"Perceptions of Tenured Science Faculty Regarding the Provision of Reas" by Rebecca J. Riggs

Degree Name

EdD (Doctor of Education)


Educational Leadership

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Jill Channing

Committee Members

James Lampley, Jean Swindle


This phenomenological study used qualitative research methods to explore the perceptions of tenured science faculty regarding the provision of reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Thirteen tenured science faculty at postsecondary institutions throughout the United States participated in one-on-one interviews. The participants provided their perceptions and experiences regarding the provision of academic accommodations for students with disabilities in a laboratory science. In these interviews key themes emerged, such as the importance of providing reasonable accommodations for successful academic outcomes for students with disabilities, the perception that providing reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities is fair, the concern that providing reasonable accommodations may not prepare students with disabilities for future endeavors, the perception that the processes and procedures regarding student accommodations are vague, the recognition that faculty members are legally obligated to provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities, and the challenges faced with providing reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities in the laboratory portion of science courses are discipline specific. The findings from my study can be used to provide support and mentorship for students with disabilities who are enrolled in science courses, provide science faculty with training regarding appropriate and inclusive teaching strategies for students with disabilities in science courses, and provide insights into ways to support science faculty with the challenges they encounter while providing reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities in the laboratory portion of their courses that are discipline specific.

Document Type

Dissertation - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.
