ETSU Faculty Works | Faculty Works | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to



Samuel Beckett: History, Memory, Archive, Katherine Weiss (2007)

Searching for the Boi in His/Her Natural Environment, Theresa McGarry and K. Libby (2007)

Social Skill Instruction, Cynthia R. Chambers (2007)

State Stroke Systems of Care-Tennessee, Patricia M. Vanhook (2007)

Strength Training and Endurance, Michael H. Stone (2007)

Strength Training for Endurance Sports, Michael H. Stone (2007)

Telehealth Services for Rural Behavioral Health: Directions for Development and Research, Jodi Polaha (2007)

The Adolescent Brain and Addiction, Amy J. Malkus (2007)

The Development of an Intimate Partner Violence Detection Strategy for Men, M. Floyd, E. Kemp, E. McCord-Duncan, Beth Ann Bailey, Ivy A. Click, and J. Gorniewicz (2007)

The Development of the DNP Program and How It Impacts Present Practitioners, Jo-Ann Marrs (2007)

The Effect of 8 Weeks of Strength-power Training in Collegiate Throwers on Force-time Parameters Generated During a Post-exercise Potentiation Complex, Ann M. Kinser, Jenna M. Kraska, Michael W. Ramsey, William A. Sands, G. Gregory Haff, Margaret E. Stone, and Michael H. Stone (2007)

The Importance of Research in Stroke Centers, Patricia M. Vanhook (2007)

The Norepinephrine Transporter: Biology and Therapeutics, Gregory A. Ordway (2007)

The Pediatric Behavioral Telehealth Clinic: Process and Outcome, Jodi Polaha (2007)

The Relationship Between Coaches’ Rank and Explosive Strength Performance in Female Collegiate Athlete, Michael W. Ramsey, Jenna M. Kraska, Ann M. Kinser, Jon Keller, H. Hawegawa, G. Gregory Haff, William A. Sands, Margaret E. Stone, and Michael H. Stone (2007)

The Sewing Circle: A Model for Community Collaboration, Jamie Branam Kridler (2007)

Three Primary Care Approaches to ADHD Treatment Over Telemedicine, E. Nelson, Jodi Polaha, and W. J. Kuzbyt (2007)

Tinnitus and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Marc A. Fagelson (2007)

Training Teachers to Build Partnerships with Diverse Families, A. L. Childre and Cynthia R. Chambers (2007)

Translational Research: Bridging the Gap from Research to Practice, A. Lynn Williams (2007)

Treatment Implications of Inconsistent Speech Disorder: A Case Study, J. Rouse and A. Lynn Williams (2007)

Updates in Treating Speech Disorders in Children, A. Lynn Williams (2007)

Use of Computerized Testing for External and Internal Curriculum Evaluation in Undergraduate Nursing Programs, Carolyn S. Merriman, K. Frith, and M. J. Hamilton (2007)

Using BoardMaker to Support Academic Skills for Students with Disabilities, Lori J. Marks and M. L. McMurray (2007)

Using the Cycle of Inquiry System:Training and Measuring Levels of Representation and Inquiry Among Pre-service and In-service Teachers, Jane Tingle Broderick and Seong Bock Hong (2007)

Using the Environment to Engage the Learner, Pamela Evanshen (2007)

Utilizing Civic Engagement as a Tool for Building Resiliency Factors in Youth and Families, E. Adams and Jamie Branam Kridler (2007)

Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials, Faith W. Akin (2007)

Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials, Faith W. Akin and Owen D. Murnane (2007)

Vibration and Stretching Effects on Flexibility and Explosive Strength in Gymnasts, Ann M. Kinser, Michael W. Ramsey, Harold S. O'Bryant, William A. Sands, C. Ayres, and Michael H. Stone (2007)

Walking Tour of ETSU University School Kindergarten Through 4th Grade Learning Environments, Pamela Evanshen and Mary Myron (2007)

What Can You Do for Young Children with Special Needs?, Kimberly D. Hale (2007)

What Is Happening to Olympic Gold Medal Performances?, William A. Sands, Brittany R. Wurtz, Michael H. Stone, M. R. Brown, J. R. McNeal, and Monem Jemni (2007)

