ETSU Faculty Works | Faculty Works | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to



From Couples to Families: Adlerian Interventions for Building Productive Lives Together (pre-conference workshop), James Bitter and Frank Main (2008)

Gangplank or Bridge: Providing New Librarians Pathways to Success, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Carter (2008)

Gangplank or Bridge: Providing New Librarians Pathways to Success, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2008)

Giving your Patrons the Star Treatment, Rick L. Wallace (2008)

Glial Deficits in the Noradrenergic Locus Coeruleus in Major Depression Revealed by Laser Capture Microdissection and Quantitative PCR, Gregory A. Ordway, Attila Szebeni, Craig A. Stockmeier, Michelle M. Duffourc, and Katalin Szebeni (2008)

Glutamate Receptor Gene Expression in Human Noradrenergic Neurons: Evidence of Altered Glutamate-Noradrenergic Signaling in Depression and Suicide, Katalin Szebeni, Attila Szebeni, Craig A. Stockmeier, Michelle M. Duffourc, and Gregory A. Ordway (2008)

Hormonal Markers Show Strong Relationship with Strength and Power Performance in NCAA D-I Football Players, J. B. Winchester, Arnold G. Nelson, L. K. Stewart, Michael H. Stone, and J. T. Moffitt (2008)


How Much is Enough: The Intensity Evidence in Language Intervention, Teresa Ukrainetz, Kerry Proctor-Williams, James Baumann, Melissa Allen, LaVae M. Hoffman, and Laura Justice (2008)

How to Join the Student Leadership for the International Council for Exceptional Children, Cynthia R. Chambers (2008)

How to Keep Your Professional Organization from Falling into a Black Hole, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2008)

How to Keep Your Professional Organization from Falling into a Black Hole, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2008)

How to Set Up Your Flight Plan for a Trip to the Stars: Evidence Based Library & Information Practice, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2008)

Hypertension, Jim Holt (2008)

Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, Katherine Weiss (2008)

Improving Services to Children in or at Risk of State Custody, Michele R. Moser, Janet Todd, P. van Eys, and J. Dick (2008)

Incidence and Treatment of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci (VRE) Infection in VRE Colonized Febrile Neutropenic Patients, John B. Bossaer (2008)

Influence of Monaural Overstimulation in Cochlear Function in Normal- hearing Adults Measured Psychoacoustically and with Spontaneous and Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions, Jacek Smurzynski (2008)

Innovative Competency Training in Ethical Decision Making for Providers Delivering Telebehavioral Health Services, B. Niles, V. Gifford, Jodi Polaha, I. Rivkin, and C. Koverola (2008)

Innovative Strategies for Balancing Academic Knowledge and Relevant Experience in Principal Preparation, Pamela H. Scott, Virginia P. Foley, and Eric Glover (2008)

Leadership Impact on Human Resources, Deborah Harley-McClaskey (2008)

Learning Environments in Elementary Schools That Teach, Pamela Evanshen (2008)

Lessons for Thriving on the Tenure Track: Survival Tips From Assistant and Tenured Professors, Kim A. Case, Jeannetta Williams, Stacey L. Williams, and Nicole Shelton (2008)

Library Voodoo or Library Science?, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2008)

Linking Medical Residents to Training: An Analysis of Training Needs, Rick L. Wallace (2008)


‘…long before the stars were torn down...: The Music of Bob Dylan and Sam Shepard, Katherine Weiss (2008)

Maternal and Child Temperament and Parenting Style, Andrea D. Clements, A. L. Acuff, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., and C. Snyder (2008)

Mistaken Notions Of Adults With Children, James Bitter (2008)

Moving Constructivist Practice into Primary Classrooms: Beginning with the Environment, Pamela Evanshen (2008)

Multiple Traumatic Events: The South Africa Stress and Health Study, Stacey L. Williams, David R. Williams, Dan J. Stein, Soraya Seedat, Pamela B. Jackson, and Hashim Moomal (2008)

New and Emerging Issues in Human Services, Mary R. Langenbrunner (2008)

Normal Childhood Sexual Development, Mary R. Langenbrunner (2008)

Novel Stimulus Presentation Pattern in a P300-Based Brain-Computer Interface, B. K. LaPallo, Eric W. Sellers, George Townsend, C. Boulay, T. M. Vaughan, J. R. Wolpaw, and L. R. Hochberg

Organizing a Course from Square One, Jo-Ann Marrs (2008)

Overtraining, Recovery and Restoration. Strength and Conditioning for the Medical Professions, Michael H. Stone, Margaret E. Stone, and William A. Sands (2008)

