The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.
If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to
Nuts and Bolts of Collaborative Pharmacy Practice, McKenzie L. Calhoun and Micah Cost (2017)
Obesity Among First and Second Generation Hispanic Adolescents in the United States: Insights from 2011-2012 National Survey of Children's Health, Hyacinthe Umwali, Hilary Elom, Sreenivas P. Veeranki, Ying Liu, Zhao Peng, and Shimin Zheng (2017)
Obesity Among First and Second Generation Hispanic Adolescents in the United States: Insights from 2011-2012 National Survey of Children's Health, Hyacinthe Umwali, Shimin Zheng, Sreenivas P. Veeranki, Ying Liu, and Hilary Elom (2017)
Objective Measurement of Cognitive Systems During Effortful Listening, David B. Ryan, S. L. Smith, Eric W. Sellers, M. Eckert, and Kim Schairer
Objective Measurement of Cognitive Systems during Effortful Listening, David Ryan, Sherri L. Smith, Kim S. Schairer, Eric Sellers, and Mark Eckert (2017)
Objective Measurement of Cognitive Systems during Effortful Listening, David Ryan, Sherri L. Smith, E. Sellers, and Kim Schairer (2017)
Oligodendrocyte Pathology in Major Depressive Disorder Reveals New Targets for the Development of a Novel Class of Antidepressant Drugs, Gregory A. Ordway (2017)
Opioid Abuse and Misuse: A Rising Epidemic in America, Arsham Alamian and Saeidreza Harirforoosh (2017)
Opioid Crisis in the US: East Tennessee State University (ETSU) Initiatives, Debbie C. Byrd
Opioid Crisis in the US: East Tennessee State University (ETSU) Initiatives, Debbie C. Byrd
Opioid Use Disorder, Robert P. Pack (2017)
Organizational Interventions, C. Allen Gorman (2017)
Osler Family Medicine Review Course, Reid B. Blackwelder (2017)
P300 BCI: A Simulation of Random Eye Movement, Kelsey N. Shubert, Marissa R. Kellicut-Jones, Caitlyn N. Swymer, T. J. Wiley, David B. Ryan, and Eric W. Sellers
P300 Brain-Computer Interface: Two- Stimulus Presentation Paradigm, Aaron Gardner, Marissa R. Kellicut-Jones, Ashley Kazmark, and Eric W. Sellers
Pain Management SAM, Jim Holt and Grant Studebaker (2017)
Parent-Child Intervention Decreases Stress and Increases Maternal Brain Activity and Connectivity in Response to Own Baby-Cry, James E. Swain, S. Shuan Ho, Katherine Rosenblum, Diana M. Morelen, Carolyn Joy Dayton, and Maria Muzik (2017)
Pediatric Respiratory Disease, Will Dodd (2017)
Pediatric Respiratory Disease, Will Dodd (2017)
Pedophilic Interests in the United States: Current Prevention Practices and Suggestions for Future Policy and Research, Jill D. Stinson and Michael P. Lasher (2017)
Peer Assisted Learning Strategies for Reading and Content Area Instruction, Lori J. Marks and Tina M. Hudson (2017)
Pemetrexed Induced Acute Kidney Injury and a Review of the Literature: a Case Report, S. M. Parker and John B. Bossaer (2017)
Personality, Identity, and American Protestant Fundamentalism: What are the Connections?, James E. Deal and Karin Bartoszuk (2017)
Perspectives About Responsibility for Diabetes Management Among Rural African American Women, Myra Clark and E. Mann (2017)
PETE University Supervisor’s Perceptions of Use and Feasibility of Live Remote Supervision, Kason O'Neil and J M. Krause (2017)
Pharmacists and Prescribers as a Team, Nicholas E. Hagemeier and Daniel Ventricelli (2017)
Pharmacy Deserts, Swamps, and Oases: Definition Development and Implications for Patient Care, L. Holland, Amy Poole, S. Subedi, and Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2017)
