The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.
If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to
Between Slavery and the Want of Railroads: Reconstruction in the North Carolina Mountains, Steven E. Nash
Beyond Rating Accuracy: Frame-of-reference Training Reduces Gender Bias in Performance Ratings, C. Allen Gorman and Lorianne D. Mitchell (2017)
Bidirectional Mother-Infant Affective Displays across Contexts of Risk, Diana Morelen, Rena Menke, Katherine Rosenblum, Marjorie Beeghly, and Maria Muzik (2017)
Biochemical Characterization of Tomato Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase, Sujan Shrestha and Aruna Kilaru (2017)
Biochemical Characterization of Tomato Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase, Sujan Shrestha and Aruna Kilaru (2017)
Biosand Water Filter Evaluation: Pilot Study of Field Use Indicators, Bethesda O'Connell, Megan Quinn, Phillip Scheuerman, and Deborah Slawson (2017)
Blastoff! Social Studies as Seeds for STEM and Space Exploration, Lori T. Meier (2017)
Bluegrass in Colorado, Lee Bidgood (2017)
Breastfeeding Expert Panel Member, April H. Morrison (2017)
Broken Promises: An Autoethnography of Psychological Contract Breach and Organizational Exit, Andrew F. Herrmann (2017)
Building a Culturally Responsive Framework for Students with Intellectual Disability to Increase Postsecondary Outcomes, Christopher Rivera, Joshua Baker, Ginevra Baker, Pamela J. Mims, and Tracy Spies (2017)
Bulldog in Blue and Gold, Stacy D. Brown (2017)
Cardiovascular Adaptation from Various Intensities of Endurance Training, Michael W. Ramsey (2017)
CARDS: Using RCQI to Support Formative Evaluation in BSN-DNP Preceptorships, Kathrine Hall, S. Calhoun, Christine M. Mullins, and J. Bruni (2017)
Caring for Foster Children in the Hospital Setting, Natalie Cyphers and Andrea D. Clements (2017)
Challenges in Rural Offender Reentry: A Qualitative Analysis of Treatment Provider Perspectives, Alyssa P. Gretak, Jill D. Stinson, Lydia L. Eisenbrandt, and Carrie C. LeMay (2017)
Challenging Ttinnitus Cases: Grand Rounds, Grazyna Bartnik, A. M. Mohr, Gerhard Hesse, Tanit Sanchez, and Marc A. Fagelson (2017)
Champion Teams: An Implementation Strategy for Building Interprofessional Practice in Family Medicine Residency Clinics, Jodi Polaha, Tim Bishop, Leigh Johnson, Diana Heiman, Reid B. Blackwelder, Brandon Mizell, Richard Veerman, and C. Bridges (2017)
Champion Teams: An Implementation Strategy to Drive Practice Improvement, Jodi Polaha, Leigh Johnson, Millie Wykoff, J. Montgomery, S. Peace, D. Sloan, and Reid Blackwelder (2017)
Changing Preschool Teachers’ Attitudes and Beliefs about STEM, Alissa A. Lange and Q. Tian (2017)
Changing the Trajectory for Child Welfare Involved Infants, Young Children and their Parents, Michele R. Moser (2017)
Changing the Trajectory for Infants, Young Children and their Parents involved with Child Welfare, Giovanni Billings, Anne Pruett, and Michele R. Moser (2017)
Changing the Trajectory for Infants, Young Children and their Parents involved with Child Welfare: Davidson County Infant Court Initiative, Building Blocks for Infant Mental Health: Addressing the Comprehensive Needs of Children 0-5 in their Families and Communities, G. Billings, A. Pruett, and Michelle Moser (2017)
Characterization of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase in Physcomitrella Patens, Imdadul Haq, Suhas Shinde, and Aruna Kilaru (2017)
Characterization of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase in Physcomitrella Patens, Imdadul Haq, Suhas Shinde, and Aruna Kilaru (2017)
Child, Family, and Community Factors and the Utilization of Oral Health Services in Early Childhood, Nicole Holt, Arsham Alamian, Deborah L. Slawson, and Shimin Zheng (2017)
Child Poverty and Its Impact on Child Health, David L. Wood (2017)
Children's Perceptions of Their Social World, Jane Tingle Broderick, K. Ballantyne, R. Aslinger, and A Brewster (2017)
Children's Perceptions of Their Social World, Jane Tingle Broderick, K. Ballantyne, R. Aslinger, and A. Brewster (2017)
Children with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome at 15 months of age: Preliminary small sample findings, B. Bailey, I. Click, and Kerry Proctor-Williams (2017)
Cleft Lip / Palate: Best Practices and Recent Developments, Brenda Louw (2017)
Climate Change Impacts on Heat-Related Mortality in Large Urban Areas in China, Ying Li (2017)
