The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.
If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to
Screening the Dizzy Patient, Courtney D. Hall (2017)
Screen, Uncover, Connect: A Hands-on Approach to Elucidating the Social Determinants of Health, Gayatri Jaishankar and Deborah Thibeault (2017)
Screen, Uncover, Connect: A Hands-on Approach to Elucidating the Social Determinants of Health, Gayatri Jaishankar, Deborah Thibeault, and Angelica Johnson (2017)
Self-Compassion in PLWH: Reduced Internalized Shame and Negative Psychological Outcomes, Stacey L. Williams (2017)
Serious Mental Illness in Rural Primary Care Practice, Lydia L. Eisenbrandt and Jill D. Stinson (2017)
Serious Play: Sir John Harington’s Material-Textual Errancy in Orlando Furioso in English Heroical Verse (1591), Joshua Reid (2017)
Serum Adipokines and Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors in Hispanic Children, Jonathan M. Peterson, W. Andrew Clark, Jo-Ann Marrs, and Arsham Alamian (2017)
Service-Learning 101, Teresa Brooks Taylor (2017)
Service-Learning/Civic Engagement Track, Teresa Brooks Taylor (2017)
“ Session 1: The What, Why, Where, and When of Clinical and Didactic Evaluation”, Melessia D. Webb (2017)
“Session 2: The How of Clinical and Didactic Evaluation”, Melessia D. Webb (2017)
Sexual Minority Womens Access to Healthcare, Abbey Mann (2017)
Sexual Minority Women’s Experiences of Minority Stress and Resources in Northeast Tennessee, Sarah A. Job, Stacey L. Williams, and Emma G. Fredrick (2017)
Sexual Minority Women’s Experiences of Minority Stress and Resources in Northeast Tennessee, Sarah A. Job, Stacey M. Williams, and Emma G. Fredrick (2017)
Shame, Guilt, and Suicide Risk Among Veterans: Self-compassion as a Moderator, Morgan K. Treaster, Trever Dangel, Jessica McKinney, Jon R. Webb, and Jameson K. Hirsch (2017)
Shared Governance: The Transformation of a College of Nursing, Florence M. Weierbach, Jo-Ann S. Marrs, Michelle L. Littleton, Kimberly Maturo, Lisa E. Ousley, Linda Rothery, and D. Scott Vaughn (2017)
Shark Tank: Clinician Innovators to Clinician Scientists, Jodi Polaha, Jennifer Funderburk, Tina Studts, Lesley Manson, J. D. Smith, Nadiya Sunderji, and Mark Vosvick (2017)
Should Our Approach for Reducing Poor Birth Outcomes Differ in Urban and Rural Populations?, Judy G. McCook and Beth Bailey (2017)
Simultaneous Determination of Five Antiretroviral Drugs Plus Cobicistat in Human Plasma Using Strong Cation Mixed-Mode SPE and HPLC-MS/MS, Stacy D. Brown, Fessou Lawson-Hellu, Derek Murrell, and Sam Harirforoosh (2017)
Social Determinants of Health, David L. Wood (2017)
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, Rebecca J. Milner (2017)
Sound and Waves: An Integrated K–8 Hands‐On Approach Supporting the NGSS and CCSS ELA, Chih-Che Tai, Karin Keith, Laura Robertson, and Renee Rice Moran (2017)
Spaceflight in the Curriculum: Social Studies as the Seeds for STEM, Lori T. Meier (2017)
Spatial Analysis of Mosquito-Borne Illness Prevalence in Nueva Vida, Nicaragua, Megan Quinn, Julie Obenauer, and Andrew Curtis (2017)
Speech-Language Pathologists’ Perceptions of Collaborating with Registered Dietitians in the Pediatric Population, Brenda Louw and Michelle Lee (2017)
Speech Therapy via Telepractice: A New Direction for Rural Health, Courtney M. Andrews (2017)
State of Tennessee. Understanding the impact of income, Olivia Egen, Kate E. Beatty, and Randy Wykoff (2017)
STEM and Literacy in Education (SLICE), Chih-Che Tai (2017)
STEM and Literacy in Education (SLICE), Chih-Che Tai, Karin J. Keith, Renee Rice Moran, Laura Robertson, and T. Jones (2017)
STEM and Literacy in Education through Project-Based Learning: A NSF ITEST Proposal, Chih-Che Tai (2017)
STEM Courses at ETSU, Laura Robertson (2017)
STEM K-12 Education Certificate at ETSU, Laura Robertson, Ryan Andrew Nivens, W. Courtney, and A. Fissel (2017)
Stopping the Spread by Using Sterile Needles Instead: A Rural Community Pharmacy Hepatitis C/HIV Prevention Feasibility Study, Karilynn Dowling, Taylor Riedley, MacKenzie Broome, and Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2017)
