"Daily Prevention Focus and CWB: The Moderating Role of Prosocial Ident" by Jonah Devaney, Brooke Mende et al.

Daily Prevention Focus and CWB: The Moderating Role of Prosocial Identity

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Research examining regulatory focus suggests it is an important predictor for many work outcomes (Gorman et al., 2012; Lanaj, Chang, & Johnson, 2012; Neubert, Carlson, Roberts, Chonko, & Kacmar, 2008; Whitford & Moss, 2009). Theory suggests that fluctuations in in regulatory focus can impact employee outcomes (Koopmann, Lanaj, Boyce, & Campana, 2016), but there is little empirical evidence of this proposition. Moreover, there is little evidence that the influence of fluctuations in regulatory focus on work outcomes are influenced by other employee individual differences. The purpose of the present study was to test the proposition that daily shifts in prevention focus influence daily shifts in CWB, and this relationship is moderated by employee prosocial identity.


Richmond, KY
