ETSU Faculty Works | Faculty Works | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

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“Licensed Practical Nurse Intravenous Push Medications: Innovative Curriculum Implementation”, Melessia D. Webb (2006)

Low Levels of Tyrosine Hydroxylase in the Lateral Nucleus of the Amygdala in Major Depression, Katalin Szebeni, Beata Karolewicz, Craig A. Stockmeier, and Gregory A. Ordway (2006)

Microarray Analysis of Gene Expression in the Noradrenergic Locus Coeruleus in Major Depression, Lianbin Xiang, Katalin Szebeni, Craig A. Stockmeier, Samuel S. Newton, and Gregory A. Ordway (2006)


Modifications for Students with Learning Disabilities, Lori J. Marks (2006)

Molecular Pharmacology of Antidepressants, Gregory A. Ordway (2006)

NMDA Receptor and Associated Intracellular Proteins in Amygdala and Hippocampus in Depression, Beata Karolewicz, L. Johnson, Craig A. Stockmeier, Katalin Szebeni, and Gregory A. Ordway (2006)

Obtaining Evidence of Reliability and Validity for Computerized Examinations Used in Graduate and Undergraduate Nursing Programs, Carolyn S. Merriman, A. Nibert, K. Olson, and P. Stewart (2006)

Obtaining Saliva From Toddlers for Cortisol Concentration Determination, Andrea D. Clements, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., and B. J. Salley (2006)

Parenting for the 21st Century, James Bitter (2006)

PDAs, Rick L. Wallace (2006)

PDAs, Rick L. Wallace (2006)

Perceived Stigma: Explaining Common Effects of Abuse, Stacey L. Williams and Sean Rife (2006)

Periodization: Training Principles and Theory, Michael H. Stone (2006)

Phrase Analysis of Preschooler Narratives: A Pilot Study, M. Render, J. Smith, L. Perrine, S. Kirk, and Kerry Proctor-Williams (2006)

Planning for the Future: Determining the Effectiveness of Library Services to Medical Residents in an Academic Medical Center, Rick L. Wallace (2006)

Pregnancy and Depression in Appalachia: Implications for Depression Screening During the Prenatal and Postpartum Periods of Pregnancy, R. A. Daugherty, B. Bailey, and Ivy A. Click (2006)

Primary Learning Environments That Teach!, Pamela Evanshen and L. Phillips (2006)

Provocation and Planning for Emergent Curriculum Through Observation and Inquiry, Jane Tingle Broderick (2006)

Radiation Protection Overview, Shirley J. Cherry (2006)

Reading with Stick Puppets, Edward J. Dwyer (2006)

Recast Density and Irregular Past Tense Verb Acquisition, Kerry Proctor-Williams and Marc E. Fey (2006)

Re-Examination of Norepinephrine in Depression, Gregory A. Ordway (2006)

Reliability and Validity of the Computrainer and Powertap Power Meter, G. Gregory Haff, B. Ossenbrink, William A. Sands, and Michael H. Stone (2006)

Remote Tinnitus Counseling Session, Marc A. Fagelson (2006)

Samuel Beckett’s Film: A Tribute to James Joyce, Katherine Weiss (2006)

Service-Learning as a Quality Initiative, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (2006)

Service-Learning as a Quality Initiative for K-12, Teresa Brooks Taylor (2006)

Show Me the Money: Grant Writing for Technology, Amy J. Malkus and Pamela Evanshen (2006)

Society of Teachers of Family Medicine. A Painless Way to Teach Faculty and Residents to Write for Publication, Rick L. Wallace (2006)

Software Applications for the Blind: JAWS and Virtual Pencil, Lori J. Marks (2006)

Spontaneous and Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions and Extended High-frequency Hearing Sensitivity, L. Fleenor and Jacek Smurzynski (2006)

Stabilizing Families to Strengthen Communities: Using Community Based Action Research to Develop Strategies for Increasing Civic Engagement in Citizens of Rural Appalachia, E. Adams and Jamie Branam Kridler (2006)


Supporting Communication Using Pictures and Symbols, Lori J. Marks (2006)

Symposium on Special Topics in Resistance Training, Michael H. Stone and Margaret E. Stone (2006)

Teachability in Phonological Intervention: Comparison of Two Homonymous Approaches, A. Lynn Williams (2006)