Storytelling in the Accounting Classroom, Michelle S. Freeman and G. Burkette (2017)
Strategies to Engaging Young Children in Early Childhood Classrooms, Hongxia Zhao and Carol M. Trivette (2017)
Strategies to Support Secondary Ed and MAT Candidates, Terryl Rock (2017)
Study of the Associations of Metabolic Hormones and Metabolic Syndrome in a Pediatric Hispanic Population in Northeast Tennessee, Anabel Bouton, W. Andrew Clark, Jo-Ann Marrs, Arsham Alamian, and Jonathan M. Peterson (2017)
Success on the NCLEX-RN, Carolyn S. Merriman (2017)
Suicide Assessment in the Curriculum: Current Status and Recommendations for the Future, Aaron Hymes, Emily J. Donald, and Adam Carter (2017)
Supporting Families and Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit & transition to EI, Kara Boynewicz and Raquel Keithly (2017)
Supporting Gender-Expansive Children, Youth, and Families in Multiple Counseling Settings, Rebekah J. Byrd and Emily Donald (2017)
Supporting RTI Through Preservice and Inservice Higher Education, Lori Marks, Sara Beth Hitt, and Tina Hudson (2017)
Survey of Special Education Teachers' Stress, Burnout, and Professional Development Needs in Rural School Districts, Karin Bartoszuk, James Fox, Pamela J. Mims, and Olakunle Oni (2017)
Suspension and Expulsion of Young Children in the U.S Pre-School and Day Care Systems: Awareness, Policy, Interventions, Arnold Nyarambi (2017)
Sustainability Learning and Energy Conservation: A Capstone Design Project, Mohammad M. Uddin, Keith V. Johnson, and A. Sodiq (2017)
Synthesizing Evidence in Support of DEC Recommended Practices: Guidelines for the Field, Patricia A. Snyder, Brian Reichow, Judith Carta, Carol M. Trivette, and Anne Larson (2017)
System-level Approaches to the Opioid Use Disorder Epidemic, Robert P. Pack (2017)
Talking It Up with Intention: Strengthening Parents’ Knowledge of Language and Early Literacy, Kimberly D. Hale (2017)
Teacher Candidates Identified and Rose Above the Elusive Concepts in Early Literacy Instruction, Ruth Facun-Granadozo (2017)
Teaching for the Future: The Integration of ELA and STEM in the Secondary Classroom, LaShay Jennings, Renee Rice Moran, Laura Robertson, and Chih-Che Tai (2017)
Teaching in the Online Environment, Nancy G. Cameron (2017)
Teaching Practitioners in Online Learner Formats, Julia M. Bernard (2017)
Teaching Teachers to Converse Productively with Students: A Study Using the Cycle of Inquiry System, Jane Tingle Broderick, Seong Bock Hong, and G. Wohlford (2017)
Teaching Teachers to Converse Productively with Students: a Study Using the Cycle of Inquiry System., Jane Tingle Broderick, Seong Bock Hong, and G. Wohlford (2017)
Team-based Care and Education, Reid B. Blackwelder and Brian Cross (2017)
Team-Based Learning: Clinical Decision-Making Across the Lifespan, Peggy Mohr and Kara Boynewicz (2017)
Teaming up in Primary Care: Sustainable Models in the Real World, Jodi Polaha and Leonard B. Cross (2017)
Technology-based Intervention for Promoting Grade Aligned ELA Instruction for Students with Significant Disabilities, Pamela J. Mims, P. Young, and J. DeMarco (2017)
Temperament-Vocabulary Links During the Transition to First Word Production: Contrary to Expectations, Jaima S. Price, Lauren P. Driggers-Jones, Wallace E. Dixon Jr., and Natasha B. Gouge (2017)
Testing and Interpreting Date to Monitor Progression of Cardiovascular Training, Michael W. Ramsey (2017)
Testing an Innovative Model of Caregiver Health, Florence M. Weierbach (2017)
The AAq-II Translation to Georgian: A Preliminary Validation Study, N. Gogichadze, N. Meparishvilli, and Jodi Polaha (2017)
The Ballad of George Wallace Jr., Matthew D. Sutton (2017)
The Big Bang of Modern American Music: The Lasting Impact of 1920s-Era Appalachian Recording Sessions, Ted Olson (2017)
The Broken Circle Breakdown and Belgian Bluegrass, Lee Bidgood (2017)
The Classroom’s Physical Learning Environment: 2nd Grade Children’s Perspective, Tsitsi Nyabando and Pamela Evanshen (2017)