Clinical Applications of Otoacoustic Emissions: How Much Do We Really Know After 40 Years?, Jacek Smurzynski (2017)
Co-Benefits of Global and Domestic Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Air Quality and Human Health, Jason West, Yuquiang Zhang, Steven Smith, Raquel Silva, Jared Bowden, Vaishali Naik, Ying Li, Dennis Gilfillan, Zachariah Adelman, Meredith Fry, Susan Anenberg, Larry Horowitz, and Jean-Francois Lamarque (2017)
Cobenefits of Global and Domestic Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Air Quality and Human Health, Jason West, Yuqiang Zhang, Steven Smith, Raquel Silva, Jared Bowden, Vaishali Naik, Ying Li, Dennis Gilfillan, Zachariah Adelman, Meredith Fry, Susan Anenberg, Larry Horowitz, and Jean-Francois Lamarque (2017)
Coding in P-12 Education from the Beginning to the End, Ryan Andrew Nivens (2017)
Coding Literacy as a New Essential, Ryan Andrew Nivens and Tara Carver Peters (2017)
Cognitive Code and Test-Writing, Carolyn S. Merriman (2017)
Collaboration Between Local Health Department and College of Public Health, S. Johnson, M. Belcher, M. Moody, and Megan Quinn (2017)
College Students Conceptions of Relationship Violence, Rebekah J. Byrd and K. Emelianchik (2017)
Common Cardiac Disease in the Hospitalized Patient, Will Dodd (2017)
Communicating with Faculty, Susan Bramlett Epps (2017)
Comparing Muscle Hypertrophy and Myosin Heavy Chain Content Between Relative Intensity and Repetition Maximum Resistance Training, Kevin M. Carroll, Jake R. Bernard, and Michael H. Stone (2017)
Comparison of Power and Velocity in the High Bar and Low Bar Back Squat across a Spectrum of Loads, Jacob Goodin, Caleb D. Bazyler, J. R. Bernards, Satoshi Mizuguchi, J. Walters, and Michael H. Stone (2017)
Comparison of Power and Velocity in the High Bar and Low Bar Back Squat across a Spectrum of Loads., Jacob R. Goodin, Caleb D. Bazyler, Jake R. Bernards, Joseph Walters, Satoshi Miziguchi, and Michael H. Stone (2017)
Comprehensive Suicide Risk Assessment, Rebecca Milner (2017)
Concealment, Community Connectedness, and Alcohol, Sarah A. Job and Stacey L. Williams (2017)
Confidence of Nursing Personnel in their Understanding of the Psychosocial Impact of Prostate Cancer, S. Williams, Jean Croce Hemphill, and A. Knowles (2017)
Connecting Disciplinary Content to Rediscover the Relevance in the Classics, Scott Honeycutt, Karin J. Keith, and Renee Rice Moran (2017)
Conserved Regulation of Oil Biosynthesis in Diverse Plant Tissues, Aruna Kilaru (2017)
Consistency of Drug Information Resources in Identifying Drug-drug interactions with Oral Antineoplastic Agents, Jordan Claborn, Moses Holleyman, and John B. Bossaer (2017)
Constructing Future Business Leaders:Evaluating a Mixed Methods Approach to Leadership Education in an MBA Curriculum, C. Allen Gorman and Thomas W. Moore (2017)
Contemporary Approaches For Teaching Medicinal Chemistry, Stacy D. Brown, Andy Coop, Paul Trippier, and Eric Walters (2017)
Contemporary Issues in Vestibular Assessment, Owen D. Murnane (2017)
Creating an Interprofessional Code of Ethics, T. Stephens, Jodi Polaha, and Leonard B. Cross (2017)
Creating a Scale for Preschoolers: Measuring Nutrition Knowledge, Beliefs, and Behaviors, Michelle E. Johnson and Amy J. Malkus (2017)
Critical APPraisal: EBP and Phonology Apps, A. Lynn Williams (2017)
Cross Cultural Adaptation of the Brazilian Version of the Vocal Fatigue Index- VFI, F. Zambon, F. Moreti, Chaya D. Nanjundeswaran (Guntupalli), and M. Behlau (2017)
Cross-Sector Collaboration to Address the Prescription Drug Misuse Crisis, Robert P. Pack and Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2017)
Crystallization of a Flavonol-Specific 3-O-Glucosyltrasnferase found in Citrus paradisi, Aaron Birchfield and Cecelia A. McIntosh (2017)
CTRP3 Alters Lipid Profile in Response to Ethanol Feeding, Ashley R. DeGroat, W. Andrew Clark, Kendra L. Hagood, and Jonathan M. Peterson (2017)
Cultivating Intellectual Curiosity in Teacher Education, Lori T. Meier (2017)
Cultural Influences on Behavior: Culturally Responsive Behavior Management, Arnold Nyarambi (2017)
Cultural Influences on Young Children’s Behavior: Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning and Behavior Management, Arnold Nyarambi and E. Ntuli (2017)
Current Trends in Altmetrics, Ashley Lowery (2017)
Czech Bluegrass: Fieldwork, Americanness, and Media In Between, Lee Bidgood (2017)
Debating the Electoral College at the Constitutional Convention, Dinah Mayo-Bobee (2017)