Teacher Perceptions of Child Obesity in Appalachia, Karen E. Schetzina and Nora Azzazy (2006)

Temperament, Distraction, and Learning in Toddlerhood, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., B. J. Salley, Andrea D. Clements, and J. Gorneiwicz (2006)

The Clinical Evaluation Of Bilateral Vestibular Loss, M. Cunningham, Faith W. Akin, Owen D. Murnane, C. Clinard, and J. Tampas (2006)

"The Effects of Aging on Tonic EMG and VEMP", J. Tampas, C. Clinard, Faith W. Akin, and Owen D. Murnane (2006)

The Effects of Attribution and Affect on Responses to Suicidality in the College Setting: An Experimental Study, Alison L. Barton and M. C. Lovejoy (2006)

The Extent of Symptoms of Depression Among Patients Seeking Primary Care Treatment in Three Family Medicine Residency Clinics, M. Floyd, E. Kemp, Glenda Stockwell, and Ivy A. Click (2006)

The Future of Family Medicine, Reid B. Blackwelder (2006)

The Future of Family Medicine: A Medical Student's Perspective, Reid B. Blackwelder (2006)

The Future of Family Medicine, Bleeding Disorders, Test-taking Aids, Joint Injections, Reid B. Blackwelder (2006)

The Importance of Maximum Strength in Explosive Exercise, Michael H. Stone (2006)

The Meth Epidemic: Implications for the Advanced Practice Nurse, Judy A. Rice (2006)

The Relationship Among Maternal Temperament Characteristics and Premature Rupture of Membranes (PROM), Andrea D. Clements, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., and J. Gorneiwicz (2006)

The Relationship of Video Games and Physical Activity to Homework Performance in Fourth and Fifth Grade Students, Amy J. Malkus, K. Edmonds, S. Leitnaker, S. Lutz, Janese Moore, and J. Rose (2006)

’there’s no question that this is torture!’: Electrocuting Patriotic Fervour in Sam Shepard’s The God of Hell, Katherine Weiss (2006)

The Role of Auditory Event Related Potentials in Understanding Speech Perception, Saravanan Elangovan (2006)

The Unique and Complex Needs of Children in State Custody, Michele R. Moser, Janet Todd, and P. VanEys (2006)

Time-course of Contralateral Suppression of Spontaneous Otoacoustic Emissions, Jacek Smurzynski (2006)

Tinnitus Counseling: Difficult Cases., G. Bartnik and Marc A. Fagelson (2006)

Using BoardMaker to Provide Visual Support to Students with Disabilities, Lori J. Marks and M. L. McMurray (2006)

Using Pharmacological Clues to Untangle The Biology of a Complex Psychiatric Disorder: Depression, Gregory A. Ordway (2006)

Verb Phrase Analysis of Preschooler Narratives: A Pilot Study, M. Render, J. Smith, L. Perrine, S. Kirk, and Kerry Proctor-Williams (2006)

Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials, Faith W. Akin (2006)

Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials, Faith W. Akin and Owen D. Murnane (2006)

Walking Tour of ETSU University School Kindergarten Through 4th Grade Learning Environments, Pamela Evanshen and Mary Myron (2006)

What to Consider When Considering a PhD: A Peer Perspective, S. Betz, L. Finestack, T. Hogan, M. Hammer, C. W. Jackson, and Kerry Proctor-Williams (2006)

Working With Culturally Diverse Families, Mary R. Langenbrunner (2006)

A Comparison of VEMP Recording Techniques, Faith W. Akin, Owen D. Murnane, J. Tampas, and C. Clinard (2005)

A Comparison Study of Microbial Enzyme Activities and Coliforms in the Sediments of a Fecally-Contaminated Tennessee Stream Relative to Season and Land Use, Brian G. Evanshen, Kurt J. Maier, and Phillip R. Scheuerman (2005)

Adaptation of Lateralization Performance to Short-term Induced Conductive and Sensorineural Changes, Jacek Smurzynski (2005)

Adlerian Family Therapy: Innovations and Creative Process,” Invited Address,, James Bitter (2005)

Air and Bone-Conducted Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials, Faith W. Akin, Owen D. Murnane, J. Tampas, and C. Clinard (2005)

An Analysis of Assistive Technology Team Evaluations, Lori J. Marks, M. L. McMurray, C. Hales, and M. K. Young (2005)

A Practical Introduction to CAM, Reid B. Blackwelder (2005)