Pharmacy Student Dispensing Behaviors in Practice-Based Dilemmas, Karilynn Dowling, Nicholas E. Hagemeier, and Courtney Mospan (2017)
Phases of Discovery with Materials Exploration: Properties, Aesthetics, Conceptual Links and More, Jane Tingle Broderick and Seong Bock Hong (2017)
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration (LS1): A Hands-On Approach Supporting the NGSS and ELA CCSS, Laura Robertson, LaShay Jennings, Kari Eubanks, and Scott Honeycutt (2017)
Photosynthesis: An Integrated, Hands-On Approach Supporting the NGSS and CCSS ELA, Laura Robertson, Chih-Che Tai, Renee Rice Moran, LaShay Jennings, Kari Eubanks, and S. Honeycutt (2017)
Physical Education Faculty Use and Self-efficacy Towards Educational Technology, Kason O'Neil and Jennifer M. Krause (2017)
Physical Functioning, Fall Risk and Mobility in Individuals with Vision Loss, Courtney D. Hall (2017)
Plickers: A Formative Assessment App for the Innovative Educator, Jennifer M. Krause and Kason M. O'Neil (2017)
Poly-drug Use and Other Risk Factors Among Women Receiving MAT During Pregnancy: Challenges for Research on Health and Developmental Effects in Infancy and Beyond, B. Bailey, David Wood, Andrea Clements, Kerry Proctor-Williams, Kara Boynewicz, K. Trivette, and N. Justice (2017)
Polydrug Use and Other Risk Factors Among Women Receiving MAT During Pregnancy: Challenges for Research on Health and Developmental Effects in Infancy and Beyond, Beth A. Bailey, David Wood, Andrea Clements, Kerry Proctor-Williams, Kara Boynewicz, Carol Marie Trivette, and Nathaniel Allen Justice (2017)
Positive and Effective Support Strategies for the Classroom Teacher, S. B. Hitt and Lori J. Marks (2017)
Positive Behavior Supports in the Classroom, Cathy Galyon Keramidas (2017)
Positive Connections: An Initial Step in Addressing School Failure in High Schools, Sara Beth Hitt (2017)
Postmodern Possibilities: Currere as a Process for New Teachers to Rethink Old Paradigms in Elementary Education, Lori T. Meier (2017)
Posttraumatic Growth and Shame/Guilt in Veterans: Does Time (Perspective) Really Heal All Wounds?, Jessica McKinney, Fuschia M. Sirois, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2017)
Posttraumatic Growth and Suicide in Veterans: Impact of Interpersonal Needs and Depression, Jessica McKinney, P. C. Britton, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2017)
Practical Approach to EKG Interpretation, Reid B. Blackwelder (2017)
Practical Approach to EKG Interpretation, Reid B. Blackwelder (2017)
Preadolescent Musical Training Influences Spatial Listening and Temporal Processing Skills, Brett Schneiderman, Erin Dula, and Saravanan Elangovan (2017)
Predictors of College Students’ Drop Out/Stop Out, Karin Bartoszuk and James E. Deal (2017)
Preliminary Analysis of a Survey Evaluating Applied Behavior Analysts' Knowledge and Use of Evidence-Based Practices, James J. Fox, Mary Annette Little, and Seth King (2017)
Preparing College/Career Readiness through Integrating Science Learning with Literacy in Secondary Education, Chih-Che Tai and Karin Keith (2017)
Preparticipation Examinations, Diana L. Heiman (2017)
Prescription Drug Abuse: Responding with Research and Promoting Evidence-Based Practice, Robert P. Pack and Stephanie M. Mathis (2017)
Prevalence and Correlates of Major Depressive Disorder Among Opiod Dependent Patients: Finding from a Randomized Clinical Trial, Christian Nwabueze, Ying Liu, Hilary Elom, Shimin Zheng, and Ke-Sheng Wang (2017)
