggression, Judy A. Rice (2003)

Building a Clinical Librarian Program: Challenges in Urban and Rural Settings, Rick L. Wallace (2003)

CALOCUS: Correlation to Child Welfare Outcomes, M. Kilgus, Andres Pumariega, Pat Wade, Michele R. Moser, and V. Holtzwarth (2003)

CALOCUS: Preliminary Demographic and External Validity in Child Welfare, Andres Pumariega, M. Kilgus, Pat Wade, and Michele R. Moser (2003)

Center of Excellence for Children In State Custody, Andres J. Pumariega and Michele R. Moser (2003)

Children and Violence: A Lethal Combination, Jo-Ann Marrs (2003)

Chronic Pain Management, Reid B. Blackwelder (2003)

Communication and Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Teresa Boggs (2003)

Community Partnership for LPN-BSN Career Mobility, Carolyn S. Merriman, P. Ramsey, and S. Blowers (2003)

Contexts for Facilitating Emergent Literacy Skills, A. Lynn Williams and M. Coutinho (2003)

Correlation of Different Severity Measures of Speech Disorders in Children, K. Wiljhelm, C. Castle, T. Hill, and A. Lynn Williams (2003)

Countdown to the Top 10 Most Effective Assistive Technology Devices and Software: Results From a Delphi Study, Lori J. Marks, M. L. McMurray, and M. K. Young (2003)

Court-Mandated Parenting Classes and the Future: Is Psycho Education All We Have to Offer?, J. Graham Disque and Mary R. Langenbrunner (2003)

Court-Mandated Parenting Classes & the Future: Is Psychoeducation All We Have to Offer?, Mary R. Langenbrunner (2003)

Creating Teacher Leaders Through the National Board Certification Process, Terri C. Knight and J. Smith (2003)

Creating Together; Art for Children with Special Needs, Teresa Boggs and M. Baker (2003)

Creative Discovery Room: Quality Learning Centers, Pamela Evanshen (2003)

Defining Youth Violence and Identifying Strategies for Intervention and Prevention, Jamie Branam Kridler (2003)

Divorce Mediation, Mary R. Langenbrunner (2003)

Environments That Work!, Pamela Evanshen and L. Phillips (2003)

Examining the Relationship Between Adolescent Self-efficacy and Environmental Attitudes, Knowledge, and Behaviors, Jana L. Meinhold and Amy J. Malkus (2003)

Findings From A Court-Mandated Parenting Education Seminar, Mary R. Langenbrunner (2003)

Has Assistive Technology Been Considered?, Lori J. Marks (2003)

Heart Disease, Jim Holt (2003)

Identification and Treatment of the Patient with Severe Tinnitus, Marc A. Fagelson (2003)

Identifying Children at Risk for Violence and Developing Practical Strategies for Protective Factors, Jamie Branam Kridler (2003)

Infusing Assistive Technology Interventions into the Writing Process, Lori J. Marks and D. J. Montgomery (2003)

Instant Video Revisiting for Reflection: Extending the Learning of Children and Teachers, Jane Tingle Broderick and Seong Bock Hong (2003)

Integrating Service Learning and Community Partnerships Across Departmental Curricula, Jamie Branam Kridler and Elizabeth F. Lowe (2003)

IntelliPics Studio, Lori J. Marks (2003)

Long-Term Road Construction Impacts on Water Quality and Fish Communities, T. D. Holt, Phillip R. Scheuerman, and Kurt J. Maier (2003)

Long-Term Road Construction Impacts on Water Quality and Fish Communities in South Indian Creek, T. D. Holt, Phillip R. Scheuerman, and Kurt J. Maier (2003)

Making Phonology Functional: Assessment and Intervention in Clinical Settings, A. Lynn Williams (2003)

Mentoring model for retaining quality faculty in research II institutions, A. Lynn Williams, C. Scott, Marc A. Fagelson, M. Ennis, P. Chase, and Kerry Proctor-Williams (2003)

Mind-Body Approaches to Supervision, J. Graham Disque and Clifton W. Mitchell (2003)

MK-801 Blocks Nicotine Enhancement of Compensation After Frontal Cortex Lesions, Ivy A. Click, R. L. Norris, S. K. Thacker, and Russell W. Brown (2003)

Monitoring of Selected Bacteriological and Chemical Parameters Associated with the Sinking Creek TMDL, D. R. Dulaney, S. M. Floresquerra, Kurt J. Maier, and Phillip R. Scheuerman (2003)

Nationwide Analyses of Use of Moral Turpitude as a Criteria for Licensure, Jo-Ann Marrs (2003)

Neurobiology of Aggression, Judy A. Rice (2003)

No Child Left Behind: How Early Childhood Faculty Can Help., Pamela Evanshen (2003)

Optional Infinitive Theory and Surface Account in Children's Narratives, M. Balint, A. Dykes, W. Nolley, and Kerry Proctor-Williams (2003)

Patient Centered Medicine, Reid B. Blackwelder (2003)

“Peer Mentoring and Tutoring”, Melessia D. Webb (2003)

Planning Inquiry Based Early Childhood Curriculum, Jane Tingle Broderick and Seong Bock Hong (2003)

Preschool Literacy, Pamela Evanshen (2003)

Primary Care Approach to Cough, Reid B. Blackwelder (2003)

Redesigning a College Classroom Environment Conducive to Learning, Pamela Evanshen and L. Phillips (2003)

Requirements for Training in the Ethical Treatment of Human Research Subjects: Implications for Educational Researchers, Andrea D. Clements (2003)

Rural Health Association of Tennessee, Rick L. Wallace (2003)

Supporting New Teachers in the Field of Early Childhood Education, Kimberly D. Hale (2003)

The Environment: the Curriculum’s Textbook, Pamela Evanshen (2003)

The Evaluation of Selected Chemical and Biological Parameters Associated with the Sinking Creek TMDL, D. R. Dulaney, M. S. Floresquerra, Kurt J. Maier, and Phillip R. Scheuerman (2003)

The Evaluation of Selected Chemical and Biological Parameters Associated with the Sinking Creek TMDL, D. R. Dulaney, M. S. Floresquerra, Kurt J. Maier, and Phillip R. Scheuerman (2003)

The Impact of a Nutrition Education Curriculum on the Life Skills Knowledge of Juvenile Offenders in a Youth Center, K. Blevins, Elizabeth F. Lowe, Jamie Branam Kridler, and Mary R. Langenbrunner (2003)

The Power of Materials in Learning, Jane Tingle Broderick (2003)

The Use of Fecal Coliform Source Tracking for Remediation of Pathogen Impaired Surface Waters, Phillip R. Scheuerman, D. R. Dulaney, M. S. Floresquerra, and Kurt J. Maier (2003)

Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Marc A. Fagelson (2003)

Using Assistive Technology in the General Education Classroom, Lori J. Marks and M. L. McMurray (2003)

Water Quality Issues in Northeast Tennessee, Phillip R. Scheuerman, D. Dulaney, and M. Floresquerra (2003)

2002 Deaf Awareness Week and Disability Awareness Month Celebration, Lori J. Marks (2002)

Addressing Childhood Obesity in Primary Care Practice, Jim Holt (2002)

Adlerian Interventions in the Process of Change, Keynote Address, James Bitter (2002)

Adlerian Interventions with Angry Children and their Families, James Bitter (2002)

Alternative Medicine Family Practice, Reid B. Blackwelder (2002)