Pediatric Overweight and Psychosocial Concerns Among Youth Presenting to Rural Primary Care, S. Allen, W. T III. Dalton, and Jodi Polaha (2008)

Pediatric Wellness and Integrated Health Care in Rural Appalachia, Jodi Polaha, W. T III. Dalton, S. Allen, A. Enlow, N. Bagwell, and S. Cumpston (2008)

Perceived Stigma and Control: A Mediation Model, Stacey L. Williams and Sean Rife (2008)

Performance Appraisal as a Predictor of Emotion and Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Investigation of Appraisal Theory and AET, Lorianne D. Mitchell (2008)

Performance Improvement in the Clinical Setting, Gary E. Michael (2008)

Periodization for Advance and Elite Athletes, Michael H. Stone (2008)

Periodization for Advanced and Elite Athletes, Michael H. Stone (2008)

Periodization: the Basics, Michael H. Stone and Margaret E. Stone (2008)

Personnel Perceptions of Child Obesity and Diabetes Prevention Efforts in Northeast Tennessee Schools, Lauren LaBounty and Karen E. Schetzina (2008)

Ph.D. In Early Childhood Education: Proposed Program Update, Pamela Evanshen (2008)

Physical Activity and Weight Perception among Rural Appalachian Middle School Girls, Lauren LaBounty and Karen E. Schetzina (2008)

Power Outputs among Explosive Athletes: Relationships to Maximum Strength, and Strategies for Improvement, Michael H. Stone and Margaret E. Stone (2008)


Practice in Child Phonological Disorders: Tackling some Common Clinical Problems, Tim Brackenbury, Marc Fey, Gregory Lof, Benjamin Munson, and A. Lynn Williams (2008)

Preliminary Psychometric Results of a Tinnitus Self-Efficacy Questionnaire, Sherri Smith and Marc A. Fagelson (2008)

Prescription for Success, Stacy D. Brown (2008)

Professional Development, Susan Bramlett Epps (2008)

Providing Supports for Siblings, Cynthia R. Chambers (2008)

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Patient-Physician Interactions for US- and Foreign-Born Individuals, Florence Dallo, L. N. Borrell, and Stacey L. Williams (2008)

Recovery Stress Questionnaire: Marker of Drop Jump Performance and Under-Recovery?, A. M. Kinser, W. L. Kimmel, Brittany R. Wurtz, William A. Sands, and Michael H. Stone (2008)

Rediscovering Your Passion, Reid B. Blackwelder (2008)

Reflect and Refuel to Engage the Learner, Pamela Evanshen (2008)

Reintegration and Rehabilitation of Women Stroke Survivors, Patricia M. Vanhook (2008)

Relationship Between Isometric Force Characteristics and the Difference in Un-weighted and Weighted Vertical Jump Height, Jenna M. Kraska, Michael W. Ramsey, G. Gregory Haff, Nate Fethke, Anna M. Kinser, William A. Sands, Keith Painter, Margaret E. Stone, and Michael H. Stone (2008)

Relationship of Peak Isometric Strength to Rate of Force Development Among Collegiate Track and Field Athletes, Jenna M. Kraska, Ann Marie Swisher, Michael W. Ramsey, C. Nelson, William A. Sands, G. Gregory Haff, H. Hasegawa, Jeff McBride, Margaret E. Stone, and Michael H. Stone (2008)

Relationship of Training Volume to Bone Mineral Density In NCAA Division I Cross‐Country Runners, Ashley A. Kavanaugh, Mark A. South, K. Painter, Michael E. Stone, M. M. Byrne, Ronald C. Hamdy, G. G. Haff, Michael H. Stone, and Michael W. Ramsey (2008)


Relationships Among Temperament Characteristics of Adolescents Born Prematurely and Maternal Temperament Characteristics, Andrea D. Clements, Kellye Lingerfelt, and Wallace E. Dixon Jr. (2008)

Relaxation Skills Training, Michele R. Moser and P. van Eys (2008)

Repairing the Bridge: Assessing Critical Information Skill Deficiencies in Medical Residents, Rick L. Wallace (2008)

Resiliency of Appalachia Women Stroke Survivors: Measuring Comeback, Patricia M. Vanhook (2008)

Rural Elementary and Middle School Personnel Perceptions of Student Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity, Lauren LaBounty and Karen E. Schetzina (2008)

School-Based Type II Diabetes Prevention, Karen E. Schetzina (2008)

School Environments That Engage the Learner! Reach All Students and Maximize Learning, Pamela Evanshen (2008)