Prevalence of Diabetes and its Trend in U.S. Veterans 2005-2014, Ying Liu, Ke-Sheng Wang, Sonica Sayam, Shimin Zheng, Ying Li, and Liang Wang (2017)
Prevalence of Diabetes in U.S. Veterans: Findings from NHANES 2005-2014, Sonica Sayam, Kesheng Wang, Shimin Zheng, Liang Wang, and Ying Liu (2017)
Preventing Death from Melanoma: Misdiagnosis OUT Early Detection IN Primary Care, Lisa Ousley, Candice N. Short, and Candice D. Gentry (2017)
Primary vs. Secondary Violence Exposure and Mental Health Outcomes in Youth Who Engage in Sexually Abusive Behaviors, Victoria E. Forgea, Kelcey L. Hall, Jill D. Stinson, and Brittany S. Sharma (2017)
Professional and Ethical Standards in Respiratory Care, Kristen L. McHenry (2017)
Professional Development for Chapter Authors, Chih-Che Tai, Renee Rice Moran, Laura Robertson, and Karin J. Keith (2017)
Professional Development Provided by the School of Graduate Studies: Enhancing Mentoring and the Graduate Student Experience, Cecilia A. McIntosh, Karin Bartoszuk, and Scott Kirkby (2017)
Progress in the Development of a Trauma Informed System of Care in Johnson City, Tennessee, Andrea D. Clements, Becky Haas, and R. G. Bastian (2017)
Project-based Learning in the Middle School Classroom: An Integration of Science, Math, and Literacy Aligned to State Standards, Jamie Price and Laura Robertson (2017)
Projecting Future Climate Change Impacts on Heat-Related Mortality in Large Urban Areas in China, Ying Li, Ren Ting, and Wei Zhang (2017)
Projecting Future Heat Wave Effects on Mortality in the United States: National Estimates Using Dynamically Downscaled Climate Projections, Ying Li and Yuqiang Zhang (2017)
Promoting Health Care Transition Readiness Among Youth with Hydrocephalus, David L. Wood (2017)
Protein Fortification of a Typical Biscuit Recipe, Michelle E. Johnson, Eileen M. Cress, Kailey Riddle, Kaitlyn Webb, and W. Andrew Clark (2017)
Putting It All Together: A Roundtable Featuring the ETSU Cochlear Implant Team, Saravanan Elangovan and Marie A.F. Johnson (2017)
Qualitative Ethnography, Karin Keith and Renee Rice Moran (2017)
Quality of Life and Drug Use at the Intersections of Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation, Aaron A. Granoski, Emma G. Fredrick, Emily Clark, Sarah A. Job, and Stacey L. Williams (2017)
Quaternary Prevention: Four States’ Approaches to Naloxone Dissemination, Karilynn Dowling, Marc Fleming, Sarah Melton, and Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2017)
Railroad Town without a Railroad: Documenting Clinchfield Railroad Traditions and Transitioning Economic Identities In an East Tennessee Appalachian Community, Rebecca Adkins Fletcher (2017)
Randomized Control Trials, Karin Bartoszuk (2017)
ReadNPlay for a Bright Future Mobile Application Development and Experience, Imaobong Chinedozi, Karen E. Schetzina, Gayatri Bala Jaishankar, Robin Fisher, and Jill Fair (2017)
Ready or Not? Health Care Transition Readiness Among Rural Appalachian Youth with and Without Special Health Care Needs, Kiana R. Johnson, David L. Wood, and A. L. McBee (2017)
Real Imaginary Place in Czech Bluegrass Songs, Lee Bidgood (2017)
Real-time Insight : Developing a Internal Library Data Dashboard, Travis Clamon (2017)
Reassessing a Pioneering 'Bluegrass Label': Tracing the Impacts of Rich-R-Tone Records, Ted Olson (2017)
Reassessing James Still’s Work, Ted S. Olson (2017)
Receipt of Anticipatory Guidance Among Youth With and Without Special Health Care Needs, Kiana R. Johnson and David L. Wood (2017)
