"Organizational Communication in Community Colleges: Staff Members’ Per" by Sinthea Reynolds

Degree Name

EdD (Doctor of Education)


Educational Leadership

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Donald Good

Committee Members

Jill Channing, Hal Knight


The purpose of this research was to determine if there was a significant relationship between scores on the Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ) scale of effective managerial communication and scores on the Job Descriptive Index (JDI) scale of job satisfaction for non-faculty staff members at the participating community college.

A total of 75 non-faculty staff members from three separate community colleges in East Tennessee participated in the study. A modified version of the Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ) developed by Downs and Hazen (1977) was used to collect data. The instrument used a Likert-type scale with a 7-point scale with eight dimensions (personal feedback, relationship to supervisors, horizontal and informal communication, organizational integration, organizational perspective, communication climate, media quality, and job satisfaction).

The statistical analyses of the data from eleven research questions revealed some significant relationships and differences. Results found a strong positive relationship between communication and job satisfaction. This indicates that when staff members feel satisfied with organizational communication, they tend to be satisfied with their job.

Results indicated that gender, number of years of service, degree attained, and job classification do not tend to make a significant difference among staff members’ level of satisfaction in communication or job satisfaction. The results found Millennials produced a significantly higher mean score than Generation X, but no significant difference among the other generations. There was no significant difference on JDI among the generations.

Document Type

Dissertation - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.