What is the Best Treatment for Functional Fecal Retention?, Nakia J. Woodward (2007)

A Comparison of Air And Bone-conducted VEMPs, J. Tampas, C. Clinard, Owen D. Murnane, and Faith W. Akin (2006)

A Comparison of Educational Aspirations and Graduation Rates in Four Rural Tennessee Counties, Kristy M. Leonard and Andrea D. Clements (2006)

A Comparison of Educational Aspirations and Graduation Rates in Four Rural Tennessee Counties, Kristy M. Leonard and Andrea D. Clements (2006)

A Comparison of VEMP Recording Techniques, Faith W. Akin, J. Tampas, C. Clinard, and Owen D. Murnane (2006)

Addressing Patients’ Perceptions of Control in Tinnitus Treatment, Marc A. Fagelson (2006)

A Descriptive Study of Breastfeeding Rates, Determinants, and Resources among Disadvantaged, Rural-Residing Patients Attending a Pediatric Residency-Based Primary Care Clinic, Ashley Blevins, Kari Hancock, and Karen E. Schetzina (2006)

Adlerian Psychology and Spirituality: A Dialogue, James Bitter and Erik Mansager (2006)

Adolescent Brain Development, Amy J. Malkus (2006)

Adolescent Brain Development and Brain-based Learning, Amy J. Malkus (2006)

Advocacy, Diversity and Alliance for the Rights of Children:Documentation, Reflection and Transformation; Facilitator of Roundtable Research Group Session, Jane Tingle Broderick (2006)

AEC – Is It All That?, Shirley J. Cherry (2006)

A History of Socials Welfare in America, E. Adams and Jamie Branam Kridler (2006)

Am I an Adlerian?” Ansbacher Lecture (Keynote Address), James Bitter (2006)

’Am I as much as … being seen?’ The Necessary yet Agonizing Act of Looking and Being Looked at in Samuel Beckett’s Play, Katherine Weiss (2006)

A Multiple Oppositions Approach with a Mixed Phonetic-phonemic Speech Disorder, T. Liles and A. Lynn Williams (2006)

A New Model for Behavioral Health Services in Primary Care, J. R. Mathews, J. H. Evans, Jodi Polaha, and R. J. Valleley (2006)

An Overview of Fluoroscopy, Shirley J. Cherry (2006)

A Painless Way to Teach Faculty and Residents to Write for Publication, Rick L. Wallace, Fred Tudiver, and Kate Furgeson (2006)

A Service Center’s Analysis of Assistive Technology Evaluations: 6 Years of Data, Lori J. Marks and M. L. McMurray (2006)

Athletic Injuries: Incidence and Prevention, Michael H. Stone and Margaret E. Stone (2006)

Auditory Steady-State Response: Test-Retest Reliability, C. Clinard, Owen D. Murnane, and J. Tampas (2006)

Auditory Temporal Processing in the Perception of Voicing, Saravanan Elangovan and Andrew Stuart (2006)

Birth Order Moderates Temperament-Vocabulary Relationships, Courtney M. Snyder and Wallace E. Dixon Jr. (2006)

Brain-based Research and Positive Discipline., Pamela Evanshen (2006)

“Calgon, Take Me AWAY!” (Stress and anxiety relief), Terri Schreiner (2006)

“Calgon, Take Me AWAY!” (Stress and anxiety relief), Terri Schreiner (2006)

Catecholamine Collaborators in the Chemistry of Stress and Depression, Gregory A. Ordway (2006)

Collaborating with a State Hospital Association by Providing PDA Training to Rural Critical Access Hospitals, Rick L. Wallace (2006)

Collaborating with Public Libraries to Provide Consumer Health Information Services to 17 Rural Tennessee Counties, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2006)

Collaborative Development of Computerized, Comprehensive Exams for NP Programs, Carolyn S. Merriman, A. Nibert, and K. Olson (2006)

Communication and Collaboration in HealthCare, Shirley J. Cherry (2006)


Comparison of Microbial Water Quality Parameters of Four Geographically Similar Creeks in Northeast Tennessee, Kimberlee K. Hall, L. K. Gallagher, Brian G. Evanshen, Kurt J. Maier, and Phillip R. Scheuerman (2006)