Reducing Childhood Obesity and Chronic Disease in Central Appalachia, James Fey, Alyssa Lovelace, Kate E. Beatty, Ginny Kidwell, Paula Masters, and Deborah Slawson (2017)
Reflective Narrative as Inquiry: Expanding Our Understanding of In-service Teachers’ Experiences with and Needs in Working with English Language Learners, Huili Hong, Karin Keith, Renee Rice Moran, Laura Robertson, LaShay Jennings, and Stacey Fisher (2017)
Reflective Thinking and Teacher Candidates’ Paradigm Shift, Ruth Facun-Granadozo (2017)
Reflective Thinking and Teacher Candidates’ Paradigm Shift, Ruth Facun-Granadozo (2017)
Relationship between Absolute and Relative Strength with Velocity Decline during the Back Squat, R. Varieur, M. H. Haischer, D. M. Cooke, J. P. Carzoli, E. R. Helms, R. K. Byrnes, T. Johnson, E. P. Davis, Caleb D. Bazyler, R. F. Zoeller, M. Whitehurst, and M. C. Zourdos (2017)
Relationship between Femur Length and Average Velocity at Various Intensities in the Back Squat, T. Johnson, D. M. Cooke, M. H. Haischer, J. P. Carzoli, Caleb D. Bazyler, E. R. Helms, R. Varier, R. K. Byrnes, E. P. Davis, R. F. Zoeller, M. Whitehurst, and M. C. Zourdos (2017)
Relationship of Patient Self-Administered COPD Assessment Test (CAT) to a Physician Standard Assessment of COPD in a Family Medicine Residency Training Program, J. A. Sparks, W. T. Tugman, Leigh Johnson, Ivy A. Click, and Jessica Epley Burchette (2017)
Relationship of Patient Self-Administered COPD Assessment Test (CAT) to Physician Standard Assessment of COPD in a Family Medicine Residency Training Program, Leigh Johnson, Jessica Burchette, Ivy A. Click, and Sandra Alicia Williams (2017)
Reliability and Validity of Bertec Computerized Dynamic Posturography, Ashley N. Tice, Paige S. Waddell, Courtney D. Hall, Faith W. Akin, Owen D. Murnane, and Kristal M. Riska (2017)
Religiosity and Diet in a College and Community Setting, Natalie Cyphers and Andrea D. Clements (2017)
Research in the Wild: Application of Family and Science Research, Mary R. Langenbrunner and Jamie Branam Kridler (2017)
Research Methods Overview, David L. Wood (2017)
Residency, Fellowship, and Graduate School Value Beliefs among Student Pharmacists, Andrew Tarasidis, Karilynn Dowling, Anh Dinh, Pooja Subedi, Daniel Ventricelli, and Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2017)
Respiratory Compromise in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Kristen L. McHenry (2017)
Resting Hormone Alterations and Injuries: Block vs “Daily Undulating Periodization” Weight-Training Among Division I Track And Field Athletes, Keith B. Painter, Gregory N. Haff, Travis Triplett, Charles A. Stuart, Guy Hornsby, Michael W. Ramsey, Caleb D. Bazyler, and Michael H. Stone (2017)
Reviving the Essex Junto: Partisan Propaganda in the Era of Good Feelings, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2017)
Roundtable Discussion Leader, Laura Caey, James Fox, Jim Johnston, Pablo Juárez, Annette Little, and Blair Lloyd (2017)
Running Records, Karin Keith (2017)
Rural Health Departments: Capacity to Improve Communities' Health, Kate Beatty, Michael Meit, Emily Phillips, and Megan Heffernan (2017)
Rural Suicide Across state Lines--- The Stories, Intervention Strategies and Current Research, Jameson K. Hirsch and Lisa Curtin (2017)
Rural Suicide: An Updated Review of the Literature on Theory, Research and Prevention, Jameson K. Hirsch (2017)
Scientific Pursuit and Beyond, Aruna Kilaru (2017)
Scientific Writing. Mastering the Art of Verbal Communication, Deborah L. Slawson and Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2017)