DEC Evidence Synthesis Group, Hongxia Zhao, Michael Garrett, and Carol M. Trivette (2017)
DEC Family Recommended Practices: Knowing Families, Tailoring Practices, Building Capacity, Carol M. Trivette and Bonnie Keilty (2017)
DEC Family Recommended Practices: Knowing Families, Tailoring Practices, Building Capacity, Carol M. Trivette and Bonnie Keilty (2017)
Department and College Leadership: The Treasure of Challenges and Riches, Kevin Miller, Belva Collins, Margaret Bausch, Ginevra Courtade, and Cathy Galyon Keramidas (2017)
Department Chairs: Seasoned & New Department Level Leaders Share Their Experiences, Kevin Miller, Belva Collins, Margaret Bausch, Ginevra Courtade, and Cathy Galyon Keramidas (2017)
Dermoscopy in Family Medicine, Alex Verdieck-Devlaeminck, Jim Holt, and Richard Usatine (2017)
Dermoscopy Workshop, Jim Holt and Josh Cusick-Lewis (2017)
Design and Evaluation of an Early Childhood Professional Development Model to Teach STEM to Dual Language Learners, Alissa A. Lange, Hebbah El-Moslimany, and Kwanghee Jung (2017)
Designing a STEM Professional Development Program for Preschool Teachers, with Supports for DLLs, Hebbah El-Moslimany, Alissa A. Lange, and Kimberly Brenneman (2017)
Determination of the Substrate Specificity of the Mutant D344P of Citrus paradisi Flavonol-Specific 3-O-Glucosyltransferase, Nathan Spaulding, Shivakumar Devaiah, and Cecelia A. McIntosh (2017)
Developing Preschoolers’ Coding Literacy Using a Computer Science-based Board Game, Ryan Andrew Nivens and Rosemary Geiken (2017)
Development and Implementation of a Team-Based Care Curriculum for Faculty, Residents, and Students, Ivy A. Click, Thomas Bishop, Jodi Polaha, Reid Blackwelder, Beth Ann Bailey, and Beth Ann Fox (2017)
Development of Sexually Abusive Behavior in Adolescent Males Who Have Been Sexually Victimized, Brittany S. Sharma, Jill D. Stinson, Kelcey L. Hall, and Megan A. Quinn (2017)
Development of Sexually Abusive Behavior in Adolescent Males Who Have Been Sexually Victimized, B. S. Sharma, Jill D. Stinson, Kelcey L. Hall, and Megan A. Quinn (2017)
Diabetes Mellitus and the Effects on Auditory Processing, Brady Workman, Virginia Ingram, Saravanan Elangovan, Jacek Smurzynski, and Marc Fagelson (2017)
Differential Effects of Cardiovascular Conditioning versus Voice Production Exercises in a Patient with Vocal Fatigue, Chaya D. Nanjundeswaran (Guntupalli) and Jessie VanSwearingen (2017)
Differentiating Forensic Inpatients With and Without Psychotic Spectrum Diagnoses, Lydia L. Eisenbrandt and Jill D. Stinson (2017)
Dinosaurs, Diagrams, and Diabolic Darkness: Sexual Politics in the Creation Museum and among the American Public, Joseph O. Baker and Joseph O. Baker (2017)
Discourses of Horror TV: Kolchak, Twin Peaks, and the Supernatural Drama, Andrew F. Herrmann (2017)
Discover the New Adult Trend and Capture 18-24 Readers' Attention, Joanna M. Anderson and Brooke Lyon (2017)
Discovery and Implications of a Mammalian Endocannabinoid Ligand in Moss, Aruna Kilaru, Jedaidah Chilufya, Suhas Shinde, Shivakumar Devaiah, and Ruth Welti (2017)
Discovery and Implications of Anandamide in Moss, Aruna Kilaru (2017)
Discovery And Implications Of Anandamide In Moss, Aruna Kilaru, J. Chilufya, Swati Swati, Imdadul Haq, Suhas Shinde, L. Vidali, M. Roth, and Ruth Welti (2017)
Discovery of a New Biological Target for the Development of a Novel Class of Antidepressant Drugs, Gregory A. Ordway (2017)
Discovery of Novel N-acylethanolamines in Early Land Plants and Their Implications, Aruna Kilaru (2017)
Discovery Of Novel N-Acylethanolamines In Early Land Plants And Their Implications, Suhas Shinde, Shivakumar Devaiah, Ruth Welti, and Aruna Kilaru (2017)
Discussion on Interprofessional Education and Practice, McKenzie L. Calhoun (2017)
Does the Format Matter? Advancements in Rating Format Research, C. Allen Gorman (2017)
Domestic Rebels and Female Agents: The Story of Lady Grisell/Griseld Baillie, Judith Bailey Slagle (2017)
Drones for Social Benefits, Mohammad M. Uddin (2017)
Drug Stability Investigations: Addressing Patient Needs Through Analytical Chemistry, Stacy D. Brown (2017)
Early Childhood STEM Professional Development to Improve Outcomes for Educators and Children, Alissa A. Lange and Hebbah El-Moslimany (2017)
Early Sexual Exposure and Sexually Abusive Behaviors in Adolescent Males, K. L. Hall, Jill D. Stinson, and Lydia L. Eisenbrandt (2017)