Comparison Study of Sediment Microbial Enzyme Activities to Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Nitrate Concentration, Phosphate Concentration in the Sediments of a Fecally-Contaminated Stream in Northeast Tennessee Relative to Season and Land Use, Brian G. Evanshen, Kurt J. Maier, and Phillip R. Scheuerman (2006)

Concurrent Validity of the PICS and the CSBS-DP, A. Brown, S. Lee, E. McDonald, E. Reeder, and Kerry Proctor-Williams (2006)

Consumer Health, Rick L. Wallace (2006)

Contralateral Suppression of Otoacoustic Emissions, Jacek Smurzynski (2006)

Creative Discovery Room: Quality Learning Centers, Pamela Evanshen (2006)

Current Trends: Diagnosis and Treatment of Vestibular Disorders, Faith W. Akin (2006)

Debunking the Myths: Experts Address Controversial Questions Related to Exercise and Health, Michael H. Stone (2006)

Documentation, Materials, & Environment, Jane Tingle Broderick (2006)

Do Distinctions in Partner Violence Have Clinical Relevance?, Stacey L. Williams (2006)

Electrophysiological Correlates of the Categorical Perception of Voicing, Saravanan Elangovan and Andrew Stuart (2006)

Emergent Reggio Inspired Curriculum, Jane Tingle Broderick (2006)

Estimation of Power Output from Static and Countermovement Vertical Jumps: Junior National Team Male Gymnasts, William A. Sands, Michael H. Stone, Jeni R. McNeal, Monem Jemni, and G. Gregory Haff (2006)

ETSU’s Doctorate in Early Childhood, Pamela Evanshen, Rebecca Isbell, and C Willis (2006)

Evaluating Tennessee’s Health Information Needs: Collaborating on a Plan for the Future, Rick L. Wallace (2006)

Evaluation and Utilization of a Pediatric Internet Curriculum, Dawn Tuell, Debra Mills, Rebecca Powers, and Karen E. Schetzina (2006)

Evaluation and Utilization of a Pediatric Internet Curriculum, Dawn Tuell, Debra Mills, Rebecca Powers, and Karen E. Schetzina (2006)

Evidence, Justification, and Interlocutor Gender, Theresa McGarry (2006)

Faculty Council Meeting, Carolyn S. Merriman (2006)

Faculty Mentor at 20, Reid B. Blackwelder (2006)

Family Reconstruction, James Bitter and Don Yoo (2006)

Frequency of Drug Interactions Among Primary Care Patients at a Family Medicine Residency Clinic, M. Stephens, Beth Ann Fox, Ivy A. Click, and G. Kukulka (2006)

Glutamate Signaling Proteins in Major Depression, Beata Karolewicz, L. Johnson, D. Maciag, T. Gilmore, Katalin Szebeni, Craig A. Stockmeier, and Gregory A. Ordway (2006)

Grand Rounds in Balance Disorders, Faith W. Akin, G. Jacobson, R. Brey, R. Gans, and D. Zapala (2006)

How are Central Causes of Vertigo Distinguished from Peripheral Causes of Vertigo?, Rick L. Wallace (2006)

I’m Stressed Out – Help!!, Shirley J. Cherry (2006)

Influence of Salicylate on Cochlear Function: Monaural Sensitivity Thresholds and Otoacoustic Emissions, Jacek Smurzynski (2006)

Integrated Thematic Instruction., Pamela Evanshen (2006)

Integrating Pediatric Behavioral Health Into Rural Primary Care: Research Findings, J. H. Evans, R. J. Valleley, and Jodi Polaha (2006)

Integrating Theory and Practice in Virtual Classrooms, Pamela Evanshen, Mary Myron, and D Grewal (2006)

Integrative Approaches to Oncology, Reid B. Blackwelder (2006)

Integrative Approaches to Patients with Cancer, Reid B. Blackwelder (2006)

Introduction to 4 Disciplines of Execution, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (2006)

Introduction to BoardMaker Software, Lori J. Marks and M. L. McMurray (2006)

Inverting Electrode: Does Location Affect MMN Presence?, Letitia J. Walker, Andrew Stuart, and Saravanan Elangovan (2006)