"At Home at the Down Home: Building and Sustaining a Musical Community" by Rheva Myhre

Degree Name

MA (Master of Arts)


Appalachian Studies

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Jane MacMorran

Committee Members

Roy Andrade, Lee Bidgood


The Down Home is an eclectic music venue in Johnson City, Tennessee. Established in 1976, it has since become a noteworthy club and the center of a mutually supportive community of people who keep the venue going while it in turn holds the community members together. Through the use of community theory, oral history theory, memorabilia, and oral history interviews, this thesis examines the way the Down Home community formed, and how it has continued to grow, develop traditions, and engage people both local and from afar. It also explores what the venue’s future may look like. While several influential figures in the club’s history have passed away, it is important to acknowledge the memories of those still living. This project documents some of the Down Home’s story as told by the venue’s community members, and it begins to fill the void where literature about the Down Home is scarce.

Document Type

Thesis - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.
