"Accepting or Opposing The Status Quo: A Look at The Women Characters i" by Omolola Giwa

Degree Name

MA (Master of Arts)



Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Dr. Martha Michieka

Committee Members

Dr. Phyllis Thompson, Dr. Michael Cody


What exactly is the status quo of women in Africa? Women’s selfhood has been systematically subordinated or outright denied by law, customary practices, and cultural stereotypes. Scholars like Judith Bennet suggest that religious practices and colonial rule subjugate African women. Patriarchal ideologies guide the society’s discrimination against women and this has influenced the status of women, especially married women and the way they respond in times of affliction.

Authors like Chimamanda Adichie and Mariama Ba in their fictional novels The Purple Hibiscus and So Long a Letter focus on capturing the struggles and conditions of women in the Western African society. Through their protagonists, they explore various issues such as patriarchy and the influence of religion on the lives African women. This thesis aims to examine the notion of a single story and how and why African women accept or oppose the patriarchal status quo.

Document Type

Thesis - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.
