"Light and Temperature Entrainment of Two Circadian-Driven Behaviors in" by Raven Ragsdale

Degree Name

MS (Master of Science)



Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Darrell Moore

Committee Members

Karl Joplin, Thomas C. Jones


Circadian rhythms dictate the timing of both once-in-a-lifetime adult emergence (eclosion) and daily locomotor activity rhythms in the flesh fly S. crassipalpis. Light cycles are considered the primary environmental time cue (zeitgeber), but the life history of S. crassipalpis suggests that temperature cycles (thermocycles) may also play a key role. This work evaluates the efficacy of thermocycling as a zeitgeber in S. crassipalpis. We found that shifting both light and temperature cycles of sufficient amplitude affect the phasing of eclosion and locomotor activity, but result in different patterns. Additional experiments suggest greater thermocycle sensitivity during the late metamorphic period and that thermocycling reduces variance in eclosion times. Taken together, these findings suggest that temperature cycles can be used by S. crassipalpis to time eclosion and adult locomotor activity, and that S. crassipalpis may be physiologically primed to use thermocycle information during metamorphosis.

Document Type

Thesis - embargo


Copyright by the authors.
