"How to Land That New Job (And How Not To)" by Wallace E. Dixon Jr., Martha Arterberry et al.

How to Land That New Job (And How Not To)

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The International Congress on Infant Studies (ICIS) joins forces with the Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology (COGDOP) to provide young ICIS scholars a unique opportunity to gain advice from acting Department Chairs about how best to write cover letters, select good referees, negotiate for job offers, secure competitive start-up allowances, and manage many other elements of the very anxiety-provoking process of landing a new job. In this Q&A panel format, multiple Department Chairs representing institutions ranging in size from very small to very large, and from private to public, will answer questions and give advice based on their several decades of combined experience negotiating and making jobs offers from the other side of table. This panel symposium should be of great interest to graduate students in all years of study, post-doctoral fellows, and even more seasoned professionals who are thinking of re-entering the academic job market.


New Orleans, LA

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