A Sound-Evoked Vestibular Neurogenic Potential, Owen D. Murnane, Faith W. Akin, C. Clinard, and J. Tampas (2005)

Attaining AYP: Supplementing Instruction using Parent Implemented Computer-Based Reading Programs, D. Forbush, S. Pindiprolu, and Lori J. Marks (2005)

Awareness & Contact: Developing Social Interest in Individual Therapy, James Bitter (2005)

Brain Compatible Learning Environments, Pamela Evanshen and L. Phillips (2005)

Catecholamine Collaborators in the Chemistry of Depression, Gregory A. Ordway (2005)

Central Noradrenergic Pathophysiology In Depressed Suicides: Converging Evidence From Clinical And Basic Research, Gregory A. Ordway (2005)

Community-Based Participatory Research Approaches to Obesity Prevention in Appalachia, Karen E. Schetzina (2005)

Comparison of Cortisol Concentrations Using Six Saliva Stimulation Methods, Andrea D. Clements (2005)

Consumer Health, Rick L. Wallace (2005)

Consumer Health Information, Rick L. Wallace (2005)

Contrastive Intervention Approaches for Children with Severe Phonological Disorders, A. Lynn Williams (2005)


Creating Talking Books Using PowerPoint, Lori J. Marks (2005)

Creative Discovery Room: Quality Learning Centers, Pamela Evanshen (2005)

Data Requirements for Developing Effective Pathogen TMDLs, D. R. Dulaney, Kurt J. Maier, and Phillip R. Scheuerman (2005)

Deciding on Treatment: Patient and Clinic Factors, Marc A. Fagelson (2005)

Does Training Primary Care Providers in the Use of PDAs for Clinical Decision-Making Change Their Clinical Behavior?, Rick L. Wallace, Fred Tudiver, and Doug Rose (2005)

Does Training Primary Care Providers in the Use of PDAs for Clinical Decision-Making Change Their Clinical Behavior?, Rick L. Wallace, Fred Tudiver, and Doug Rose (2005)

Does Training Primary Care Providers in the Use of PDAs for Clinical Decision-Making Change Their Clinical Behavior?, Rick L. Wallace, Fred Tudiver, and Doug Rose (2005)

Early Childhood Reading Enhanced through University, College, and Childcare Facilities Partnership, Jamie Branam Kridler, M. Wyatt, and C. A. Peters (2005)

Educating Tomorrow’s Educators for Students with Special Needs, Lori J. Marks (2005)

Education in Audiology, J. Durrant, L. Collet, Marc A. Fagelson, S. Hatzapoulous, Daniel McPhereson, F. Musiek, H. Skarzynski, and G. Tavartkiladze (2005)

Effects of Rise/Fall Time on VEMP Amplitude and Latency, J. Howard, Faith W. Akin, Owen D. Murnane, J. Tampas, and C. Clinard (2005)

Effects of Stimulus Type on ASSR Threshold, C. Clinard, Owen D. Murnane, J. Tampas, and Faith W. Akin (2005)

Effects of Stimulus Type on Multiple Auditory Steady State Response Thresholds in Normal-Hearing Subjects, Owen D. Murnane, C. Clinard, J. Tampas, Faith W. Akin, and R. H. Wilson (2005)

Efficiency of Verb Acquisition by Children with SLI & TL, Kelly King, Kelley Lewis, Melanie O'Brien, Danielle Py, and Kerry Proctor-Williams (2005)

Enhanced Dialogic Reading Intervention: A Follow-up Study, K. Chaulk, T. Eggers, N. King, J. Rouse, A. Lynn Williams, and M. Coutinho (2005)

Evaluation of Data Requirements for Developing Effective Pathogen TMDLs, D. R. Dulaney, Kurt J. Maier, and Phillip R. Scheuerman (2005)

Gender Differences in Working Memory in Humans Tested on a Virtual Morris Water Maze, Ivy A. Click and Russell W. Brown (2005)

Getting Beyond “I Like” Stories, Karin Keith and J. Dotson (2005)

Grand Rounds in Balance Disorders, G Jacobson, Robert Brey, R. Gans, D. Zapala, and Faith W. Akin (2005)

Hearing Aids and the Use of Everyday Sound, Marc A. Fagelson (2005)

How to Reach All Children Through Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences., Pamela Evanshen (2005)