School Personnel Perceptions of Child Obesity, Nutrition, and Physical Activity in Rural Appalachia, Karen E. Schetzina and Lauren LaBounty (2008)

Sibling Workshops, Cynthia R. Chambers (2008)

Social Value Orientation and Awareness of Consequences in Recreation Resource Dilemmas, Andy R. Dotterweich and Thomas J. Davis (2008)

Spanning Gaps in Information Services and Resources to Medical Residents, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Carter (2008)

Supporting Understanding by Design Initiatives, Virginia P. Foley (2008)

Support Seeking and Network Response Among Sexual Assault Victims Who Perceive Stigma, F. Deitz and Stacey L. Williams (2008)

Suppression in Otoacoustic Emissions Evoked by Closely-spaced Two-tone Burst Stimuli, Jacek Smurzynski, W. Jedrzejczak, and Krzysztof Blinowska (2008)

Technology in the Workplace, Amy J. Malkus (2008)

Telebehavioral Health: A Primer, Jodi Polaha (2008)

Telebehavioral Health: A Primer, Jodi Polaha (2008)

Temperament Moderates Cognitive Function at 15 Months, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., Hannah Lawman, Allison Lowe, Hannah Abel, and Holly Stott (2008)

Temperament Moderates Novel Word Learning at 15 Months, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., Allison Lowe, Betsy Caldwell, Hannah Lawman, and Andrea Clements (2008)

Temperament Moderates Responsiveness to Joint Attentional Bids at 11 and 14 Months, James Todd and Wallace E. Dixon Jr. (2008)

The Aldersintegrerede and Flexible School, Pamela Evanshen (2008)

The Art of Being: Relating Our Creativity to Our Practices with Our Selves, Children, and Teacher Educators, Jane Tingle Broderick and K. Ratliff (2008)

The Basics of Planning the Training Process– an Introduction (Workshop), Michael H. Stone (2008)

The Comparison of Accelerometer Based Estimates of Maximal Bench Press Strength and Actual 1-Repetition Maximum Tests in Untrained College Students, G. Gregory Haff, Michael H. Stone, and W. G. Hornsby (2008)

The Effects of Individualized Training on a Child with Autism, Teresa Boggs and S. Bell (2008)

The Impact of Grammatical Complexity on Sentence Disruptions Production, T. Burke, C. Davidson, K. Sims, K. Mumpower, and Kerry Proctor-Williams (2008)

The P300 Brain-Computer Interface: A New Stimulus Presentation Paradigm, Eric W. Sellers, George Townsend, C. Boulay, B. K. LaPallo, T. M. Vaughan, and J. R. Wolpaw

The Pediatric Behavioral Telehealth Clinic: Overview and Recommendations, Jodi Polaha (2008)

The Relationship and Repeatability of Hormonal Markers to Performance Indicators in Collegiate Males, J. B. Winchester, Arnold G. Nelson, Michael H. Stone, B. D. Manor, and L. Stewart (2008)

The Relationship of Peak Isometric Strength to Peak Aerobic Power and 3000 M Performance in Cross-country Runners, Ann Marie Swisher, Jenna M. Kraska, Michael W. Ramsey, Keith B. Painter, C. Gooden, Andrew S. Layne, William A. Sands, G. Gregory Haff, Jeff McBride, Margaret E. Stone, and Michael H. Stone (2008)

The Relationship of Strength, and Power Characteristics to Overhead Shot Throw Performance in NCAA Division 1 Male Throwers, Ann Marie Swisher, Michael H. Stone, Michael W. Ramsey, Margaret E. Stone, C. Nelson, Ashley A. Kavanaugh, and Andrew S. Layne (2008)

The School Psychologist’s Role in Response to Intervention, Kimberly D. Hale and D. Deberry (2008)

The Training Process, Michael H. Stone (2008)

The Utility of a Very Brief Screen to Identify Difficult Children, Andrea D. Clements, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., and Hannah Abel (2008)

The Work of Byron Katie, J. Graham Disque (2008)

Tinnitus in the Military and Veterans, Marc A. Fagelson (2008)

Tinnitus Management Affects Symptoms of PTSD, Marc A. Fagelson (2008)

To Be or Not to Be: The Impact of Depression on Adolescents, Terri Schreiner (2008)

Training Your Librarians to Shoot for the Stars, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2008)

Transforming an Elementary School: Incorporating Constructivist Learning Principles to Impact Learning, Pamela Evanshen and D. Arnold (2008)

Transforming an Elementary School: Using Constructivist Principles to Inspire Change, Pamela Evanshen and Janet Faulk (2008)