The Clery Act: Student Awareness and Perceptions of a Public University and a Private College in East Tennessee, J. M. Jee and Donald W. Good (2017)
The Contribution of Muscle Cross-Sectional Area to Jump Height in Collegiate Athletes, Caleb D. Bazyler, Jacob R. Goodin, Tara K. Whiton, Satoshi Mizuguchi, and Michael H. Stone (2017)
The CPA Exam Is Changing: Are Professors Ready?, Michelle S. Freeman (2017)
The Creation of Profs Do Pop!: A Critical Examination of Popular Culture Communities, Art Herbig, A. Watson, Andrew F. Herrmann, and A. Tyma (2017)
The Decline in Student Attendance for Bigtime College Football Programs, Charles W. Jones (2017)
The Early Evolution of Land Plants, Aruna Kilaru (2017)
The Effects of a Short-term Block Periodized Strength Training Program on Force Production and Running Economy and Kinematics in a Highly Trained Marathon Runner, N. Fiolo and Michael H. Stone (2017)
The Effects of Using Banana Flour as a Gluten Substitute in Cookies, Brandy Goble, Karen Lawson, Michelle E. Johnson, Emily Yates, and W. Andrew Clark (2017)
The ETSU Center for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment, Angela M. Hagaman and Stephanie M. Mathis (2017)
The Fab Five: Making Personal Gains in Health-related Physical Fitness, Kason M. O'Neil and J O'Neil (2017)
The Friends of Lazarus Job Internship Program, Cynthia R. Chambers (2017)
The Good Ole’ Girls Club: The Male Student Perspective, Teresa Carnevale
The Great Abdicating, Joseph O. Baker (2017)
The History of Career Technical Education in the USA & Nigeria, L. Matthew, J. Okpeyen, and Ryan Andrew Nivens (2017)
The Influence of a “Go Between” Individual in Organisational Creativity: A Social Network Analysis of a Professional Sport Organisation, Natalie Smith and B. Christine Green (2017)
The Jane Addams Book Award: Peace and Social Justice Characterized, Reneé C. Lyons (2017)
The Journey to Team Based Healthcare, Debbie C. Byrd, Reid Blackwelder, and Brian Cross
The Magnificent Morning Message, L. Kathryn Sharp (2017)
The Narrative Skills of Children with Specific Language Impairment and Typical Language, Julie Phillips, Courtney Adams, Kelli Morgan, Emilee Rehm, Brianna Stampler, and Kerry Proctor-Williams (2017)
The Opioid Epidemic: Realities, Routines, and the Science of Safety, Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2017)
Theories of Behavior Change and Motivational Interviewing, Julia Dodd (2017)
The Poet and the Astronomer: Joanna Baillie’s Intersections with Sir John Herschel, Judith Bailey Slagle (2017)
The POP Arts Experience, Cynthia R. Chambers and K. Buttolf (2017)
The Positive Eating Program: An Interprofessional Approach to the Treatment of Neurodevelopmental Feeding Challenges, Michelle Johnson, Teresa Boggs, Lindsey Greer, and Christy Isbell (2017)
The Positive Eating Program: An Interprofessional Approach to the Treatment of Neurodevelopmental Feeding Challenges, Michelle Johnson, Teresa Boggs, Lindsey Greer, Christy Isbell, Victoria Zaleski, and M. Thompson (2017)
The Practice and Research of Resilience, Julia M. Bernard (2017)
The Prescription Opioid Epidemic: How it Happened and Solutions, Nicholas E. Hagemeier, J. Nile Barnes, and Kasey Strey (2017)
The Public and the Private; The Chancellor and the Humanist in Renaissance Florence, Brian Jeffrey Maxson (2017)
The Relationship Between Accelerometry and Total Distance Measured With GPS in Women’s College Soccer, Christine L. Coniglio, Kyle Travis, and Jeremy A. Gentles (2017)
The Relationship Between Accelerometry Derived Training Loads and sRPE In Women’s College Soccer, John Abbott, Paul Moquin, Abdulmalek Bursais, Julia Kirkpatrick, Christine L. Coniglio, and Jeremy A. Gentles (2017)
The Relationship Between Breastfeeding Practices and Postpartum Depressive Symptoms at Six Months Postpartum in Appalachian Women, Rose Stephens, Andrea D. Clements, and Beth A. Bailey (2017)
The ROC Curve and the Area under the Curve (AUC), Shimin Zheng (2017)
The Role of Pharmacy Accreditation in Interprofessional Education, Debbie C. Byrd